Tuesday Open Thread | Music of the 1970’s

Enjoy the music of the 1970’s. Top 10, according to Billboard.

1. Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
2. Imagine – John Lennon
3. What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye
4. Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
5. Maggie May – Rod Stewart
6. American Pie – Don McLean
7. Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who
8. Brown Sugar – The Rolling Stones
9. Just My Imagination – The Temptations
10. Family Affair – Sly and the Family Stone


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99 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Music of the 1970’s

  1. rikyrah says:

    crissle @crissles
    steph curry and jesse williams steady trying to advance the lightskins and chris brown come through every time like nahhh.

  2. rikyrah says:



    Damon Young, 5/25/15

    1. Tossed salad

    Because no one — not even the fire ants and mosquitoes sharing an all-inclusive buffet on your ashy ankles — wants to eat your soggy-ass, lettuce the color of beef and broccoli Timberlands-ass, tossed salad at a fucking cookout.

    2. Tuna salad

    The only thing shittier than your StarKist and mayonnaise and macaroni after four hours in the 89 degree heat is your idea to bring StarKist and mayonnaise and macaroni to a gotdamn cookout.

    3. That shit you tried to make last night that you never made before but thought to try making

    This is a cookout, not one of your game nights where everyone fellates you for bringing those cucumber burritos Barefoot Contessa taught you to make. Because it’s a game night and all anyone really cares about is the post-Taboo twerk contest. But people expect to actually eat the dishes people bring to cookouts

    4. Your bitch-ass fruit salad

    There’s nothing wrong with fruit salad filled with happy fruit salad fruit, like watermelon and pineapples and other types of random chunky melons. Everyone loves happy fruit salad. But don’t be the paragon of bitchassness who prepares a bowl of grapes and bananas and has the audacity to expect people to eat it.


    • Ametia says:


      ALSO TOO,
      No Pototao salad allowed from anyone outside of my home. I make the pot salad. Other dishes with antything mayo, FORGETABOUTIT. THE END.


      HEBREW NATIONALS- HOT DOGS WHY? because they are KOSHER.


      This includes chicken, ground beef, and pork, that would be RIBS. Walleye (fish) ok, it’s Minnesota’s fish!

  3. rikyrah says:

    Hogan vetoes bill allowing felons to vote sooner
    By Pamela Wood The Baltimore Sun

    Gov. Larry Hogan took out his veto pen Friday, rejecting a bill that would allow felons to vote as soon as they leave prison rather than waiting to finish parole or probation.

    The veto, one of several announced by the governor’s office, quickly drew a pledge from the legislation’s sponsor to find the votes to override.

    “I just think Maryland should be more progressive,” said Sen. Joan Carter Conway, a Baltimore Democrat. She said she needs to line up only a handful of additional votes in each chamber to override Hogan’s veto when the General Assembly returns in January.

    In a letter to legislative leaders, Hogan said current law that makes felons wait to vote until completing all aspects of their sentence “achieves the proper balance between repayment of obligations to society for a felony conviction and the restoration of the various restricted rights.”Hogan funds pensions, but nothing more for schools

    The Republican governor was not available for interviews Friday, aides said.

    Maryland is one of 39 states allowing ex-convicts to vote after they have completed their sentences — including any probation and parole. There are about 40,000 former felons in Maryland who are out of prison but unable to vote because they are still on parole or probation.


    • Ametia says:

      Of course that bitch ass Hogan is not available for interviews.

      He’d have to WHITESPLAIN’ that bitch ass veto for early voting for felon.

      Of course we know the majority of felons in Maryland are POC. And we can’t have those negroes voting for shit.

  4. rikyrah says:

    From POU:

    I’m sick of this b.s. from white gay folks. This Broderick Greer person is dragging their asses good, read his tweets in POU’s feed.

    Broderick Greer
    I will never understand why we don’t talk about homophobia in the “white community”. http://www.advocate.com/politi… …

    Broderick Greer
    Why is there a media fetish for making black people out to be more homophobic than white people? WHY? Stop with this ignorant nonsense.

    Broderick Greer
    Why aren’t we talking about white gay anti-blackness? Because there is a popular cultural incentive in demonizing black communities.

    • Ametia says:

      I do believe the gist of this is SOME of the white gay anti-blackness is due to their anger that they are treated differently because of their gayness and hate it because they feel like they are treated differently, you know akin to the BLACK FOLKS, and they are WHITE.

