How Health Care Reform is Already Helping People

Faces of Change: Life Without Limits

The Lihn Family is just like any other family except their daughter is living with half a heart. Before the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies were allowed to set lifetime limits on the amount of coverage each individual gets. Almost 2 year old Zoe would have the lifetime cap on her health insurance coverage by age 3. Both parents, Stacey and Caleb, have paid for health insurance their entire lives so it doesn’t seem fair that their health insurance company would get to choose an arbitrary cap on how much coverage Zoe needs.

Faces of Change: A Skeptic’s Story on Health Care Reform

Spike once criticized the Affordable Care Act. Her and her husband are responsible people but just couldn’t afford our health insurance anymore. Then she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. No health insurance company would take her but because President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act she was able to PAY for health insurance and now she is getting chemotherapy and she has a chance at life.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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19 Responses to How Health Care Reform is Already Helping People

  1. I get emotional but I must share how healthcare reform saved the life of my younger brother. My brother was diagnosed with bone cancer in April 2009. He had a bone marrow transplant in September 2009 in San Antonio, Texas. One of the nurses told him he was one of the lucky ones because the procedure he was having done involving his stem cells had been banned & the ban had just been lifted. He had the transplant and was so sick afterwards. He lost 14 lbs in one week. But he is doing very well right now. There is no sign of cancer. The nurse told him the procedure he had done gave him a new lease on life. My little brother can live! ***Tears***

    • Ametia says:

      Your brother’s courage and blessings are awe-inspiring, SG2. We must encourage folks to share their stories. The more Americans who have benefited from ACA can spread the word, the more it drowns out the noise about what a “failure” it is. It’s working, and that’s why the drumbeat is getting louder to end it. We can’t let that happen.

      Even Nancy Reagan is for stem cell research.

  2. This health care helped me get off of oxygen by allowing me to have a test that the city hospital didn’t provide and get a medication that cost over $3,000. a month. It does work.

    • Oh, that’s such good news, Silentlyheardonce! I’ve stated before about me becoming emotional at hearing other people’s precious stories of how health care reform has given them a chance at life. It touches my heart! Thank God we have a president who cares & has so much compassion for the people. We are so blessed as a country to have him!

  3. Ametia says:

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    In Race to the Bottom, Mitt Romney Vows to “Get Rid Of” Planned Parenthood

    Chicago, IL—Obama for America Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter released the following statement in response to Mitt Romney’s comments today that he would “get rid of” Planned Parenthood to help balance the federal budget. A video of his remarks is here:

    “Mitt Romney’s comments today that he would ‘get rid of’ Planned Parenthood show how low he is willing to go to pander to the most extreme elements of the Republican base. Planned Parenthood is a vital health care provider for millions of American women, giving them affordable access to life-saving services like mammograms and cervical cancer screenings. Even more offensive is that he would justify on fiscal grounds the elimination of Planned Parenthood, which represents 0.01% of the federal budget, even as he proposes a $5 trillion tax plan that would give massive tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires.

    “Whether it’s his support for the Blunt Amendment, which would allow any employer to drop coverage for health care services like contraception because of personal beliefs, or these extreme comments today, it’s clear that American women cannot trust Mitt Romney to stand up for them.”

  4. Ametia says:

    SouthernGirl is F.I.N.E! LOL

  5. LOL

    Thank you!

  6. Health insurers are the main cause of lack of care…The employer pays huge premiums and the big secret in most employer locations is that the high level employees are usually the main people driving up the cost of healthcare..The more pressure in their position the more likely they are to suffer chronic health conditions…This cost is passed down to lower level employees…The ones who can least afford premium increases each year…Someone had to stand up for us and put the brakes on the insurers and their yearly premium increases as well as their “exclusions”..

    • Ametia says:

      Tell the TRUTH. In 2003 I had mulitple fibroid tumors. It’s hereditary. All my sisters and my mother had them. I nearly bled to death, had to have blood transfusions. My GYN prescribed a shot for me that cost $500.

      I had to have these shots, one every month for 6 months, to stop the bleeding, build my blood H & H Hemoglobin and Hematicrit levels up enough so that I coul have surgery.

      Of course my inusurance refused to pay for the drug. By the time I went back and forth with these theives, I would have bled to death. So my doctor, being the angel that she STILL is, got samples from the phram reps when they visited her office. I’d go in once a month for six months, and her nurse would give me the shots AND I WAS NEVER CHARGED. My doctor knew the deal. She literally saved my life.

      President Obama is helping hard-working Americans get the healthcare we NEED and have earned! Thank you!

  7. Having an employee benefits professional background, the President’s plans for the healthcare world were a no brainer…Most people don’t realize how difficult it can be to not have access to the care that you need, not to mention the medication that you may need on a regular basis..Along with keeping the poor, poor why do we need to make sure that folks can never get well enough to enjoy this life…These stories would not have been heard had we not elected Barack Obama as President of this country…

  8. I can add my story too. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with a rare genetic heart disorder after the birth of her second child. She was on the verge of losing her health insurance because of a “pre-existing condition.” ACA literally saved her. She kept her insurance and they paid for her surgery and pace maker.

    • That’s so wonderful Aquagranny! I became emotional after hearing these stories of how the Affordable Care Act saved lives and gave families hope. Such good news!

      Pray tell? What kind of person would want to take away a family’s hope?

  9. This brought tears to my eyes. Thank God for our President! With affordable healthcare some people now have a chance to live.

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