Serendipity SOUL-Thursday Open Thread

Happy Thursday, Everybody!  The Dr. is in the house.

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82 Responses to Serendipity SOUL-Thursday Open Thread

  1. Ametia says:

    Wisconsin Assembly approves bill to slash union rights for public workers
    By Michael A. Fletcher and Ariana Eunjung Cha
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Thursday, March 10, 2011; 5:46 PM

    The Wisconsin State Assembly approved a bill Thursday that would slash union rights for public workers. The vote comes a day after the state Senate used a legislative maneuver to pass the bill without the 14 Democratic senators who fled the state in an effort to block it.

    The bill, proposed by Republican Gov. Scott Walker, is considered the most devastating blow to labor unions in many years and in the last three weeks has drawn thousands of union supporters to the state Capitol in protest. The measure passed the Assembly, 53 to 42. Republicans agreed to two hours of debate before calling a vote.

    Before the vote, police briefly locked down the Capitol in Madison Thursday as thousands of protesters swarmed outside and members of the GOP-led State Assembly neared a final vote on a bill that would slash union rights for public workers.

    The Assembly session was delayed when some Democratic representatives could not make it into the chamber as at least 100 protesters packed the hallway of the Capitol and pounded on drums.

    Police carried out about 50 protesters, according to the Associated Press, and ordered a temporary lockdown while officers did a security review. The doors were opened just before 11:30 a.m., AP said.

  2. Ametia says:

  3. Ametia says:

    From Nonie @BWD:

    “I am about to vent so excuse my language

    What the FUCK is going on in this country? Has this country gone completely insane? Is this what the country wanted when they went to the polls in november to give the keys back to the GOP? Didn’t they run on the mantra of CREATING JOBS? They have done everyting but that and the chickens will come home to roost for these radical assholes. The GOP will get WIPED OUT in 2012. The democrats and president obama have enough ammuntion to go after these bastards and complete destroy their party. You see the last 3 months the republicans have let the TEAPARTY infiltrate their ranks and their rational thinking and they are making radical decision not only in Washington but all around the coutry. Since being elected they have attacked hispanics with these anti-immigration bills, have attacked women with these Draconian abortion bills, have attacked blacks, the poor and the elderly by going after headstart, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, have attacked young people, poor people and hispanics by limiting their ability to vote in 2012 by trying to pass anti-voting laws, have attacked middle class working folks by trying bust unions and go after their pensions, healthcare, have attacked muslims by having these radical hearing in washington and their protests in NYC over the mosque, attacked gays and lesbians by going after marriage laws and trying to defend DOMA in courts, trying to GUT PBS, Planned Parenthood, Healthcare, Wallstreet reform, EPA, Mortgage assistance, Educational system and the list goes on and on. All they have catered too is RICH WHITE MEN/WOMEN and Corporations.

    I don’t care if you are republican, democrat or independent this war is about The RICH vs THE POOR. Corporations VS Middle Class working folks. The American people were DUPED into voting for these radicals in 2010 but I can almost guarantee you that the democrats are to have the biggest turnout in decades in 2012. The GOP will get theirs because apparently they didn’t learn their lesson for overreaching but the voting public will remind their asses in less than 2 years.

    This country better wake up and wake up fast or we are going to be living like we are in a third world country where it will be just the rich and powerful and the poor and weak. President Obama and the democrats in congress/senate need to make abundantly clear as we gear up for the next election that they will fight these radical republicans and that now they have a reason to fight because the american people have gotten to see with their own eyes what kind of party the GOP is. They are arrogant, hateful, uncaring, racists who who don’t give a damn about people. Is this what america has come too? Degrading and treating people like garbage who happen to look different, act different, who live different than you or have less money than you? Something has to give with this country and the people who live in it.

