Shellie Zimmerman Filed For Divorce

The New York Daily News reports that Shellie Zimmerman has filed for divorce from George Zimmerman.

Shellie Zimmerman alone

Shellie Zimmerman sits in court during jury selection in George Zimmerman’s case.

I think that many of us saw that coming.

His trial is out of the way.  The DOJ is investigating to determine whether they can bring charges against George Zimmerman for violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights.  Shellie’s perjury case has been resolved with her serving a year’s probation, performing 100 hours of community service, and paying a fine.

We shall keep you up-to-date as more is learned.

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102 Responses to Shellie Zimmerman Filed For Divorce

  1. towerflower says:

    George was just detained in Lake Mary on domestic charge. Channel 2 is reporting that he had his hand on his gun and threatened Shellie and her family. He is also accused of striking Shellie’s father.

    • Xena says:

      I am watching the live stream now, and just posted on Blackbutterfly7 and was going to cross-post here but SG2 is on the ball!!!

  2. willisnewton says:

    Xena – it’s important to note that we don’t “know” where SZ or GZ were at the time she called GZ shortly before the killing. Yes she now claims she was at her father’s, but that’s a self serving statement coming from a convicted perjurer.

    What we do seem to know from Rachel Jeantel’s recollections is that Trayvon was already at the mail kiosk by 6:48 that evening. It’s likely that GZ’s account of seeing TM on RVC is a lie, cobbled togetether from the “window peeper” story that happened weeks before. When supposeldy doing a”re-eneactment” with the SPD, GZ had them stop the car and described a scene that is in opposition to the map he drew for SIngleton regarding where the two persons were when sighting one another. And, tellingly he started to say “my wife….” before interrupting himself to continue a story in the first person. It’s only possible to speculate at this time, but if GZ did get a “tip off” from someone else who actually saw TM enter the complex thru a shortcut, then SHellie is a suspect, having called him at the time he would have done so.

    I tend to think that this is a likely possibility, and that the two have lied to protect one another and are locked somewhat into a mutual destruction pact.

    • Shellie & GZ are both liars and can’t be trusted. I wouldn’t put it past them this whole divorce issue is a cold calculated effort to keep themselves in the news.

    • Xena says:

      @willisnewton. No argument from me about that. The one thing that stays with me however, is that M&I Bank video. At trial, prosecutors did not present it. It still might have significance for the DOJ.

      The analysis of the clubhouse videos is very significant, but without it, and without understanding it, one thing is sure from Zimmerman’s re-enactment. He could not have pulled away from Taaffe’s house, drove to the clubhouse, pulled in and parked as he said, anticipating that a possible burglar would walk that way.

      That is behind us now with the decision in the State’s case. With the DOJ’s investigation as to whether Zimmerman violated Trayvon’s civil rights, chances are that they will base their case beginning with his NEN call. Zimmerman indeed racially profiled Trayvon by referring to him in the plural.

      • racerrodig says:

        “…they will base their case beginning with his NEN call. Zimmerman indeed racially profiled Trayvon by referring to him in the plural.”

        He said “coons” as much as I hate any use of that word let alone even typing it, but that’s what he said and I hope the Feds use it.

        • Xena says:

          @racerrodig. We hear “coons,” but the DOJ does not need to confirm that to charge Zimmerman with violating Trayvon’s civil rights — because — when Zimmerman referred to Trayvon in the plural, and later defined the plural to pertain to Burgess, and Burgess to Blacks committing burglaries, he confirmed that he racially profiled Trayvon.

          To Zimmerman, all Blacks look alike, do the same things, talk the same way, have the same intentions. That is racial profiling.

          Along with this, Papa Zim said that had Asians or Latinos been committing burglaries, that George would have done the same thing. Again, that is racial profiling. It’s not observing actions but rather, race, and assuming the race indicates actions of criminal intent.

          Had the DOJ concluded there was no evidence to charge Zimmerman with violating Trayvon’s civil rights, they would have closed their investigation last year long before the trial was scheduled. O’Mara was trying his best to get documents of the investigation but because it is ongoing, he was SOL.

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        Ummm… DOJ has more resources than the state, so it’s likely they’ll piece together something more closely aligned with the truth, if they’re investigating fastidiously. As I have said at the start of this saga, there is no way that gz could have seen Trayvon anywhere on the grounds without some one elses help.