      So WHAAAAAAAA I’M WHITE & GAY BUT I’M WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This burns their buns more than anything. so they yell and scream about SOME blacks being homophobes.


    • Ametia says:

      These folks can’t have it both ways. You can’t be hating on blacks who have FOUGHT all their lives to get & maintain basic HUMAN RIGHTS, to fight the fight for you, and you not LIFT a finger to fight for black folks human rights,

      See how this works?

  5. rikyrah says:

    Small-Town Ambitions Fulfilled: Talmadge King Takes Helm of Top-Rated School of Medicine

    By Lisa Cisneros on May 26, 2015

    Talmadge King Jr.’s journey to leading one of the top medical schools in the U.S. began in the small, segregated coastal town of Darien, Ga., during the 1960s.

    “The institutions were segregated, but we lived in an integrated community,” King recalls. “White and black kids played together until we became teenagers; then race became a big issue.”

    Despite growing up during the turbulent years in the fight for Civil Rights, King credits the love and support of his parents and guidance from his school counselor, for helping him thrive in an unequal world.

    “I had the good fortune that Catherine Cooper picked me out in fifth grade,” he said. “From sixth grade on, she watched me like a hawk

    At home, his parents instilled the values of public service and the importance of higher education in King, his two brothers and two sisters. “Going to college was never a question for us,” King said. “It was clear; there wasn’t even much discussion.”

    His mother, Almetta, was a schoolteacher and his father, Talmadge King, Sr., ran his own electronics business until recruited by the community to become one of the town’s first black police officers.

    “He knew everybody and could connect with them,” King said. “The community trusted him. My dad is a people-person, a kindhearted man. As a kid, I was my dad’s shadow. My mom was full of energy, always on the go, and her frequent admonition to us was to ‘be nice.


  6. rikyrah says:

    What Liberals Still Don’t Understand About Fox News

    May 24, 2015

    And it came to pass that the earth turned and another campaign season spun into view and the liberal commentariat rose from its siesta to begin its usual moping about the perverse political powers wielded by the Fox News Channel.

    This time, the sentinel waking the commentariat to the alleged Fox menace is not a liberal but a self-described conservative, Bruce Bartlett. Bartlett, a prolific writer on politics and economics who has worked for congressional Republicans (Ron Paul and Jack Kemp), Republican presidents, (Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) and conservative and libertarian policy shops, broke with his party a decade ago when he leveled President George W. Bush as an opportunistic pork-barreller in his book Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy. Bartlett recently added a media component to his critique in a paper titled “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics,” which has heated the blood of liberals to the boiling point, including the Atlantic’s James Fallows and Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo, the Huffington Post and other outriders of liberalism.

    Fox News isn’t just bad for America, which is the usual liberal complaint. It’s also bad for the Republican Party, the still-conservative Bartlett holds, because it has stunted the GOP’s growth with a news agenda that ships “misinformation” to the party’s far-right base. This is the so-called Fox “echo chamber” effect you’ve read so much about in ThinkProgress, the New Republic, Slate, The Week, Nicholas Kristof’s column and the Atlantic. According to chamber theorists, Fox “breeds extremism” within the Republican Party by (1) convincing viewers to reject other news feeds as biased and (2) to partake only of Fox content and like-minded conservative radio fodder. The echo chamber, so the theory goes, has deluded the party into thinking that support for its radical-right views is greater than it really is. This, in turn, has convinced the party to run radical candidates who aren’t as electable as they seem to be. And all this extremism prevents the GOP’s presidential candidates from reaching centrist voters, who are essential for victory.

    Fallows condenses the Bartlett message thusly: “When will Republicans who care about winning national elections, or actually governing, stop thinking of Fox as a help and start viewing it as a hindrance, and what will happen when they do?”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/05/fox-news-liberals-118235.html#ixzz3bHPodYQ4

  7. rikyrah says:

    May 19 2015
    CFPB Takes Action Against PayPal for Illegally Signing Up Consumers for Unwanted Online Credit

    PayPal to Refund $15 Million to Consumers and Pay $10 Million Fine

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a complaint and proposed consent order in federal court against PayPal, Inc. for illegally signing up consumers for its online credit product, PayPal Credit, formerly known as Bill Me Later. The CFPB alleges that PayPal deceptively advertised promotional benefits that it failed to honor, signed consumers up for credit without their permission, made them use PayPal Credit instead of their preferred payment method, and then mishandled billing disputes. Under the proposed order, PayPal would pay $15 million in consumer redress and a $10 million penalty, and it would be required to improve its disclosures and procedures.

