Wednesday Open Thread

Good Morning, Everyone. I hope you have a drama-free day.

Success with Tammi Terrell and I Heard It Through the Grapevine

In 1967, Gaye began working on duets with singer Tammi Terrell. The duo’s hits included “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, “Your Precious Love”, “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing” and “You’re All I Need to Get By”. Most of their hit recordings were composed by Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson. Despite the romantic tension in their recordings, Gaye and Terrell’s relationship was platonic. In October of the year, Terrell’s knees buckled during a performance with Gaye in Farmville, Virginia, Gaye held her and sent her backstage where she was rushed to Farmville’s Southside Community Hospital. Doctors there discovered that Terrell had a tumor in her brain.[48]

The cancer ended Terrell’s career as a live performer and she recorded under careful supervision. Terrell’s illness later led to issues in recording further following Terrell’s repeated operations to remiss the tumor. Gaye was reportedly devastated by Terrell’s sickness and became disillusioned from the record business.

On March 16, 1970, Tammi Terrell succumbed from brain cancer. Gaye, who wept openly at her funeral[52], responded to her death by going into a prolonged seclusion from the music business.

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104 Responses to Wednesday Open Thread

  1. rikyrah says:

    Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown in the debate tonight – on the issues pertaining to women:

    I have no doubt Sen Brown is a good husband and a good father to his daughters, but this is an issue that affects ALL of our daughters and our granddaughters. And what matters here is how Sen. Brown votes.

    So he’s gone to Washington and he’s had some good votes. But he’s had exactly one chance to vote for equal pay for equal work, and he voted no. He had exactly one chance to vote for insurance coverage for birth control and other preventive services for women. He voted no. And he had exactly one chance to vote for a pro-choice woman — from Massachusetts — to the United States Supreme Court, and he voted no.

    Those are BAD votes for women.

    The women of Massachusetts need a Senator they can count on not SOME of the time, but ALL of the time. I want to go to Washington to BE THERE for ALL of our daughters and ALL of our granddaughters.

    This one really matters. There is a LOT at stake here…

    … And I want to be blunt. We should not be fighting about equal pay for equal work and access to birth control in 2012. These issues were resolved years ago until the Republicans brought them back.

  2. Rikyrah, check your email.

  3. Repeat After Me: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years

    Illustrative of his contempt for the truth, Mitt Romney’s campaign website continues to host the following statement: “Since President Obama assumed office three years ago, federal spending has accelerated at a pace without precedent in recent history.”

    On Friday, we discovered yet another reason why this is a super-colossal lie.

    With the end of fiscal year 2012, the Congressional Budget Office announced the 2012 federal budget deficit: $1.1 trillion. Taken purely at face value, this number is enormous. Yet every Democrat, and especially the Obama campaign, ought to be telling anyone who will listen: Not only has the president cut the deficit by $312 billion during his first term (so far), but he’s cut the deficit by $200 billion in the past year alone. And the CBO projected that the 2013 Obama budget, if enacted as is, would shrink the deficit to $977 billion — a four year total of nearly $500 billion in deficit reduction.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment at 7.3%


  5. Ametia says:


  6. rikyrah says:

    @BuzzFeedAndrew A video history, Romney has held 9 different positions on abortion since 1994.…

    • Ametia says:

      The Romney campaign walked back the remark almost two hours later, saying, “Governor Romney would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

      Read the “pro-life pledge” Mitt Romney wrote in June 2011:

      Romney also attempted to hide his extreme positions on contraception, which include calling President Obama’s mandate requiring most employers and insurers to offer health plans that cover birth control with no co-pay an “assault on religious freedom.”

      Irin Carmon remarks, “today’s Republican party, full of absolutists like Ryan and Akin who are tired of the compromises of the past, is unlikely to let [Romney] slip away when it really counts.”

      • Ametia says:

        Feministing “Romney is anti-choice, picked an anti-choice running mate Rep. Paul Ryan.”

        In advance of the debate, Rep. Chris van Hollen lays out the choice facing Paul Ryan: Will he stand by the extreme Romney-Ryan positions, or will he dishonestly deny their existence?

        Romney was in Iowa yesterday appealing to rural America. Truth Team breaks down the clear choice rural Americans face this fall on five issues important to them:

        Rather than offer any specifics, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have been pushing the same old set of falsehoods and a five point plan—Truth Team shines a light on what their real five-point plan would look like in practice:

    • Ametia says:

      Sometimes we can show’em better than we can tell’em!

