Tuesday Open Thread | Music from the 1970’s

Today: The top 10 songs of 1977:

1. Stayin’ Alive – The Bee Gees
2. We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions – Queen
3. Heroes – David Bowie
4. Best of My Love – The Emotions
5. God Save the Queen – The Sex Pistols
6. Brick House – The Commodores
7. Dreams – Fleetwood Mac
8. Paradise by the Dashboard Light – Meat Loaf
9. I Feel Love – Donna Summer
10. Jamming – Bob Marley and the Wailers

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136 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Music from the 1970’s

  1. rikyrah says:

    Not Frantz Fanon @violentfanon
    Ohio cops break 12-year-old black girl’s jaw & three of her ribs because someone else wore improper swimming attire. http://www.wlwt.com/news/family-claims-police-used-excessive-force-in-fairfield-pool-incident/33605644

  2. rikyrah says:

    a comment from the transracial adoption article posted earlier (h/t TOD)

    One of several honest commenters on the transracial article link ….

    ammcrae39p · 2 days ago
    I’m the white adoptive mother of a 41 yr. old Black-Vietnamese son who came to us when he was 9 mos. old. Three and a half years ago I found the son I had relinquished for adoption when he was 3 wks. old. I want to speak here to the issue of the transracial adoptee, not to speak for my son and others but to offer my perspective, developed over four decades, three of them in the South

    . Both of these men have taught me more about adoption and its effects in the last few years than the rest of my life put together, and the lessons have not been easy or comfortable. I admit that I was 90% wrong in adopting a foreign-born, mixed-race child. I’m guessing at the percentage, and I am not sorry that I had the chance to love this person and almost certainly give him a better chance at life than he would have had in the chaos that was the Vietnam he was born into. So that’s a definite plus. But when I consider what he lost–family, language, culture, sense of belonging–I feel guilty for taking all that from him. And what did he get? A family that never understood him. I knew absolutely nothing about the long-term consequences of adoption. If I had, I would never have relinquished my first son.

    We ended up living in the southern U.S., where he had to try to fit in with two alien cultures. To his whites classmates, he was a black kid. To his black friends, he was something different, someone who “talked white,” until he learned not to. He made the decision to join the black community, where he felt most comfortable, and I am glad he’s found friends and family who look like him.

    I was one of three white people who attended one of his weddings, and I felt not unwelcome, far from it, but definitely alien. That’s how my son felt every day of his life growing up in my home. When we adopted, I was aware that many Black social workers opposed transracial adoption. I thought they were being racist. I wanted an integrated America, and I thought mixing up skin colors within families was a way to achieve that. I was wrong.

    I confess I did very little to introduce my son to Black culture. His first years were spent in a multi-ethnic neighborhood in Canada, and perhaps if we had stayed there, things would have gone differently. But he grew to manhood in the American South, and that meant trouble. For so long I held my son completely responsible for that trouble. Now that I know what lay behind his behavior, I am ashamed at how I responded to him. I have liberal views and consider myself a progressive, but I’m no radical activist. I simply wanted to live my beliefs as authentically as possible, and that meant loving a Black child as my own. I believed love was the answer, the only one needed. I was wrong. Love is a great deal, essential, but it can’t do everything, and it is white arrogance that believes it can.

    In years past, I used to see multiracial families (obviously from adoption) and identify with them. “There’s another family like mine. How nice,” I’d think. Now I see adoptive families, transracial or not, and I see the loss, the heartache, the denial and struggle for normalcy, the good intentions, and the often disastrous outcomes. I love my son. I wish him only the best. But I know that I was never the one who could ensure that he would achieve HIS best. Oh, but there’s are lots of happy families and successful adoptions, you say? True. Most people, most of the time, will gravitate toward happiness like a plant toward the light. The adoptee has to lean farther, reach higher to reach the sun. His energy goes into distorting himself in order to get what he needs. He may produce a blossom, but it’s likely to be paler and smaller than had he been planted in his native soil.


  3. rikyrah says:

    Public: Congress Should Restore Obamacare Subsidies If Supreme Court Kills Them
    —By Kevin Drum| Tue Jun. 16, 2015 10:47 AM EDT

    So how does the general public feel about the possibility of the Supreme Court cutting off Obamacare subsidies for half the country in King v. Burwell? Kaiser asked them:


    Yeah, the public response to this could go either way. We already know that Republicans will respond loudly and with one voice. But how about Democrats? If King goes against them, will Democrats unite behind a simple narrative and be willing to loudly defend Obamacare with the same passion that Republicans oppose it? That’s what it will take. We’ll see if they have it in them.


  4. rikyrah says:


    TYRANT fans..