        Trayvon came into the complex before gz left home, gz cannot see RVC north from his house, so there is no way for him to know anything at all about Trayvon’s path or progress, he had to be told.

        Trayvon, himself, did not know he’d be sheltering at the mail kiosk, because that decision was forced upon him by the sudden increase in rainfall. So, for gz to even find him there, after searching and moving away, he had to be told that Trayvon was still there. Obviously gz’s truck is heading away from the mail kiosk and back over to Taaffe’s when he suddenly stops, turns around and make a second pass at the mail kiosk, where he makes first contact. That cannot be the result of any accident or other fortuitous turn of events. He had to know that Trayvon was there, and to do that he had to be told somehow.

        Thus this was a conspiracy! The question is; “A conspiracy to do what?”

        The answer to that lay in the fact that only a conspiracy to kill could possibly evade and/or circumvent the prohibitions of the laws. Had Trayvon lived, gz would have been in serious trouble and whom-so-ever was working with him was at serious risk of having their identity disclosed. These co-conspirators entered a “one way tunnel” where the only way out was for the only witness to be eliminated.

        gz was known, as we now know him to be, a very violent hot headed individual, prone to gratuitous violence “at the drop of a hat”. gz’s call ended after 2 minutes and he stalked the Teen for another 2 minutes. While Trayvon was on the phone for the whole 4 minutes, obviously not searching for anyone, but simply trying to find a safe way home.

        If that invovled hiding somewhere until the coast was clear for him to move, it failed because gz detected and caught up with him. When Trayvon asked why he was being followed, gz turned violent immediately.

        • Xena says:

          @Lonnie Starr. The State dropped the ball when they failed to have a witness testify of the clubhouse videos. The jury was not capable of making sense of it. So, GZ followed Trayvon in his car? Juror B37 would say that was okay because GZ thought Trayvon was suspicious. They were incapable of putting the timing together that evidences that GZ stalked Trayvon for some time before calling NEN.

          Prosecutors could have associated that with Jeantel’s testimony of GZ watching, then following. They could have driven in the fact that Trayvon did not know that GZ left his truck and was following him on foot. They needed to question why GZ said he was on Retreat View Circle when told “We don’t need you to do that” although he said that Trayvon ran down the “T” and he answered affirmatively to following Trayvon.

          In closing, Bernie did raise the question that GZ could have gone down Retreat View Circle and circled around to the “T” but he didn’t tie-in GZ’s statements with that.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Alas we were all being played by the prosecution, who behind the scenes was working fastidiously to prevent the evidence they needed to win, from being discovered by the jury. Remember, when we on the net who have knowledge of the case, listened to the case, we listened with a different ear than the jurors, who had no knowledge except what they gained at trial.

            We heard the prosecution say things, that made perfect sense to us, because of your knowledge! To the jury, however, without the knowledge to interpret that evidence, they were clueless as to what it meant and the defense, making weird claims that went unchallenged, certainly did not help matters.

            The prosecution should have started off by explaining what rights Trayvon had and what prohibitions gz’s NW post, came with. After explaining that the law says that no one may be followed in such a way as to cause them to fear for their own safety, they should have read the stature for assault. Now they start off on the correct footing, because they show the jurors the many, many reasons why, gz should not have gotten out of his truck. And, let the jurors try to guess whether Trayvon was expressing concern or fear to Rachel, when he remarked that he was being followed.

            The prosecution took great pains to stay away from these key points, and thereby allowed the jurors to think that gz had not broken any laws, when he gave Trayvon cause to fear for his life.

            I don’t care how bigoted or prejudiced the jurors might be, I do not believe they would dare to bring back a not guilty verdict, once the defendant was shown to be a criminal engaged in committing crimes.

            The jurors did what they did, because in their minds, nobody knew more about the case than they did. Normally that would be the truth, but not in this day and age, with the internet at our fingertips and high profile cases getting the attention from the media that they do. It was the collaborative effort of some great deductive, logical and legal minds, that helped us make sense of the evidence, and thus formed our opinion of what was right or wrong about the case. That kind of work could not and would not have happened without the ease of communication the internet provides, hardly a wonder then that a number of officials, elected and appointed, would like to see it shut down.