    “PayPal illegally signed up consumers for its online credit product without their permission and failed to address disputes when they complained,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. “Online shopping has become a way of life for many Americans and it’s important that they are treated fairly. The CFPB’s action should send a signal that consumers are protected whether they are opening their wallets or clicking online to make a purchase.”

    PayPal Inc., a California-based company, offers a line of credit known as PayPal Credit that consumers can use to pay for online and other purchases. PayPal Credit operates like other forms of credit; consumers make purchases using it as a form of payment and then repay the debt over time. As with credit cards and other forms of credit, consumers using PayPal Credit may incur interest, late fees, and other charges. Consumers often enroll in PayPal Credit while purchasing a good or service online or while creating a PayPal account.


  8. rikyrah says:

    Republicans Seek to Bridge Gap With Latinos in Colorado and Beyond

    MAY 26, 2015

    AURORA, Colo. — Under the red roof of Lupita’s Mexican Restaurant, Elizabeth Oxley and her 23-year-old daughter, Leticia, work seven days a week, from breakfast to last call, to keep pace with the price of their family’s American dream. There is a $250,000 renovation on their restaurant to pay off. Mortgage bills. College loans.

    “I cannot put my head up,” said Ms. Oxley, 58, who was born in a mountain village in Peru and came here decades ago and overstayed a tourist visa. She spent years working in restaurants and food stands, and now, as a citizen, she is part of a Latino boom reshaping life and politics in once-reliably conservative corners of this state.

    Ms. Oxley embraced an America embodied by the local Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Party. Her daughter, the first in the family born in the United States, is more socially liberal, bound for design school in Manhattan and mostly votes for Democrats. But some of their ideas do not fit neatly into party dogma. The elder Ms. Oxley says that undocumented immigrants deserve legal status, and the younger sometimes chafes at paying into a social safety net when she cannot afford to get drinks with friends.


  9. rikyrah says:

    Supreme Court to Weigh Meaning of ‘One Person One Vote’

    MAY 26, 2015

    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear a case that will answer a long-contested question about a bedrock principle of the American political system: the meaning of “one person one vote.”

    The court has never resolved whether that means that voting districts should have the same number of people, or the same number of eligible voters. The difference matters in places with large numbers of people who cannot vote legally, including immigrants who are here legally but are not citizens; unauthorized immigrants; children; and prisoners.

    The new case, Evenwel v. Abbott, No. 14-940, is a challenge to voting districts for the Texas Senate brought by two voters, Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger. They are represented by the Project on Fair Representation, the small conservative advocacy group that has mounted earlier challenges to affirmative action and to a central part of the Voting Rights Act.

    “There are voters or potential voters in Texas whose Senate votes are worth approximately one and one-half times that of appellants,” the challengers’ brief said.

    In a statement issued after the Supreme Court accepted their case, Ms. Evenwel and Mr. Pfenninger said they “hoped that the outcome of our lawsuit will compel Texas to equalize the number of eligible voters in each district.”

    A 1964 Supreme Court decision, Reynolds v. Sims, ruled that voting districts must contain very close to the same number of people. But the court did not say which people count.

    Almost all state and local governments draw districts based on total population. If people who were ineligible to vote were evenly distributed, the difference between counting all people or counting only eligible voters would not matter. But demographic patterns vary widely.

    If the challengers succeed, the practical consequences would be enormous, Joseph R. Fishkin, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin wrote in 2012 in The Yale Law Journal.

    It would, he said, “shift power markedly at every level, away from cities and neighborhoods with many immigrants and many children and toward the older, whiter, more exclusively native-born areas in which a higher proportion of the total population consists of eligible voters.”


    • Ametia says:

      Anything the SCOTUS rules on regarding voting is to be given MAJOR SIDE EYES…
      of course any and all rulings are to benefit WHITE FOLKS.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Pope’s pronouncements making trouble for GOP Catholics

    Francis may be popular with the general public, but key Republican primary constituencies are wary.