    It returns tonight at 10pm EST on F/X

  5. rikyrah says:

    From TOD:

    June 16, 2015 at 6:54 pm
    Why is everyone so shocked at Bernie Sanders comments, what, because he’s a Democrat and he’s a socialist? Just yesterday Hillary Clinton said that President Obama should “listen” to Nancy Pelosi, the dismissiveness, the out and out disrespect that this black man has been subjected to from his own party is enough to question what do White Liberals and White Democrats really think of this black man. Really Hillary, the black guy that’s cleaning up your husband mess, much like the custodians at the White House had to clean up your husband’s spunk on the fucking Oval office floor, need to be told by you of all people to listen to someone for advice? At this point in time I really don’t give a fuck who wins the White House after President Obama leaves. The socalled Democrats have already shown us what they think of this black man by the disrepect that they have subjected him to. So go right ahead on thinking that you can say the most disrespectful shit you can think to say about President Obama, and by extension black people. Some people here had already said that they plan to hold their nose and vote for Hillary, I’m not built like that. I can’t go out there and vote for Hillary after her and her husband have so throughly direspected President Obama. I really have to be able to look myself in the mirror, and if I can’t look myself in the mirror after voting for Hillary then I’m just can’t vote for her.

  6. rikyrah says:

    TUE JUN 16, 2015 AT 09:26 AM PDT
    Many Americans in for very unhappy surprise if Supreme Court guts Obamacare subsidies
    byJoan McCarter

    More than 70 percent of Americans know nothing or next to nothing about the looming Supreme Court decision that could strip health insurance subsidies away from millions of people. That’s according to the latest montly survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation. And when they found out about it, via this survey, a very large majority of 63 percent says Congress should fix it.

    With the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on whether subsidies are available to those in states without their own state-based marketplaces, most of the public continues to say they have not heard much about the case. About 7 in 10 say they’ve heard only a little (28 percent) or nothing at all (44 percent) about the case. Fourteen percent say they’ve heard something about it and 13 percent say they’ve heard a lot about the case. These shares are slightly higher than late last year when the Supreme Court announced they would take the case and earlier this year when the Court heard arguments, but still most say they haven’t heard much about the case.
    When asked how Congress should respond if the Supreme Court rules that financial help to buy health insurance is only available to low and moderate income people in states with state-run marketplaces, about 6 in 10 (63 percent) say Congress should pass a law so that people in all states can be eligible for financial help from the government while about a quarter (26 percent) say Congress should not act on the issue. About 1 in 10 (12 percent) say they don’t know how Congress should respond. Majorities of Democrats (80 percent) and independents (66 percent) say that Congress should pass a law, while Republicans are divided with 38 percent saying they think Congress should pass a law and half (49 percent) saying Congress shouldn’t act on the issue.

    Among those in the potentially affected states, 55 percent say their state should create its own marketplace if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs. A third (32 percent) say their state should not, and 13 percent say they don’t know. Majorities of Democrats and independents in federal marketplace states support their state creating its own exchange, while Republicans in these states are divided.


  7. rikyrah says:

    Reagan Gomez ✔ @ReaganGomez
    Latino MSM check. Any mainstream Latino/a Magazines, blogs, spaces spoken out against the “cleansing” that’s happening in the DR?

  8. rikyrah says:

    Dad to Rachel Dolezal: Raising Black Kids Doesn’t Make You Black

    Rachel Dolezal, professional pretend black lady extraordinaire, has a novel rationale for how she obtained her supposed blackness. She got it, she says, from her kids.

    “I have really gone there with the experience, in terms of being the mother of two black sons, and really owning what it means to experience and live blackness,” she told MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry. Dolezal and her ex husband have a son, Franklin, and she has legal guardianship over her adopted brother, Izaiah.

    On the Today show, she told Matt Lauer, “I’ve actually had to go there with the experience … the point at which that really solidified was when I got full custody of Izaiah, and he said, ‘You’re my real mom.’ He’s in high school, and for that to be something that is plausible, I certainly can’t be seen as white and be Izaiah’s mom.”

    Are we really doing this? Does this really need to be explained?

    All right, here we go: THAT ISN’T HOW THIS WORKS!

    I’m the father of two biracial kids. That doesn’t make me biracial. Just like my children won’t suddenly become Asian or Hispanic if they parent Asian or Hispanic children. Our parents pass their heritage on to us. It doesn’t work the other way around.


  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “Rachel Dolezal’s ex-husband accused her of ‘poisoning’ his relationship with 3-year-old son”



  11. rikyrah says:




    Keeping Up With Rachel Dolezal? NAACP Race Faker In Talks For A Reality Show!

