Tuesday Open Thread

Great panel- Gentrification


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61 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread

  1. rikyrah says:

    see…some of us are just Edjumacated Fools.

    Who the PHUCK saw Hillary as their SAVIOR-except for the Blackademics who wanted to get their hustle on again.

    I can say…without equivocation…

    I can say…without equivocation…

    That Hillary’s choice for Attorney General would NOT have been the KKKeebler Elf.
    That Hillary’s choice for head of Homeland Security would NOT be throwing out people who have lived here peacefully..
    That Hillary’s choice for the EPA wouldn’t be trying to dismantle the regulations for..you know…clean air and clean water…
    That Hillary would NOT have taken us out of the Paris Accords…
    That Hillary would NOT have put in this den of vipers who seem determined to work against the Departments that they head.
    That the State Department would NOT be decimated as it has been under the Secretary of Exxon…
    she would NOT be working to undermine Obamacare, and 30 million people
    That she would NOT be appointing right-wing judges to
    LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS where they can harm our community for the next 40

    NONE of what I’ve written qualifies me as thinking Hillary is some WHITE SAVIOR.

    This piece is just insulting.

    And, if you, after all these months, are still peddling the swill that there would be no difference between Hillary and Trump..Your degree isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.


    Hillary Is Not Your White Savior

    Crystal Marie Fleming, Ph.D.


    I can’t believe people—especially black people—are still using this
    moment to push a tired, useless narrative about how much better things would have been if corporate Democrats remained in power.

    What a shame.Let me be the one to break the news: Hillary Rodham Clinton is not and never has been our savior. Hillary would not have saved us.

  2. Ametia says:

    #45 back in AZ for another klan rally to boost his shrinking Peen, huh.

  3. rikyrah says:

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers. My sister is home from the hospital. This time last week I didn’t think that she would leave the hospital of her own volition.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Paul Ryan flubs yet another attack on ‘Obamacare’
    08/22/17 10:11 AM
    By Steve Benen

    About halfway through his town-hall event with CNN’s Jake Tapper last night, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) expressed his frustrations with his party’s inability to pass a far-right health care bill. “The House has passed its bill; we’re waiting for the Senate to pass theirs,” he said. “Who wasn’t disappointed that the Senate failed to pass that bill by one vote the other day? We all are.”

    At that point, Ryan was roundly booed – suggesting his assumptions about public attitudes aren’t quite right.

    But that’s not the only mistake the House Speaker made. From the transcript:

    “The reason I’m disappointed is because the status quo is not an option. Obamacare is not working…. We’ve got dozens of counties around America that have zero insurers left. So doing nothing really isn’t an option.”

    There are two important problems with this. The first, as New York’s Jon Chait explained, is that it’s the wrong argument from the wrong side of the political divide: “This was not a good argument against Obamacare, since the lack of insurers was largely a result of the Trump administration deliberately driving them out. Nor was it a good argument for the Republican replacement, the largest effect of which was to slash funding for Medicaid, a solution not even plausibly related to the separate problems of the exchanges.”

    But even if we look past the logic, the other problem is more serious: Ryan simply has his facts wrong.

    As of last week, the number of “bare counties” in the United States – counties in which there is no private insurer offering coverage to consumers – was down to two. As of yesterday, that total was just one.

    Note, I don’t mean 1 percent of the country; I mean it’s literally just a single county in Ohio – in a nation of over 3,000 counties – in which a few hundred consumers are affected.

  5. rikyrah says:

    Tried to chat with Malia Obama as she stood around during student move-in day. She politely declined. #Harvard pic.twitter.com/z0lzVKfKV4
    — Steve Annear (@steveannear) August 22, 2017

    Malia Obama and family spotted in Cambridge as Harvard University starts move-in week: https://t.co/h0vPRISVOF pic.twitter.com/2iNoja3XKS
    — MetroBoston (@MetroBOS) August 22, 2017

  6. rikyrah says:

    ‘Go back to India’ — Chicago CEO goes public with racist taunts he receives
    Heidi Stevens
    Balancing Act

    When President Donald Trump went off-script Tuesday to defend Confederate monuments and the hate groups who love them, Chicago executive Ravin Gandhi had enough.