    What the Fuck is going on in this country? Has this country gone completely insane? Is this what the country wanted when they went to the polls in November to give the keys back to the GOP?
    Didn’t they run on the mantra of CREATING JOBS? They have done everything but that and the chickens will come home to roost for these radical assholes. The GOP will get WIPED OUT in 2012.
    The democrats and President Obama have enough ammunition to go after these bastards and complete destroy their party. You see the last 3 months the republicans have let the TEAPARTY infiltrate their ranks and their rational thinking and they are making radical decision not only in Washington but all around the country.
    Since being elected they have attacked Hispanics with these anti-immigration bills, have attacked women with these Draconian abortion bills, have attacked blacks, the poor and the elderly by going after headstart, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, have attacked young people, poor people and Hispanics by limiting their ability to vote in 2012 by trying to pass anti-voting laws, have attacked middle class working folks by trying bust unions and go after their pensions, healthcare, have attacked Muslims by having these radical hearing in Washington and their protests in NYC over the mosque, attacked gays and lesbians by going after marriage laws and trying to defend DOMA in courts, trying to GUT PBS, Planned Parenthood, Healthcare, Wall Street reform, EPA, Mortgage assistance, Educational system and the list goes on and on. All they have catered too is RICH WHITE MEN/WOMEN and Corporations.
    I don’t care if you are republican, democrat or independent this war is about The RICH vs. THE POOR. Corporations VS Middle Class working folks. The American people were DUPED into voting for these radicals in 2010 but I can almost guarantee you that the Democrats are to have the biggest turnout in decades in 2012. The GOP will get theirs because apparently they didn’t learn their lesson for overreaching but the voting public will remind their Asses in less than 2 years.
    This country better wake up and wake up fast or we are going to be living like we are in a third world country where it will be just the rich and powerful and the poor and weak. President Obama and the democrats in congress/senate need to make abundantly clear as we gear up for the next election that they will fight these radical republicans and that now they have a reason to fight because the American people have gotten to see with their own eyes what kind of party the GOP is. They are arrogant, hateful, uncaring, racists who don’t give a damn about people. Is this what America has come too? Degrading and treating people like garbage who happen to look different, act different, who live differently than you or have less money than you? Something has to give with this country and the people who live in it.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Kasich’s Assault On Public Unions Brings Boos At State Address, Tears To Teacher’s Eyes
    Today, Ohio’s Gov. John Kasich (R) delivered his State of the State address, celebrating the successful passage of his ill-conceived JobsOhio program and for securing Cleveland, OH as the setting for an upcoming movie. But when Kasich began touting the state GOP’s assault on the collective bargaining rights of 350,000 public workers, a hail of boos descended from the gallery, derailing his stream of self-promotion. Youngstown Vindicator reporter Mark Kovac noted that this was “the first time I’ve ever heard heckling” during the State of the State address.

    While Kasich painted a rosy picture inside the chamber, thousands of protesters filled the capitol, chanting slogans like “kill the bill” and “we won’t quit” in an attempt to “drown out” Kasich. The Columbus Dispatch captured the pandemonium outside, as teachers, firefighters, policemen, librarians, and other public servants fought to be heard. One of those workers, a 58-year-old teacher Portia Boulger from Chillicothe, OH, broke down in tears over Kasich’s treatment of public employees:

    BOULGER: When he says he respects us, it’s a lie. He doesn’t respect me I’m 58 years old. I’ve been working since I was 13 and he wants to take my retirement away from me. Is that respect? Is that respect? No it’s not. He cares nothing about me. He cares about the Koch brothers and the money they put in his pocket. And I’m extremely angry and upset. And I’m not greedy. I am a hard worker and he doesn’t care about me or any of my kind

    • Ametia says:

      Sorry, folks; YOU GAVE THE KEYS BACK TO THE RETHUGS. And now they are going to DRIVE your ASSES over the cliff.

    • dannie22 says:

      It’s my state. But scree the racist mofos!!! So now u got tricked. KKKKasich told u and he tricked u. You thought u were voting for the end of black folks and ended up voting for the end of unions and yr economic livelihood. I can’t shed a tear even though it affects me as well.
      White folks- you did it again!!

  5. rikyrah says:

    This whole “Teach Obama a Lesson” thing is working so perfectly, isn’t it?
    by Eclectablog .

    Epic rant to follow. This might leave a mark.

    In Wisconsin. In Ohio. In Michigan. In Florida.