    NAACP race faker Rachel Dolezal stepped down from her job Monday, but RadarOnline.com has learned she already has a new gig in the works: Dolezal is fieldingmultiple offers to film a reality show, and is seeking professional representation after her bombshell interview on the Today show.

    Dolezal, currently in New York City after appearing onTODAY Tuesday morning, has been “offered two reality shows from different production companies,” an insider told Radar. “The offers were made last week along with several others that were just outrageous. Rachel recognizes that she is going to need an agent and a publicist, and is going to be hiring a professional team in the next few days.”

    “Rachel wants to use all of the publicity to raise awareness about race relations,” the source said.

    The former NAACP Spokane chapter president was outed by her parents last week as being a white woman after years of fudging her racial identity, and allegedly lying on applications for city positions.

    In an interview on Tuesday’s Today show, Dolezal addressed the confusion with Matt Lauer.

    “This is not some freak, Birth of a Nation blackface performance,” she explained. “This is on a real connected level how I’ve had to go there with the experience.”

    Dolezal’s “phone has been ringing constantly since the scandal broke, and she truly seems to be enjoying all of the attention,” the insider said. “Going back to her former life just isn’t an option.”


  12. Tropical Storm Bill: Latest loop image from satellite:


  13. rikyrah says:

    from POU:


    Wicked reality- am I wrong? All coalition must always benefit whiteness otherwise it’s validity is questioned I.e for working class interest to be addressed per sanders it must be centered around whiteness at the expense of alienating black folk; feminism must center around white women; the voice of a black president must be filtered through white gaze; issues affecting POC must addressed so has not to render whites uncomfortable; black children cannot be children per white gaze; white ally’s must be primary voice to be protected a la Rachel chick etc.

    Maybe I’m wrong but the dynamics in America looks like that in my eyes.

  14. rikyrah says:

    daowens44 @moniqueb45

    @PragObots and u can become a negro too. We are going to see more of this. And black academia nor black leadership will say squat.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Invitations to a White House Party: Signed, Sealed, Delivered, but Private

    JUNE 15, 2015

    “I think it’s remarkable that they kept it this quiet,” said Bess Abell, a White House social secretary during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. “I don’t know of another party this size that was kept that quiet.”

    Anita McBride, who was chief of staff to Laura Bush when she was first lady, said she was similarly impressed by the secrecy. “It’s hard to do anything privately these days,” Ms. McBride said. “And with this kind of talent, that’s remarkable that they managed to keep it this quiet.”


  16. rikyrah says:

    Movement on voting rights following Hillary Clinton pitch
    06/16/15 10:50 AM
    By Steve Benen
    It’s been about two weeks since presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton presented an ambitious vision on voting rights, calling for a 20-day early voting window and a universal, automatic voter registration. The point wasn’t to create immediate policy changes – Clinton does not currently hold public office – but rather to let the public know about the kind of agenda she’d pursue if elected.

    But whether intended or not, Clinton has helped stir the pot a bit when it comes to voting rights. MSNBC’s Zack Roth reported late last week:
    In just the week since Clinton spoke, Ohio and Rhode Island have both moved forward with online voter registration bills, and Louisiana passed a bill to study automatic voter registration. If it weren’t for the fact that most state legislatures have already adjourned for the session, the number of states moving forward with expansive legislation would likely be larger.
    At the federal level, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) last week unveiled the “Automatic Voter Registration Act,” which would “require local motor vehicle departments to forward individuals’ information to elections officials, who would then send the person a notification that they’ll be registered to vote after 21-days. Anyone can opt out of the registration before that 21-day window is up, but they will be automatically registered unless they do so.”

    The bill was reportedly in the works before Clinton’s speech, but the former Secretary of State’s endorsement of the idea helped create interest in Cicilline’s plan – as of this morning, it’s already picked up 46 co-sponsors.


  17. rikyrah says:

    Kansas’ regressive approach to redistributing wealth
    06/16/15 09:27 AM—UPDATED 06/16/15 09:28 AM
    By Steve Benen
    There are two main problems with Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s (R) far-right economic experiment. The first is that the plan didn’t work – it didn’t create the promised jobs boom; it didn’t create massive growth; and it didn’t cause businesses to stampede into the state.

    The second problem is the challenge of dealing with the consequences of failure. The Republican governor’s plan, after causing a debt downgrade, left a significant hole in Kansas’ state budget, which GOP policymakers have struggled badly to fill.

    A few days ago, however, the Republican-run state government grudgingly approved a new budget, which actually included tax increases. Reluctant lawmakers said Brownback hadn’t left them much of a choice – Brownback effectively told the state legislature to raise sales taxes and cigarette taxes or he’d slash funding even more on education and disability services.