    Gandhi, founder and CEO of GMM Nonstick Coatings, a global supplier of coatings for cookware and bakeware, penned an op-ed that night for CNBC, where he routinely contributes business and political commentary. It was published Wednesday morning.

    “I recently told the New York Times I was ‘rooting’ for certain aspects of Trump’s economic agenda,” Gandhi wrote. “After Charlottesville and its aftermath, I will not defend Trump even if the Dow hits 50,000, unemployment goes to 1 percent, and GDP grows by 7 percent. Some issues transcend economics, and I will not in good conscience support a president who seems to hate Americans who don’t look like him.”

    The reaction was swift and demoralizing: Bigoted tweets and emails rolled in by the dozens.

    During a client lunch Thursday afternoon, a GMM sales representative forwarded Gandhi a voicemail he received inviting Gandhi to “get your (expletive) garbage and go back to India.”

    (He grew up in Waukegan.)

    “You can stick your stickies up your sticky Indian (expletive) and you can take that other half-(expletive) Bangladesh creep with you, Nikki Haley,” a woman says in the message. “She’s the one that started all this when she took down the Confederate flag. So don’t tell us that you gave him a chance. We don’t give a (expletive) who you gave a chance, OK? We’re going to start taking down Buddhist statues and see how you and Nikki Haley like that.”

    (Gandhi is not Buddhist.)

    The caller continues for a minute and a half, weaving in her distaste for Martin Luther King Jr. and ending with another invitation for Gandhi to “go clean up your own (expletive) country, it’s a filthy mess.”

    (Again: Gandhi was born here, grew up here, lives, works, votes and pays taxes here.)

    He took it public.

    Thursday night, he posted the voicemail to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. He shared some of the nastier emails he received as well.

  7. rikyrah says:

    The Importance of Confederate Monuments Is In What They Symbolize
    by Nancy LeTourneau
    August 22, 2017

    Symbols are very powerful in American culture. That is why all presidents are now required to wear an American flag lapel pin at all times—it has come to symbolize that they are patriotic (something that seems to only be questionable when it comes to Democrats these days).

    Perhaps the most heated way that symbols have been elevated is when there is blowback to the burning of American flags. I realize that this gets elemental, but it is important to recognize that the anger that kind of gesture incites doesn’t have anything to do with the actual cloth being burned. It has to do with how people feel about what the flag has come to symbolize.

    The waving of other flags in public recently also carries with it a lot of symbolic value. Without the need for words, they speak volumes for the person carrying them.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Dems just landed a 3-term statewide-elected official to run against GOP WI Gov. Scott Walker. 2018 #WIgov is crucial for 2020s redistricting https://t.co/2rgCdlLYF3
    — Stephen Wolf (@PoliticsWolf) August 22, 2017

  9. rikyrah says:

    Four Big Ideas for Tax Reform
    The coming debate over tax reform will likely be a wasted opportunity to fix the tax code for the good of the economy and working-class Americans.

    by Anne Kim
    August 22, 2017

    After the spectacular crash-and-burn that was the GOP’s prolonged effort this year to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Republican leaders in Congress are desperate to chalk up at least one legislative victory before the quickly-approaching 2018 midterms.

    Tax reform is now the life raft for these ambitions, and House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) recently promised that Congress is “on track” to deliver “transformational, bold tax reform” before the end of the year to boost the economy.

    Unfortunately, what the GOP is really after is an easy political win, which means that anything Congress delivers—if it delivers at all—will fall far short of Brady’s optimistic goal.

    Tax reform is really, really tough. The last major overhaul—in 1986—took years of bipartisan negotiation over multiple sessions of Congress. This Republican Congress, however is giving itself three months (if it tries to adhere to Brady’s deadline) to reform a system that touches the economic fortunes of every American household and business, and that could set the course of the American economy for decades. That’s less than half the time the GOP gave itself to draft (the failed) legislation intended to reorder U.S. health care system, which comprises one-sixth of the economy.

    Republicans moreover have shunned the input of Democrats, while the White House has been no help. Aside from hectoring Congress for results, Trump’s White House has provided little direction, releasing a one-page “framework” in April and promising a 3-to-5 page document in September.

    Given all this, it’s highly doubtful that anything the GOP Congress puts forward this fall will truly count as “reform.” Rather, the likeliest scenario is a modest—or not so modest—set of corporate tax cuts aimed at placating the president and his base and, of course, squeezing vulnerable swing-state Democrats into making difficult pre-election choices. As Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway signaled as early as January, Trump would be just as happy with tax “relief” as he would be with “reform.”

