Tuesday Open Thread | Music Originals & Covers Week

More classic music originals & great covers.



“Summer Breeze” is a song written and recorded by Seals and Crofts that has been covered by The Isley Brothers, Type O Negative, the Three Tenors, and many other artists. Seals and Crofts’ original version, released in 1972, reached No. 6 on the Billboard Pop Singles chart in the US. In 2013, it was ranked No. 13 in Rolling Stone′s “Best Summer Songs of All Time.

Original Seals and Crofts version

Released on their 1972 Summer Breeze album, Seals and Crofts’ original version reached No. 6 on the Billboard Pop Singles chart in the US that same year. Bruce Eder of Allmusic referred to it as “one of those relentlessly appealing 1970s harmony-rock anthems … appropriately ubiquitous on the radio and in the memory”.[2]One of the distinctive backing instruments on “Summer Breeze” is a child’s toy piano.

Seals and Crofts performed the song live on the The Bobby Darin Amusement Company variety show in 1972.

In popular culture[edit]

The song was used in the 1993 cult film, Dazed and Confused, and appeared on the second soundtrack to the film, 1994’s Even More Dazed and Confused. It was also used in the 2007 film, King of California.

The track was remixed by Philip Steir and Ramin Sakurai in 2004 as part of What Is Hip? Remix Project Volume One, an album featuring remixes of Warner Bros. Records 1970s hits.[3] This updated version, titled “Summer Breeze (Tsuper Tsunami Mix),” was also featured in two 2004 commercials by clothing retailer Gap, starring models Bridget Hall and Jessica Miller respectively.

“Summer Breeze” was featured on the 2011 season finale of CSI: Miami.

The track was also used in the 2007 animated TV special Shrek the Halls and the 2009 movie, Land of the Lost.

The track can be heard in The Return, an episode in the first season of the TV show Girls (TV series).

The track is also heard in the “Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers” episode of Freaks and Geeks.

Seals & Croft


Isley Brothers

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87 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Music Originals & Covers Week

  1. Ametia says:

    The aritcles & white tears will come in 5….4…3..2..1.. for all those NEGROES winning the Critic’s Choice Awards!

  2. rikyrah says:

    Shonda Rhimes’ Memoir ‘Year of Yes’ to Arrive This Fall

    Shonda Rhimes’ anticipated memoir “Year of Yes” is set to be published this fall, Simon Schuster VP and Editor-in-Chief Marysue Rucci announced on Tuesday.

    The premise is simple and an interesting business strategy: In December 2013, the “Gray’s Anatomy” and “Scandal” creator, who was also a self-proclaimed introvert, was challenged to say “yes” to anything unexpected for an entire year. Rhimes’ book is a result of her transformative journey into agreement.

    “Saying yes for an entire year turned out to be one of the most amazing decisions I have ever made,” said Rhimes. “It was also a little insane, a lot terrifying and sometimes wildly embarrassing. So this is not a story I ever planned to share with anyone. However, once Simon & Schuster asked me, I had no choice – what else could I say but yes?”

    Rhimes is also executive producing the highly-successful “How to Get Away with Murder,” so “it’s mind-boggling that the mega-talented Shonda Rhimes, one of the most admired and accomplished women in Hollywood, would feel the need to challenge her status quo,” said Rucci.

    “But by saying yes for a year, she truly transformed her life for the better in every way,” she said


    • Kathleen says:

      I definitely need to read that book!

    • Ametia says:

      Sounds like a must read

      I can appreciate the concept of saying “YES’ when everyone and everything around us is telling us ‘NO’ I love it because it stretches us and enables us to tap into our creative imagination to achieve what might seem like the impossible.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Ugandan woman’s agony as granddaughter ‘sold’ to Americans
    By Katy Migiro and Tom Esslemont
    May 29, 2015 3:40 AM

    By Katy Migiro and Tom Esslemont

    KAMPALA/LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The first time Jaja, a Ugandan woman, saw her one-year-old granddaughter, she was in the arms of an American man who she was told had “bought” the child.

    The toddler was sitting with the man and his wife, eating biscuits and drinking juice, as they sought legal guardianship over her in Uganda’s High Court.

    “I was in great pain,” the girl’s 47-year-old grandmother said. “I was sure, since they had bought the child, there was no way we would get her back.”

    Although informal adoption

    Although informal adoption is common across Africa, less educated people sometimes use the term “bought” when they see white foreigners with African children, because of the assumption that their wealth has helped them to adopt the child.

