Saturday Open Thread

Have a terrific weekend, Everyone!

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59 Responses to Saturday Open Thread

  1. rikyrah says:

    George Will’s Wife Works For Scott Walker
    By capper
    6/06/15 4:00pm

    Eddie Scarry at The Wasington Examiner is reporting that George Will’s wife is working for Scott Walker:
    Washington Post conservative columnist George Will has a special connection to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who may seek the Republican presidential nomination.

    Will disclosed that his wife works for Walker at the bottom of his Post column on Wednesday. Will’s column is entirely about Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, but he still disclosed his connection to Walker.

    “Disclosure: This columnist’s wife, Mari Will, works for Scott Walker,” read the tail of Will’s column. It did not say in what capacity she works for the governor but a spokesperson for Walkers super PAC, Our American Revivla, told the Washington Examiner that she serves as an adviser.

    In recent years, Will has written favorably of Walker in his Post column and has also lauded him in interviews. During a radio interview in February, Will compared Walker favorably to president Ronald Reagan, calling him “a pure Reaganite.”

    In another radio interview one month earlier, Will dubbed Walker “potentially the most potent candidate” out of the Republicans believed to run for president.

    And in a 2013 column, Will praised Walker as Wisconsin’s “action governor.”

    This is not the only connection between Will and Walker.

    As I reported a couple of months ago, Will has not only received a cash prize from the Bradley Foundation but he also sits on their board.

  2. rikyrah says:

    parking tickets?

    that’s for the little people


    Rubios on the Road Have Drawn Unwanted Attention

    enator Marco Rubio has been in a hurry to get to the top, rising from state legislator to United States senator in the span of a decade and now running for president at age 44.

    But politics is not the only area where Mr. Rubio, a Republican from Florida, has an affinity for the fast track. He and his wife, Jeanette, have also shown a tendency to be in a rush on the road.

    According to a search of the Miami-Dade and Duval County court dockets, the Rubios have been cited for numerous infractions over the years for incidents that included speeding, driving through red lights and careless driving. A review of records dating back to 1997 shows that the couple had a combined 17 citations: Mr. Rubio with four and his wife with 13. On four separate occasions they agreed to attend remedial driving school after a violation.

    Mr. Rubio’s troubles behind the wheel predate his days in politics. In 1997, when he was cited for careless driving by a Florida Highway Patrol officer, he was fined and took voluntary driving classes. A dozen years later, in 2009, he was ticketed for speeding on a highway in Duval County and found himself back in driver improvement school.

    Things got more complicated in 2011 when Mr. Rubio was alerted to the fact that his license was facing suspension after a traffic camera caught him failing to stop at a red light in his beige Buick. His lawyer, Alex Hanna, paid a $16 fee to delay the suspension and eventually it was dismissed.

    • Ametia says:

      Please STOP IT with the ‘Oddly uncherished’ nonsense.

      It’s called RACISM & BIGOTRY

      Like or LUMP it, Serena Williams is AN AMERICAN.

  3. rikyrah says:

    this is pitiful. absolutely pitiful.


    Texas approves textbooks with Moses as Founding Father
    by Michael Stone

    Christian conservatives win, children lose: Texas textbooks will teach public school students that the Founding Fathers based the Constitution on the Bible, and the American system of democracy was inspired by Moses.

    On Friday the Republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education voted along party lines 10-5 to approve the biased and inaccurate textbooks. The vote signals a victory for Christian conservatives in Texas, and a disappointing defeat for historical accuracy and the education of innocent children.

    The textbooks were written to align with instructional standards that the Board of Education approved back in 2010 with the explicit intention of forcing social studies teaching to adhere to a conservative Christian agenda. The standards require teachers to emphasize America’s so called “Christian heritage.”

    In essence, Christian conservatives in Texas have successfully forced a false historical narrative into public school textbooks that portray Moses as an influence on the Constitution and the Old Testament as the root of democracy.

    Critics called the whole process into question after publishers posted a number of last-minute changes to the textbooks yesterday, leaving board members and observers without time to figure out exactly what was in the approved texts.

    According to reports, scholars did not have an opportunity to review and comment on the numerous changes publishers have submitted since the last public hearing. Some of those changes appeared to have been negotiated with state board members behind closed doors.

    – See more at:

  4. rikyrah says:

    American Pharoah wins the Triple Crown!!

  5. Hot damn!

    AMERICAN PHAROAH wins the Triple Crown. First horse to win it since 1978.

  6. rikyrah says:

    April @ReignOfApril
    Shouts to all the white Americans who would rather see our entire country lose (that’s who Serena represents) than see a Black woman win.

    • rikyrah says:

      Gabe Ortíz @TUSK81
      The ppl criticizing Serena Williams have a lot of nerve when the closest they’ve gotten to a Grand Slam title is going to Denny’s.

    • Ametia says:

      YES; THEY CAN NEVER HIDE THE HATE. Hubby & I watched the FO, and Mckinroe could not help himself, as a commentator. Throwing the psychic knife at Serena during the match. Said Serena would have to take a really bad turn in order for what’s her name to win.

      To say Serena is the stronger, more skilled tennis player, or that her opponent is out of her league, etc,NO CAN DO!

      it’s Serena mess up, throw the game, so the white girl can win.

      Just spiteful, so obvious. FUCK’EM!

    • Ametia says:

      Seriously,doing GOOD DEEDS for those IN NEED, will never get this kind of media attention. This is why we should never expect it. Just take care our of own,without the media fanfafe

  7. rikyrah says:

    Katie @stressandstars
    When a black 12 yr old has toy gun, he’s a “young man”. When a white 15 yr old molests his own sisters he’s “just a child.” #DuggarInterview

  8. rikyrah says:

    from BJ about libertarianism:

    Chris says:

    June 6, 2015 at 11:03 am

    My $0.02 on the last thread that brought this up: because libertarianism, being all about the glory of the individual, resonates primarily with the only people society actually treats as individuals. Namely white men.