    A tax cut package disguised as reform could do serious damage—such as by blowing a mile-high hole in the federal deficit while aggravating the blatant inequities of the current system. More significantly, it would be an enormous missed opportunity for genuine discussion about the kinds of reforms that could grow the economy and make it fairer for working-class Americans.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Is Anybody Home at HUD?
    A long-harbored conservative dream — the “dismantling of the administrative state” — is taking place under Secretary Ben Carson.

    By Alec MacGillis

    In mid-May, Steve Preston, who served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the final two years of the George W. Bush administration, organized a dinner at the Metropolitan Club in Washington, D.C., for the new chief of that department, Ben Carson, and five other former secretaries whose joint tenure stretched all the way back to Gerald Ford. It was an event with no recent precedent within the department, and it had the distinct feel of an intervention. HUD has long been something of an overlooked stepchild within the federal government. Founded in 1965 in a burst of Great Society resolve to confront the “urban crisis,” it has seen its manpower slide by more than half since the Reagan Revolution. (The HUD headquarters is now so eerily underpopulated that it can’t even support a cafeteria; it sits vacant on the first floor.) But HUD still serves a function that millions of low-income Americans depend on — it funds 3,300 public-housing authorities with 1.2 million units and also the Section 8 rental-voucher program, which serves more than 2 million families; it has subsidized tens of millions of mortgages via the Federal Housing Administration; and, through various block grants, it funds an array of community-uplift initiatives. It is the Ur–government agency, quietly seeking to address social problems in struggling areas that the private sector can’t or won’t solve, a mission that has become especially pressing amid a growing housing-affordability crisis in many major cities.

    Despite its Democratic roots, Republican administrations have historically assumed stewardship over HUD with varying degrees of enthusiasm — among the department’s more notable secretaries were Republicans George Romney and Jack Kemp, the idiosyncratic champion of supply-side economics and inner-city renewal.


    The tone was collegial, built on the hopeful assumption that Carson wanted to do right by the department. “We were trying to be supportive,” Henry Cisneros, from the Clinton administration, told me. But it was hard for the ex-secretaries to get a read on Carson’s plans, not least because the whisper-voiced retired pediatric neurosurgeon was being overshadowed by an eighth person at the table: his wife, Candy. An energetic former real-estate agent who is an accomplished violinist and has co-authored four books with her husband, she had been spending far more time inside the department’s headquarters at L’Enfant Plaza than anyone could recall a secretary’s spouse doing in the past, only one of many oddities that HUD employees were encountering in the Trump era. She’d even taken the mic before Carson made his introductory speech to the department. “We’re really excited about working with — ” She broke off, as if detecting the puzzlement of the audience. “Well, he’s really.”

    The story of the Trump administration has been dominated by the Russia investigations, the Obamacare-repeal morass, and cataclysmic internecine warfare. But there is a whole other side to Trump’s takeover of Washington: What happens to the government itself, and all it is tasked with doing, when it is placed under the command of the Chaos President? HUD has emerged as the perfect distillation of the right’s antipathy to governing. If the great radical-conservative dream was, in Grover Norquist’s famous words, to “drown government in a bathtub,” then this was what the final gasps of one department might look like.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Trump Is the Ultimate Disaster Capitalist
    by Nancy LeTourneau
    August 22, 2017

    Towards the end of the 2016 presidential campaign, one of Trump’s favorite slogans was “drain the swamp.” With a wink and a nod from the candidate, a lot of people assumed that he was talking about a kind of populism where he would fight for “the forgotten man” against the monied interests in Washington.

    What we should have been doing is tying that slogan to something Donald Trump said on Fox and Friends way back in 2014. The relevant portion starts at about the 2:00 minute mark.

    The topic of conversation was how the Republicans have a messaging challenge because Democrats promise free stuff (i.e., Obamacare) that gives “those people” permission to not work for a living. Here’s what Trump said:

    You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster. They you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.


    I would also point out that in his exit interview with Peter Boyer of the Weekly Standard, Bannon lamented the fact that, with his departure, the president might be talked into signing a clean debt ceiling increase, thereby avoiding a global economic crisis.