    All across the country, the True Liberals’ efforts to teach Barack Obama a lesson are paying off in spades. Their plan could not have worked out more perfectly. After a year of shouting to the highest heavens about how much they were disappointed in President Obama and the Democrats, after a year promising to withhold their support during the 2010 Midterm campaign and, more importantly, at the ballot box, they got their wish: Democrats stayed home in droves. Huge numbers of Democrats across the country, many of whom had voted for the very first time in 2008, got up and went to the fridge instead of the polls that late Fall Tuesday.

    Yesterday, in Wisconsin, the tea party Governor and his cadre of Republican Senators figured out a way to bypass Senate Democrats’ exploitation of a loophole that allowed them to put the brakes on a GOP effort to drive a stake into the heart of unions in their state. Most collective bargaining rights for teachers and public employees are now gone as if they were trash taken to the curb. Sure, Scott Walker’s favorables took a beating there for awhile. If it weren’t for that pesky quorum loophole, this would have all been taken care of weeks ago and his numbers wouldn’t have tanked so far. But that’s water under the bridge and now they are back on track. The unions have been squashed like bugs and they can go back to laughing at the protesters as they are frisked and searched and scanned just to enter a public building.

    Barack Obama has really got to be smarting over that, eh? He’s really paid the price now, by golly.

    In Michigan yesterday, the GOP-controlled Senate passed a bill that enhances the Republican Governor’s ability to declare financial emergencies in municipalities and appoint an Emergency Financial Manager (EFM). This EFM will have authority to do pretty much whatever they wish including suspending contracts with unions and other groups and even firing the existing elected officials. Rachel Maddow explained it very well the other night. There was a protest at the Capitol before the vote, of course. Over 700 people showed up, mostly union employees. Know what the Republican who introduced the bill said about the protest? “I don’t think it had an effect outside of the fact we had to talk a little bit louder today.” Ouch. They had to talk a little louder.

    But that’s not all that is coming down the pipeline in Michigan. The Republican Governor’s budget taxes public and private pensions that helps the elderly. It eliminates the Earned Income Tax Credit that helps the poor. It eliminates a huge tax credit for filmmakers in Michigan, killing that job-creating baby in its crib. It eliminates tax credits for vehicle battery manufacturers, strangling a nascent industry before it even gets off the ground. It eliminates tax credits for redeveloping brownfield sites, ensuring that new industrial development will take place on undeveloped, pristine lands rather than on already-despoiled soil. Here’s one: there’s a union-busting bill in Congress to make Michigan a “Right to Work” state or, as the unions call it, a “Right to Work for LESS” state. All of this and businesses are getting billions of dollars in tax breaks, paid for by the elderly, the poor and whichever other down-trodden groups you can name.

    “Eclectablog, what shall we do???!” I’m asked. “We can’t let this stand. We must protest. Where is OFA???”

    What can we do? We can’t do ANYTHING! In Michigan, the Republicans control the House. The Republicans control the Senate. The Republicans control the Supreme Court. The Governor is a Republican. When we protest, they just talk a little louder. And after they get done redistricting our formerly solid-Democratic state this year, we’ll be lucky if our dog catchers are Democrats.

    Protest at the Capitol? Sorry, I won’t waste my time.

    But, I’ll tell you this: President Obama has surely learned his lesson. These union-busting, pro-business moves by the Michigan GOP have got to be chapping his britches something fierce.

    It’s happening in Florida, too. Tea Party Governor Rick Scott is unstoppable. He’s solving his state’s multi-billion dollar deficit by cutting taxes on businesses by several billion dollars and he’s cutting teachers’ pay to do it. He’s rejecting federal funds to develop high-speed rail.

    Take that, Obama!

    How about Ohio? The Republican Governor there is assaulting the unions, too. And the only difference between Wisconsin and these other three states is that Wisconsin Democratic Senators had a quorum loophole they could use to stop a vote. Well, they could stop it for three weeks. Then the unions got their asses handed to them anyway.

    Last night Rachel Maddow said her staff’s analysis shows there are Republican-sponsored union-busting bills in the Congresses if no less than SEVENTEEN states.,-isnt-it

  6. Hat tip Plantsmanx:

    By metaphor, the politics of White oppression and white racial resentment are the embodiment of the spoiled brat at the birthday party. The kid has everything and does not even realize it. But, when asked to share (or if another child gets a gift or some small amount of attention) a temper tantrum inevitably ensues.

