Serendipity SOUL | Tuesday Open Thread | Lizz Wright


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47 Responses to Serendipity SOUL | Tuesday Open Thread | Lizz Wright

  1. rikyrah says:

    March 7, 2014

    The Historian Who Unearthed “Twelve Years a Slave”

    Posted by Michael Schulman

    Accepting the Oscar for Best Picture on Sunday—technically, it might have been Monday at that point—Steve McQueen took a moment to thank “this amazing historian Sue Eakin,” who “gave her life’s work to preserving Solomon’s book.” It was an unusual shout-out: we’re used to seeing Harvey Weinstein or God get thanked, not historians from Louisiana. But it’s safe to say that without Eakin, who died in 2009, at the age of ninety, none of us would be talking about Solomon Northup, or Patsey, or the other once-forgotten souls portrayed in this year’s Best Picture.

    Eakin, who taught at Louisiana State University at Alexandria for twenty-five years, spent her career rescuing Northup’s memoir from obscurity. “There were five of us, and Solomon was the sixth,” Eakin’s son Frank said the other day, from his home in Texas. “There was never a time when he was not part of the conversation.” Eakin grew up near Cheneyville, Louisiana, the eldest of nine children, and discovered Northup when she was twelve. One summer day in 1931, her father, a planter, drove her in a flatbed truck to the nearby town of Bunkie, not far from the property once owned by Edwin Epps (the Michael Fassbender character). They were visiting Oak Hall Plantation, where her father had business with the owner, Sam Haas. Haas brought young Sue to the library on the second floor (“My mom was a big-time bookworm,” Frank says), where he handed her a dusty copy of “Twelve Years a Slave,” first published in 1853.

    “I began reading the old book as rapidly as I could, becoming more and more excited with every page,” Eakin wrote later. “I recognized local place names like Cheneyville, where our mail was delivered.” The family names were familiar, too: the Tanners, the Fords, the McCoys. Eakin was rapt, but her father picked her up before she could finish reading. Back then, the book was in scant supply. Eakin didn’t find another copy until 1936, when she arrived at Louisiana State University and spotted the book at Otto Claitor’s Bookstore. She asked Mr. Claitor how much it cost. “What do you want that for?” he said. “There ain’t nothin’ to that old book. Pure fiction.” He sold it to her for twenty-five cents.

    Eakin devoted the rest of her life to proving him wrong.

  2. rikyrah says:

    Zander pulled out interesting stuff in that ‘poll’ on Millenials:


    These partisan patterns are closely linked to views of Obama. While Millennials as a group are somewhat more approving of Obama than Gen Xers, Boomers or Silents, these differences are driven more by race and ethnicity than by age. White Millennials’ views of Obama are not substantially different from those of older whites. Some 34% of white Millennials approve of the job Obama is doing as president, compared with 33% of Gen Xers, 37% of Boomers and 28% of Silents. By contrast 67% of non-white Millennials give Obama high marks for the job he’s doing as president.

    So two huge things here: first of all, age doesn’t make any real difference among whites when it comes to Obama’s job approval. Younger whites have essentially the same low approval of President Obama as their Gen X parents, Boomer grandparents, and Silent great-grandparents do.

    White and non-white Millennials have different views on the role of government as well. On balance, white Millennials say they would prefer a smaller government that provides fewer services (52%), rather than a bigger government that provides more services (39%). Non-white Millennials lean heavily toward a bigger government: 71% say they would prefer a bigger government that provides more services, while only 21% say they would prefer a smaller government. The racial gaps are about as wide among Gen Xers and Boomers.

    Majorities of white Millennials what smaller government and don’t think healthcare is the government’s business, but actually the racial gap here is much larger among my fellow Gen X’ers. Two-thirds of whites in my generation want smaller government, 71% of non-whites want more. 61% say it’s not the government’s business to provide healthcare, 64% of non-whites find the opposite true.

  3. rikyrah says:

    TPM Editor’s Blog

    His True Colors

    Josh Marshall-September 11, 2012, 11:32 PM

    As noted, we have two simultaneous crises washing over Washington tonight from the Middle East. First, the US-Israel blow up, which I discussed below. Next, riots which escalated into full-scale attacks on US embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, triggered by another stunt by Quran-burning ‘pastor’ Terry Jones down in Florida.

    A State Department officer was actually killed in the attack on the compound in Benghazi.

