Boston Marathon TERRORISTS: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev & Tamerlan Tsarnaev | Brothers & Cambridge, MA Citizens



Law enforcement is still in pursuit of Dzhokhar 


Tamerlan Tsarnaev is DEAD. Two suspects are in police custody.


Read about here at the NYT: One Boston Bombing Suspect Is Dead, Second at Large; Area on Lockdown   

Any questions, John King & the rest of the media’w white-washing of the terrorists?

***WARNING: If you’re Listening or watching the MSM, be prepared for the games and explaining of the two terrorists. They’re interviewing the father, and he’s said the boys are “GOOD BOYS” THESE MEN ARE TERRRORISTS- THE FUCKING END!

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89 Responses to Boston Marathon TERRORISTS: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev & Tamerlan Tsarnaev | Brothers & Cambridge, MA Citizens

  1. Boston suspect’s Mom- Their Protector Is God

  2. Ametia says:

    The Xenophobe Party

    By Robert Reich

    The xenophobia has already begun.

    Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today urged him to reconsider immigration legislation because of the bombings in Boston. “The facts emerging in the Boston Marathon bombing have exposed a weakness in our current system,” Paul writes. “If we don’t use this debate as an opportunity to fix flaws in our current system, flaws made even more evident last week, then we will not be doing our jobs.”

    Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), senior Republican senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is responsible for an immigration reform bill, is using much the same language – suggesting that the investigation of two alleged Boston attackers will “help shed light on the weaknesses of our system.”

    Can we just get a grip? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a naturalized American citizen. He came to the United States when he was nine years old. He attended the public schools of Cambridge, Massachusetts, not far from where I lived.

  3. Ametia says:

    The 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has told interrogators that the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack, according to U.S. officials familiar with the interviews.

    From his hospital bed, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15, the officials said.

    The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation, said Dzhokhar and his older brother, Tamerlan, who was killed by police as the two attempted to avoid capture, do not appear to have been directed by a foreign terrorist organization.

    Read more at:

  4. Republican clowns wanted President Obama to ignore the Constitution he swore to uphold. These fools have no business in our Government.

  5. Graham blog


    White privilege is when a U.S. Senator thinks he can ignore the Constitution at will.

    • Ametia says:

      Lindsey and nem are trying desperately to regain national security cred, since Bush 43 and 911. Ain’t gonna happen. Ask Osama Bin Laden. Oh that’s right, the dude that orchestrated the 911 attacks, killing 3,000 Americans, was captured and killed on May 2, 2011, during President Barack Hussein Obama’s first term



  7. Boston bomber suspect’s wife contacted by federal investigators, says lawyer

    Federal authorities have asked to speak with the wife of the killed Boston Marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, her lawyer has said.

    Katherine Russell Tsarnaev had not suspected her husband was behind the bombings and had last seen him when she left for work, said the lawyer, Amato DeLuca. She first learned he was a suspect when she saw it on television after the police chase in which he died.

    The widow did not speak to federal officials who came on Sunday evening to her parents’ home, where she has been staying since her husband was killed during a getaway attempt on Friday.

    DeLuca said he spoke with the federal officials but would not offer further details. “We’re deciding what we want to do and how we want to approach this,” he said.

    When asked whether anything seemed amiss to the wife following the bombings, DeLuca said: “Not as far as I know.”

    DeLuca said his client had not suspected her husband of anything. She had been working 70 to 80 hours, seven days a week as a home healthcare aide. While she was at work her husband cared for their toddler daughter, DeLuca said.

  8. Bombing Suspect Called Mom Moments Before Deadly Shootout–abc-news-topstories.html

    The mother of the Boston bombing suspects spoke to her eldest son minutes before a violent standoff with police in the streets of Watertown, Mass., she told ABC News.

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, called his mother early Friday morning, alerting her that police were following him and his younger brother and that there had been a shooting.

    “‘The police, they have started shooting at us, they are chasing us,'” Zubeidat Tsarnaeva told ABC News in a telephone interview.

    The conversation ended when Tsarnaev said, “‘Mama, I love you,'” his mother said.

    Tsarnaeva got frightened and started to cry and shout. He told her Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was with him before the line cut off.

    Her daughter called later to say that Tamerlan had been killed.

  9. Hmmmm

    I haven’t heard one media outlet refer to the terrorists as savages, thugs or depraved monsters. Why is that?

