Sunday Open Thread | Praise & Worship

Hat tip: Liza

Good Morning!

I hope you’ll be blessed with the praise and worship song by one of our own commenters, Racerrodig. He’s performing with his praise and worship band ‘Blessed Be The Lord Our God’. We wish him much success. Enjoy and may your soul be blessed!

Happy Sunday, everyone!

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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58 Responses to Sunday Open Thread | Praise & Worship

  1. I will continue to praise and worship Him daily. Thanks for sharing!

  2. rikyrah says:




    Nov 26, 2014

    One division of the Jackson family is taking it to Reality TV. Alejandra and her five kids will hit the small screen next year with their series, ‘Living With the Jacksons’ that will air on the Reelz Channel.

    From her days as the wife of Jermaine Jackson to her time as a single mother of five kids, Alejandra has always resided under the close-knit roof of the Jackson Estate. The celebrity, however, has worked up the courage to venture out on her own and discover life beyond the Pop star umbrella. She, along with her sons and daughter, will explore the highs and lows of life outside of the Jackson realm and find that the unknown world is quite intriguing.

    Alejandra has two kids, Jermajesty and Jaafar, with ex-husband Jermaine Jackson. She also has a son, Randy Jr., and daughter, Genevieve, with Randy Jackson. Donte is Alejandra’s son whom she has raised since he was 2-years-old. The Reelz Channel will announce a specific premiere date for ‘Living With the Jacksons’ in coming weeks.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Lauryn Hill has some beautiful children, Can’t believe they’re that grown up.

  4. Ametia says:

    On NOW “Downton Abbey Rediscovered” Recap of all 4 seasons, plus scenes from season 5 which airs Sunday, January 4, 2015!

  5. rikyrah says:

    the Black father and child pic is ready for the sidebar. just check the pics for sidebar post in ‘Drafts’, and it’s all ready to be posted.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Film Review: ‘Selma’

    NOVEMBER 12, 2014 | 09:04AM PT
    Ava DuVernay’s politically astute, psychologically acute MLK biopic makes the civil rights movement seem like only yesterday.

    Scott Foundas
    Chief Film Critic
    A half-century on from Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic voting-rights march from Selma, Alabama to the state capitol in Montgomery, director Ava DuVernay revisits those events with startling immediacy, dramatic force and filmmaking verve in “Selma.” A far cry from the dutiful biopic or ossified history lesson it could have become in lesser hands (or the campy free-for-all the project’s original director, Lee Daniels, might have made of it), DuVernay’s razor-sharp portrait of the civil rights movement — and Dr. King himself — at a critical crossroads is as politically astute as it is psychologically acute, giving us a human-scale King whose indomitable public face belies currents of weariness and self-doubt. Bolstered by Paul Webb’s literate, well-researched script and David Oyelowo’s graceful, majestic lead performance, DuVernay has made the kind of movie that gives year-end “prestige” pics a good name, which should equate to considerable box-office and awards-season gold for this Dec. 25 Paramount release.

    While King has figured as a peripheral character in many civil-rights-themed dramas including Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X,” “The Long Walk Home” (about the Montgomery bus riders’ boycott) and the recent “The Butler,” the only attempt at a full-fledged King biopic to date was the three-part 1978 TV miniseries “King,” starring Paul Winfield in the title role. Probably, the sheer enormity of King’s life and achievements seemed a daunting subject for any one movie to convey, but it’s a task “Selma” ably tackles by focusing on a piece of King’s story that feels representative of the whole. The microcosmic approach recalls playwright Tony Kushner’s script for Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” a movie “Selma” also resembles in its fascination with the mix of politics, showmanship and media manipulation by which real change gets accomplished in America. But in the end, “Selma” may be the more impressive achievement in its effortless balance of the intimate and epic, and its notable absence of great-man mythmaking.

    As depicted here, the Selma-to-Montgomery march (or, rather, marches) came at a crucial juncture in the civil rights movement, when the stubborn persistence of leaders like King had done much to turn the tide of race relations in America in theory, if not in practice. While the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act had legally desegregated the South, towns like Selma remained very dangerous places to be a black man or woman, with Jim Crow discrimination still in effect, especially with regard to the contentious subject of voter registration. Throughout the South, majority-black voting districts showed minuscule percentages of registered blacks and disproportionately large numbers of whites (often due to the names of dead or relocated residents being left on the voting rolls), while white police and voting officials employed a wide range of arcane laws and intimidation tactics to discourage black citizens from even attempting to register. And under the leadership of the racist Gov. George Wallace (Tim Roth), Alabama was hardly inclined to change.


