

Mayor Stop and Frisk.😒😒

Folks are wondering why he is doing as well as he has been.

I don’t have to like him in order to tell you that he’s smart.

Outside of Joe Biden, there is not another candidate in the Democratic Party race that has pushed the successes of the most popular Democrat in the Democratic Party – President Barack Obama.

Folks asking why all of Bloomberg ‘s non-Trump attack ads focus on President Obama? Because, unlike the rest of them, outside of Biden, he actually understands the popularity of 44 with the ACTUAL Democratic Party BASE.

And, so while they were spending MILLIONS on Iowa and New Hampshire, he has been blanketing the airwaves….ALL angles of the airwaves, with ads.

Someone on a blog pointed out to me that his ads don’t even call the ACA-the ACA. They call it OBAMACARE😒😒

It takes this lame azz, been a Democrat for 10 minutes, to understand how to brand himself to the BASE.I

You…me…we are political junkies. Most people are not. Those folks being reached by his as saturation campaign…They are not on Twitter. They aren’t on social media for politics.Expecting them to know what you know about Bloomberg is foolish.

And, it seems quite obvious that they are trying to knock out Joe Biden before the Black and Brown folks get their voting say.
As someone posted on another blog, these attacks on Biden are nothing but a voter suppression tactic.


But, folks are bringing receipts…you just gotta inform folks of them.


But, the bottom line is THIS😒😒

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132 Responses to Bloomberg😒😒

  1. eliihass says:

    Does help when previously aligned a-hole Alt-Left racists fall out/start dueling & the still overtlypro-Russia a-hole releases saved screenshot of one of many now deleted pro-Russia/anti-Dem Party tweets of the one now top staff/surrogate of the campaign of a candidate seeking the nomination under the Democratic Party..

    Good times, fam..

  2. eliihass says:

    When the wolf is put in charge of the hen house..

  3. Liza says:

    Look at this. Joe Kennedy apparently decided to primary Ed Markey who is an excellent Senator and Democrat.

  4. eliihass says:

    And like clockwork, once again, Maggie Haberman swoops right in with ‘exclusive’ info courtesy of her ‘exclusive access’, to help gloss over, gloss over this brazen sh*tshow..

    • eliihass says:

      Grenell having access to our most sensitive intelligence & State secrets, even for one second – let alone being in charge of it all, is a second too much & beyond dangerous for our Republic..

      Cheryl Gage @dancer39532 Replying to @maggieNYT
      Every national secret will be routed to Russian oligarchs w/o getting scrambled in Trump’s brain. Lev Parnas said: “During the Firtash case, Victoria Toensing called Grenell to ask if he saw any pressure coming from DOJ to extradite Firtash, if he could let us know.”
      1:40 PM · Feb 20, 2020

  5. Liza says:

    Bloomberg talked about being a philanthropist and giving his money away. I would say the rate at which he is giving it away must be kinda slow because he still has 60+ billion and he is 78 yrs old. Better pick up the pace, Mike. Spending a billion on his campaign is nothing to him.

  6. Breaking news: Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison.

  7. Liza says:

    History break….

    Here’s something interesting. I just saw this in a documentary yesterday. There were two Democratic Senators who opposed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. The reason I find this so interesting is that there ALWAYS seems to someone out there, some lone wolf or two, who understands a situation like this and has the courage to stand up against it. They are vindicated by history but seldom appreciated in their own time.

    So here’s to Senators Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening.

    From Wikipedia on the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:

    “It was opposed in the Senate only by Senators Wayne Morse (D-OR) and Ernest Gruening (D-AK). Senator Gruening objected to “sending our American boys into combat in a war in which we have no business, which is not our war, into which we have been misguidedly drawn, which is steadily being escalated””.

    • Liza says:

      Both of these senators, Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening, lost their re-election to the Senate in 1968, apparently attributable to their expressed opposition to the Vietnam War.

      Interesting because public opinion of the war had dramatically changed by the end of 1968, a shift that accelerated that year after the Tet Offensive.

      It seems Morse and Gruening were mostly being punished for voting against their party and opposing the war during the years when it was more popular.

      Unsung heroes, both of them.

  8. eliihass says:

    And so it begins.. just as predicted.. The very same white supremacists who raged and screamed about how Obama was flooding communities with dangerous criminals, and threatening violence after the release of those properly vetted through the DoJ & granted clemency by President Obama.. the highest in American history..

    These same Alt-Right racists are now singing faux-hallelujah as they tout the treasonous buffoon’s ‘clemency’ of a token black here and there.. And worse, those released are being used as props in campaign gaslighting/propaganda videos, whether they like it or not..

    Van Jones is complicit in this rubbish..

    p.s: Long overdue that Van Jones – whose brief stint in the Obama WhiteHouse ended before it even began, and after he hustled that gig pretty much under dubious circumstances.. long overdue that CNN and others stop referring to him as a former ‘Advisor’ to President Obama.. it lends credence to a bs artist..

    Van Jones has misleadingly & dubiously used that fleeting association to buy himself undeserved “credibility” in various quarters, and worse, has used it to push dubious agenda that’s antithetical to the Obamas.. and Van Jones continues to push his hustle, helping sow discord/wreak havoc on the Democratic Party …even as he’s remains just another vapid hustler and craven opportunist..

    • eliihass says:

      He knows that the 2-bit con man Russian-asset whose many secrets spanning decades that Roger Stone the self-proclaimed ‘dirty trickster’ keeps, will immediately pardon him..

      Treasonous buffoon can’t afford to let Roger squeal..

  9. Liza says:

    Poor Mike. He’s so used to buying what he wants. Didn’t even think about folks digging up everything he’s ever said.

  10. Liza says:

    Yeah, this was good too. Bloomberg said he “worked hard” for his 60+ billion dollars and Bernie told him that maybe your workers had something to do with it. Bloomberg is such an arrogant, pompous PRICK.

  11. Liza says:

    Y’all. Another interesting takeaway from last night’s debate. Amy had a rough night. Pete confronted her a couple of times, once at the very end of the debate and she had a meltdown. Showed me a complete inability to handle a confrontation that was actually kind of lightweight.

  12. Look at this fuckery, y’all. Brace yourselves. We’re gonna have pure hell out of Bernie supporters

  13. Liza says:

    THIS! This is how Elizabeth started out last night. I knew it was going to be good.

  14. Liza says:

    My feelings exactly. Elizabeth had a great night in Vegas. Cut billionaire Bloomberg down to his weasel size. Bloomberg, of course, was arrogant and condescending and had NOTHING. A real jack ass.

  15. Liza says:

    Hmmm. I would think the Nevada debate could affect Bloomberg in a very negative way assuming he is confronted with stop and frisk, etc…Who knows. If the moderators don’t do it then I surely hope the other candidates do. I don’t think the debate could have much impact on the other candidates because everyone has heard them enough already.

  16. rikyrah says:

    RIP :(

    Ja’net Dubois dies at age 74: Good Times actress, two-time Emmy winner and singer passes away in her sleep

    PUBLISHED: 16:32 EST, 18 February 2020 | UPDATED: 16:45 EST, 18 February 2020

  17. Bernie can’t stop himself from bashing Democrats. Why be in a party that you simply hate? He should form his own party!

  18. Liza says:

    Yeah, well, I would love to be at least 5’8″ but it wasn’t in the DNA.

  19. Liza says:

    Keep fighting, Mr. Blow. There are few things in life that make me more angry than destroying the lives of children and young adults. #KaliefBrowder

  20. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄😄😄

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