    Hammer Meet Nail! BAM!

    • Ametia says:

      Now let’s see them get all RADICAL, as Howard Fineman is labeling it. A bunch of hippies, my ass, Howard. Some of, if not the majority of these folks are the white spoiled kids at the B-day party, who listened to the GOP’s racially charged rhetoric about the Black president’s gonna take all y’all hard-earned money and give it to the nigga’s”

      • And there you have it!

      • Ametia says:

        They fall for it everytime, SG2. And then who pays, well WE all do to some extent.

        When are these folks going to learn that basic survival needs of food, water, a job, are not entitlements, they are RIGHTS.

        Every human should have theequal opportunity to survive and thrive. Now if the opportunities are there, fair and square and folks chose a different path, that’s on them.
        Nope, it’s all about what they want & need, and to hell with everyone else.

        So , now the fight is on to get back what they’ve GIVEN to the crazy white, rightwing!

  7. rikyrah says:

    Disenfranchising Democrats.

    By Adam Serwer | Posted 03/09/2011 at 01:03 PM
    I have a piece up at Greg’s place about Republicans’ efforts all over the country to make it more difficult for Democratic-leaning constituencies to cast ballots. In Florida, for example, Republicans are prepared to roll back former Gov. Charlie Crist’s efforts to re-enfranchise ex-felons.

    One of the more obvious campaigns is the effort to prevent college students from voting, and Campus Progress has a nice map explaining what the laws are like by state:

    This is political science 101 — you reward your constituencies while punishing those of your rivals. The efforts to disenfranchise college students are really egregious, but I have a really visceral emotional reaction to felony disenfranchisement laws. College students tend to go on to live fairly comfortable lives. Felony disenfranchisement laws are nothing more than a mean-spirited partisan assault on people with negligible political influence who are in the process of trying to claw their way back from the margins of society. Florida Republicans are just stomping on their fingers hoping to watch them tumble down the cliff, because it might give them an edge in a close election.

    The obvious historical irony is that Reconstruction-era felony disenfranchisement laws were once passed by Democrats to disenfranchise blacks because they voted Republican. Now, Republicans support such laws because they make it more difficult for Democratic-leaning constituencies to cast ballots. To say that such laws are motivated by partisanship rather than racism doesn’t really

    • Ametia says:

      2012 is going to be one humdinger of an election year. The GOP have declared war on anyone not WHITE, MALE, RICH, COPORATE, or REPUBLICAN.

  8. The following Koch/Georg­ia-Pacific owned consumer products should be boycotted by anyone interested in keeping the middle class alive.

    Bath Tissue

    Angel Soft®
    Quilted Northern Ultra Plush®
    Quilted Northern Soft & Strong®
    Soft n’ Gentle®

    Cups & Tableware

    Vanity Fair®


    Mardi Gras®
    Vanity Fair®

    Paper Towels

    Mardi Gras®

    Home and Office Papers

    Image Plus®

    The following Georgia-Pa­cific building products brands should be boycotted:

    Blue Ribbon®
    Clutter Cutter®
    DensArmor Plus®
    GP Lam®
    Southern Gold®
    Wood I Beam™
    XJ 85™

    The following Invista products brands should be boycotted:

    Antron carpet fiber
    C12 intermedia­tes
    Comforel fiber
    Coolmax fabric
    Cordura fabric
    Dacron fiberfill
    Dytec intermedia­tes
    Flexisolv solvents
    Lycra fiber
    Polyshield resin
    Solarmax fabric
    Stainmaste­r carpet
    Supplex fabric
    Supriva fiber
    Tactel fiber
    Terate polyols
    Terathan polyether glycol
    Thermolite fabric

  9. Vettte says:

    Black Incarceration Crisis = Black Racial Profiling Crisis

    Don’t know how much this topic has been discussed here but I’m game to Bring It!. I don’t hear of any viable solutions being proposed in communities that are heavy-handed on policing short of telling African Americans and particularly African American males to stay in the house for their entire lives. It’s an epidemic that largely has gone unaddressed and affects most households. So what happens to the American dream deferred for African Americans caught up in the unlegal legal system?