    In the midst of this, the Romney campaign put out this statement …

    “I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

    So Romney jumps to politicize a genuine crisis in which a Foreign Service Officer has been killed. And the attack itself is based on a falsehood. The reference is to a statement released by the Embassy in Egypt which in fact came out before the attacks took place. The entire thing is based on a lie. Here’s our full story.

  4. rikyrah says:

    The Other Side Of Joe Biden
    David Kurtz-September 11, 2012, 1:09 PM

    Rarely do I watch Joe Biden give a speech or an interview without looking for some evidence, in his eyes or the lines of his face, of the fact that he lost half of his young family when he was 30 years old. It is inconceivable to me, always has been, but especially in the years since I became a father. For all his goofballism, Biden has gone through a crucible that I cannot imagine. And he did so when he was 30, an adult, already deeply invested in the life he was building.

    That’s not to diminish the tragedies that children endure. But at 30 years old to lose your wife and baby daughter, to almost lose your two toddler sons, and to somehow carry on? It truly baffles me. I know everyone says you do what you have to do. But that’s not really true. You don’t. You could curl up in the fetal position, if not literally then emotionally, and shrivel up. I’m more certain that that’s what I would do than I am confident I would find a way to persevere. But Biden has been through it. He’s seen hell and been back.

    That he served his entire 36-year Senate career after that searing experience in December 1972, shortly after winning election, and then went on to become vice president, adds some drama to the story, I suppose. But for me the emotional highlight is just him getting out of bed the next day, and the day after that, and the one after that.

  5. Ametia says:

    The Deafness Before the Storm
    Published: September 10, 201

    IT was perhaps the most famous presidential briefing in history.

    On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.

    On April 10, 2004, the Bush White House declassified that daily brief — and only that daily brief — in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack. Administration officials dismissed the document’s significance, saying that, despite the jaw-dropping headline, it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack. While some critics considered that claim absurd, a close reading of the brief showed that the argument had some validity.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Obama Gives Hope to a Son at Portsmouth, N.H., Campaign Stop
    .By Jon C. Hopwood |

    I received news that my mother had passed just after midnight on Friday. Despite her Alzheimer’s, she had been my biggest fan. She was the first to see the photos I took at campaign events; she had even accompanied me to several events. She had the honor of having her picture with her hero, Bill Clinton, and published in the Concord Monitor.

    One, a Romney-Ryan rally at Saint Anselm College, had been an ordeal for her and she had asked me to take her away, away from the hate and bombast.

    I sat with her until well past three in the morning saying my goodbyes. By the time I left — if I was going to get to the Obama-Biden rally at Portsmouth’s Strawberry Banke Museum — I had slept all of one-half-hour in the past 24.

    I felt I would go mad with grief if I didn’t go to see the president. I struggled with whether it was the right thing to do, though I knew she would have wanted me to go. But did I want to go?

    Thursday night was frantic, getting ready for the Obama-Biden rally and a Mitt Romney rally planned for Friday night, to counter the president in the battle for New Hampshire. I had visited my mother in the hospital in the morning and then later in the afternoon, before leaving to cover a “Veterans for Romney” press conference in Concord. It was a phony-baloney event in which the press was allowed to ask exactly one question — a setup. As we left the conference, who should show up magically but Mitt Romney himself?

    At the hospital, after seeing Romney sidestep a question about the Manchester’s veterans hospital, I spent my last time with my mother. She was in full dementia. I did all I could to calm her. The nurse gave her medication and she went to sleep. I left with my sister.

    She was to be transferred to a nursing home for short-term rehabilitation the following morning.

    The calculations a family must do when confronted with Medicare (which would not pay for the nursing home unless she were in hospital three days) are inhuman and cruel. Should the Romney-Ryan ticket be elected, the dilemmas faced by families would be crueler, as there would be less options.

  7. rikyrah says:


    Obama appoints as many women judges in one term as Bush did in two #fem2

  8. rikyrah says:

    Romney reverses course (again) on health care
    By Steve Benen
    Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:11 AM EDT.

    Mitt Romney has been running for president, almost non-stop, for six years. Health care was, not too long ago, his signature issue, and he’s been talking about the Affordable Care Act nearly every day since it became law.

    And yet, inexplicably, the Republican presidential hopeful still doesn’t know his own message

    Last night, Romney appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, offering the far-right host an entirely new perspective on his approach to health care policy. “Well of course I’m going to repeal Obamacare,” Romney said. “I’ve said that on the campaign trail, I think, every single day. Obamacare must be repealed — in its entirety. It’s bad policy, it’s bad law, and frankly, a $2 trillion entitlement we don’t want and we certainly can’t afford…. Obamacare is a disaster in my opinion, and has to be repealed entirely.”