  7. rikyrah says:

    @Chernynkaya Winger’s comment at National Review on story of Rom’s abortion flip-flop: “Don’t care. Obama’s got to go.” Says it ALL.…

  8. rikyrah says:

    Wed Oct 10, 2012 at 11:40 AM PDT.

    Romney flat-out lying to his own base about abortion+*by Kaili Joy GrayFollow

    Jesus Christ. It is damn near impossible to keep up with Mitt Romney’s lies.
    On Tuesday, Romney went off script, in a meeting with the editorial board of the Des Moines Reigster, when he said:

    There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.
    This of course was a departure from the many promises Romney has made to his party to oppose abortion, support a constitutional amendment banning all abortion, shut down Planned Parenthood, defund health care for women, give employers the right to deny health care to their employees, and appoint activist judges to the Supreme Court who will overturn Roe v. Wade.
    His campaign quickly corrected him by saying that of course he would pursue an anti-woman agenda. And, according to TPM, the campaign also called up the anti-abortion advocacy groups to pinky swear that Romney, no matter what he says publicly, is still as virulently anti-woman as possible:

    “No alarm bells here,” Tony Perkins, president of the anti-abortion Family Research Council, told TPM on Wednesday.
    Perkins said the Romney campaign called him soon after Romney’s remarks were published by the Des Moines Register and assured him it didn’t represent a shift by Romney from his support for pro-life issues.

    Well, that’s awful thoughtful of the campaign. But, since this is Romney we’re talking about, of course the campaign also dished out this whopper:

    “As they explained it to me, it was from the way the question was asked,” Perkins said of Romney’s quote. He said the campaign told him the interviewer was “talking about economic issues” when the quote came up.
    Suuuure. Romney was answering a question about “economic issues.” If only there were some way to verify whether that was true. Oh wait! There is!

  9. rikyrah says:

    Appeals court reinstates Montana campaign donation limits
    By Steve Benen – Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:38 PM EDT

    Just a week ago, a federal judge struck down Montana’s campaign contribution limits as unconstitutional. In a surprise move, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has brought the limits back.

    The court intervened late Tuesday less than a week after a federal judge’s decision opened the door to unlimited money in state elections — during the height of election season.

    Conservative groups emboldened by the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision have made Montana the center of the fight over many campaign finance restrictions. The groups have convinced a federal judge to strike down several laws as unconstitutional, including the cap on contributions given to candidates by individuals and political parties.

    The federal appeals court says the federal judge needs to file his full reasoning for that decision. A brief order temporarily stayed the decision until the court can review the full case.

    For those who haven’t followed the dispute, the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that that Montana’s limits on corporate campaign spending are unconstitutional and are inconsistent the Citizens United ruling. The state’s Corrupt Practices Act was approved in 1912, after a billionaire bought a U.S. Senate seat. Without even hearing oral arguments, the justices struck down Montana’s law in a 5-4 ruling.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Between Panic and Denial
    By Bernard Finel October 10th, 2012

    It is cute the way we’re all having a good laugh at Sully’s expense… though I have to admit I think some of the commentary has a bit of an ugly subtext to it, namely that he’s just a hysterical old queen or something. But be that as it may….
    I don’t think Obama lost the election last week. But the simply truth is, he got trounced. What looked to be an easy victory is now very, very close, and no amount of spinning the daily trackers—“yeah, the news is bad, but if you slice the numbers just right, you can spot an Obama bounce”—or silly blame the pundits rhetoric—“Obama didn’t lose, it was just the pundits who declare him the loser”—is gonna fly.
    Now, why did he get trounced? And why is it so hard for us to acknowledge it? Well, answering the second question first, we don’t realize it because we’re largely high-information voters here. We know Romney was being deceitful. We know he was evasive. We know he was, basically, lying his ass off. So he came off looking bad… to us.
    But most of the 70 million people who watched the debate don’t know Dodd-Frank from Frank and Beans. To them, he came off good, really good. He denied Obama’s claims, accused Obama of all sorts of stuff, and Obama just basically shrugged and said, “ok, ok, whatever dude.” He didn’t engage. He didn’t rebut. I am saying it would have been easy to do so and remain presidential, but regardless, it is what it is, and the polls are clear. This was a game changer, easily the most important turning point in the race thus far. Obama is still ahead, and is likely to rebound some, but it does us no good to deny the damage or seek to spin polls or blame pundits for the result. If we want to claim we’re the “reality based community,” let’s live it. And being in the reality based community means we recognize that Romney made tremendous gains based on his performance.
    Now, as to why Obama got trounced. It finally occurred to me that we’ve finally seen what Romney is good at. Romney is not real smart. He’s not well organized. He’s not particularly disciplined or capable of solid personnel choices. But he’s a world-class salesman. Other folks have noted that, but I want to explore it further.
    I know a few salesman from various contexts. And here is what they have going for them: They have an unshakeable self-confidence. And they are a weird blend of seducers and bulliers that is at once repugnant and yet hard to resist. Salesman are the sources of our worst regrets. That stupid time share in Orlando. That office affair when hubby wasn’t being attentive enough. The extra warranty. They undercoating.
    People hate salesmen, and yet, there is something about their oily charm, their persistence, their willingness to say anything to “make the sale” that makes them very effective. It is a mistake to pretend otherwise, to assume that Romney’s obvious smarminess will catch up with him. It may indeed, but it may not until the nation is well into the buyer’s remorse phase of Romney’s first term.
    That’s what we’re up against folks, and pretending that nothing bad happened isn’t gonna help. And I know this isn’t what Obama likes to do, but he’s gonna need to unleash his inner salesman over the next few weeks. Otherwise, the momentum shift we saw this past week is going to go from annoying to dangerous in hurry. I’d like to say that if we just give enough and knock on enough doors, we can win it, but we’re going to need a little more help from the big cheese himself to make this work. In the final analysis, I’m not sure Obama can win if his supporters want it more than he does (or seems to).

