Families Belong Together Rally

On Saturday, June 30, demonstrations worldwide will protest against the Trump administration policy that has led to the separation of families and the detention and abuse of thousands of immigrant children. The administration came under fire last week as heartbreaking audio, pictures, video, and stories — showing children in cages inside ICE detention centers — were made public, prompting a massive national outcry.

President Trump’s response was to sign an executive order to keep families from being separated, but that order does nothing to reunite families still separated or solve the crisis created by the Trump’s administration’s zero-tolerance approach. This weekend, in at least 628 demonstrations around the world, people are taking to the streets to demand that the administration put a stop to those policies.

The demonstrations on June 30 known as the Families Belong Together protests are being organized by a number of different non-profit and activist groups. The lead partners in the effort are the ACLU, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and MoveOn. US Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington put out the call to action on Monday, June 18. Here’s everything you need to know about the one in DC this weekend.

Where and when will the protest take place?

The protest is from 11am-2pm in Lafayette Square in DC and is wheelchair accessible. As of now, there is no specified marching route.

How do I get there?

Public transportation is the best way; either the train or the bus. You can plan your Metro route here. There are also some groups that are organizing buses to DC for those outside the city. If you want to hop on one, use Google to find out whether someone is organizing one near your hometown. (It’s how I got the Climate March in DC last year!) If you want to organize your own bus, tell dclogistics@moveon.org and they can support you in finding a place to park it once you arrive.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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27 Responses to Families Belong Together Rally

  1. Ametia says:

    Maxine Waters showed out yesterday. The goons tried to intimidate & violently threaten her

  2. rikyrah says:

    This is a great post, SG2.
    Thank you 👏👏👏

  3. Houston representing! 👊🏽💪🏽🙌🏽👏🏽


  4. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch This is who we want representing Texas! Vote @BetoORourke Texans.

  5. 🎤🎶STOP! What’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down…..🎤🎶

  6. Ametia says:
  7. Ametia says:

    Come on with the 411, SG2. THANK YOU

  8. Ametia says:


  9. rikyrah says:

    No separating families!!

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