    I see. So Romney is for the “complete repeal” of the Affordable Care Act. That is, until Sunday, when he said he’s “not getting rid of all” of the Affordable Care Act. That is, until Monday night, at which point he intends to destroy the “entirety” of the Affordable Care Act.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Living on a prayer
    By Steve Benen
    Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:30 AM EDT.

    Over the weekend, Mitt Romney incorporated some new rhetoric into his stump speech: “I will not take ‘God’ out of the name of our platform. I will not take ‘God’ off our coins, and I will not take God out of my heart. We’re a nation bestowed by God.”

    When we discussed this yesterday, I got an email from reader G.S. suggesting this wouldn’t last — Romney was in Virginia Beach, a religious right stronghold, just a few feet from radical TV preacher Pat Robertson. This was an example of Romney catering his message to a specific audience, G.S. said, not a sign of things to come.


    The Romney campaign still wants us to believe the candidate’s central focus is on the economy, but given the recent rhetoric on welfare, contraception, Israel, and the sudden outburst of “God” talk, I think it’s fair to say Romney The Corporate Turnaround Artist has once again metamorphosed into Romney The Culture Warrior.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Foreign policy is not a ‘distraction’
    By Steve Benen
    Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:18 PM EDT.

    In the new Washington Post/ABC News poll, likely voters prefer President Obama over Mitt Romney on counter-terrorism by double digits, 51% to 40%. The same poll asked about international affairs in general, and the president’s lead was even larger, 51% to 38%. The new CNN poll also showed a 12-point lead for Obama on foreign policy.

    With this mind, BuzzFeed reports that the president and his re-election team are confident they have “a clear advantage” on these issues, which they intend to emphasize in the race’s final two months.

    The Romney campaign says it’s unconcerned.

    “It doesn’t surprise me that they’re raising foreign policy because it’s another distraction from the Administration’s terrible economic record,” [Romney foreign policy advisor Robert O’Brien] told BuzzFeed. “They’re going from one shiny object to the next.” […]

    O’Brien conceded that the Bin Laden killing was great — “yes he gave the order and the Navy SEALs carried it out” — but said there was “not really another success story to point to.” And, he cautioned not to underestimate Romney’s foreign policy credentials.

    “The Governor is an extraordinarily well-traveled businessman, he lived overseas as a young man, he speaks French, he understands the world and he’s written extensively about foreign policy and national security,” he continued. “The idea that he’s this naive guy at 65 years old, given his experience heading the Olympic Winter Games and everything else, I just don’t think that’s going to play.”

    Let’s flesh this out a bit, because it’s a rather startling perspective. Indeed, each of these comments is worse than the last.

    And finally, there’s the Romney’s campaign pitch: the Republican candidate has credibility on foreign affairs because he speaks French; spent time as a missionary; he’s well-traveled; he’s 65; and he helped oversee an athletic competition. Oh my.

  11. rikyrah says:

    It’s not 1980
    By Steve Benen
    Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:14 AM EDT.

    I suppose it’s inevitable that election analysts will look for historical parallels, comparing one national campaign to another. Is 2012 going to be 1996, featuring a Democratic incumbent cruising to re-election after brutal midterm defeats? Or maybe 2004, featuring an incumbent eking out a narrow win against a socially-awkward rich guy from Massachusetts?

    For the Romney campaign, the only model that matters is 1980 — a struggling Democratic incumbent, burdened by widespread public discontent, loses badly to a Republican who then takes on mythical, iconic qualities. Bryon York noted yesterday that Team Romney “strongly” believes the next eight weeks “will play out like the 1980 campaign, in which President Jimmy Carter led Ronald Reagan for much of the race until Reagan broke through just before the election.”

    We’ll find out soon enough whether Romney can turn things around, but it’s worth appreciating just how flawed the ’80 comparison really is. For one thing, Carter didn’t lead Reagan for much of the race (Obama has led Romney for nearly all of 2012). For another, Reagan’s breakthrough came after his convention (Romney received no meaningful bounce).

  12. rikyrah says:

    Jim Cramer: Voter ID Law Will Disenfranchise My Dad

    CNBC host Jim Cramer said Tuesday that his father was among the estimated 750,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania who lack a state-issued form of identification.