  11. rikyrah says:

    Slain SEAL’s mother critical of Romney
    By Steve Benen – Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:25 PM EDT

    This week, Mitt Romney added a new anecdote to his stump speech. It’s proving to be a controversial decision.

    Just yesterday, at events in Ohio and Iowa, the Republican said he remembered meeting a former Navy SEAL a while back, whom he recently learned was one of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya.

    The slain American’s mother does not seem pleased. Barbara Doherty, whose son Glen was killed in last month’s attack, told the NBC affiliate in Boston:

    “I don’t trust Romney. He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda. It’s wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama.”

    The station sought a response from the Romney campaign, but did not receive one.

  12. rikyrah says:

    Colorado is a technical difficulty
    By Laura Conaway – Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:00 PM EDT.2

    On Monday the county clerks of Colorado sent the Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler a letter, detailing the ways he has voting and running the election harder. Gessler has spent the past year trying to get clerks in Denver, Pueblo and Boulder not to mail ballots to every voter who typically gets one. Then he tried to purge non-citizen voters from the rolls before giving that up when he didn’t find many actual non-citizens. The Colorado clerks’ list of problems with Gessler’s management include several administrative missteps in handling voter registration.

    What happened yesterday cannot have improved the clerks’ opinion. In the wee hours of the last day to register to vote in Colorado, we started getting mail from people who were worried about Colorado’s online registration system. The site posted a warning: “We regret that we have experienced intermittent technical difficulties with online voter registration.”

    Gessler’s office says the site got slammed with traffic — 85,000 visits, twice the usual — and that several thousand people had made it through to sign up. The Secretary of State’s office told us they were adding servers to handle the rush. They advised would-be voters to fill out the form and either scan it in or take a picture of it and e-mail that.

    An op-ed in the Washington Post today asks whether Colorado could become a debacle on the level of Florida in 2000. It’s worth asking. It’s also worth noting that Gessler has been hanging out with the Tea Party vote-challengers True the Vote, who, so far as I can tell, have not yet weighed in on the barriers to legitimate voters in Colorado.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Posted at 01:38 PM ET, 10/10/2012
    Progressives in the hunt for Tea Party payback
    By Greg Sargent

    The other day, writing about the battle for the House, Evan McMorris Santoro memorably observed that progressives are “furiously chiseling away at the Tea Party Mt. Rushmore.” In other words, Dems are working very hard to defeat some of the most prominent and outsized Tea Party members of Congress — such as Steve King and Joe Walsh — who are known for extreme positions and whacked out public statements.

    Interestingly, at a time when it looks like Dems will not recapture the House, it turns out that some of these members are vulnerable. Indeed, the liberal CREDO Super PAC, which is organizing against Tea Partyers, notices something interesting: A few days ago, National Republicans sank a surprisingly large amount of cash into defending these members.

    On October 5th, FEC filings show, the NRCC sank a total of over $2.5 million into the races featuring many members of what CREDO has dubbed the “Tea Party Ten.” Among them: Steve King of Iowa, Joe Walsh of Illinois, Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, Frank Guinta of New Hampshire, Chip Cravaak of Minnesota, and Mike Coffman of Colorado

  14. rikyrah says:

    Wed Oct 10, 2012 at 07:51 AM PDT.