    From a distance, it might seem as if this were a liberal solution to a conservative problem – Kansas Republicans got themselves in a jam by cutting taxes too much, and to put things right, they decided to start raising taxes to fix the problem. But the details matter and that’s not quite right.

    The Kansas City Star’s Dave Helling explained it’s not just a matter of asking Kansans to pay more – it’s a question of which Kansans will pay more.
    [N]o group, experts believe, gets hurt more than the state’s low- and moderate-income workers, those earning between $30,000 and $50,000 a year. They now face higher taxes on essential purchases without most of the subsidies that protect poorer Kansans from government’s bite.

    Low-income workers, unlike those with significantly higher earnings, must watch their pennies carefully to pay for other essentials such as transportation and housing. Soon, more of those pennies – which quickly grow to dollars – will be on their way to Topeka.


    • Ametia says:

      MEMO to Bernie Sanders:

      White folks have been very, very proud that this country has elected 43 WHITE MALE PRESIDENTS, and have yet to OVERCOME RACISM with the election of the 44th BLACK MALE PRESIDENT.

      It’s kind of natural. You should not be basing your politics based on your color.”
      THIS LINE IS HYSTERICAL, since that’s what folks have been doing since voting came into being.

      Democrats haven’t stood by working class people, or just the BLACK PRESIDENT?

      Working class people= white to Bernie & Co.


    • Ametia says:

      Bernie is not courting POC votes. He’s as dense as a slab concrete. He’s a shit-stirrer who claims he is a socialist. In the end he supports what will benefit those working class white folks. Like black folks don’t work, right? We hold out our hands for the leftovers.


  18. Ametia says:

    Jamming because, We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions like a Brick House, You get the Best of My Love Stayin’ Alive I Feel Love. God Save the Queen in your Dreams, you are Heroes. Living in Paradise by the Dashboard Light!

  19. Ametia says:

    this is some REAL FUCKERY going right HERE.

  20. Ametia says:

    What a MORON


    He’s gathering up what little attention he is getting for another DISMAL season of the Apprentice.

  21. rikyrah says:

    New Jersey’s urban school districts bear brunt of layoffs, program cuts

    June 15, 2015, 9:52 PM
    Last updated: Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 9:35 AM

    …Governor Christie has said New Jersey does not have more money for schools because of the state’s financial crisis as its economic recovery lags. He maintains that more money does not provide a better education anyway.

    But Christie has also championed charter schools, which are mostly in poor districts. When students leave their local public schools for charters, the state aid for those students goes with them, exacerbating layoffs.


  22. Ametia says:

    ICYMI due to racial identity SCAM

  23. rikyrah says:

    except for it’s a SCAM!

    A SCAM

    • rikyrah says:

      Troubled Ohio charter schools have become a joke — literally
      June 16, 2015

      excerpt:That’s the first paragraph of a story this month in the Akron Beacon Journalabout the newspaper’s review of 4,263 audits released last year by the state, which says that Ohio charter schools appear to have misspent public money “nearly four times more often than any other type of taxpayer-funded agency.” It says that “since 2001, state auditors have uncovered $27.3 million improperly spent by charter schools, many run by for-profit companies, enrolling thousands of children and producing academic results that rival the worst in the nation.” One more thing: The amount of misspending could be far higher, it says.


    • rikyrah says:

      SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

      Transracial Lives Matter: Rachel Dolezal and the Privilege of Racial Manipulation

      was doing my best to ignore this story. It wasn’t until one of my fellow adult adoptees alerted me to the fact that Twitter (which I use religiously, but avoided specifically the past two days) had begun to use the term “Transracial” to refer to Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who has been outed as hiding her whiteness and living as a black woman that I paid attention. I discovered that Twitter had also begun a hashtag as a sarcastic taunt — #TransracialLivesMatter. Then, I read an article that argued that “transracial identity, is not a thing.” Um. No.

      For those of you who don’t know, and clearly there are a lot of you, the term “transracial” is used in scholarly research, creative writing and cultural work to denote a particular “state of being” for people adopted across race. It also describes a kind of family unit / type of parenting. In other words, it IS a ‘thing’. It is disheartening and disconcerting to see this term used dismissively as if it does not encompass an entire population of Black, Brown, Native and Asian people across the globe. For the past 35ish years, I’ve considered myself to be a transracial adoptee. The “trans” in transracial for me, never meant my race changed. It meant I was a multiracial black girl, adopted into a white family. It meant I was taken without my consent from one home, one place of origin and put inside another family, another culture, another race, one that didn’t belong to me. It meant I had to learn how to navigate my blackness and my black girlness, inside an often times racist, religious, violent and rigid white world. It meant living in a house and community that simultaneously erased me, racialized me and tokenized me. It gave me a language to articulate what was happening to me. But you know what it didn’t do? It never actually changed my race. An even with all the ‘privileges’ of whiteness, even with all the education, the middle class living, camping, fishing, hunting — It never made me white.