    “My dad, a vet, won’t be allowed to vote in Pa. because he does not drive, he is elderly, and can’t prove his citizenship,” Cramer wrote on Twitter.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Serena Williams stands up for Taylor Townsend: ‘Everyone deserves to play’

    by Associated Press | September 10, 2012 at 6:57 PM

    Serena Williams says she’s alarmed by the U.S. Tennis Association’s decision to hold a top junior player out of competition over concerns about her fitness.

    Sixteen-year-old Taylor Townsend is the world’s top-ranked girl. The Wall Street Journal first reported last week that the USTA withheld funding her tournament appearances while she focused on getting in better shape.

    “If that happened, that’s obviously a tragedy, because everyone deserves to play,” Williams said Monday, a day after winning the U.S. Open.

    “She’s so sweet and she works so hard,” she added. “For a female, particularly, in the United States, in particular, and African-American, to have to deal with that is unnecessary. … Women athletes come in all different sizes and shapes and colors and everything. I think you can see that more than anywhere on the tennis tour.”

    Townsend played at the Open, winning the junior doubles title and reaching the quarterfinals in singles.

    “She’s still No. 1,” Williams said. “That’s saying something.”

  14. Ametia says:

    Hat tip Democratic Underground! Thank you.

  15. Ametia says:

    Stay away from the media jackals today. More REVISIONIST BULLSHIT about 911. Criminals

  16. Ametia says:

    Don’t know where Tomasky’s been. Romney-Ryan are filthy LIARS

    Michael Tomasky on What Will Happen When Romney Gets Desperate
    by Michael Tomasky Sep 11, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

    Obama’s lead is growing, and Romney can’t seem to catch a break. If the trend continues, get ready for things to turn very ugly very fast.

    I don’t know if team Romney should be panicking just yet. Convention bounces have been known to fade; it’s not every week that Barack Obama is going to get Bill Clinton to give a barn-burner of a speech on his behalf that outdraws the NFL game on the other channel. In my view it’s not so much that the fundamental nature of the race has shifted as that it has solidified: Obama spent months being mostly just a little ahead, and now he’s a little more ahead than that. Lots of people have been writing in the last couple days about the larger Obama lead. But no one has yet turned attention to the consequences of that change: that Romney and Paul Ryan are likely to run the dirtiest campaign we’ve seen in a long, long time.

    his job was supposed to get even easier when Romney tapped Paul Ryan for veep. Ryan was the man with the plan, the Republican Brain, the guy who actually knew budgets and fiscal policy, the Republican who could slice right through all the Democratic pettifoggery and actually beat the Democrats at their own game of talking all those numbers. Ryan’s presence on the ticket made the economic choice that much more stark, the argument went, and he’d win over the serious-minded moderates.

    Well. It’s exactly one month after Ryan’s selection was announced, and his reputation has gone nowhere but down. He’s a liar and his famous “numbers” actually make no sense at all because they’re intentionally misleading. So now he looks less like a serious budget person than a drunken back-bencher who has to be elbowed awake to cast a vote.

  17. Ametia says:

    Southern whites troubled by Romney’s wealth, religion
    Margot Roosevelt
    LYNCHBURG, Virginia | Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:25am EDT

    (Reuters) – Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced — despite all evidence to the contrary — that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.

    So in this year’s presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.

    “Romney’s going to help the upper class,” said Harris, who earns $28,000 a year as activities director of a Lynchburg senior center. “He doesn’t know everyday people, except maybe the person who cleans his house.”

    She’ll vote for Obama, she said: “At least he wasn’t brought up filthy rich.”

    White lower- and middle-income voters such as Harris are wild cards in this vituperative presidential campaign. With only a sliver of the electorate in play nationwide, they could be a deciding factor in two southern swing states, Virginia and North Carolina.

    • rikyrah says:

      people point out that Dubya was rich too, so here I go.

      lord knows that I never wanna defend Dubya, but those White folks thought they could have a beer with him. And, Laura, while introverted and standoffish, I never got the sense of entitlement that reeks from Miss Ann. Women could look at Laura and think they could have sandwiches and tea and not think that Laura would make fun of their food, unlike Willard and Miss Ann—in their souls, those White folks know that Willard consider them ‘ THE HELP’. Maybe Dubya and Laura do too, but if they did, they hide it far better.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Posted at 08:37 AM ET, 09/11/2012
    The Morning Plum: How do undecided voters really view the economy?