  10. Letter from the Family of LU Lingzi

    We are grieving and at a loss for words to describe the pain and sadness we are experiencing following the sudden passing of our dear daughter, Lingzi. She was the joy of our lives. She was a bright and wonderful child. We were thrilled to watch her grow into an intelligent and beautiful young woman. She was a positive role model for many others.

    It has always been her dream to come to America to study. While she was here, she fell in love with Boston and its people. She loved her new friends and her professors at Boston University. She wanted to play a role in international business, specializing in applied mathematics. She has been studying very hard toward her goal. Sadly, it was not to be.

    While her dream has not been realized, we want to encourage others who have Lingzi’s ambition and dreams, and want to make the world a better place, to continue moving forward.

    We are grateful and thankful for the assistance we have received from the Chinese government, the U.S. State Department, Boston Police Department, Boston University, and so many others. Your kindness will always be in our thoughts and memories of how you reached out selflessly to us during the darkest hour of our lives. We understand the work of the media, too, and ask them to please respect our wish for privacy at this difficult time.

    We are also humbled by the compassion, caring and love we have received from people all over the world. We wish to thank each of you for your prayers and for thinking of our daughter. Thank you for sharing your memories of her, your love for her, and your good wishes to our family.

    Also, we wish to extend our thoughts, prayers and sympathy to the other victims of this tragedy and to their families.

    We hope that everyone who knew Lingzi, and experienced the positive spirit and joy she had, will help carry on her spirit. We hope that everyone who has now heard about Lingzi will keep a memory of her in their hearts.

  11. Muslim Woman Attacked After Conservatives Repeat False Speculation About ‘Dark-Skinned Suspects’

    It didn’t take long after the bombings at the Boston Marathon on Monday for the internet’s most irresponsible figures to begin pointing fingers — without a shred of evidence — at several dark-skinned “suspects” seen in surveillance videos and miscellaneous photographs.

    On Wednesday, the far-right’s Islamophobic online fear mongering spilled, tragically, into the real world:

    A Palestinian woman said she was assaulted and aggressively harassed while walking with her infant daughter and friend near Malden Center late Wednesday morning, in an apparent hate crime motivated by Monday’s attack at the Boston Marathon.

    Malden resident Heba Abolaban said she and her friend, both wearing hijabs, were walking with their children on Commercial Street when a man forcefully punched her left shoulder and began shouting at them.

    “He was screaming ‘F___ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F___ you!’ “

    Thanks CNN & John King! What you did was reprehensible. Both John King & Fran should be FIRED!

  12. Ametia says:

    Found that mofo in a boat in somebody’s backyard.

  13. Counterterrorism Official Lisa Monaco updated Pres. Obama about the capture of the second suspect

    Counterterrorism Official Lisa Monaco updated President Obama about the capture of the second suspect

  14. vitaminlover says:

    That youngest one looks thuggish to me.

  15. President Obama’s Statement Following Arrest of Bombing Suspect

  16. rikyrah says:

    POTUS is about to speak

  17. rikyrah says:

    Eclectablog Hard to argue for smaller government at a time like this, isn’t it? Or are the “patriots” outraged at how this played out?

  18. rikyrah says:

    the bombings are federal cases. he’s under the FBI’s thumb.

    Pete Williams just called him a domestic terrorist.

  19. rikyrah says:

    never thought they’d take him alive

  20. rikyrah says:

    the picture of the cop they killed…

    dude still has his baby fat.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Stephen Foley@stephenfoley
    Czech ambassador emails to say: the Czech Republic is nothing to do with Chechnya

  22. rikyrah says:

    loved this comment from sag:


    I just have to say it…

    Miranda said in the afternoon thread re: the rantings of the suspect’s Daddy:

    Yeah, whoever number 1 is now for Al Queda tryna send him a email “fall back bruh…you’n want none of that”

    I also remember earlier this week Miranda also recounting how the world’s bad asses basically fell all over themselves saying they didn’t bomb Boston.

    When PBO labeled it terrorism, most of the commenters on this thread stated, or nodded their head in acknowledgement as they read it – dudes, whoever you are, it’s a wrap. Tell Mama to make arrangements for the slow sangin’ and flower brangin’.

    In a very macabre way, it’s funny as hell. PBO done learned ’em… don’t make him go get a switch.

