The First White House Presidential “Tweetup”

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USA Today

WASHINGTON — No, President Obama won’t be restricted to 140-character answers at today’s Twitter forum. In fact, Obama can speak for as long as he wants as he fields questions from Twitter users during the event at 2 p.m. EDT/1p.m. CT, today at the White House.

The event is supposed to be devoted to jobs and the economy, through tweets to the hashtag #AskObama cover issues ranging from Afghanistan and education to the quality of school lunches and whether to legalize marijuana.

The goal is “to try and find new opportunities to connect with Americans throughout the country,” said Macon Phillips, director of new media for the White House. “The focus is to bring in a lot of new perspectives.”

Jack Dorsey, the founder and executive chairman of Twitter, will moderate the event, condensing thousands of tweets into specific, individual questions.

Live Stream here:

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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21 Responses to The First White House Presidential “Tweetup”

  1. Ametia says:

    President Obama is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the pols when it comes to technology. He did the thing! GO POTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I appreciated the good and thoughtful questions sans the drama. You do us proud MR. President. Thank you!

  2. Ametia says:

    Definitely need to invest in more public campaign finance. Citizens United!!!!!!

  3. Question: What changes to the tax system do you think are necessary to help solve the deficit problem and for the system to be fair?

    Obama: …More important, US default can’t be threat for protection of tax loopholes for very richest Americans. Tax rates lower than they have been under previous Presidents.

  4. Question: Was it a mistake to fail to get Republicans to commit to raise the debt ceiling, at the same time tax cuts were extended?

    Obama: Disagrees w/ premise that Rs would’ve agreed to debt ceiling hike in November, got help for economy & struggling Americans in deal…

    • Ametia says:

      PBO knew where the priorities where on folks struggling and the economy. He’s never taken his sights off this goal.

  5. Question: Small biz create jobs. What incentives are you willing to support to improve small biz growth?

    Obama: …Going to keep trying on things like smart grid & other infrastructure jobs opportunities where there hasn’t been cooperation. Obama on #smallbiz: Passed many tax cuts and incentive for small business, looking for other ways to make capital available.

  6. Question: John Boehner: After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs?

    President Obama responds to @johnboehner: Tax cuts & other measures Rs opposed helped growth, so did some cooperative initiatives…

  7. Obama: …all of us will have to make adjustments for 21st Century, but principle of collective bargaining must be protected.

  8. Question: Will you focus on promoting alternative energy industries in oil states like Louisiana and Texas?

    Answer: Yes, the President want to promote alternative energy everywhere.

  9. Question: Will you issue an executive order to raise the debt ceiling?

    Congress has a responsibility to do their job

  10. President Obama: We need to invest in technology research.

  11. Question: What Mistakes Have You Made Handling Recessions?

    Answer: President Obama wishes he’d have explained more to the American people on how long it would take to get the economy rolling.

  12. Ametia says:

    Here are 3 questions I have for starters. I haven’t tweeted them.

    1. Why use the word “ENTITLEMENT ” in describing Social Security benefits?
    yes folks are indeed entitled to receive benefits, if they’ve paid into the system for decades. It’s being touted as something that folks think they should get, but haven’t earned.

    2. Do you forsee any plans to elect another Supreme Court Justice? And what role do you see the passing of Citizen’s United ruling playout in the 2012 elections?

    3. Last week you basically told “Congress to DO THEIR JOBS.”

    Why is it you think they have to be told by YOU to do what the American people have elected them in office ot do?

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