Tuesday Open Thread |


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63 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread |

  1. Breaking: NYT: New witness cooperating with Robert Mueller. #MuellerInvestigation

  2. I am losing it. I put some money in a deposit envelope and as I was addressing the envelope I messed up, so I tore up the envelope to get another and realized I just tore up MY MONEY! OMG! What the hell is wrong with me? I taped it back up and checked the bills saw they didn’t match so I had to redo THAT TOO. I was so nervous.

    • Liza says:

      Everyone has days like that, SG2.

      You need a strawberry margarita…

    • Ametia says:

      Slow down,SG2. I feel you. BREATHE.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      How fortunate you caught both mistakes and can fix them!

      I know how you feel…that tenseness and worry. As Liza said, we all have days like that, SG2.

    • vitaminlover says:

      I just love you, Southern. Those banks have to accept torn money anyway. I tore some once and the bank replaced it no questions asked.

      • Thank you, Vitamin. I ripped the envelope right down the middle and had thrown it in the trash….that quick. Wanna know how fast I went digging in the trash? LOL

  3. I’ll be so glad when Mueller nails that thug Roger Stone. He wants to be so slick and think he can out-smart Robert Mueller.


  4. rikyrah says:

    Civic duty done. Didn’t get picked for the Grand Jury

  5. OMG! I love this so much! 😍😍😍

    Best First Lady EVER!


  6. Translation: A racist attack in a bar in Madrid almost leaves me without an eye racism will never defeat love love and Love




    Get your souls to the polls, take someone with you. Text 5 friends to encourage them to vote. Give a ride to someone who needs one. #BetoForTexas #TexasPrimary

  8. Liza says:

    LeBron James on maybe winning an Oscar. I love how he answers the question. These athletes have the humility thing down pat, but essentially it’s “Hell, yeah, I can win an Oscar”.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Doing my Civic duty. At Jury duty.

  10. Heads up, Texans. Election day. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Souls to the polls. Vote @BetoORourke. Be about it. Make that change. #TexasPrimary

  11. Ametia says:


  12. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    There is a lot of work to do.

    “How Poverty and Racism Persist in Mississippi The National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward reflects on choosing to raise her children in her home state, and how the forces that Martin Luther King Jr. fought against still shape its destiny.”

  13. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “What if immigrants have nowhere to go back to?”

    “The idea that undocumented people can be sent back “home” also underlies the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement agency’s detention and deportation policy, as well as our immigration debate. But what happens when people have no home to return to?

    As we know, many undocumented people were brought to the United States when they were little and grew up considering the U.S. home, but because their parents were undocumented, they too are undocumented. They might have arrived in the United States when they were a few months old and have no memory of their country of origin; their parents may no longer have family or friends there. But what we fail to discuss, or even acknowledge, is that they may be both undocumented and stateless.

    Stateless persons have no formally recognized nationality or citizenship. They exist outside the realm of the nation state and have no legal or diplomatic protection from any nation. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees calls them “legal ghosts.” They have no travel documents. Their lives are on hold — sometimes for generations.

  14. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    In preparation for remembering the civil rights marchers who were beaten March 7, 1965 on Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge simply for wanting to march to Montgomery for their voting rights, here is a video from March 5, 2018.

    WVUA 23 – Published on Mar 5, 2018

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      From Senator Kamala Harris’ speech at March 4 commemoration:

      California Sen. Kamala Harris was the keynote speaker at Sunday’s events. She was was invited by Lewis, which she jokingly admitted made it impossible for her to say no. Her message, however, was firm and sincere. Harris, like the speakers before her, made the point to use Selma as a blueprint to lead the country going forward.

      “When we are weary as we read that black unemployment, homeownership, and incarceration rates are the same or worse today than they were the days of Dr. King, I say look to Selma for our inspiration. And when we are faced with a powerful lobby that encourages immoral inaction which prevents all of our children from being safe from gun violence in a classroom and on the street, from suburbs to the cities, I say look to Selma for our inspiration,” Harris said to applause.

      “For Selma, you taught us – they taught us our power and they taught us how to use that power. And yes, the challenges right now are tough. And yes, the road can seem long. But I say let us remember those famous words which I will paraphrase of Coretta Scott King, who reminded us that the fight for justice, the fight for civil rights must be fought and won with each generation.”


  15. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery was born on this day, March 6, in 1923.

    From Wikipedia:

    John Leslie “Wes” Montgomery (March 6, 1923 – June 15, 1968) was an American jazz guitarist. He is widely considered one of the major jazz guitarists, emerging after such seminal figures as Django Reinhardt and Charlie Christian and influencing countless others. Montgomery was known for an unusual technique of plucking the strings with the side of his thumb which granted him a distinctive sound.

    He often worked with his brothers Buddy (piano and vibes) and Monk (bass guitar), and with organist Jimmy Smith. Montgomery’s recordings up to 1965 were generally oriented towards hard bop, soul jazz, and post bop, while circa 1965 he began recording more pop-oriented instrumental albums that featured less improvisation but found mainstream success. His later-career guitar style is a major influence on fusion and smooth jazz.



  16. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Carmen de Lavallade! 🎈🎂🎈

    Video from December 2017:
    “Kennedy Center Honoree Carmen de Lavallade”

  17. vitaminlover says:

    Nothing wrong with a new career to excel at.

  18. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Good Morning. Wishing you all a day full of joy and inspiration!

    Ametia, I really enjoyed your post here on Kobe Bryant. What a great animated documentary!!! Many young people will be inspired by it over the years in that, as is written at the end of the credits:

    “There is power of in understanding the journey of others to help create your own.”

    • Ametia says:

      Good Morning, Yahtzee & 3Chics Family!

      Thank you, Yahtzee, for your wonderful posts this morning. I’m a big Wes Montgomery fan.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        YW, Ametia :) Wes Montgomery’s music is amazing! Such talent that he shared with the world!

  19. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone 😄😄😄

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