  23. rikyrah says:

    I was listening to the radio this morning, about 4 am, and I was like…they already got one..huh?

    My coworkers and I think that law enforcement ran their faces through face recognition at all the airports up and down the Eastern seabord. once they came up negative for them, it was like,

    ‘ they’re still here…and we’re gonna hunt them down’..and we’re gonna do it on tv for the rest of your buddies to see..’

    they do not want this to end in an arrest…..they’re waiting for any excuse to open the gates of hell on this animal.

  24. Ametia says:

    Will Dzhokhar Tsarnaev be burned to a crisp like Chris Dorner? According to MSNBC, law enforcement wants him alive and find out WHY he did it. REALLY? Negotiate? Naw son, yu’re going down.

  25. Teen Stunned at Portrayal as Boston Bomb Suspect

    Teen Stunned at Portrayal as Boston Bomb Suspect

    REVERE, Mass. (AP) — A teenager said he is scared to go outside after he was portrayed on the Internet and on the front page of the New York Post as connected to the deadly Boston Marathon bombings.

    Photos of Salah Eddin Barhoum, 17, and friend Yassine Zaime were posted on websites whose users have been scouring marathon finish line photos for suspects. The two were also on the Post’s front Thursday with the headline: “Bag men: Feds seek these two pictured at Boston Marathon.”

    The Post reported later Thursday that the pair weren’t considered suspects, and the FBI has since identified two other men as suspects in Monday’s bombings, which killed three people and injured more than 180.

    But Barhoum, a track runner at Revere High School, said he is convinced some will blame him for the bombings, no matter what.

    He was so fearful on Thursday that he ran back to the high school after a track meet when he saw a man in a car staring at him, talking into a phone, he said.

    Barhoum added he received more than 200 messages online Wednesday, with one commenter from Oregon asking: “How could you do that? Did you even think about the consequences?”

    Barhoum said he won’t feel safe until the bombers are caught.

    “I’m going to be scared going to school,” Barhoum said. “Workwise, my family, everything is going to be scary.”

  26. Hey Chicas! I made it back.

    Did you all hear Martha Raddatz say the 19 year looks like an “All American kid”? See, when it’s a white person, they’re “all American looking”. IF these terrorists were black or “dark skinned” you’d hear the words “thugs”, “savages”, “depraved monsters” etc. I am so damn sick of the freaking white media and their got damn double standard.

  27. Craig Burns, stop your lying. No one from here is sending you a damn thing. Sorry dude, we won’t waste our time on the likes of you. Now get the fuck out of here.

  28. rikyrah says:


    Good Lord, now right wingers have created their own special paper bag test for the “not white like me” crowd. LOLOL – they aren’t “white white!”…”They may be Caucasian, but that’s not white!”

    I guess their paper bag is the white plastic kind. If you’re not white as that, then you ain’t their white”.

  29. rikyrah says:

    they are so trying to de-WHITE these young terrorists.

  30. rikyrah says:

    ETA: The aunt starting going IN and challenging the reporters and CNN turns away.

    The aunt told a reporter, “Guys, I wish you were lawyers like me. Because when I speak and I listen, I only say what I know.”

  31. rikyrah says:

    from JOJO

    JojoRaze >

    I’m telling you the white media and white folks in general showed out this week…not all, but a whole lt of them. Poc saw live and direct that, as Sagittarius’ grandad said, The white man gon’ be white.’ After seeing the coverage on this I literally laughed until my belly hurt and told God that, ‘Yo, white folks are funny. I don’t even know what some of these folks gona tel you on Judgment Day when you call em out, but they are a trip.’

  32. rikyrah says:
    Friend of suspects on CNN: “I thought he was American, he looked white to me.” Oh boy.

  33. Ametia says:

    Bombing suspect on the run became US citizen last year on Sept. 11
    By Jonathan Dienst and Erin McClam, NBC News

    One became an American citizen last year on Sept. 11. The other was a boxer who once said: “I like the USA.”
    The two known suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon — one killed, one on the loose — are brothers with a background in the separatist Russian republic of Chechnya, law enforcement officials told NBC News.
    The suspect at large early Friday was Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, born in Kyrgyzstan, who became a naturalized American citizen on Sept. 11, 2012, according to documents obtained by NBC News. He had a Massachusetts driver’s license and was living in the Boston suburb of Cambridge. He was the suspect in the white hat in surveillance photos from the marathon released by the FBI, authorities said.