    Rep. Steve Pearce loves Romney’s plan to help corporations by giving states control over public land+*

    It was no surprise that Mitt Romney chose Hobbs, New Mexico, to announce his energy plan back in August. That little city of 45,000 is home to Steve Pearce, the Republican who represents the state’s 2nd District in the House of Representatives. And Pearce is a big fan of Romney’s plan to turn the permitting process for energy development that is now handled by the federal government to the states. That would include national forests. Here’s Pearce at the Colorado Conservative Political Action Conference last week, where Romney put in a surprise appearance:

    America, each state, the public lands were given back to the states after they were chartered. But in the West, starting with Teddy Roosevelt who had the big ideas of big forests and big national parks, they held that land. And so the next chart shows you the effect on us in the West. Just understand this is the education. The red is of course bad. We’re starved in the West for education funds because of policies that Mitt Romney sat and listened to Rob Bishop and myself explain when it came to Hobbs. He knows that if we want to reverse the trend, we’ll reverse this trend of public ownership of lands starving education.
    The excuse for having the states take over public land is always that the resources are better understood at the local level and can be better used if they are in the hands of local officials and not the supposedly jackbooted federal bureaucrats.
    But did you catch Pearce’s actual message? Ultimately, this is not just about taking public land out of the hands of supposedly jackbooted officials at the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Agriculture and turning over its management to the states. It’s about making the states a conduit for selling public land to private parties.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Tue Oct 09, 2012 at 05:43 PM PDT.

    My mother in law’s life is at stake in this election

    by Anton Bursch.
    11 permalink 35 Comments

    My wife’s mom is in a home, because she can’t take care of herself after a brain tumor surgery years ago and her diabetes is too fragile for anyone but a professional staff to handle. In last week’s debate, Mitt said that he would cut funds for medicaid to states. If Mitt wins and follows through with that promise, my wife’s mom will die.

    Medicaid pays for her mom to live in that home. No one in her family can afford it. No one in her family can care for her themselves. We tried. She almost died half a dozen times. Do you know what it’s like to come home and find your mother in law lying on the floor dying? Or to hear her say that she can’t take it anymore and that the moment she gets a chance she will kill herself? It’s horrific.

    I grew up in a Repubilcan home but I became a Democrat because I am neither heartless nor so uninformed to not realize I am supporting heartless legislation. Next month the future of my wife’s mom will be decided by the American people. Really, by a small sliver of undecideds who are JUST NOW paying attention to Democracy. Who DON’T know the facts and who will decide based on their gut. Well, here’s hoping their gut decides not to vote for the candidate who has promised to cut medicaid.

    I was calm after the debate last week and then over the weekend I had my moment to lose it. I know that some people were upset with those of us who had our moments of losing it, but the reason we lost it was because so much is at stake. Like the life of my wife Melissa’s mom Patricia. Who wouldn’t lose it thinking about the life of a loved one hanging in the balance. And, you know, Obama didn’t do a good job at the debate, but I did appreciate that THIS was one of the things Mitt said that he actually rebutted. That shows Obama’s heart.

    I became a Democrat after Melissa’s mom moved in and we had to try to get her help and it became clear who gave a shit and who didn’t. There were NO churches or charities who would help. It was government that helped. With no strings attached either. No having to listen to sermons about how you are going to hell in exchange for a bowl of soup and a mat to sleep on out of the rain and cold. Just a focus on meeting needs.

    Government is like the good Samaritan. The holy people walked right on by Melissa’s mom. But who gave a shit? Who paid for her health care and for a place to live that could keep her alive? Evil government did.


  16. Romney ignores request from mother of Navy Seal killed in Benghazi to stop using son in stump speech


    OMG! What a brazen ass!

  17. BREAKING NEWS: Voter IDs will NOT be required in South Carolina in November elections, a federal judge rules

    • Ametia says:

      Memo to Lil Eddie Munster:

      You muthafucka are the TAKERS.

      Shall I go on?

  18. rikyrah says:

    Sorry, Ann, Your Spouse is a Liar
    by BooMan
    Wed Oct 10th, 2012 at 11:24:59 AM EST

    Ann Romney is busy…

    The wannabe First Lady is guest-hosting “Good Morning America” today, less than 24 hours after penning a piece entitled “The Man I Know” for BlogHer and taking to Fox News Channel to defend her husband against attacks from the Obama campaign that he repeatedly lied in last week’s presidential debate. “I mean, lied about what?” Ann Romney told FNC host Martha MacCallum. “This is something he’s been saying all along.”