    By Greg Sargent

    The new Post/ABC News poll has asked a detailed series of questions designed to nail down how voters really view the economy and the Obama presidency. The results are fascinating, and confirm that the true undecided voters who will determine the outcome may have a far more nuanced view of the situation than the Romney camp hopes. In brief: Many voters who say they disapprove of Obama’s economic performance don’t blame him for their own economic problems. How is that possible? The answer may be crucial to understanding this election.

    First, the toplines: Obama and Romney are in a dead heat among likely voters, 49-48 (Obama leads by six among registered voters).

    Here’s the interesting part. On the economy, the poll asks the “are you better off” question, and finds that only 20 percent say they are better off; 47 percent say they are in “about the same shape” and 32 percent say they’re “not as well off.” Catastrophic for Obama, right?

    Well, of the 79 percent who say “the same” or “worse,” only 22 percent of them blame Obama a good deal for the fact that their lot hasn’t improved. Twenty-six percent say they blame him “some.” And

  19. rikyrah says:

    Paul Ryan and the Post-Truth Convention Speech

    By James Fallows


    Paul Ryan’s speech was well-written, well- delivered, and well-received. All of that was evident to anyone watching on TV. It had a number of nice smilingly vicious hit lines — starting with the masterful “staring up at the faded Obama posters” riff — plus a note of encouraging uplift at the end.

    It was also profoundly dishonest in ways large and small.
    So I am impressed, in a bad way, that Ryan thought he could just brazen it through. But it is also impressive that, at least in the short run, parts of the press are responding as they must in an era when politicians don’t care. That is, they’re not simply quoting “critics” about things Ryan made up. They are outright saying that he is telling lies. For instance:
    To restate the larger points for the moment: The bad one is that a major party’s nominee for national office apparently just doesn’t care that he is standing in front of millions and telling easily catchable lies. The less-bad one is that parts of the media are noticing, and are trying to figure out what they can do in response.

  20. rikyrah says:

    President Obama’s polling and focus-group chief offers rare public perspective on state of race
    09/11/2012 4:00 AM

    By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff

    As head of polling and focus group research for President Obama, David Simas of Taunton says he’s “like a human nerve-ending” because of the dizzying array of numbers and videotape he constantly scans.

    The work also keeps him isolated at Obama’s reelection headquarters in Chicago, most often speaking with the campaign’s senior management.

    But last week Simas made several public appearances during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., including one at a breakfast meeting of the Massachusetts delegation.

    It provided rare – if assuredly optimistic – insight to the campaign’s private perspective on the state of Obama’s race with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

    While the presentation was before the release of a CNN poll on Monday that showed the president receiving a post-convention bounce, Simas told the delegates the fundamentals of the race have been stable for the past six months.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Venus Williams is dating Cuban Model Elio Pis

    By Paul Chi

    09/09/2012 at 10:00 AM EDT

    Venus has a hot new man!

    After dropping out of last year’s U.S. Open and announcing she was suffering from Sjögren’s Syndrome, a happy and healthy Venus Williams made a triumphant return to the New York Grand Slam tournament last week with her new boyfriend at her side. The tennis champ, 32, has been dating Cuban model Elio Alberto Pis, 24, for several months, PEOPLE has learned.

    And it’s been a love match on and off the court.

    The couple were seen holding hands and sweetly kissing each other while walking through the corridors of Arthur Ashe Stadium. During all of her matches, Pis sat courtside with Williams’s friends and family, cheering the two-time U.S. Open winner. Her return was cut short, though. Williams lost to Germany’s Angelique Kerber in the second round on Aug. 30, and she was eliminated from the doubles competition with younger sister Serena on Sept. 3.

    With Williams set to present her clothing line, EleVen, during New York Fashion Week, expect to see more of Pis. As he steps out with the tennis ace, here are five things to know about the guy that has won over her heart:

    1. He’s a model on the rise
    Pis has worked with Williams on her athletic line, EleVen. The two posed together for her website, showing off her ready-to-wear tennis apparel. The 6’1 hunk has also been featured in French Vogue with Brooke Shields and has modeled for Russell Simmons’s clothing line.

    2. He’s a hard worker
    The Cuban – who now lives in Miami – studied diligently to learn English and put himself through school. He graduated with a psychology degree from Florida International University in 2010.,,20627016,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

  22. rikyrah says:

    Obama’s post-convention bounce continues

    By Steve Benen
    Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:42 AM EDT.

    If there’s good news for Mitt Romney in the new CNN poll, it’s hiding well.