            The trial was a sham and now even the officials are coming forward to admit it Dr. Bao says that behind the scenes they were all against Trayvon and for gz, including the prosecutors, who never asked him the most important question he had prepared the science to answer about, who was on top.

          • Hi, Lonnie Starr!

            Welcome. Your comment was caught up in the spam folder. I’m so glad I check it. Nice to see you here. Look forward to your commentary.

          • @Lonnie Starr,

            We got played. OMG! Played by the prosecution! How sick is that? Red flags were dropping everywhere but I didn’t want to accept it. Why would they do it? Were they covering for the SPD, Wolfinger and SYG laws?

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            My guess is they were doing the bidding of the Guvnor, who no doubt has racist financial backers, who love SYG and don’t want to see blacks win at anything. They would have the Guvnor by the cajones as far as reelection goes, since political campaigns are so much more costly now than ever before. The Guvnor merely appointed his most trusted and faithful loyalist and left the matter in her hands. She knew what the Guvnor wanted and she knew how to make the case go the way he wanted her to.

            Re-evaluating Dershowitz, I wonder what he would have thought if he had realized that the prosecution was planning on throwing the case? At the time, his missive appeared to be just sour grapes, angry that Angela Corey was taking this short cut. Probably he believed that since the mission was to get a conviction as quickly as possible and make this case go away, he went quiet. After all, you’re not going to stop a freight train once it gets rolling down the tracks. I’ll bet he never factored in that the prosecutor had found a way to lose! If he had discovered that, the nation might have a very different view of his legal prowess now.

          • Xena says:

            @Lonnie Starr. Did you get my message about starting a thread here to discuss theories on why Zimmerman targeted Trayvon? In a comment, I brought up your name and theory concerning Burgess and the 3 stooges. Others are interested. Please let me know. I can use your response as the introduction to start the thread.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Sorry but I either didn’t get it or I somehow missed it. WordPress is making a mess of trying to follow links to reply to messages. Okay, send me and I’ll write something.

          • Xena says:

            @Lonnie Starr. No problem. I think Word Press must be doing some changes because it has sent my own comments into moderation. LOL!! I’ll email you and when you’re ready, let me know and I’ll start a new thread here.

  3. Department of Justice, bring on the charges and file them against this child killing s.o.b. GZ needs away from society. File the charges!

    • Liza says:

      Can you hear us, AG Eric Holder? File the damn charges! Make THIS GEORGE ZIMMERMAN’S theme song, the one he should have had on July 13, 2013:

      • oh snap this is perfect for Zimmerfux!lololo I gotta post it on twit too!!LOLOLO

      • Liza says:

        Yeah, change “robbin’ people” to “killin’ people” and it will fit GZ perfectly when he gets convicted on federal charges.

      • Yeah!!!!!!!!!

      • racerrodig says:

        How about this ………

        Breakin’ rocks in the hot sun
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I killed a kid to get my kicks
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won

        My baby left me and it feels so bad
        Guess my race is run
        She’s the best girl that I ever had
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the

        Killin’ people with a six-gun
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I miss my baby and i miss my fun,
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won

        I miss my baby and i feel so sad
        I guess my race is run
        She’s the best girl that I ever had
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the

        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the law won
        I fought the law and the

      • Liza says:

        Perfect. Now DOJ needs to do their thing.

  4. Ametia says:

    Georgie Zimmerman is SELFISH?! REALLY, SHELLIE/

    • Yahtc says:

      Thanks for finding this video, Ametia.

      I was looking for it.

    • Ametia says:

      YVW, Yahtc. Shellie Z’s just now discovering how selfish Georgie Porgie is like saying she dosen’t know how she got dressed to sit down and give that interview.

    • I don’t want to hear ISH from Shellie unless she comes clean and tells the truth about what happened to Trayvon Martin on the night of Feb 26, 2012.

      • Ametia says:

        COSIGN! Trayvon had just celebrated a birthday FEB 5, 2012, and then 21 days later…. MURDERED!


      • Yahtc says:


      • Liza says:

        Trayvon Martin wanted to go to college and have a career in aviation. All of which was totally within his grasp. He loved his mom and his dad and all of his family. He was kind and compassionate, as Rachel Jeantel explained in how he treated her. Trayvon Martin was a good kid, he had his whole life ahead of him.