    It can take years to formally adopt a child in poor countries with cumbersome, overburdened legal systems.

    In Uganda, foreigners can secure legal guardianship in a matter of weeks, sometimes before the child’s birth parents realise what has happened.

    Uganda’s parliament is poised to debate tighter legislation that would ban legal guardianships in the East African country where families are regularly bribed, tricked or coerced into allowing their children to be adopted overseas.

  4. rikyrah says:

    the question is…




    Uganda’s adoption ‘racket’
    June 2 2015 at 01:03pm
    By Reuters

    Kampala – Ugandan families have been bribed, tricked or coerced into giving up their children to US citizens and other foreigners for adoption, a Thomson Reuters Foundation investigation has found.

    Leaked documents, court data and a series of exclusive interviews with officials, whistleblowers, victims and prospective adoptive parents have revealed:

    * A culture of corruption in which children’s birth histories are at times manipulated to make them appear as orphans when they are not.

    * A lucrative industry in which lawyers acting on behalf of foreign applicants receive large payments.

    * A mushrooming network of unregistered childcare institutions through which children are primed for adoption.

    * An absence of reliable court data to counteract allegations of negligence or fraud by probation officers involved in the adoption process.

    Across Uganda, church-backed orphanages and private child care institutions are springing up. “Fifteen years ago there were just two dozen orphanages, now there are as many as 400 such institutions,” said Stella Ayo-Odongo, executive director of the Uganda Child Rights NGO Network.


  5. Breaking News: Sepp Blatter resigns as President of #FIFA

  6. rikyrah says:

    Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy Fields Lacrosse Team

    Posted on March 27, 2013 by Harry Alford

    The Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy opened in fall 2011. Trustee Dr. Lew Blackburn recommended the school be named for the President. The creation of an all-boys school is something that some trustees, including Dr. Blackburn, had talked about since the district began an all-girls campus in 2004. Dallas’ newest magnet school will offer a new learning environment where young African-American men will participate in new activities such as lacrosse.


  7. rikyrah says:

    State Officials Had Secret Huddle on Health-Law Subsidies

    Few contingencies were found if the Supreme Court rules some Affordable Care Act credits should be voided
    June 1, 2015 7:42 p.m. ET

    Officials from states across the nation flew to Chicago in early May for a secret 24-hour meeting to discuss their options if the Supreme Court rules they have to operate their own exchanges in order for residents to get health-insurance subsidies.

    Over the course of an evening reception, a day’s presentations and a Mexican buffet at the O’Hare International Airport’s Hilton hotel, some of those officials concluded their options are likely unworkable.

    The Supreme Court is expected to rule this month on a case that argues the language of the 2010 health law restricts the subsidies to states that established their own exchanges. Some 34 states didn’t do so, and their residents use the federal government’s HealthCare.gov site to shop for policies and apply for tax credits to offset the cost of premiums.


  8. rikyrah says:

    Distrust and Disorder: A Racial Equity Policy Summons Chaos in the St. Paul Schools

    By Susan Du
    Wed., May 27 2015 at 3:00 AM

    A student walks down a Harding High hallway wearing headphones, chanting along to violent rap lyrics. Teacher Erik Brandt taps him on the shoulder. Turn it down, he gestures.

    The kid stares at Brandt with chilling intensity. He points at the older man, fingers bent in the shape of a gun, and shoots. Then moves on.

    Within Harding’s corridors is a turbulent clutter of students who push and cuss and bully their way from one end of the building to another. Brandt, a finalist for Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year and a 20-year veteran of the English department, doubles as a hall monitor. It is his job to somehow tame them.

    When the bell rings, the majority trickle into classrooms. But 50 or so roamers remain. They come to school for breakfast and lunch and to wander the halls with their friends. He commands them to get to class, but his authority is empty.

    Brandt, a bespectacled Shakespeare devotee who leads Harding’s International Baccalaureate program, doesn’t know the majority of kids in this school of 2,000 on St. Paul’s East Side. Calling the principal on dozens of kids each day is impractical. Written requests for disciplinary action are a toothless paper trail of unenforceable consequence.

    Harding isn’t much different than most big city schools. It squats in St. Paul’s most economically depressed zip code, where 83 percent of kids receive free or reduced-price lunch. This is a multi-ethnic, multi-national place, the majority the sons and daughters of Asian immigrants.