    A former publicist who previously directed two low-budget dramatic features (including the excellent “Middle of Nowhere,” also with Oyelowo), DuVernay has here made a panoramic, choral film that juxtaposes King’s grassroots work in Selma against his White House lobbying efforts (with a combustible Tom Wilkinson as LBJ), potent glimpses of the ordinary men and women drawn into King’s orbit (like the hospice nurse Annie Lee Cooper, well played by Oprah Winfrey, also one of the film’s producers), and a smart depiction of the internal friction within the civil rights movement itself, from the less confrontational likes of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to the aggressive agitation of a Malcolm X (played, in one superb, provocative scene, by Nigel Thatch).

  7. rikyrah says:

    For the Chicago folks…

    remember, the WINTER PARKING BAN goes into effect at 3 am.

    move the car!!

    don’t let Rahm get any of your money for towing fees!

  8. rikyrah says:

    skeptical brotha @skepticalbrotha
    Deval Patrick warns Hillary Clinton: Inevitability is “off-putting” … via @cbsnews #p2

  9. rikyrah says:

    The 5 Best States in America for Black People
    by goodblacknews

    America isn’t an easy country, but it’s certainly not all doom and gloom. In fact, quite a few of us are doing pretty awesome despite a little problem like “institutionalized racism.” Why are many African Americans doing better? It could come down to one word: Location. Below is a list of the five best states for black people:


    Hawaii has a lot of things going for it. It’s a gorgeous tropical paradise. It’s also the home state of President Barack Obama, and once you look at its statistics on race, you can see why Hawaii was the first state to produce the nation’s first black president.

    The most racially diverse state in the union, Hawaii is ranked by the Ann E. Casey Foundation as the best state for raising black children. The foundation based its ranking on a statistical study of socioeconomic status, access to education and home life.

    Hawaii’s incarceration rate for black people is astronomically lower than the national average. With Wisconsin—one of the worst states for black Americans—locking up African Americans to the tune of 4,416 for every 100,000 black people, Hawaii is much more proportional, imprisoning 851 for every 100,000 black Hawaiians (pdf). The national average for black imprisonment is 2,290 per 100,000. No wonder the president, who’s written about some youthful indiscretions involving pot, managed to toke it and not end up with a record, unlike so many other young black men throughout the United States. Obama grew up in the right state at the right time. Also, black people in Hawaii? They’re not broke. The state has the highest black household income at $66,629.

  10. Ametia says:

    ROLL TIDE! SG2 & viatmainlover, did ya’ll watch the Auburn Tigers & Crimson Tide last night?

  11. Ametia says:


    Helen’s Thanksgiving Letter to the Family 2014

    This Thanksgiving I am thankful some of you have decided to go to a football game rather than gather for the traditional meal. It means I have that many less gifts to buy this Christmas.

    I am also thankful that I stopped calling myself a housewife years ago. Those Botox bimbos on that Bravo show have managed to ruin an otherwise perfectly good profession. I’d like to see the sorry excuse of a take-out meal they cook up for Thanksgiving. Housewives my ass. Bless their hearts, most of them seem more suited for the world’s oldest profession anyway.

  12. Ametia says:

    Ferguson isn’t about black rage against cops. It’s white rage against progress.
    By Carol Anderson August 29

    Carol Anderson is an associate professor of African American studies and history at Emory University and a public voices fellow with the Op-Ed Project. She is the author of “Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941-1960.”


    So when you think of Ferguson, don’t just think of black resentment at a criminal justice system that allows a white police officer to put six bullets into an unarmed black teen. Consider the economic dislocation of black America. Remember a Florida judge instructing a jury to focus only on the moment when George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin interacted, thus transforming a 17-year-old, unarmed kid into a big, scary black guy, while the grown man who stalked him through the neighborhood with a loaded gun becomes a victim. Remember the assault on the Voting Rights Act. Look at Connick v. Thompson, a partisan 5-4 Supreme Court decision in 2011 that ruled it was legal for a city prosecutor’s staff to hide evidence that exonerated a black man who was rotting on death row for 14years. And think of a recent study by Stanford University psychology researchers concluding that, when white people were told that black Americans are incarcerated in numbers far beyond their proportion of the population, “they reported being more afraid of crime and more likely to support the kinds of punitive policies that exacerbate the racial disparities,” such as three-strikes or stop-and-frisk laws.

    Only then does Ferguson make sense. It’s about white rage.


  13. Ametia says:

    Racerrodig, your voice is uplifting and beautiful. Thank you!

  14. rikyrah says:

    Many blessings racer. Good luck.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning Everyone.

  16. vitaminlover says:

    Amen, Southern!

  17. vitaminlover says:

    Praise the Lord, always!

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