        All of that was gone in an instant. For no reason other than accidentally crossing paths with a an angry, enraged, racist sociopath.

      • Xena says:

        @SG2. I want to hear Shellie tell the truth about George’s relationship at Kokopelli’s gym.

  5. I’ll bet Shellie has been talking to the feds. The handwriting is on the wall.

  6. Shellie wants those dogs b/c she must know GZ will hurt them. We already know he kicked the ex-girlfriend’s dog in the stomach.

    • Liza says:

      I would be very surprised if GZ hasn’t already hurt the dogs. Rotties are super muscular which is probably why that dog is not dead. The other dog is older and probably has learned to stay out of GZ’s way. If Shellie had a Pomeranian it would probably have been slammed into a wall or had it’s neck broken in one of George’s violent outbursts.

  7. Xena says:

    Did George threaten to shoot Shellie?

  8. racerrodig says:

    I wonder if this means he won’t be cooking dinner for her anymore ?? Maybe we should ask Robbie Sr. ??????????

    I’m thinking the tour of the Smith & Wesson factory is off now.

    Betting SheLie has been / will be talking to some guys that have paychecks that have a title along the lines of “United States Government” at the top left. Remember these deals get done behind closed doors. Couple that with what the Un said about laws regarding African Americans and maybe……just maybe, the Feds will move on this. Since this would be a hate crime with the obligatory death sentence, maybe…..just maybe Fogen shouldn’t have pissed her off all this time.

    Maybe…….just maybe, he should have been at her court appearance………..just sayin’

    • Xena says:


      Remember these deals get done behind closed doors.

      Don West knows about those deals. He helped one of his clients, a terrorist, cut one so that his wife would not be charged and forced out of the country.

      • racerrodig says:

        Where is Westicle anyway ?? Maybe he’s trying to get his old job back ?? Naaaaaaa !!

        • Xena says:


          Where is Westicle anyway ??

          Vanilla Ice Cream West is no doubt eating ice cream cones. If they schedule a hearing on the sanction motions, maybe he’ll appear to put everyone to sleep. Just let’s hope he is working on more knock-knock jokes.

  9. Many many righteous prayers went up as sweet incense before the Lord when Trayvon Martin was murdered. God hear our cry and he’s COMING!

  10. UN experts urge United States to wrap up review of Trayvon Martin case, examine laws

    A group of United Nations independent experts today called on the Government of the United State to finalize the ongoing review of the case involving the death of teenager Trayvon Martin, an African –American teenager who was shot in 2012 by a neighbourhood watchman in the state of Florida.

    “We call upon the US Government to examine its laws that could have discriminatory impact on African Americans, and to ensure that such laws are in full compliance with the country’s international legal obligations and relevant standards,” said human rights expert Verene Shepherd, who currently heads the UN Working Group of Experts of People of African Descent.

    The death of Trayvon Martin sparked a new debate about racial profiling in the United States after the unarmed black 17-year-old was shot and killed in Florida by George Zimmerman, a neighbourhood watchman. Mr. Zimmerman, who argued that he acted in self-defence and with justifiable use of deadly force, was found not guilty of all charges against him.

    The US Department of Justice, the US Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are currently evaluating the evidence generated during the federal investigation, as well as the evidence and testimony from the state trial, trying to establish potential civil rights charges linked to the case.

    “The Trayvon Martin case has highlighted the importance of the need to review those existing laws and policies that can have a discriminatory effect on the basis of race, as African Americans become more vulnerable to such discrimination,” Ms. Shepherd said, recalling that the US has been party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights since 1992, the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination since 1994, and many other international human rights law treaties.

    • Ametia says:

      Everything is in DIVINE order. This hideous cycle of teh Zimmermans is playing itself out. They are amatuers, and in the end, they are all still LOSERS!

  11. God detests a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, and a false witness who pours out lies. I would not want to be in Shellie, George, Jenna Lauer, John, Don West or Mark O’Mara shoes.

  12. Yahtc says:


    I just woke up from a LONG nap and just saw this!

  13. Ametia says:

    How much does Shellie know about the LYING Witnesses? That awful Jenna chick and ESPECIALLY the Ostermans?