    By the inverted logic of poverty, some of the lowest-achieving students ironically have the best attendance. Even on snow days, they can still count on free breakfast, heat, and wi-fi.

    Every year kids reach the 12th grade with elementary-level reading skills. Still, the teachers here, who share centuries of experience, say they love their students and they love their jobs. That makes it harder to admit that over the last few years, Harding has suffered a breakdown of safety and order.

    When the bell sounds the start of class, students remain in the halls. Those who tire of lectures simply stand up and leave. They hammer into rooms where they don’t belong, inflicting mischief and malice on their peers. Teachers call it “classroom invasion.”

    Instructors who break up fights get beaten in the process, thrown into bookcases while trying to bar their doors.


    • rikyrah says:

      am I like the only one who sees this as a part of a bigger scam to destroy public schools?
      Is it just me?

      • Ametia says:

        No you are not ALONE. This article reeks of “the only place these negroes belong is in prison. school-to prison pipeline for the negroes. take all the public funds and funnel into charter schools that are also a MAJOR FAIL!

        Because in the end, only a few rich & educated and the rest of us AMERICANS, poor dumb, uneducated and sick!

    • Kathleen says:

      I lived in St. Paul’s east side. I didn’t go to Harding (which was in my district) because i went to a Catholic girls’ school downtown. On a more positive note, I’m proud to live with 1/2 of a mile from a Cincinnati Public School that is working to deal with how poverty and despair affect children’s ability to learn and improve their lives. The former principal (who was removed because graduation rates and test scores were below state standards) was a force of nature who devoted his life to the students 24×7, including roaming the streets looking for students who should have been in school. Lower Price Hill is a mix of poor whites (most of whom are from Appalachia) and African Americans whose children have suffered from exposure to toxic chemicals from area businesses and lead poisoning. While state standards were not met, educators and civic leaders from all over the country (including Dept of Education and Bill Di Blasio from New York have visited the school to see first hand how its community resource based model are working. I’ve seen the documentary and it brought tears to my eyes. It’s a great story.


  9. rikyrah says:

    Published on Mar 7, 2014

    Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote climbed 20 places in the Forbes latest billionaire’s rich list. Forbes estimates Dangote’s wealth at $25 billion, making him the 23rd richest man in the world with a growing portfolio of investments across Africa. CNBC Africa caught up with Aliko Dangote and started by asking him how he feels about his progress up the rich list


  10. rikyrah says:

    you expected the clown from Maine to get anything right?


    LePage rant got it really wrong on Kansas
    June 1, 2015
    By Amy Fried

    An angered Gov. LePage, in a press conference last Friday, claimed that critics had it wrong on income taxes and Kansas. He said it simply wasn’t true that Kansas was having trouble and, in fact, Kansas was experiencing the fastest economic growth.

    Thing is, it was the governor who got it wrong.

    Here’s a graph from the economist Menzie Chinn that tells the tale. [source][/source]

    It shows state economic growth from when the governors of California (Brown-D), Minnesota (Dayton-D), Wisconsin (Walker-R) and Kansas (Brownback-R) took office, as well as U.S. economic growth.


  11. rikyrah says:

    African’s billionaires has more than doubled


  12. rikyrah says:

    this hits you in the gut


    Colo. Teen Who Grew Up in Foster Care Is Looking to ‘Rent’ Family for Birthday
    Natalie Carson, 19, is looking for a family to rent so she doesn’t have to feel alone on her birthday.

    Posted: May 29 2015 3:06 PM

    Natalie Carson doesn’t want to spend another birthday alone.

    So the Westminster, Colo., 19-year-old posted an ad on Craigslist saying that she was willing to rent a family so that maybe this birthday would be more memorable.

    “I am not a weirdo or anything I was just inspired by another girl that rented a family from craigslist [sic] in California for the holidays,” she wrote, according to ABC News 7. “I just want one day that I can feel important and special, and like I matter even if I really don’t.”

    She added in her post: “I am NOT looking for any monetary support as I also work. I can pay $8 an hour.”

    Carson told the news station that she was born in Colorado and was adopted by a family that moved her to Georgia. After they abused her, she says, Carson was placed back in foster care, where she stayed until she turned 18.

    Once out of foster care, she moved back to Colorado.

    “I really didn’t know anything, but I knew I was born here,” she told the news station.