    By Ben Schreckinger

    Catholic Republicans are developing a pope problem. Earlier this month, Francis recognized Palestinian statehood. This summer, he’s going to issue an encyclical condemning environmental degradation. And in September, just as the GOP primary race heats up, Francis will travel to Washington to address Congress on climate change.

    Francis may be popular with the general public, but key Republican primary constituencies — hawks, climate-change skeptics and religious conservatives, including some Catholics, are wary of the pope’s progressivism. Some, pronouncing themselves “Republicans first and Catholics second,” even say they would look askance at a candidate perceived to hew too closely to the bishop of Rome. This internal conflict flips a familiar script, in which Democrats like John Kerry and Joe Biden were labeled “cafeteria Catholics” when their stances on social issues like abortion and gay marriage differed from those of the church.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/popes-pronouncements-making-trouble-for-gop-catholics-118234.html#ixzz3bHOXyMF4

    5/24/15 8:02 AM EDT

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/popes-pronouncements-making-trouble-for-gop-catholics-118234.html#ixzz3bHOFyIU5

  11. My friends can’t get out.

    Flood in my neck of the woods

  12. rikyrah says:

    A missed opportunity on voting rights
    05/26/15 12:41 PM
    By Steve Benen
    Hillary Clinton told a group of Iowans that she “totally disagrees” with the idea of permanently stripping ex-felons of their voting rights. “I think if you’ve done your time, so to speak, and you’ve made your commitment to go forward you should be able to vote and you should be able to be judged on the same basis. You ought to get a second chance.”

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) chided Clinton’s position, insisting he’d endorsed the policy first, which turned out to be completely wrong. (Clinton sponsored legislation on this in 2005, when Paul was still creating a self-accreditation body for his ophthalmology practice.)

    But the fact that there would even be a dispute over who endorsed the idea first is itself evidence of progress – it suggested the proposal had reached a level of mainstream credibility. Alas, as msnbc’s Zack Roth reported, the progress was less evident in Maryland.
    Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland vetoed a bill Friday that would have restored voting rights to around 40,000 former felons. […]

    Currently, over 63,000 Marylanders are disenfranchised because of past felonies, according to numbers compiled by The Sentencing Project. Around 65% of them are African-American.
    The details, of course, matter. Maryland already helps restore voting rights for ex-felons eventually, but they’re required to complete parole and a probationary period. Newly passed state legislation intended to expedite the process and restore voting rights faster – once an otherwise eligible Maryland resident has completed his or her sentence, he or she would once again immediately be eligible to participate in elections.

    According to Maryland’s new Republican governor, that’s too quick.

    It was a setback for the larger effort, but the fact that the debate is still pushing ahead is heartening. As msnbc’s Ari Melber reported back in November 2013, there’s often an “invisible barrier to voting that is upending elections around the country.” He was referring to more than 5 million Americans who are prohibited from voting because they have criminal records. In all, 48 out of 50 states impose some kind of restrictions on convict voting, and more than half bar former convicts from voting even after they are released from prison.


  13. Ametia says:


  14. rikyrah says:

    Don’t come for Tom Perez unless he sends for you.



  15. Ametia says:

    Calling SG2, SG2, come in please!

  16. Kathleen says:

    Good Morning, All! Ah, 1971. The year I graduated from college in Portland, Oregon. The top 10 list brings back many memories. And rikyrah – your standard rule is spot on (3 hours and no picture posted).

    • Ametia says:

      Hi Lady Katherine! 70s music was EVERYTHING. yes; the media is concocting their story of sympathy for the shooter/killer. “He’s a nice guy, but he’s troubled.” or some such foolishness!

      • Kathleen says:

        But of course! Northern Kentucky, the bedrock of Obama hating Tea Party evil, has decided heroin is a problem because it is not affecting (wait for it) white people! So no there are all these projects and funds available to treat heroin. Wonder how many of those funds are from Federal dollars. And of course the local media are joining the the “poor white people it’s not their fault” chorus. I’m glad people are getting help (typed with gritted fingers but I’m trying to stay classy). Now I’m sure we all know if we were discussing drug addiction in African American/Hispanic neighborhoods what we would be hearing.