    • Ametia says:

      Shellie Zimmerman was working her LYING for Georgie like a PARTIME JOB. Looks like it didn’t pay well.

    • racerrodig says:

      103 K + in debt…looks like they lied about that “…paid off the cars and credit cards…” line.

      Gee, imagine that.

      • Xena says:

        @racerrodig. In April 2012, they paid off the outstanding balances on the credit cards, which means that the current balances are for charges made since then. The cars? That was past due amounts.

        IIRC, the FDLE retained GZ’s laptop when he drove into Jacksonville. Some of those credit card purchases were no doubt for computers. Then remember too that their cell phone contract expired in April of this year. Had to replace the cell phones.

        Based on her financial affidavit, Shellie incurs over $200 of medical expenses a month. That is no doubt also placed on the credit cards.

        GZ and ShelLIE had been living off their credit cards because the defense fund was not bringing in enough money to cover their living expenses. So much for “supporters” uh?

      • Liza says:

        Ha, credit cards. That means they’ll declare bankruptcy.

  14. When evil gets to rockin; karma comes a knockin!

  15. Ametia says:

    I sure as HELL hope Shellie FILES a RESTRAINING ORDER. Because seriously this woud the only semblance of any life insurance she’s going to get from Georgie Z.

  16. Ametia says:

    George Zimmerman getting $200 speeding tickets. Is he paying them or incurring further debt, expecting his rabid, racist fan club to contribute to his murder fund or the state of Florida?

    • Xena says:

      The White Supremacists have been financially supporting GZ for over a year — or not. Just depends on how things are perceived because O’Mara continued to beg and cry broke. GZ might take donors for granted and hope they rally to his aid to pay the ticket and a divorce attorney.

      • racerrodig says:

        I have a connection who has access to his Paypal account, not legally and he’s told me countless times they have not raised anywhere near as much as they claim. They still owe about 33K on the 2 vehicles and back taxes !!!!!

        I’ve been stating that for almost a year, not to mention what my Fed guys have said. Does anyone smell a rolling over here ?? I’m seeing SheLie telling the Feds they had a fight on Sat. she left and possibly she’s the one who drew blood, not that always lethal slap of upholstered concrete. (Will that make Moron O look the bigger fool !!) If so, and I’m saying that looks pretty plausible, he’s done. She already destroyed his “I was on my way to Target” garbage. She also stated last week that the evidence was manipulated and such and there would have been a different jury verdict if that stuff and other perversions, hadn’t been done.

        Lets see 2 possible verdicts. Guilty or Not Guilty. Since they picked Not Guilty, Not a good day to be Fogen is it. Karma……is it Karma that he escapes Life / No Parole and falls into a Death Sentence conviction ?? Because he was abusive as a husband ??

        I’m betting not a single Zidiot will give him a dime now. Hell, most of them couldn’t afford their own divorce……..and he’ll beg for bucks to fund his….A hahahahahahahahaha!!

  17. vitaminlover says:

    They’re both going down!

    • Ametia says:

      YEP! Like the TITANIC…


      • racerrodig says:

        Just have to !!!

        Well, he’s going down Down, down, down, down, down
        He’s going down Down, down, down, down, down
        He stuck his head out of the window
        And his feet ain’t on the ground

        She’s gone Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
        She’s gone Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
        She’s got her face up to the window
        And her feet are on the ground

        He’s going down Down, down, down, down
        He’s going down, down, down, down, down
        Down, down, down, down, yes he is
        He stuck his big head out of the window
        And his feet ain’t on the ground

        Well, he’s goin’ down Down, down, down, down
        He’s going down Down, down, down, down, down
        He stuck his big head out of the window
        And his feet ain’t on the ground

        Gone Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
        She’s gone Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
        She’s got her face up to the window
        And her feet are on the ground

        Well, he’s down Down, down, down, down, down
        He’s goin’ down Down, down, down, down, down
        He stuck his big head out of the window
        And his feet ain’t on the ground, no they ain’t
        Well, she walked out the door
        Now he’ll crawl right out here

  18. Xena says:

    Shellie Zimmerman’s attorney has confirmed that the marriage is over.

    “After much soul searching and recent disappointments, Shellie feels compelled to officially end her six-year marriage to George Michael Zimmerman,” said attorney Kelly Sims.