    Since moving back to the state, she has been receiving help from Urban Peak, a Denver group that helps homeless youths. With Urban Peak’s help, she earned her GED and is currently taking college classes, with a focus on computer science.

    But Carson’s success in school hasn’t stopped the feeling that something is missing from her life, and so she sent out a message on Craigslist in hopes that a family would be kind enough to provide her one day when she could truly feel all of the joy that comes with a birthday.


  13. rikyrah says:

    never forget….Jim Brown was the best collegiate lacrosse player in the country.
    yes that Jim Brown.


    Basketball, Out; Lacrosse, In?
    More and more African-American kids are going beyond basketball and football and instead taking up outlier sports like swimming, gymnastics, skateboarding and even lacrosse.

    Posted: May 31 2015 3:00 AM

    Are the outliers “in?”

    History was made in March when African-American swimmers finished first, second and third in a single event in the women’s Division I NCAA championship.

    African-American. Swimmers.

    For a long time, when it came to African Americans and sports, it was a safe bet to follow the money. The trail ended at what it cost to play. Or what one could get paid for playing.

    That’s one reason black and brown faces are so prominent in football and basketball. Besides being the most popular traditionally, these sports offer the most full-ride scholarships in college and the quickest road to riches in the pros.

    But outliers are on the come-up, found in “action sports” such as motocross, skateboarding and Rollerblading; country club sports such as golf and tennis; and Olympic sports including speed skating (Shani Davis) and gymnastics (Gabby Douglas).

    Don’t be surprised as another contender enters into view like a thoroughbred charging from behind to close ground on the leaders. This newest contender for black athletes was created by Native Americans and is considered this continent’s oldest sport: lacrosse.

    According to a survey by governing body US Lacrosse, 99 colleges added varsity programs between 2013 and 2014. Participants in lacrosse nationally have tripled to more than 770,000 over the past 14 years, and 55 percent of players are under age 15. What’s more, the sport is moving past its traditional base on the East Coast: The University of Denver last weekend became the first school west of the Appalachians to win the Division I men’s title.

    “The growth is faster than I thought it was going to be,” coach Bill Tierney told reporters. He led Princeton to six national titles before taking the job at Denver in 2009.

    “It’s out there,” he continued. “There’s tons of teams playing great lacrosse.”

    There aren’t a ton of black players … yet. The biggest wave is a few years away.


  14. rikyrah says:

    Why Do All the Superheroes Have to Be White, and All the Thugs Black?
    Michael B. Jordan pushes back against critics of his colorblind casting as Johnny Storm in the Fantastic Four and encourages the Internet trolls to look beyond stereotypes.

    Posted: May 27 2015 11:42 AM

    It seems as if some white people have had a deep investment in the “white superhero” since the creation of blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus, and now that noxious narcissism has spilled over into pushback against Marvel’s Fantastic Four.

    Michael B. Jordan, who rose to fame portraying 22-year-old Oscar Grant in 2013’s Fruitvale Station, has been tapped to play Johnny Storm (“the Human Torch”) in the popular film franchise. Since the news broke, racist trolls, mostly white men, have come out of the woodwork in comment sections and on social media, decrying the lack of “authenticity” of a black Storm. He must remain blond-haired and blue-eyed, or else. Because, clearly, no little white boy feverishly reading his comic books under the covers with a flashlight dreams of one day being a powerful black man, right?

    There is little doubt that forced diversity can potentially weaken a story when it’s a clear departure from that story’s truth. This is not the case, however, with director Josh Trank’s “contemporary reimagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team.” Drawing inspiration from his own multiracial family, Trank’s goal is to normalize that representation in film, a medium that traditionally relies on a racially homogeneous family structure that no longer reflects America. This makes sense. Still, so-called comic book purists are actually upset because Storm, a fictional teen who transports to another galaxy and gains superpowers through cosmic radiation, thus arming him for an epic battle against Dr. Doom, is no longer white.

    Yeah … no. That’s not how any of this works.


    • Ametia says:

      There’s a super HERO in the White House right now that the white tears have flooded over.




  15. rikyrah says:

    At least they are aware. I’m sure there are plenty that are unaware.


    Being Black in Thailand: We’re Treated Better Than Africans, and Boy Do We Hate It
    Black expats in Thailand and Australia describe the guilt they feel living fairly privileged lives in comparison with the discrimination that African immigrants and Aborigines face.