    …but she asked a question that she shouldn’t have asked. If you look at the transcript of the first debate, you will see that Romney lied almost immediately. Once he was done thanking the hosts and congratulating the president on his wedding anniversary, Romney said the following, “And the answer is yes, we can help, but it’s going to take a different path, not the one we’ve been on, not the one the president describes as a top-down, cut taxes for the rich. That’s not what I’m going to do.” But that is exactly what he has proposed doing throughout his entire campaign. He has proposed a variety of tax cuts that collectively would cost the government approximately $5 trillion over the next decade, and the overwhelming majority of those dollars would go back in the pockets of America’s richest people.

    But Romney decided to simply lie about this. “First of all, I don’t have a $5 trillion tax cut. I don’t have a tax cut of a scale that you’re talking about. My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class. But I’m not going to reduce the share of taxes paid by high- income people.” If you cut people’s taxes across the board by 20%, then the “share” people pay stays the same. Of course, twenty percent of $50,000 is $10,000. Twenty percent of Romney’s 21 million dollar income is $4,200,000. So, when he says that he’s not going to reduce the share of rich people’s taxes, he means that he’s going to pay $4.2 million less in taxes per annum.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Posted at 11:27 AM ET, 10/10/2012
    Will women fall for Mitt’s moderate makeover?
    By Greg Sargent

    With the gender gap shrinking as Mitt Romney surges, Dems are hoping Romney’s comments about abortion to the Des Moines Register yesterday have given them a shot at renewing their pitch for women and reopening that gap. Romney told the paper this:

    “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”
    A Romney spokesperson promptly walked that back: “Gov. Romney would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

    The Obama campaign held a conference call this morning to hit Romney over the reversal, arguing that his comments showed he’s obscuring the extreme positions he took on women’s issues to get through the primary. Importantly, the Obama camp tied this to the House GOP, noting that Romney running mate Paul Ryan has co-sponsored various extreme abortion bills in the House.

    “Women can’t trust Mitt Romney, and the American people can’t trust him to be honest and direct about where he stands,” Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, said on the call, adding that Romney “wants to get rid of women’s access to birth control,” that he wants to “get rid of Planned Parenthood,” and to “overturn Roe.”

    “This Congress has repeatedly taken aim at taking women back decades,” Richards continued. “Who is in the White House makes an enormous difference. President Obama has stood up to the Tea Party Congress and said, `We’re not going to get rid of those things

  20. rikyrah says:

    Romney Needs a Groin Shot
    by BooMan
    Tue Oct 9th, 2012 at 11:25:58 PM EST

    Reading over Mitt Romney’s evolution intelligent design on abortion rights, I believe he deserves a stiletto to the groin for disingenuousness, pandering, and lack of principle. Let’s start with him telling Mike Huckabee that he would “absolutely” support a constitutional amendment defining life as beginning at conception. That seems straightforward, right? If you can pass an amendment to the Constitution like that, then it will be illegal to have an abortion unless you can argue it was in self-defense. So, that would bypass the Supreme Court and all the state legislatures, and the only legal abortions would be to save the life (or perhaps, but not necessarily, the health) of the mother.
    But then Romney says that he is favor of exceptions for rape and incest. Then he says that he is unaware of any laws about abortion that would be part of his agenda. Okay, so passing a constitutional amendment isn’t part of his agenda but he’d “absolutely” sign it. He’d be “delighted” to sign a bill banning abortion after the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, even though it isn’t on his agenda.

    How about this comment?

    “I hope to appoint justices to the Supreme Court that will follow the law and the constitution. And it would be my preference that they reverse Roe v. Wade and therefore they return to the people and their elected representatives the decisions with regards to this important issue.”

    Okay, so he says he’d appoint Supreme Court Justices who favor reversing Roe v. Wade, and then he says that people’s representatives would decide the issue, and then he says that he’d sign a bill from those representatives banning choice, and he’d even sign a federal ban (i.e., an amendment to the Constitution). But none of this would be part of his “agenda.”


    Listen up. There are nine Supreme Court Justices. Four of them are staunchly in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. Their names are: Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito. There are five Justices in favor of upholding Roe v. Wade. Their names are: Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.

    If one of the five Justices who favor upholding Roe dies or retires in the next four years and is replaced by a Romney nominee, there will be a 5-4 majority on the court to overturn choice. Romney has promised this.