      The crucial difference here is that I had and continue have no choice in my blackness. I cannot hide my skin or make myself invisible when I am protesting police terror or creating theater art for other Black women with skin like mine. I cannot manipulate what race is for my own pleasure. Ms. Dolezal is a white woman, who made choices, who used and is still using every bit of her white privilege to maintain the power and elite status she has accrued from her deception. This use of white privilege in her case is no different from transracial adoptive parents who adopt bi-racial children because they want these children to identify with the “white side” of themselves. These parents completely ignore that how they want race to function is not actually how race operates out in the world. They are completely assured of their own power to bend and change race and meanings of race at their own white whim. This manipulation is what Ms. Dolezal has done. This manipulation of race is no different from what white supremacists did in the early days of our country, moving the lines of race back and forth when it pleased them, using the language of the law, even at the cost of Black, Brown, Asian and Native lives.


      • Ametia says:

        The crucial difference here is that I had and continue have no choice in my blackness. I cannot hide my skin or make myself invisible when I am protesting police terror or creating theater art for other Black women with skin like mine. I cannot manipulate what race is for my own pleasure. Ms. Dolezal is a white woman, who made choices, who used and is still using every bit of her white privilege to maintain the power and elite status she has accrued from her deception.

        This use of white privilege in her case is no different from transracial adoptive parents who adopt bi-racial children because they want these children to identify with the "white side” of themselves. These parents completely ignore that how they want race to function is not actually how race operates out in the world. They are completely assured of their own power to bend and change race and meanings of race at their own white whim. This manipulation is what Ms. Dolezal has done. This manipulation of race is no different from what white supremacists did in the early days of our country, moving the lines of race back and forth when it pleased them, using the language of the law, even at the cost of Black, Brown, Asian and Native lives.

  24. Ametia says:

    *SIGH* Sojourner Truth & Harriet Tubman, now these ladies need some AIR TIME, in the trail they blazed for Black folks for FREEDOM.

  25. rikyrah says:

    From POU:


    My response to why a white person cannot claim identification with the black race:

    B/c he/she did not and has not suffered and endured the psychological, economic, social or historical damage cast upon a people of African origin or ancestry. Being black is not a frame of mind or just a culture or a religion that you flick on and off like a light switch. It is a legitimate race of ancient people that cannot be hi-jacked by groupies who cannot in any way identify with being black. Was it not enough that our bloodlines were infiltrated with whiteness by rape? Now, we must accept any johnny come lately who decides he/she can identify with inferiority, prejudice, discrimination and “time-release social debilitations of slavery.” GTFOH!!

    • rikyrah says:

      FROM POU:


      Good morning all! I have finally decided to become a white man. I will no longer identify as a black female. And tomorrow, im going job hunting as a white man. And lets see if i can become a ceo or head of some company. Because see all i need is to do is”identify” as a white male. I might be irish or italian. It doesnt matter, cause i can choose anyone i want. So pretty soon fam, im gonna be a ceo of a large corporation, with a 6 figure salary. I will no longer be chased by the poluce, no longer in danger of being shot by the police cause ill be white, right? Come join my movement!

    • Ametia says:



  26. rikyrah says:

    Glen Coco @MrPooni

    Rachel Dolezal who sued a black college for discriminating against her for being a white woman got paid to go on TV & argue how black she is

  27. rikyrah says:

    another gif…check the eyes going up and down..LOL


  28. rikyrah says:

    where is the side eye gif of the Sista drinking?


    I’m a white woman who dated a Black Panther. I could have been Rachel Dolezal.

    I never told people I was black, but I felt like I was something other than white
    By Hannah Miet June 16 at 6:00 AM

    In 2006, I joined a circle of Black Panthers and other minority activists. I went to weekly meetings in neighborhoods that white people avoided — South Bronx, Flatbush, and Bedford-Stuyvesant — accessorized with headscarves and painted wooden bangles. I had internal monologues about “our” struggle and protested against police brutality as if I, myself, were a victim of racial profiling.

    I was 19, white, and experiencing a full-blown identity crisis, not unlike the one that probably jumpstarted Dolezal’s downward spiral into delusion. Like her, I empathize with marginalized groups, but I do so with the benefit of a Jew-fro.

    I’m a white woman who dated a Black Panther. I could have been Rachel Dolezal.

    I never told people I was black, but I felt like I was something other than white
    By Hannah Miet June 16 at 6:00 AM

    In 2006, I joined a circle of Black Panthers and other minority activists. I went to weekly meetings in neighborhoods that white people avoided — South Bronx, Flatbush, and Bedford-Stuyvesant — accessorized with headscarves and painted wooden bangles. I had internal monologues about “our” struggle and protested against police brutality as if I, myself, were a victim of racial profiling.