    Remember this little nugget?

    Trump declared “I alone can fix it,” but in order for him to fix it–that is, to consolidate his power under the guise of improving our nation–America needed to be broken, over and over again.

    All of that sheds light on the chaos being produced by this White House, the president’s choices for Cabinet positions, the fact that so many key positions in the federal government are not being filled and the divisive tone of almost everything Trump says. What this president shares with his former chief strategist is a desire for chaos and crisis. They see it as a feature, not a bug.

    What is clear is that their aim would be to use that chaos and crisis to restore “law and order” from above, not empower populism from below. The “I alone can fix it” signals that those rioting torch-bearers Trump alluded to in the clip up above would simply be fodder towards the ultimate goal of something that much more closely resembles fascism. In other words, he’s talking about peak “disaster capitalism.

  12. rikyrah says:

    September Will Be a Meat-Grinder
    by Martin Longman
    August 21, 2017

    Lindsey McPherson at Roll Call does a nice job of laying things out for you so you can begin to get a sense of the challenges Donald Trump and congressional Republicans will be facing when they return from vacation. As of now, there will be only twelve days in September when the House and Senate are jointly in session. The Senate has a few more legislative days on their schedule than the House, and they’ll surely need them.

    I’ve written a lot about the debt ceiling, which needs to be raised by September 29th to avoid a default, and the appropriations bills, which need to be passed by September 30th to avoid a government shutdown. Twelve legislative days in the House and a few more in the Senate might be adequate to handle those two pressing issues, but Congress also has to reauthorize spending for the Federal Aviation Administration, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the National Flood Insurance Program before they expire on September 30th. As I’ve mentioned, if they want tax reform, they need a new budget resolution. Somewhere in all of this, they need to figure out if they can reset the sequester so that they can fund Trump’s larger navy or get some funds for the border wall Mexico is supposed to be financing. Any change in the sequester’s spending caps would require a separate bill to amend the old Budget Act.

    If you think the Republicans have a plan for accomplishing this all in the time allotted, you’re quite mistaken. If anything, their plan is to ignore the committee work that has been done on the FAA, CHIP and Flood insurance and just punt by just passing short-term reauthorizations. The same will probably be the solution for the appropriations bills. Some kind of continuing resolution will be attempted that buys them time, although it’s uncertain that they could succeed in passing one. Weird, desperate ideas are cropping up:


    They still won’t accept the fact that the leadership can’t accomplish any of this without Democratic votes, either because of the Senate filibuster or because the Republicans in both the House and Senate cannot agree among themselves. As for the leadership, they are also in denial:

    Given the conservatives’ position against a clean debt limit increase, GOP leaders would need a lot of Democratic support if they tried to push one through.

    A House Democratic leadership aide said there’s been no outreach from the Republicans or the White House on the debt ceiling or an appropriations package for funding the government.

  13. rikyrah says:

    7 MONTHS and Secret Service is out of funds. No adequate words that describe my contempt for those who voted for himhttps://t.co/WmCvTE3r0i
    — Nerdy Wonka (@NerdyWonka) August 21, 2017

  14. rikyrah says:

    Bottom line: Trump has now expanded US military presence and/or airstrikes in EVERY combat theater he inherited from Obama.
    — Micah Zenko (@MicahZenko) August 22, 2017

  15. rikyrah says:

    BREAKING: After alt-right organizers saw huge counter-protests in Boston, they’ve canceled 67 “America First Rallies” scheduled in 36 states
    — Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) August 22, 2017

  16. rikyrah says:

    Trump’s new Afghanistan strategy is missing a new strategy
    08/22/17 08:00 AM
    By Steve Benen

    Donald Trump’s speech last night was intended to present his vision for a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. After listening to the president’s remarks, I have no idea what that new strategy is going to be.

    President Donald Trump announced a new approach – but no details – for the U.S. war in Afghanistan on Monday, marking a major policy reversal for the man who in recent years had insisted America pull out of the war-torn country.

    Acknowledging that his “original instinct was to pull out, and historically I like following my instincts,” Trump said in a prime-time address to the nation from Ft. Myer in Arlington, Virginia, that after becoming president he realized a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan would cede ground to terror groups.

    “We are not nation-building again,” Trump said before an audience of service members. “We are killing terrorists.”