    • Ametia says:

      Thanks for posting this, Vette. I have a very dear friend whose son just went through an horrendous nightmare of wrongful arrest by the po po.

      • Vettte says:

        Really? Really? Why am I not surprised that this crisis with the Po-Po “over po-poing” doesn’t affect every AA home in this country? I bet if you just ask how many AA innocent homes have been affected/traumatized the numbers would be staggering. It’s profiling at it’s best.

      • The police see young black men out having a good time and the harassment starts. When is this nightmare going to end? Many young innocent black men end up dead because of harassment & wrongful arrest.

      • Vettte says:

        Many people tell their family members not to say anything when they are confronted and to a certain extent that works but it doesnt deter the police from the harrassment. So what’s the solution here to stop the profiling that leads to unnecessary arrests? This affects too many families which leads to ruining lives. AAs have to come out and live there lives sometimes.

      • Ametia says:

        Yes, for decades black mothers in particular have schooled their black sons on how to conduct themselves when stopped by the police. Are these young men supposed to not leave the house in fear of being stopped? NO! Even when they are law-abiding citizens, they are still stopped, harrassed, and some unlawfully arrested.

        The problem CLEARLY lies with Law enforcement, the media, and RACIAL PROFILING. America has been fed the sterotype that black men are thugs, criminals, and druggies. It’s still being perpetuated today. Just look at MSNBC’s Lockup” BET is no better, and we cannot absolve black folks either. If you live out the very sterotypes, you’re part of the problem too. In the end, innocent black men get harrased.

        The law enforcement in America needs a CLEANING OUT of all the residual KKK cop mentalities.

        They’ve put away their sheets for badges, gun, and clubs.

      • Speak on it, Ametia!

        Every since my sons started driving, I’ve pounded this into their heads on how to behave if ever stopped by the police. It could mean the difference between life & death!

        1. Do what the officer tells you.
        2. Keep your hands on the wheel.
        3. Make NO sudden moves.
        4. Please use Yes sir & No sir

    • Vettte says:

      But the problem NOW has to be addressed by the AA community, tired of keeping their sons in the house. What’s a race of people to do because the non-sheet wearing clan of police are hell-bent on destroying innocent lives. We as a people have to develop our own codes to stop the madness.

  10. Ametia says:

    Shedding our penis spines helped us become human, DNA study hints
    Ian Sample, science correspondent,
    Wednesday 9 March 2011 18.00 GMT
    Article history

    Scientists have identified a clutch of subtle genetic changes that have shaped our minds and bodies into the unique form that sets humans apart from chimpanzees and the rest of the animal kingdom.

    The work by researchers in the US represents a landmark in a search that has occupied philosophers and scientists for millennia and one that goes to the heart of understanding what it means to be human.

    The findings offer up the humbling conclusion that the secret of human success may owe more to what we lost along the path of evolution, rather than anything we gained.

    When the human genome was first deciphered more than a decade ago, some scientists expected to find extra genes that explained why humans had an intellectual edge over their closest living relatives and other species. But since diverging from chimpanzees around seven million years ago, it turns out that our human ancestors lost several hundred snippets of DNA, which together led to traits that are uniquely human, the researchers claim.

    In ditching these chunks of DNA, our ancient ancestors lost facial whiskers and short, tactile spines on their penises. The latter development is thought to have paved the way for more intimate sex and monogamous relationships. The loss of other DNA may have been crucial in allowing humans to grow larger brains.

    Genetic comparison with chimps suggests that losing chunks of DNA – including one associated with penis spines and facial whiskers – played a crucial role in making us human

  11. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning everyone.

    disqus is still the devil and I can’t post from work. :(

  12. Ametia says:

    What Wisconsin Democrats can teach Washington Democrats
    By E.J. Dionne Jr.
    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Consider the contrast between two groups of Democrats, in Wisconsin and in the nation’s capital.

    Washington Democrats, including President Obama, have allowed conservative Republicans to dominate the budget debate so far. As long as the argument is over who will cut more from federal spending, conservatives win. Voters may think the GOP is going too far, but when it comes to dollar amounts, they know Republicans will always cut more.