      • Kathleen says:

        Urk. Mean to say it’s a problem because it is affecting white people. Geezer commenting again.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Lindsey Graham’s ‘pool room’ education
    05/26/15 09:20 AM—UPDATED 05/26/15 09:26 AM
    By Steve Benen
    It was a few weeks ago when Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) shared a pretty dumb observation with a Boston audience: “Everything that starts with ‘Al’ in the Middle East is bad news.” To bolster his point, the Republican even started rattling off some examples: al Qaeda, al-Nusra, al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula, etc.

    What Graham apparently didn’t realize is that “al,” is the Arabic word for “the.” One of the Republican Party’s most prominent voices on foreign affairs shared an insight that made him appear quite foolish.

    At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, Graham didn’t make things any better. The BBC reported:
    Senator Lindsey Graham, the first speaker Friday morning, appearing from Washington via video, spoke of losing his parents as a teenager, working in a pool hall and having to help raise his younger sister – and how it relates to his leadership style.

    “Everything I learned about Iranians I learned working in the pool room,” he said. “I met a lot of liars, and I know Iranians are liars.”
    In context, Graham didn’t seem to be arguing that Iranians were dishonest pool players in the South Carolina hall where he used to work, but rather, he got to know dishonest pool players, giving him finely tuned lie-detection skills, and those skills now tell him that Iranians are just like those pool sharks he used to know.

    Iran, of course, is a nation of roughly 78 million people. Whether or not Graham knows any of them is unclear.


  18. rikyrah says:

    @LisaBloom: DOJ’s findings against dozens of US law enforcement agencies that regularly unconstitutionally use excessive force. http://t.co/0XjHD7Huaf

  19. rikyrah says:




    IT’S THIEVERY!!!!!


    After Duval charter school closes, many ask: Where’s the money?

    Founder shuttered two other schools, has prior record of bankruptcy

    Dennis Mope’s dream of running a network of military-themed charter schools for at-risk students ended quickly and with little warning this month in Jacksonville and Orlando.

    Two of Mope’s Acclaim Academy charter schools closed abruptly, displacing hundreds of students just three weeks before the end of the school year.

    A third school in Kissimmee was supposed to close in March but Osceola County’s school district took it over last month and will keep it open until the school year ends in June.

    …Parents of 229 students scrambled over three days to find new schools for their children. Some students still had to take final tests or state-mandated exams at new schools.

    Duval County School Board members said they are not sure why the school “ran out of money” and had to close, saying the children were hurt most.


    • Ametia says:

      Charter schools= $SCAM. NOTHING.BUT.A.SCAM.

      These folks set up schools using mostly public funding, promise better education for the children, and STEAL the $$.

  20. Good morning ladies. Lovely day here in New York.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Is Marco Rubio This Eccentric Billionaire’s New Pet Project?
    Buy a Hawaiian island? Check. Outspend death? Check. Next up for Oracle founder Larry Ellison: fundraising for Rubio.
    —By Pema Levy | Tue May 26, 2015 6:00 AM EDT

    An eccentric billionaire with a sculpted goatee and a penchant for daredevil feats, Larry Ellison isn’t quite Tony Stark, but he’s close. The founder of software giant Oracle partly inspired Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man character. And like Stark, he’s made a hobby of championing fanciful ventures. According to Politico, Ellison has found his latest challenge: getting Marco Rubio into the White House.

    Ellison will hold a June 9 fundraiser for the Republican senator at his Woodside, California, estate that will feature a $2,700-per-person VIP reception and photo op with the candidate and a dinner for supporters who have raised more than $27,000 for Rubio’s presidential campaign. It’s not an official endorsement, but having the world’s fifth-richest person in his corner would be a coup for Rubio, particularly as his fellow Floridian Jeb Bush gobbles up donations from the Sunshine State’s wealthiest Republicans at a record pace. Ellison, 70, is worth an estimated $54 billion. (His income in 2013, when he was still Oracle’s CEO, broke down to about $38,000 per hour.)


  22. rikyrah says:

    so, I did spend my weekend watching movies.

    at the movies:

    Avengers – loved it

    from redbox

    Mordechai – DO NOT rent this
    Pitch Perfect – loved it
    Taken 3- enjoyed it
    The Imitation Game- loved it
    Hot Tub Time Machine 2 – liked it
    The Wedding Ringer – liked it, despite my reservations
    Wild Card- it’s a Jason Statham movie – it is what it is but I liked it.