  21. President Obama: “I was just too polite” in debate

  22. Ann Romney Likens Obama Team’s Post-Debate Reaction To Petulant Child Losing Game In Sandbox [VIDEO]

  23. Paul Ryan: ‘Inner City’ People Need To Be Taught ‘Good Discipline, Good Character’

    Republican vice-presidential hopeful Paul Ryan made a bit of news when he abruptly cut short an interview with a local reporter in Michigan, but the hissy manner in which he ended the chat seems to have buried the ugly substance of what he said while trying to evade questions about gun control and his tax plan. Asked whether this country has a gun problem, Ryan responded that that it’s a “crime problem,” and volunteered that “The best thing to help prevent violent crime in the inner cities is to bring opportunity in the inner cities. Is to help teach people good discipline, good character.”

  24. backdoordraft‏@boycotkochbros

    Breaking News : Paul Ryan says min wage should be stripped at his Rally today…he says USA must compete with China…

  25. CNN MONEY: CEO Emails 7,000 Employees Saying Defeat Obama Or Else

    NEW YORK – Surprise. David Siegel, the resort CEO who is building the biggest private home in the country, really, really doesn’t like President Obama.

    And while Siegel hasn’t sent any money to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, he has gone a step farther to support him.

    On Monday he sent an e-mail to all 7,000 employees of privately-held Westgate Resorts, many of them in the battleground state of Florida, warning them their jobs are at risk if the president is re-elected.

    “The economy doesn’t currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration,” he said in the e-mail.

  26. Ametia says:

    If you have one questions you’d like asked of the VP candidates tomorrow night, what would it be?

    • Ametia says:


      • Ametia says:

        N.M. Attorney General Investigating GOP ‘Voter Suppression’
        Source: TPM

        New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has launched an investigation into a video that allegedly shows Republican officials giving volunteer poll watchers false information about state election law, his office announced Tuesday.

        A video brought to light by ProgressNow New Mexico shows a Republican poll watcher training session the liberal group said was “replete with misinformation about ID requirements, the use of provisional ballots, assistance for Spanish-speaking citizens, change of address requirements, and the rights of the disabled at the polls.”

        King, a Democrat running for governor in 2014, said he was looking into sanctions against anyone found guilty of voter suppression.

        “I will not tolerate voter suppression efforts by anyone, period,” King said in a statement. “We have received a number of complaints since last Friday that there seems to be a concerted effort afoot to discourage some New Mexicans from exercising their right to vote this November. My office is committed to helping ensure fair elections by working to put an immediate stop to such misinformation and publicly correcting what has already been disseminated.”

        Read more:

  27. Bloomberg: U.S. debt has shrunk to a six-year low

    More great news for our country and the President. The President’s policies are working.

    This is also another death blow to Trickle Down. That failed economic theory that Romney and other conservatives admire. Because our debt level is coming under control, another downgrade will be less likely. The peak debt level was during the Bush years, when conservatives just loved them some debt.

    U.S. debt has shrunk to a six-year low relative to the size of the economy as homeowners, cities and companies cut borrowing, undermining rating companies’ downgrading of the nation’s credit rating.

    Total indebtedness including that of federal and state governments and consumers has fallen to 3.29 times gross domestic product, the least since 2006, from a peak of 3.59 four years ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Private- sector borrowing is down by $4 trillion to $40.2 trillion.

  28. REPORT: Pro-Life Congressman pressured his mistress to get an abortion

    DesJarlais (R-TN) told his mistress to get an abortion for the sake of his marriage, despite his pro-life views, in a conversation obtained by the Huffington Post. Rep. DesJarlais, who supported the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” — a bill that included “forcible rape” language in one of its early drafts — demanded that his lover end her pregnancy, saying, “You told me you’d have an abortion, and now we’re getting too far along without one.” The lawmaker has faced accusations of hypocrisy before; although he voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he later celebrated the construction of a health clinic in his district funded wholly by Obamacare.

  29. OMG!

    Jay asked “who is that man that’s going to take Big Bird off the TV?

  30. Romney’s emotional story remembered very differently by friend of fallen SEAL

    On the stump in Iowa Tuesday, Mitt Romney revealed that he met former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty at a holiday party some years ago. Doherty is one of four Americans killed during the September 11th attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.

    Romney’s story started out lighthearted, as he recounted how he and Ann mistook a holiday gathering across the street for their neighborhood party, and he ended up talking to Doherty. “He skied in some of the places I had. We had a lot of things in common,” Romney said of Doherty. Both men are from Massachusetts.

    “He told me that he keeps going back to the Middle East. He cares very deeply about the people there. He served in the military there, went back from time to time to offer security services and so forth to people there. You can imagine how I felt when I found out that he was one of the two former Navy SEALS killed in Benghazi on September 11th.”