    I was 19, white, and experiencing a full-blown identity crisis, not unlike the one that probably jumpstarted Dolezal’s downward spiral into delusion. Like her, I empathize with marginalized groups, but I do so with the benefit of a Jew-fro.


  29. rikyrah says:

    45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes

    Clinton said, “there are some specifics in there that could and should be changed. So I am hoping that’s what happens now — let’s take the lemons and turn it into lemonade.”

    But as members of the Obama administration can attest, Clinton was one of the leading drivers of the TPP when Secretary of State. Here are 45 instances when she approvingly invoked the trade bill about which she is now expressing concerns:


    • Liza says:

      No no no, y’all just don’t get Hillary. She has officially re-invented herself as a champion of the people. Please disregard past lives.

  30. Ametia says:


    • Liza says:

      Well, if all the candidates are idiots, then one of the idiots will win. I fear for this country.

  31. Ametia says:


  32. Ametia says:

    Rachel Dolezal was once a member of the KKK?


    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Is she ever slick! Slick answers to avoid getting even close to apologizing for her deceit.
      Q. “Are you Black?”

      A. “I identify as Black.”
      “It’s more complex than that.”

      Heck, there will be no apology; there will will be no admission that she is White; there will be no admission that she crossed between being White and being Black only when it served her purposes. There won’t be any of this because at present it would not serve her purpose to keep her job with the college where she is teaching.

  33. rikyrah says:

    Michelle Obama in UK: Education is ultimate key to success
    16 June 2015
    From the section UK

    US First Lady Michelle Obama has told pupils at a girls’ school in east London that education is the “ultimate key” to their success.
    Mrs Obama, wife of President Barack, told pupils at Mulberry School for Girls their “amazing education” gave them all they needed to succeed.
    She also launched the Let Girls Learn initiative to boost education globally for adolescent girls.
    Earlier she met Prince Harry to discuss service personnel families’ issues.

    Mrs Obama told pupils at the school in Tower Hamlets, east London, the world needed “more girls like you to lead our parliaments, our courtrooms and universities”.

    Giving a speech at the school, she said: “With an education from this amazing school you all have everything, everything you need to rise above all of the noise and fulfil every last one of your dreams.

    “And it is so important that you do that, not just for yourselves but for all of us.

    “Because you all have a unique perspective, you have a unique voice to add to the conversation.”
    Mrs Obama spoke of her own upbringing, saying at the time there were few black women in positions of power.

    But she said her parents realised education was the “ultimate key” to success and she could be successful if she worked hard in school.

    She said: “Through it all my parents fully expected us to do both: to achieve our dreams and be there for our family.

    “And they also knew that a good education was the ultimate key to our success.

    “My parents told me every day I could do anything.

    “I could grow up to be a doctor, a lawyer a scientist, whatever, but only if I worked as hard as I could to succeed in school.”

    Tea at No 10
    Prince Harry earlier hosted Mrs Obama for tea at Kensington Palace, where they discussed their shared interest in support for veterans and their families.
    The White House said the prince was meeting Mrs Obama two years after attending a mother’s day tea for military mothers with her, in the United States.
    She will later visit Downing Street for tea with Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha.


  34. rikyrah says:

    AIG sues over bailout and (sort of) wins
    06/16/15 08:00 AM
    By Steve Benen
    As the economy crashed in late 2008, the American International Group – better known by its initials, AIG – was the beneficiary of a rather high-profile government bailout. At the time, the United States government did not, however, simply write the insurance giant a big check; there were some meaningful strings attached.

    Sure, AIG would be the beneficiary of a $185 billion rescue, but the company would have to pay back the money with interest, and the government would take roughly 80% of AIG’s stock. The insurance giant didn’t like the terms. It also didn’t have much of a choice.

    By some measures, one is tempted to say all’s well that ends well – AIG took the deal and repaid the money. For our trouble, Americans, who no longer own any controlling stake in the company, made more than $20 billion in interest and profits. The entire bailout package is in our rear-view mirror.

    There was, however, a small hitch. AIG’s former chief executive Maurice Greenberg was so unhappy with the terms of the deal that rescued his company that he sued the government, seeking tens of billions of dollars in damages. The circumstances seemed almost comically absurd – the company we saved sued us because of the way in which we saved it?