    He gave no details but provided a draft copy of the paperwork.

    It shows that the couple separated Aug. 13, and that Shellie Zimmerman wants both dogs, Oso, 2-year-old, 120-pound Rottweiler and Leroy, an 8-year-old mixed breed.

    “The marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken,” the pleading says.

    Shellie Zimmerman is asking a judge to make an “equitable distribution” of their assets, property and debts. According to her financial affidavit, there are a great deal more debts than assets.

    A financial affidavit shows she has no income but $12,829 in assets – mostly her 2009 Honda Accord – and $103,756 in debts – mostly school loans, an auto loan and credit card bills.

    She also asks that George Zimmerman provide her with life insurance.

    The Zimmermans were married Nov. 17, 2007, in Daytona Beach in a ceremony officiated by a close friend, Sondra Osterman. They have no children.


    • Ametia says:


      That fat bastard Georgie was charged with second degree murder of Trayvon.

      I’m guessing Shellie’s going to hold out on what she REALLY KNOWS about Zimmerman murdering Trayvon.

      She wants Georgie to delivers the goods. Good luck with thinking this pig’s going to get any sizeable cash for murdering Trayvon!!!

      She’s going to milk that fat fucker for everything he gets from pimping himself to the media.

      • Xena says:

        We now know that the Saturday before he killed Trayvon, Shellie left and went to her dad’s. Based on GZ’s phone log, he and Shellie communicated just around the time that Trayvon was walking home from the 7-Eleven.

        Shellie probably has some things to tell the feds.

      • Liza says:

        This just gets keeps getting more horrible but we know the source of Zimmerman’s rage. It was the situation with Shellie. And they were probably fighting for quite awhile over a lot of things related to Zimmerman’s aggressive personality, his inability to make a decent living, his drug use, their massive amount of debt, and so on. They had a multitude of problems that neither one of them could solve and she wanted out.

        So, Trayvon Martin is dead because a couple of low-life, white trash sacks of sh!t managed to find each other and get married. Their marriage is over, they fight, she leaves, Zimmerman is overloaded with a homicidal rage every time he talks to her, he packs his gun ready to fire hollow point bullets, and then on February 26, 2012, he happens to see Trayvon Martin.

        I’ve said this many times, Zimmerman was going to kill someone unless he got killed first.

      • Ametia says:

        @Liza. The evil in these folks is spilling over. Shellie beat the shit out of GZ. She knows it and we know it. That’s where the cuts, broken nose, and blood came from.

        He couldn’t kill Shellie 2-26-12, not for lack of trying, so he went on the hunt to KILL someone, and he MURDERED TRAYVON.

      • Yahtc says:

        I wonder.

      • Liza says:

        That’s exactly how it stacks up, Ametia. The murder of an innocent child was all about George and Shellie.

    • Maike Hudson says:

      I hope she gets custody of the dogs.

      • Ametia says:

        LOL She can let the two-legged one go.

      • Liza says:

        I feel bad for those poor dogs. They are, of course, better off with Shellie, but that is kind of like the difference between hell and high water. It would be best if a rescue organization could find homes for them.

        • Xena says:


          It would be best if a rescue organization could find homes for them.

          Juror B37 volunteers with animal rescue groups. Shellie can’t take a chance of having her dogs with that woman. :-)

      • Liza says:

        Yes, I remember that about B-37, that she “rescues” animals. I wonder. Even if she does it won’t save her evil soul. I can’t even put into words how despicable that woman is. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near my dogs.

  19. Xena says:

    Reblogged this on Blackbutterfly7 and commented:

    Posted this breaking news on 3Chicspolitico. Shellie Zimmerman has filed for divorce from George.

    • Ametia says:

      Hi Xena. Thanks for the post. Stevie Wonder saw this divorce coming.

      • Xena says:

        @Ametia. Ya think? :-)

        I wonder how many times Shellie slept with one eye open, wondering whether George would kill her and claim self-defense? Now that he can carry a gun again, best for everyone to stay their distance from him.

      • Ametia says:

        SMGHD @she’s asking George provide her with LIFE INSURANCE.

        = DON’T KILL ME, GEORGIE! That’s the only life insurance GZ can afford, to keep his gun in the holster and not stalk, shoot, and kill Shellie Zimmerman.

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