    Of course, planning to go kill bad guys is an excellent strategy for a combat video game, but it’s not necessarily the basis for a sound policy for dealing with the longest war in American history.

    Trump and his national security team have reportedly been hard at work for months on overhauling the U.S. mission in Afghanistan, and while the approach outlined last night is certainly new for Trump – he effectively told voters he’d pursue the opposite tack – it’s not new for the country.

    The president, using language that was effectively identical to George W. Bush’s war rhetoric, presented a plan in which the war in Afghanistan will continue indefinitely, with undetermined troop levels, until we “win” – which is itself problematic, since Trump hasn’t explained what a victory would look like or how his latest strategy would achieve this goal.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Trump wants credit for mission he opposed, had nothing to do with
    08/22/17 08:40 AM
    By Steve Benen

    As far as Donald Trump is concerned, seven months into his presidency, he’s already implementing national security policies that are having a positive effect. This line from his speech last night on the war in Afghanistan was rather jarring:

    “As we lift restrictions and expand authorities in the field, we are already seeing dramatic results in the campaign to defeat ISIS, including the liberation of Mosul in Iraq.”

    In Trump’s mind, drawing connections between unrelated developments is a little too easy. Mosul has been freed of ISIS control, he’s “lifted restrictions” in the field, ergo Mosul has been liberated because of the changes he’s implemented.

    Except that’s not how reality works. In this case, the mission in Mosul began before Trump was elected: Iraq’s second-largest city was liberated because of a mission launched by Barack Obama.

    Indeed, what Trump didn’t mention – and may not remember – is that he opposed the mission he now wants credit for.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Trump set to reprise harrowing Phoenix speech with US on edge
    Rachel Maddow previews Donald Trump’s planning rally in Phoenix, Arizona Tuesday with racial tensions high in the U.S. and Trump having a history of anti-immigrant vitriol in Phoenix.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Trump Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s wife boasts about wealth
    Rachel Maddow emphasizes the gravity of Donald Trump’s Afghanistan speech and contrasts it with an item about Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s wife responding to criticism by boasting about how much more money she and her husband pay into the economy

  20. rikyrah says:

    MONDAY, AUG 21, 2017 06:00 PM CDT
    Black conservatives who backed Trump are suddenly offended — but they sold their souls long ago
    After Charlottesville, the Republican Party’s black boosters are full of regrets. So why don’t they quit?


    I must confess to a guilty pleasure. For me, the most “entertaining” part of the post-Charlottesville TV spectacle has been watching black conservatives with all their tears and feigned outrage and surprise at Donald Trump and the white supremacists, neo-Confederates and Nazis he coddles. The cognitive dissonance of today’s black conservatives in Trump’s America is almost awe-inspiring.


    In today’s Republican Party, black conservatives — especially the professional cheerleaders who are trotted out on cable news shows — occupy a very specific role. In the post-Civil Rights era, displays of overt racism have largely fallen out of favor. However, the Republican Party is addicted to using white racism to win elections and advance its policies. To help make this strategy viable, black conservatives serve as a type of human shield for the cause of white supremacy. In essence, they are professional “best black friends.”

    As they blubber and bemoan their “pain” about Donald Trump and Charlottesville, black conservatives face a basic question which they will likely never answer.

    Where was this pain and surprise when Donald Trump encouraged violence against black and brown protesters at his rallies? Where was the pain and surprise when Donald Trump was sued for not allowing African-Americans and other people of color to rent apartments in the buildings he owned?

    Where was the pain and surprise when Trump disparaged the human rights movement Black Lives Matter as a group of “thugs”?

    Where was the pain and surprise when Trump chose apparent white nationalists and “alt-right” sympathizers like Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Sebastian Gorka and Michael Anton as some of his closest advisers?


    Where was the pain and surprise when Trump selected Jeff Sessions, a man who has worked for decades to keep blacks from voting and was deemed too racist to serve as a federal judge — by the Republican Party, in 1986 — as his attorney general, the leading law enforcement official in the nation?

    Where was the pain and surprise when Trump and his administration launched a full-spectrum assault on the civil rights of African-Americans and other people of color?


    Black conservatives have supported Donald Trump specifically and the Republican Party more generally because being a professional black friend and racial mercenary is highly lucrative. It also pays a type of psychological wage where serving as the “special one” who is “not like the other blacks.” That makes many black conservatives feel better about themselves. Internalized white supremacy can be a powerful and dangerous thing.