    In Wisconsin, by contrast, 14 Democrats in the state Senate defined the political argument on their own terms – and they are winning it.

    By leaving Madison rather than providing a quorum to pass Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on collective bargaining for public employees, the Wisconsin 14 took a big risk. Yet to the surprise of establishment politicians, voters have sided with the itinerant senators and the unions against a Republican governor who has been successfully portrayed as an inflexible ideologue. And in using questionable tactics to force the antiunion provision through the Senate on Wednesday, Republicans may win a procedural round but lose further ground in public opinion.

    Here’s the key to the Wisconsin battle: For the first time in a long time, blue-collar Republicans – once known as Reagan Democrats – have been encouraged to remember what they think is wrong with conservative ideology. Working-class voters, including many Republicans, want no part of Walker’s war.

    • rikyrah says:

      Here’s the key to the Wisconsin battle: For the first time in a long time, blue-collar Republicans – once known as Reagan Democrats – have been encouraged to remember what they think is wrong with conservative ideology. Working-class voters, including many Republicans, want no part of Walker’s war.

      that was my point last night on another blog, when referring to Howard Fineman’s bullshyt take on it, about the protests making the President look bad with certain voters.

      these folks in Wisconsin, and Ohio and everywhere else aren’t DIRTY FUCKING HIPPIES..


      the people he thinks would vote against the protestors ARE OUT THERE PROTESTING.

      this, I believe, is the end of that blue collar Republican, ‘ I belong to the union, but I vote GOP on social issues’ BULLSHYT.

      that day is DONE.

      • Ametia says:

        I heard that bullshit. Fineman is full of shit. He can’t tell the WHITE folks in Wisconsin that they have been had, hoodwinked, BAMBOOZLED!

        I’m looking for the Trumka video where he told these white folks to vote for their own interest, that the 2008 elections was NOT about the black guy Barack Obama. If you look into the WI crowd, who do you see? A SEA of white faces. These folks are getting their NIGGER wake-up call.

      • I heard Howard Fineman last night. WTF, is up w/ Fineman?

        Fineman almost seemed like he was gloating for Walker. …like this mofo is going to be elected President. They’re so looking for a white hero.

        • Ametia says:

          Fineman is CRAZY. He and the MSM are in cohoots with the REthugs. They’re already painting PBO as a radical lefty and now FINEMAN is parroting white wing talking points about 1960s radical movements and tying this nonsense to President Obama.

          No Howard, this MADNESS in Wisconsin is between the voters and the Repubs they voted in. That goes for every state who elected GOP governors to spite the black president!

          Call it what it is, Howie, White fear, anger, rage, entitlement, privilege. These folks are getting their wake-up call. The RICH, WHITE GOP don’t give a flying fuck about cha!

      • Keep telling it….

  13. Ametia says:

    Posted at 8:22 PM ET, 03/ 9/2011
    What happened in Wisconsin tonight
    By Ezra Klein
    Here’s what just happened in Wisconsin: The rules of the state’s Senate require a quorum for any measures that spend money. That’s how the absence of the Senate’s Democrats could stymie Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget law — it spent money, and thus it needed a quorum.

    But in a surprise move earlier today, Wisconsin’s Senate Republicans rewrote the bill and left out all the parts that spent money. Then they quickly convened and passed the new law, which included the provisions stripping most public-employee unions of their collective bargaining rights but excluding everything in the law that spent money.

    What happens next? Expect the protests over the next few days to be ferocious. But unless a judge rules the move illegal — and I don’t know how to judge the likelihood of that — Walker’s proposed law will go forward. The question is whether Walker and the Republicans who voted for it will do the same.

    Polls in Wisconsin clearly showed that Republicans had failed to persuade the public of their cause. Walker’s numbers dropped, while Democrats and unions found themselves suddenly flush with volunteers, money and favorable media coverage. And they plan to take advantage of it: Eight Wisconsin Republicans have served for long enough to be vulnerable to a recall election next year, and Democrats have already begun gathering signatures. Now their efforts will accelerate. “We now put our total focus on recalling the eligible Republican senators who voted for this heinous bill,” said Mike Tate, chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party. “And we also begin counting the days remaining before Scott Walker is himself eligible for recall.”

  14. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everybody! :-)

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