    Posted: May 26 2015 3:00 AM

    In all fairness, the Thai police officer was absolutely right for approaching the swing set and telling Stephanie Stew’s friend—a grown woman in her 30s—to get off the swing.

    Even though Jane (for anonymity, we changed her name) was swinging next to her young daughter, the swing set was intended for young children, and the added weight of an adult could pose a safety risk.

    But when the officer issued his request to Jane—a black woman he might have assumed was Ghanaian or Nigerian, living and working in Thailand—and she responded with her black American accent, he immediately switched gears and insisted that it wasn’t a problem.

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” the Thai officer said. “You can stay.”

    When he realized that she was a black American, Stew explained to The Root, the officer didn’t want to inconvenience Jane.

    Stew—a 38-year-old black American who moved to Thailand last August with her husband and 3-year-old daughter—says that’s just one of the many examples of how African-American expats practically have the red carpet laid out for them in the Southeast Asian country and are treated like gold, especially when compared with the black African immigrants who live and work in Thailand and are treated like, well, less than gold, and at times like s–t.

    “That’s not the first time,” Stew explained, “that someone has mistaken us for an African” and then dropped their attitude or condescension once they realized that Stew and her crew were, in fact, American.

    “We’re treated better. … We’re treated better,” Stew said twice, as if it’s an idea that she still can’t comprehend, or a guilt that’s just too hard for her to swallow.


  16. rikyrah says:

    How Media Bias Is Killing Black America
    The American people are being force-fed a media diet of stereotypes and misperceptions, overcriminalizing and marginalizing African Americans through language, images and omissions.

    Posted: June 2 2015 3:00 AM

    Media injustice, which leads to both the erasure and criminalization of marginalized communities, has had dire consequences for both the psyches and lived experiences of black people in the United States since at least the 18th century, when newspapers ran lost-and-found ads for runaway slaves.

    In 1964 it compelled Malcolm X to stand before a crowd in New York City’s Audubon Ballroom, where he would be assassinated less than one year later, and make it plain as only he could:

    “This is the press, an irresponsible press,” he said. “It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

    Fifty years later, these words are just as true now as they were then. What has not been fully addressed, however, is whether the press deliberately supports a white supremacist agenda, as some people believe, or has media’s complicity mutated into something less intentional but equally dangerous—perhaps even more so.

    Many studies have tackled implicit racial bias in law enforcement, health care and the legal field. In recent years, the phrase has become a buzzword used to broadly frame bigotry and racism as something so entrenched that some people aren’t aware that they subconsciously harbor racist feelings, associating black skin with negative behavior. Put simply, their “conditioning has been conditioned,” and marginalized groups are often left to pick up the pieces in the wake of brutality and/or neglect by those in positions of power, trust and influence.


  17. Thank you everyone for your love, thoughts, prayers and phone calls. Your kindness means so much to me. It helps to heal my broken heart. Funeral arrangements are being made today. Pray for the children. It’s going to be a rough day for them.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Top Orleans Parish deputy accused of using racial slur in discrimination lawsuit

    An Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office employee who claims he was “verbally assaulted” and called a racial slur by Sheriff Marlin Gusman’s top deputy has filed a discrimination lawsuit in federal court.

    The employee, Ronald Coleman Sr., claims Chief Deputy Jerry Ursin threatened him and referred to him as a “stupid, ungrateful n*****” during an argument over parking last summer.

    The encounter was widely discussed within the Sheriff’s Office at the time and even was witnessed by some outsiders, according to sources familiar with the incident.

    Ursin, a longtime veteran of the New Orleans Police Department who now serves as Gusman’s second-in-command, is white. Coleman, an engineer who has worked at the Sheriff’s Office since February 2014, is black, as is Gusman.

    In his lawsuit, filed last week in U.S. District Court, Coleman said he had been summoned in early August to investigate a “hot complaint” on the second floor of an administrative Sheriff’s Office building known as the CWA, located next to the Conchetta detention facility on Tulane Avenue.


  19. rikyrah says:

    such a simple Kneegrow.
    such a simple azz Nigra.


  20. rikyrah says:

    Tripling down? Walker misstates his own ultrasound policy
    06/01/15 02:51 PM
    By Steve Benen
    Over the last week or so, Gov. Scott Walker (R) has helped make one thing very clear: Wisconsin’s law mandating medically unnecessary ultrasounds before abortions is tough to defend.