  34. Ametia says:

    Why the Oklahoma City bombing investigation still matters
    10:20 AM, April 19, 2013

    Investigative reporter and author Andrew Gumbel knows all the ins and outs of the Oklahoma City bombing case.

    In his book, “Oklahoma City: What the investigation missed and why it still matters,” Gumbel and his co-author Roger Charles detail how a “fractious, over-timid federal law enforcement community blew chances to prevent the bombing and failed to follow several promising leads pointing to the broader involvement of the radical far right.”

    “The first 48 hours are invariably the most important,” Gumbel says. “In 1995, the authorities did a great job of identifying and apprehending Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, but a lot of other things went wrong and a lot of golden opportunities to unravel the plot in its entirety were squandered.”

    Gumbel joins The Daily Circuit on the 18th anniversary of the bombing in Oklahoma City to discuss the lessons to be learned from the investigation and what to look for in the current investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing.

  35. rikyrah says:

    This is not a reflection of my family, of Chechnya, or of Islam. It is a reflection of stupidity. – Ruslan Tsarni

  36. Ametia says:

    Chechnya’s president criticizes America’s handling of the Boston manhunt
    By Gideon Lichfield

    Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of the republic of Chechnya in southern Russia, has issued a statement on Instagram, the Facebook-owned photo-sharing service where he frequently posts casual photos of himself and has over 116,000 followers. In the statement, written in Russian, he criticizes the way that US authorities have handled the search for Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsanaev, the two Chechen brothers who are suspected of carrying on the Boston Marathon bombing.

    Here is our translation of the statement. (Note: Some, relying on Google Translate, have claimed that Kadyrov said “It is necessary to seek the roots of evil in America.” That’s a mistranslation; Russian has no definite article, so in this context “the roots of evil” most likely means “the roots of the evil,” or “their evil,” referring to the brothers’ motives. Update: the final hashtag, #следствие, is ambiguous. Its first dictionary meaning is “consequence” or “result,” but it can also mean “investigation.” Under the circumstances, it’s not entirely clear what it is meant to imply.)


  37. Ametia says:


  38. rikyrah says:

    folks killing me trying to make these guys non-White.

    Go to any Eastern European and tell them they’re not White…

    they’ll be ready to beat you down.

    I’m just sayin.

    • Ametia says:

      It’s a total DISGRACE how America’s RACISM has sullied the capture of the REAL CRIMINALS and MURDERING TERRORIST in this country.

      So true, Rik, and don’t even get me started on Cuban Americans.

  39. rikyrah says:

    wayne marshall ‏@wayneandwax6m
    the day “caucasian” ceased to be a synonym for “white”

  40. Ametia says:

    Sit back and watch how the MSM is spinning the the story of how these WHITE RUSSIAN-IMMIGRANT men TERRORIZED AND KILLED AMERICANS & A COP!

  41. Ametia says:

    Dzhokhar’s father says he’s an ANGEL? MSNBC; you’re a disgrace too. Angels don’t go around bombing and killing innocent people. GTFOH

  42. Ametia says:

    So the media says all law enforcement wants to do is negotiate with this dude. Seriously, these men KILLED people and were planning to continue killing AMERICANS.

  43. I agree! And, some people in this world are beyond all rational and reasonable understanding. Between such things as this, and all the other issues going on around the world, all I do anymore is put my faith in God, pray and vote. I’m not giving up, but that’s all I can. That’s it.

    • Ametia says:

      While wer’e on the subject of immigration reform, it appears the Latino population isn’t the only group that need to be dealt with. European immigrants have been given a pass in this country, because you know the brown folks have been the target for criminals and terrorism.

  44. Ametia says:

    Will the FBI and other law enforcement officers BURN down the hideout of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

    MSNBC have the experts saying Dzhokhar should come out and tell is story. Really? Like Chris Dorner got to tell his story, right?

  45. Ametia says:

    News Alert: Boston bombing suspect still on loose identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

    Law enforcement officials are conducting a massive manhunt for the second suspect in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings, whom they identified Friday morning as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge.

    Suspect No. 1, who was killed in a shootout with police Thursday night, was identified as Tsarnaev’s brother.

    Read more at:

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