    Romney was visibly emotional during the story, and the video of the speech was repeated throughout the day on network and cable news.

    But one of Glen Doherty’s best friends remembered Doherty’s impression of this meeting much differently.

    Elf Ellefsen met Glen Doherty skiing in Utah when he was 19, and the two men remained friends for more than 20 years.

    “A guy living life wise beyond his years. Always trying to be progressive as well as do the right thing. Always challenging himself to his greatest ability,” Ellefsen remembered.

    He last saw Doherty a week before the final mission to Libya. “I stayed in his house (in California), we paddled out in the ocean together, spent some good quality time.”

    Ellefsen said Doherty recalled meeting Mitt Romney years ago, but the account was much different from what the Presidential candidate retold in Iowa.

    According to Ellefsen, Romney introduced himself to Doherty four separate times during the gathering.

    “He said it was very comical,” Ellefsen said, “Mitt Romney approached him ultimately four times, using this private gathering as a political venture to further his image. He kept introducing himself as Mitt Romney, a political figure. The same introduction, the same opening line. Glen believed it to be very insincere and stale.”

  31. Ann Romney to visit Cancer Center that benefited from stimulus funds

  32. Ametia says:

    Ametia & Congressman Chris Van Hollen at the 2012 DNC in Charlotte, NC:

  33. rikyrah says:

    I’ve said it before, and will continue to say it: folks better spread the word:

    1. If you don’t have the money for Grandma/Grandpa’s nursing home bill – you have no business voting for Romney/Ryan.

    2. If you don’t have the room in your house, or the manpower in your home for the care that Grandma/Grandpa get at the nursing home and will now be getting at YOUR HOME once they are thrown out of the nursing home- you have no business voting for Romney/Ryan.

    3. If you know someone who has a disabled child/disabled adult in their family – if they don’t have the funds to pay for what Medicaid does – you have no business voting for Romney/Ryan.

    4. If you have a soul and the thought of MILLIONS of poor children being without access to healthcare turns your stomach – you have no busines voting for Romney/Ryan.

    I don’t mind society taking care of Grandma/Grandpa or the disabled, but I’m tired of Shanequa and Rosa Maria being the scapegoats for medicaid, when, in terms of PERCENTAGES OF MEDICAID DOLLARS – the top two recipients are the Elderly and the Disabled.

    So, the millions of WHITE FOLKS who get helped by Medicaid – BETTER WAKE THE FUCK UP.


    When Medicaid is ‘the only choice’
    By Steve Benen
    Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:00 AM EDT.

    Medicare is a key issue in the 2012 election, up and down the ballot, and it deserves to be. The Republican plan to end the Medicare system and replace it with a privatized voucher scheme for future retirees is critically important.

    But as we’ve talked about for months, it’s Medicaid that too often gets lost in the shuffle, which is to the public’s detriment — the differences between the parties on this issue are among the critical of 2012. Indeed, the Obama campaign launched this new ad on Medicaid overnight.

    It’s one of the hardest decisions a family can make — realizing a nursing home is the only choice. For many middle class families, Medicaid is the only way to afford the care. But as a governor, Mitt Romney raised nursing home fees eight times. And as president, his budget cuts Medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. We have a president who won’t let that happen.”

    The ad, titled “Only Choice,” will be aired in the eight key battleground states: New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada.

  34. rikyrah says:

    Florida Democrats Crushing The GOP in 2012 Voter Registrations

    [….] The Democratic Party in Florida has turned in more than 290,000 voter registration applications this year, compared to less than 47,000 for the state’s Republican Party.

    Two big Latino groups, representing a demographic where Obama has consistently outpolled Romney, The National Council of La Raza/Democracia USA, and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, have turned in a total of nearly 70,000 voter applications.

    Miami-Dade public schools have turned in more than 13,000. The Florida Consumer Action Network turned in nearly 6,000. The state’s NAACP chapters have submitted several thousand as well, as have other student and immigrant groups.[….]

  35. rikyrah says:

    seems as if we weren’t the only ones who noticed about the 7.8% unemployment rate and the silence from the media.


    What to do when a talking point gets taken away

    By Steve Benen

    Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:30 AM EDT.

    Every day for months, the attack on President Obama was the same: the unemployment rate is above 8 percent, so voters have no choice but to consider him a failure — no matter how severe an economic catastrophe he inherited.

    This changed on Friday when recent gains pushed the jobless rate to 7.8 percent, the lowest rate in four years. Obama is now overseeing the best election-year improvement in unemployment figures since Reagan’s “Morning in America” re-election bid in 1984.