    The Republican governor’s recent troubles started 10 days ago, when he tried to defend the policy he signed into law by saying ultrasound images are “a lovely thing,” and the technology itself is “just a cool thing out there.” For Walker, this is apparently a justification for Wisconsin forcing women to undergo unwanted procedures for no medical purpose.

    The governor dug a little deeper four days ago, suggesting the controversy itself is unnecessary. “Who’s opposed to an ultrasound?” Walker asked, deliberately missing the point.

    All of this led to yet another development, this time on Saturday at a campaign event in New Hampshire. The Concord Monitor reported:
    Another questioner, Mary Heslin, put Walker on the spot for a Wisconsin law enacted during Walker’s time as governor that requires pregnant women to have an ultrasound before getting an abortion. Heslin initially questioned Walker by asking whether he understood how “invasive” transvaginal ultrasounds are, but Walker responded by saying those are not required under Wisconsin’s law.

    “It has to be offered for the individual,” Walker told Heslin. “They can choose whether they want to see it or not or have it done or not, and it doesn’t designate what form.”
    Right Wing Watch posted an audio clip, and there’s no real ambiguity. In reference to the state-mandated, medically-unnecessary ultrasounds, Walker told the voter, “The law says it has to be offered, it doesn’t have to be done.” He added that the woman “can choose whether they want to see [the ultrasound] or not, or have it done or not.”

    The problem, of course, is that this is plainly untrue.

    Granted, the New Hampshire voter who pressed Walker on the issue was mistaken, too – she said the Wisconsin law required invasive, transvaginal ultrasounds. That’s not the case, and when Walker pushed back on this point, he was correct.


  21. rikyrah says:

    Read something that made me roll the eyes – there’s gonna be a new 50 Shades Book – this one from Christian’s POV.

    Uh huh.

  22. rikyrah says:

    But…climate change isn’t real, folks say.


    Ten years since its last hurricane, Florida more vulnerable to catastrophe than ever, experts say

    Zachary T. SampsonZachary T. Sampson, Times Staff Writer

    Sunday, May 31, 2015 7:03pm

    Two million more people have taken up residence in Florida since a hurricane last hit in 2005. That growth, concentrated along coastal areas likeliest to be washed away by a storm, means the state is in many ways more vulnerable than ever to catastrophic damage from a tropical hurricane.

    As another hurricane season gets under way today, emergency managers fear Florida’s newcomers are ignorant to the dangers of hurricanes and veteran residents are afflicted by complacency after an unprecedented storm drought.

    Elegant homes and high-rise condominiums have sprung up along eroding shorelines in places like Miami Beach, putting billions of dollars in property at risk. Public and private insurance programs would be pushed to the limit by a major storm.

    Were a big hurricane to slam Miami or Tampa Bay, the damage would easily reach $100 billion, said Charles Watson, a hazards damage analyst.

    “The bottom line in Florida, the polite way I can put it is: You’re doomed,” he said.


  23. rikyrah says:

    Jeb Bush on his brother: ‘He kept us safe’
    06/02/15 08:40 AM—UPDATED 06/02/15 08:46 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R) appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” the other day, and is often the case, the Florida Republican fielded some questions about his brother. Jeb repeated a familiar line about George W. Bush: “My brother is not going to be a problem at all. I seek out his advice. I love him dearly. I have learned from his successes and his mistakes.”

    That’s not bad, I suppose, but the word “successes” stood out. George W. Bush had successes? Ones that Jeb Bush has learned from and would try to duplicate? Like what?
    “Well, the successes clearly are protecting the homeland. We were under attack, and he brought – he unified the country and he showed dogged determination. And he kept us safe.

    “And you can talk about a lot of stuff, but when you’re president of the United States and you’re confronted with that kind of event, to respond the way he did is admirable. And I have learned from that.”
    Former Vice President Dick Cheney used a similar line with the Wall Street Journal, arguing that the policies of the Bush/Cheney administration “kept us safe for 7 1/2 years.”

    I hate to sound picky, but if memory serves, the Bush/Cheney administration actually lasted eight years. Jon Chait added yesterday, “The ‘he kept us safe’ line has always been slightly tricky owing to the fact that foreign terrorist attacks killed more Americans during the Bush administration than every other presidency in history combined.”


  24. rikyrah says:

    The first part is from a documentary called People Like Us, a pretty good look at class in America.

    Social Class & Upward Mobility in Black


  25. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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