    And that since women and nonwhites have only ever had their rights guaranteed by collective action and government regulation, and not by “gettin’ the gub’mint off their backs,” they’re a lot less responsive to the kinds of fantasies that hold that the solution to everything is Rugged Individualism.

    • Ametia says:

      libertarians spout that bullshit about individualism. nothing but SELFISHNESS. i go mine you can get yours too, only they got theirs the old-fashioned way, through CENTURIES of SYSTEMIC RACISM & WHITE SUPREMACY.

    • rikyrah says:

      I feel old..

      I remember that first title – the U.S. Open.

      I remember how stunned everyone was that Serena won the first Grand Slam and not Venus. Her mother even looked stunned when it happened.

  9. rikyrah says:

    taco emoji] @ashleyayer
    “Did MLK do that?” “Would MLK think?!”

    Maybe if y’all hadn’t shot him, I’d fucking know.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Well, Peanut had her dance recital today. I went to the afternoon show; they also have one this evening. I admit..I teared up watching her on stage. I love dance – I had no talent when I was a little girl , but I think it’s a right of passage for every little girl to take ballet class. Seeing all the girls, younger and older, in their costumes..just warmed my heart.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Sheryl Underwood emotionally slams the Duggars for “rationalizing” sexual assault
    by Blue Telusma | June 6, 2015 at 9:32 AM

    Wednesday, 19 Kids and Counting stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar broke their silence in an interview with Fox News.

    In the sit down with Megyn Kelly the couple repeatedly justifies the revelation that their son had molested several young girls, including his sisters – without prosecution

    The next day, The Talk host Sheryl Underwood, who is a survivor of sexual abuse, had an emotional response to the family and anyone who agreed with their views.

    “I went through that [at] 3, 4, 5 years old … you know something is wrong and if nobody listens to you and nobody is going to stop it whether I’m asleep or not. I didn’t sleep. I learned how to stay up as long as I could. I may sleep at school, because nobody is going to protect me, so I had to protect myself,” she said.

    During their interview with Kelly, the Duggars made sure to state that, “As parents, you aren’t mandatory reporters,” also noting, Josh “was still a kid and he was still a juvenile. He wasn’t an adult … This wasn’t rape or anything like that.”

    Underwood believes that explanation is unacceptable.

    Speaking to her cohosts she clarifies, “Aisha you said that it didn’t help [the Duggars] to do this interview. What it really did was it helped us, the world, to see what happens to people when they’re in some type of family structure when the people you’re supposed to trust to protect you seem to be your co-conspirator in your violation.”

    • Ametia says:

      Underwood NAILED it. The Duggars were exposed & showed the world what the children who are raped and molesterd endure.

      • majiir says:

        Jim Bob, Michelle, Jessa, and the other sister who was molested have gotten on my last damn nerve. I’m sick of them and their lies and manufactured excuses for Josh Duggar’s disgusting behavior. How in the hell can being molested be described as “mild?” The more they appear on TV, the more unhinged, and dysfunctional, they look to most of us. If I were dealing with a problem like this, appearing on a TV network would be the last thing on my mind, but not these miscreants. Most of us already know that the only reason they’re talking about this on TV is because they’re attempting to garner enough support from Foxbots to help them persuade TLC to start re-airing their show.

        These fools need to be taught a few lessons—do not present yourself as a perfect family when you know you’re not; do not lecture others about right/wrong while engaging in egregious acts of wrongdoing; do not use your perverted brand of Christianity to deprive your fellow citizens of their civil rights, and do not go on TV, lie, and get called out by your local police department, the media, and the city attorney. We must keep the pressure on TLC because if we don’t, the Duggars will be back peddling their lies and hypocrisy. Instead of being presented to us as a model family, TLC should have presented them as a case study of a family that is very dysfunctional because of their adherence to their bastardized form of Christianity.

      • rikyrah says:

        Folks knew that something was wrong with them. Our spidey senses told us something wasn’t quite right. Now, we know a part of the evil with them. They only put forth the ones who were abused that were already married…notice that? They won’t put forth the others who are unmarried. They are a cult, and they have been exposed.

  12. Ametia says:

    These LAME POS right here

  13. Ametia says:
  14. Ametia says:


  15. Liza says:

    This is good.

    What a friend from #Wisconsin posted on FB. #ScottWalker #RepublicanAgenda— Nancy (@Navra1) May 28, 2015

  16. Ametia says:

    Serena Williams won her third French Open title today by beating Lucie Safarova in three sets.

    With the victory, Williams has won 20 Grand Slam titles, trailing only Steffi Graf, who has 22 in the open era.

  17. Ametia says:

    Aptly describes the 2016 CLOWN CAR of GOP candidates

    Criminal Enterprise

  18. Ametia says:

    Sorry, but Duggars are not going away

    This is what folks can do to their families and get on tee vee and rake in MILLIONS.

    • rikyrah says:

      they don’t think they are , but folks SEE THEM. they see the cult and evil

      • Ametia says:

        so obvious those grown women were coerced into that interview to cover for their own MOLESTATIONS/RAPES.. Just despicable!

    • Liza says:

      Isn’t is just like Fox News to beat this to death and give this horribly dysfunctional family a national stage? I think the family sees their reality show and their big income slipping away, and these are their last ditch efforts to hang on to that.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone:)

    Off to swim and run errands.

  20. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone.

    President Obama delivering Beau Biden’s eulogy 10:30 a.m.ET @ on C-Span.

    See seperate thread.

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