    If you’re a Republican, what do you do? As it turns out, there are two schools of thought.

    The first is, keep repeating the attack anyway, even though it’s no longer true. Restore Our Future, the Republican super PAC, expanded an ad buy this week in three swing states describing the jobless rate as “over 8 percent.” Karl Rove’s American Crossroads attack ad shows viewers an 8.1 percent unemployment rate, rather than the actual one.

    Why let facts and good economic news get in the way of a perfectly good attack?

    The second is the one adopted by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: move the goalposts. The Republican presidential hopeful is now arguing, “[I]t looks like unemployment is getting better, but the truth is, if the same share of people were participating in the workforce today as on the day the president got elected, our unemployment rate would be around 11 percent.” Ryan said the same thing this week.

  36. rikyrah says:

    it seems as if Caribou Barbie has had a photo shoot where she looks horrible.

    Town dropped all sorts of hilarious truth about Caribou Barbie:


    I don’t feel sorry for her. You know who Sarah Palin is?

    She’s that chick that from 20-44 years old wears cheap DEB or DOTS clothes to the office, with red plastic pumps, cheap wedges, makeup gun set to WHORE + and extra short skirts.

    She shimmies and shakes in the office and gets extra undeserved time off or gets to take off early all the time from work, while you have to do her leftover work. If you complain about it, something is wrong with YOU. Meanwhile she prances and jiggles around the office, getting undeserved break after break while the other women toil. She’s especially dismissive to the older chicks in the office who been there, done that, wrote a book about it and have more experience. They’re just old and JELLUS of hot Sarah.

    And they toil under her because she’s the Alpha Bitch in the office but they can’t stand her. But they don’t want to be subject to her bullying so they skin and grin and giggle with her as she runs one new girl after the other out of the office, mad because they are more competent than her.

    Then about 45 years of age, the boobs start sagging, the jiggling of old saggy skin starts happening, the years of sun damage start to show up …cleavage looking like a wrinkled paper bag…face starts to look jowly, she piles more and more makeup on and dresses younger and younger to compete with the younger, more nubile chicks in the office.

    THAT’S who Sarah Palin is…she’s the aging cheerleader who shimmies and shakes real hard because she knows her pom poms are about to be permanently retired.

  37. rikyrah says:

    The images alone in this video is going to have quite an impact on seniors and their families.

    New Obama Ad Highlights GOP Cuts To Medicaid

    The Obama campaign is up with a new ad, “Only Choice,” focusing on the House GOP’s proposed budget cuts to Medicaid, which funds nursing home care for many seniors. Up to this point the president’s team had largely focused on Medicare, which Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have proposed transforming into a private voucher program.{Click on link to see video.]

  38. rikyrah says:

    A new ad from Priorities USA Action, the pro-Obama super PAC, and AFSCME People argues that the Mitt Romney Americans saw during Wednesday’s debate was not the real Romney by contrasting the debate with Romney’s ’47 percent’ comments, reports the Washington Post.

    “Mitt Romney said a lot of things during the debate,” the narrator says in the ad. “But Romney was caught saying very different things at a$50,000-a-plate fundraiser.” The ad then flips back and forth between a still of Romney in the debate and footage of the 47 percent comments.[….] The minute-long spot will run in some media markets in Ohio and Virginia and total ad buy is over $1 million, according to WaPo.

  39. rikyrah says:

    Republican Ex-Senator And Vietnam Veteran Endorses President Obama

    Yesterday, Larry Pressler, well-respected former Republican Senator from South Dakota (1979-1997), issued a detailed, full-throated endorsement for President Obama’s reelection. Pressler, a life-long Republican who served twenty-two years in Congress—at times serving as chairman of several senate committees, including Foreign Relations–is also a U.S. Army veteran, having served two combat tours in Vietnam. Citing his many reasons for endorsing the President, Pressler stated:

    As a Vietnam vet, one of the reasons I support President Obama is because he has consistently shown he understands that our commitment to our servicemen and women may begin when they put on their uniform, but that it must never end.

    This decision is not easy for any lifelong Republican. In 2008 I voted for Barack Obama, the first time I ever voted for a Democrat, because the Republican Party was drifting toward a dangerous path that put extreme party ideology above national interest.[….]

  40. Ametia says:

    Oh yes; the immortal Tammy & Marvin. Vintage…

  41. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone. Happy HUMP day! :-)

  42. Two of my favorite singers. Thank you so much for this wonderful tribute!

  43. Reblogged this on cadesertvoice and commented:
    Many have copied their style and songs, no one can do it as well.

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