    • Ametia says:

      LOL@Mordechai. I knew from jump that not one I’d pay a nickel to see. Jonny Depp has chosen the most absurd flicks to star in lately.

      I want to see The imitation Game, the rest, not so much.

  23. rikyrah says:

    Turan Caudle, 17, Relearning to Talk, Walk After Being Shot in Head Over Video Game

    By Shomari Stone

    Updated at 11:40 PM EDT on Monday, May 25, 2015

    A teenager shot in the head by a friend in January over a video game argument is relearning how to walk, talk and understand his mother.

    Doctors had to remove half of Turan Caudle’s skull after the shooting. The 17-year-old can only respond to questions with one-word answers.

    He was in ICU,” his mother Sherita Caudle said. “The doctors said he wouldn’t make it through that night. If he did make it, he wouldn’t be able to walk and talk.”

    Delano Dunmore, 16, shot Turan and another friend inside Dunmore’s house in Clinton, Maryland, over an argument about a video game, investigators said. He allegedly turned the gun on himself, as well. He and the other teen also survived.

    “I never could imagine that could happen with them just playing a video game,” Turan’s mother said.

    All three of the teens were on the Frederick Douglass High School football team and the won the Division II state championships a few weeks before the shooting.

    Delano was facing attempted murder charges as an adult, but Sherita Caudle said the charge has been downgraded to assault. He’s awaiting trial.


  24. rikyrah says:

    A breakthrough on the Emerald Isle
    05/26/15 08:00 AM

    By Steve Benen

    At first blush, one might not expect to find an international breakthrough on gay rights in Ireland. The country is overwhelmingly Catholic, for example, and has a sizable population.

    But on the issue of marriage equality, the Emerald Isle has set an example for the rest of the world to follow. NBC News’ Lisa McNally reported over the holiday weekend:
    Ireland became the first country in the world to vote in favor of legalizing gay marriage Saturday after a resounding victory for “Yes” campaigners.

    At final count, 62% voted in favor of legalizing gay marriage in the country, while 38% voted against it.
    The point isn’t that Ireland is the first country to embrace equal marriage rights; it’s not. Rather, the significance is how and by what margin Irish voters endorsed the new policy.

    Around the world, marriage equality arrives through one of three options: judicial rulings, legislation, or popular referendum. As of a few days ago, no nation had ever successfully pursued that third option – until the Irish made their voices heard.

    What’s more, it wasn’t close. The results would still count had it been a 51%-49% squeaker, but the fact that the progressive approach won by a landslide ends the debate with an emphatic exclamation point.


  25. rikyrah says:

    Gabrielle Union Joins Jamie Foxx in a Race to Save His Kidnapped Son, in ‘Sleepless Night’

    Photo of Tambay A. Obenson
    By Tambay A. Obenson | Shadow and Act

    May 22, 2015 at 5:08PM

    Gabrielle Union has joined the cast of Open Road Films’ thriller, which stars Jamie Foxx and Michelle Monaghan, and is titled “Sleepless Night,” to be directed by Swiss filmmaker Baran Bo Odar.

    The project, which is a remake of the 2011 French film “Nuit Blanche,” directed by Frédéric Jardin, centers on a character named Vincent Downs (played by Jamie Foxx), described as a seemingly corrupt Las Vegas cop, who races to save his son’s life, when gangsters kidnap him for a shipment of cocaine Downs stole from them, all while Internal Affairs is investigating him. Monaghan plays an officer Jennifer Bryant, who is an Internal Affairs agent investigating Downs who ultimately has to decide which side of the law he’s on.

    Vertigo Entertainment will produce “Sleepless Night” for Open Road Films, who will finance production and take worldwide distribution rights under their recently announced partnership with FilmNation.

    No word on what role Union has signed up to play.


  26. rikyrah says:

    Pimps gotta have more than one Ho


    Koch Brothers Plan to Fund ‘Several’ GOP 2016 Presidential Hopefuls

    May 24, 2015 3:49 PM CDT


    The world’s fifth and sixth richest people say they will donate money to multiple Republican presidential candidates in the coming campaign.

    The good news for Republican presidential candidates seeking to get a slice of Koch brothers cash is that the siblings, two of the world’s richest individuals, seem to be in a sharing mood.