    Actually, yes, that’s precisely what happened. And in an interesting twist, AIG actually won in court yesterday. The New York Times reported that the case that had generated “befuddlement and outright ridicule” turned out to be a success – sort of.
    On Monday, [Judge Thomas C. Wheeler of the United States Court of Federal Claims] handed down his decision – a split judgment that in many ways agreed with both sides’ main points of contention. Yes, he ruled, the Fed had indeed crossed the legal line by demanding a 79.9 percent equity stake in A.I.G. as a condition of the bailout in 2008. But at the same time, the government was also correct that A.I.G. shareholders had not been damaged; in fact, they had been saved from bankruptcy and certain doom. He declined to award any damages.

    In his 75-page opinion, Judge Wheeler found that the Fed’s action indeed “constituted an illegal exaction under the Fifth Amendment” and that it “did not have the legal right to become the owner of A.I.G.”

    The fact that AIG won exactly nothing but a moral victory is a key takeaway here. The judge agreed that the conditions of the bailout were excessive, but the ruling also found that neither AIG nor its shareholders actually suffered as a result of the deal – so there was no need for the government to pay damages.


  35. rikyrah says:

    Irony Watch: Romney blasts Clinton’s wealth, authenticity
    06/15/15 02:37 PM—UPDATED 06/15/15 02:41 PM
    By Steve Benen
    When Mitt Romney lost his second presidential campaign in 2012, he left the national stage in an unpleasant way. He fared far worse than Republicans expected, and quickly became a pariah and a “punching bag” in GOP circles. TPM’s Josh Marshall said at the time the Republican revulsion towards Romney amounted to “Lord of the Flies” treatment.

    But nearly three years later, Romney is convinced he’s not only recovered from his defeat, but he’s actually one of his party’s self-proclaimed leaders. It’s not clear whether anyone actually wanted Romney to tackle the roles, but he’s now an “elder statesman” within the GOP. The former governor even sees himself as a “kingmaker.”

    But there’s yet another hat Romney is apparently eager to wear: the attack dog. Consider the Republican’s appearance on msnbc this morning, when he shared his new thoughts on Hillary Clinton:

    “Somehow, though, when you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she is smiling with her mouth, but her eyes are saying, ‘Where’s my latte?’”
    The more I think about this, the less sense it makes, but it seems there’s a point at the root of the criticism: Mitt Romney is comfortable questioning Hillary Clinton’s authenticity.


    • eliihass says:

      As much as I dislike Hillary, Romney has a real nerve doesn’t he..? The man still lacks self-awareness and is still as petty, flippant and ridiculous as ever…

  36. rikyrah says:

    Jeb Bush set to launch, far from where he hoped to be
    06/15/15 12:53 PM—UPDATED 06/15/15 04:32 PM
    By Steve Benen
    As recently as two weeks ago, Jeb Bush still wouldn’t even admit he’s running for president. The former Florida governor said he’d “like to run,” but the Republican insisted he hadn’t yet “made the decision.” He even managed to say this with a straight face.

    Two weeks later, Bush has evidently made up his mind. MSNBC’s Benjy Sarlin reported this morning on the former governor’s plans, including a scheduled kickoff at 3 p.m. in his adopted hometown of Miami.
    “I need to sharpen the saw, I need to go to mass, I need to be with my grandkids,” Bush told NBC News’ Chris Jansing in a one-on-one interview after an information session with Estonian tech officials and entrepreneurs. “I just need to decompress a little bit. On Sunday, I get to do that and I’ve always found that to be important, and then Monday, just have fun – It’s going to be an exciting time. I’m really excited about this.”

    “We can fix these things,” he said, when asked about his message on Monday. “We can fix the problems that people think are intractable. With leadership we can move forward again. We can be the greatest country on the face of the Earth again, I truly believe it.”
    As a rule, presidential candidates tend to believe the United States is already the greatest country in the world, not awaiting greatness based on voters’ willingness to elect Jeb Bush.

    By most measures, the Republican candidate probably expected this to be a little less “exciting” at this stage of the race. Bush launched his national operation surprisingly early, no doubt with a specific strategy in mind: he would position himself as the GOP frontrunner, secure an overwhelming financial advantage, lock down support from the party establishment, and intimidate potential rivals out of the race altogether.


  37. rikyrah says:

    Dominican Republic to Be ‘Socially Cleaned’ On June 16th

    June 15, 2015 by Source —Leave a Comment

    By gjohnsit / Daily Kos

    On June 16th about a quarter of a million people will be made stateless. They will have no homes, no passports, and no civil rights. There are several reasons for this, but the primary reason is racism.

    At issue is a ruling by the Constitutional Court in the Dominican Republic to strip away the citizenship of several generations of Dominicans.

    According to the decision, Dominicans born after 1929 to parents who are not of Dominican ancestry are to have their citizenship revoked. The ruling affects an estimated 250,000 Dominican people of Haitian descent, including many who have had no personal connection with Haiti for several generations.