    According to a CNN/ORC International Poll released Monday, 52% of registered voters nationwide back the president, compared to 46% for Romney. Just before the convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, Obama was tied with Romney 48%-48%.

    But what has to be frustrating for Republicans isn’t just the top-line results, it’s everything else. In the wake of both major-party conventions, Democratic enthusiasm is up; confidence in Obama’s economic leadership is up; and the favorability ratings for Romney and the Republican Party are down.

    Indeed, perhaps the most striking thing about the poll results is that Romney was better liked by Americans before the conventions, while Obama’s favorability is at its highest level in nearly two years. And when it comes to which candidate voters trust more when it comes to 17 issues and personal qualities, the president leads Romney in 16 of them, most by large margins (the exception is deficit reduction, on which Romney has a modest three-point lead).

  23. rikyrah says:

    another brilliant comment by Camille over at POU:


    Can we all just raise our voices and give Dan Rather a universal fuck you!

    All these folks who ought to know better suddenly pretending that President Obama and Mitt Romney equally suffer from and are both guilty of Romney’s glaring affliction of perpetual lying, flip flopping and a very blurry agenda of why he wants to be president besides fulfilling his Mormon white horse prophecy and doing the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson’s bidding in return for financing his campaign.

    And this sudden shit with non-stop extolling and sainting Bill Clinton and making him the presidential gold standard is so laughable in its propagandizing silliness and shallowness as is the shameless and obvious media attempt to exploit a singular speech -deliberately entrusted to him to make, as a way to try to diminish President Obama.

    There is absolutely nothing Clinton said in that speech that President Obama has not said before. Nothing.

    And had President Obama made that speech and used the exact same words, these same media fantasists would be out in full force condemning him from everything from being “unpresidential”, lecturing the American people, being condescending in his folksy deliberately dumbed down talking to the electorate. He would be simultaneously crucified for making excuses and blaming others for his “failures”, while admonished for chest beating and spiking the ball.

    The media’s attempt to reverse history and stuff right before our eyes – comparing one speech by a non-sitting president with absolutely no burdens of incumbency, and in the midst of a racially polarized environment – which he incidentally very much helped jumpstart with their “other” narrative turned birther shit during the 2008 campaign, and the effusive tributes to “hard working white men” – is galling.

    And to pretend that we don’t get that the only demographic Clinton can reach and President Obama can’t -try as he may, are the very same racists he and Hillary appealed to when the going got tough for them in 2008. And of course some of the greedy, opportunistic, unpatriotic Wall Street types who have funded his Clinton Global Initiative who have only ever cared about exploiting our tax codes and avoiding taxes and regulations – and will dance with whatever politically caters to them in exactly that manner.

    The truth is simply this: Barack Obama has excelled and triumphed and raised the bar for what it means to be a truly great President pulling off accomplishments his predecessors only dreamed of and in the face of unprecedented obstruction and unprovoked hostility. All the while taking it all in stride with grace, dignity, kindness, respect even to those who have treated him less kindly.

    He is everything they wish they could be: Disciplined, brilliant, focused, evolved, dignified, scandal free, empathetic, inspiring, kind, intrinsically decent, humble, thoughtful, quiet and generous in spirit, words and actions even with the vast Powers vested in him by the office and the love, respect, awe and support he enjoys not only among a majority of Americans but the vast majority of the world.

    A man whose heart is so big and who is so calm, confident and self-assured he never seeks to crush his enemies, takes no joy in their permanent destruction and will only aid their rehabilitation even when they remain plotting in their vindictiveness.

    Barack Obama will without even trying, always be the platinum standard the world over for what it truly means to be not only a great leader, but a truly great man.

    And the small people just can’t stand it. And they keep trying to take him down – and stay failing

  24. Ametia says:

    Better ASK somebody Toupe Rand

  25. Ametia says:

    Moaning Joke & crew are praising GWB for keeping us safe post 911? REALLY???

  26. Ametia says:

    Thousands of Virginia students aren’t required to get an education
    By Susan Svrluga, Published: September 10The Washington Post

    Nearly 7,000 Virginia children whose families have opted to keep them out of public school for religious reasons are not required to get an education, the only children in the country who do not have to prove they are being home-schooled or otherwise educated, according to a study.

    Virginia is the only state that allows families to avoid government intrusion once they are given permission to opt out of public school, according to a report from the University of Virginia’s School of Law. It’s a law that is defended for promoting religious freedom and criticized for leaving open the possibility that some children will not be educated.

  27. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone. :-)

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