    In a Saturday interview on the Larry Kudlow Show, a nationally syndicated radio broadcast, David Koch let it slip that the roughly $900 million that he and his brother, Charles, plan to lavish on the 2016 presidential race could find its way into the hands of more than one GOP contender.

    “We are thinking of supporting several Republicans,” David Koch said, adding, “If we’re happy with the policies that these individuals are supporting, we’ll finance their campaigns.”

  27. Ametia says:

    Justice Department reaches settlement with Cleveland over police conduct
    By Sari Horwitz

    The Justice Department has reached a settlement with the city of Cleveland over the conduct of its police officers, according to a Justice official, the latest case in which the Obama administration has investigated excessive use of force and the violation of constitutional rights by a local department.

    Read full article »


  28. rikyrah says:

    a picture is worth 1,000 words


    Filipina maid photographs “modern slavery” in Hong Kong


    LONDON, May 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A Filipina maid in Hong Kong has published stark photographs of burned and beaten domestic workers to highlight the “modern slavery” she says has long been the city’s shameful secret.

    “Hong Kong is a very modern, successful city but people treat their helpers like slaves,” said Xyza Cruz Bacani, whose black and white portraits won her a scholarship from the Magnum Foundation to start studying at New York University this month.

    “The abuse happens behind doors. It’s common but no one talks about it, so I want to tell their stories, I want to tell people it’s not OK to treat your domestic workers that way.”

    Bacani is one of the 330,000 domestic workers in the former British colony, most of them from the Philippines and Indonesia.

    She told how maids are frequently forced to sleep on toilets, kitchen floors, cabinet tops or even baby-changing tables because they are not given beds.

    Many work up to 19-hour days. Some are underpaid or not paid at all. Others are denied food or beaten, she said.

    “It was a big shock to me when I listened to their stories and they told me they slept on toilets, that their boss slapped them or their boss didn’t even feed them,” Bacani, a self-taught photographer, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by telephone.

    “It shocked me how people could treat other people like that. It’s very barbaric. When I talk about it I feel angry.”

  29. rikyrah says:

    is this an open carry state?

    2 dead, several hurt in shooting at Grand Forks Wal-Mart

    Associated Press


    GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) — Two people died and several more were injured in a shooting early Tuesday at a Wal-Mart Supercenter store in Grand Forks, North Dakota, police said.

    Deputy Police Chief Mike Ferguson would not say if the gunman was arrested, at large or among the dead, but did say he believed there wasn’t any further risk to the public following the shooting.

    Ferguson did not provide names of the dead or say how many have been injured.

    Officers responded to reports of gunshots a few minutes after 1 a.m., he said, adding that officers discovered “multiple victims” and that several of them were taken to a hospital.

    It was not immediately clear if the two dead died at the scene or at the hospital.

    The store is one of two Wal-Marts in the northeastern North Dakota city of about 55,000 people. The store’s website says it is open 24 hours. Calls to the store were not immediately answered.

  30. Ametia says:


    At least two more people were killed in Texas and Oklahoma on Monday after more tornadoes and flooding swept through both states. A life-threatening flash flood emergency was declared in the Houston area, where hundreds of homes remained underwater. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said it was the worst flooding he’d ever seen, describing it as a “relentless tsunami-type power.”

    Authorities said 12 people are missing in Texas, including eight members of a family that had been vacationing in a Wimberley home that was swept away into the swollen Blanco River. There have been 19 reports of tornadoes amid storms in the Plains and Mississippi Valley since sunrise Monday, according to the Weather Channel. At least eight people have died in connection to the severe weather over the past three days.


  31. rikyrah says:


    I hope you and your family is ok.

  32. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  33. Ametia says:

    Please, say it ain’t so!


    Nevada officials said Monday they will investigate the death of B.B. King as a possible homicide after two of the blues guitarist’s daughters accused his aides of poisoning him. Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said authorities are investigating the unsubstantiated claims and coordinating with Las Vegas police, but results may take at least six to eight weeks.

    However, a police spokesman told NBC News that authorities will not launch an investigation until the coroner “determines Mr. King’s death to be from other than natural causes.” Patty King and Karen Williams allege their father, who died May 14, was poisoned. Patricia Toney, King’s longtime business agent, who has power-of-attorney over his estate, dismissed the claims as ridiculous.


  34. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Wow, just WOW! The music of the 70s, just BRILLIANT.

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