  21. rikyrah says:

    From Charlottesville to Boston, Rightbloggers’ “Alt-Left” Story Falls Flat

    AUGUST 21, 2017

    After the horrifying violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12, many of us were anxiously bracing for the next big alt-right event, scheduled for Boston last weekend — particularly since top conservatives had been explaining all week that a super-violent “alt-left” was at least as much to blame as the Nazis and Confederates for the attack that injured nineteen and killed Heather Heyer. So the Boston result — forty thousand citizens overwhelming the right-wing ralliers, with violence largely avoided — came as a great relief, as did the relative quietude of the right afterward.

    After Nazi and Confederate throwbacks rampaged in Charlottesville and one of their number ran down a bunch of counter-demonstrators — a method of attack approved by alt-right trolls, Republican state legislatures, and at least one prominent rightblogger — killing social justice warrior Heyer, the Trump administration and its supporters found themselves caught flat-footed.

    Normal people sided against the Nazis and Confederates, but the president, a self-admitted believer in genetic superiority, instead made excuses for the Nazis and Confederates, portraying political violence at Charlottesville and elsewhere as a “both sides” sort of thing in which the “alt-right” is counterweighted by an alleged “alt-left” — which, accounts of left- vs. right-wing violence show, is a typically Trumpian view (i.e., bullshit).

  22. rikyrah says:


    This sort of shyt makes me LIVID.
    The thought.. of what would have happened if 44 or Hillary had done this…

    Republican committees have paid nearly $1.3 million to Trump-owned entities this year

    By Matea Gold and Anu Narayanswamy
    August 21 at 12:13 AM


    The nearly $1.3 million spent by Republican political committees at Trump entities in 2017 has helped boost his company at a time when business is falling off at some core properties. Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Fla., lost at least 10 of the 16 galas or dinner events it had been scheduled to host next winter in the wake of Trump’s controversial response to a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

    The market has been much more bullish for the president’s new hotel in Washington, which has emerged as the go-to venue for GOP power brokers and groups on the right. Trump International, whose room rates appear to be the most expensive in the city, generated nearly $2 million in profit in its first four months, as The Washington Post previously reported.

  23. rikyrah says:

    Treasury secretary’s wife boasts of travel on government plane, touts Hermes and Valentino fashion

    By Damian Paletta
    August 21 at 10:48 PM

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife, Louise Linton, boasted of flying on a government plane with her husband to Kentucky on Monday and then named the numerous fashion brands she wore on the trip in an unusual social media post that only became more bizarre minutes later.

    When someone posted a comment on Linton’s Instagram picture that criticized the way Linton touted the trip, the treasury secretary’s wife swung back hard, mentioning the extreme wealth she and her husband control.

    “Did you think this was a personal trip?!” Linton wrote on her Instagram page, responding to the person who had written “glad we could pay for your little getaway.”

    Linton continued in her response to the critic: “Adorable! Do you think the US govt paid for our honeymoon or personal travel?! Lololol. Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country? I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did. Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours.”

    Linton added, “You’re adorably out of touch … Thanks for the passive aggressive nasty comment. Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute.”

    The fashion companies Linton “tagged” in her Instagram post were Hermès, Roland Mouret, Tom Ford and Valentino.


    Typically, Treasury secretaries only fly government planes when they go on international trips. They usually fly on domestic carriers when they are traveling inside the country.

    Mnuchin and Linton recently returned from their honeymoon, though they have not revealed where they went. Linton is a Scottish actress and has raised eyebrows within the White House for accompanying Mnuchin to congressional hearings and on other trips that spouses don’t often take.

  24. rikyrah says:

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers for SG2’S daughter and grandson. May they get stronger every day.😄🙆🙏🏥👶💗

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:


    • Good morning. Thank you so much for the prayers. My daughter’s blood pressure won’t come down. Dr won’t let her come home yet because of it. She’s not feeling well. Karson has moved to a new unit. He’s doing good. I’m not sure how the kids are going to spell his name. First they said Carson & then Karson but they better get it together soon. Here’s our little sweet heart sleeping. I just love him so much. I can’t wait to hold him.

  25. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😐😐😐

  26. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, 3 Chics Family and Friends!

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