    What we are witnessing is one of the largest humanitarian crisis in the western hemisphere, except this one is completely by choice.

    As a recent Peace Corps volunteer in the DR, stationed near the border of Haiti, I have a very personal perspective on this issue.

    This may be hard to believe for most Americans, but racism in the DR is much worse than racism here in the United States. The idea of being black in the DR is wrapped up with being Haitian, and then takes on a xenophobic quality.

    The thing is, 90% of Dominicans would be considered ‘black’ by American standards. So there is a huge difference between being considered moreno (brown) and negro (black). The Policia Nacional Dominicana are so underpaid and openly corrupt that being mistaken for being Haitian means having to bribe officers (which I’ve personally witnessed) or be arrested and possibly beaten. Being mistaken for being Haitian means being denied job opportunities, public education, bank accounts, and health care.

    In other words, being black in the DR means being a second-class citizen with no legal protections. And now it means being stateless.


  38. rikyrah says:

    From Charles Pierce about Jeb:

    OK, past is past. Jeb (!) is not about the past. Not him. He’s especially not about that thin slice of the past that occurred during the years 2001-2009, when somebody Jeb (!) once met briefly was president of the United States and everything went to shit. Because Jeb (!) grew up in a small shoebox in the middle of the road, and is not one of the “pampered elites.”

    (I have to admit that this was the point where I expected his pants to ignite.)

    Honest to god, if you listened to the speech, which was written very well and delivered with the kind of smug WASP brio that so often eluded that chap who Jeb (!) bumped into back in the Aughts, you would believe that history began in January of 2009. He did make a little wink and a nod to the “first president I met on the day I was born, and the second one I met on the day I came home.” But, beyond that, you’d have thought he was found in a basket in the bullrushes along the banks of the Kennebec River


  39. rikyrah says:

    Streamed live on Jun 16, 2015

    As part of the Let Girls Learn initiative and following her recent visits to Japan and Cambodia, the First Lady will meet with students and educators at the Mulberry School in London to discuss how the UK and the U.S. are working together to expand access to girls education around the world – supporting adolescent girls in completing their education.

  40. rikyrah says:

    Larry Beyince @DragonflyJonez

    Rachel defenders just show how some of us are so eager for white people to be “on our side” that it blinds us.

  41. Ametia says:

    Jeb’s logo can’t hide the troublesome family name
    By Eugene Robinson Opinion writer
    June 15 at 8:16 PM

    Substituting an exclamation point for his inconvenient last name, Jeb! has officially entered the presidential race. Why isn’t everyone else quaking in fear?

    I can see why Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner who also downplays a familiar surname, might welcome Jeb Bush’s candidacy. If the general election is Bush versus Clinton, the dynasty issue becomes a wash. Americans would just have to deal with the fact that these two families are never, ever going away.


  42. rikyrah says:

    PragmaticObotsUnite @PragObots

    She’s painting herself as a victim, which is a typical white woman move. #RachelDolezal

    • rikyrah says:

      Dr. Goddess @drgoddess

      #RachelDolezal said she identified with the Black experience at about five years old and doesn’t know why her parents want to whitewash her.


      Larry Beyince @DragonflyJonez

      Plenty of white folks who aren’t deceitful and dishonest are battling racial injustice alongside us. Dont make Rachel a hero. She aint shit

      deray mckesson @deray

      And #RachelDolezal got more coverage than James Boulware who shot up the @DallasPD HQ and planted bombs under police vehicles.

  43. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  44. Ametia says:
  45. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Good Morning :)

    Great article on African American town in Nebraska:


    “Descendants recall Nebraska’s once booming African-American town of DeWitty”


    The Homestead Act of 1862 gave settlers 160 acres, and later, the Kinkaid Act offered as many as 640 acres to claimants, luring thousands of immigrants, former slaves, would-be farmers and adventurous souls to Nebraska. They packed their lives into bags, wagons and oxcarts and hit the road looking to start new lives.

    Nebraska’s harsh winters and the challenges of farming defeated many transplants — black and white — who were used to more hospitable climates and more fertile soil.

    DeWitty wasn’t the only black homestead community in the state, but it was one of the most successful and longest lived, surviving nearly 30 years.
    Descendant Catherine Meehan Blount, who lives in Bishopville, Maryland, believes its success came from a core group of about nine families that came to Nebraska from Canada. They were skilled, valued education, were accustomed to punishing cold and had already learned how to build a community out of wilderness, she said.

    Her grandparents, Charles and Hester Meehan, traveled by wagon to Nebraska from the Canadian settlement of Elgin, which was established by a Presbyterian minister as a refuge for escaped and freed slaves. Charles was white, Hester black.

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