Saturday Open Thread | Whip / Nae Nae

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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51 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | Whip / Nae Nae

  1. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Amelia Boynton Robinson’s memorial services are going to be this weekend (starting today).

    Have any of you found any news reports yet?

  2. vitaminlover says:

    Oooh watch me watch me
    oooh watch me watch me
    oooh watch me watch me
    oooh oooh oooh
    Do the stanky leg. stank stank.
    I love that song .
    My daughter is coming up with a routine for it in our Zumba class.

  3. Ametia says:

    Remember this SLAVE-CATCHER right here

    Carson: “We keep an eye on him and hope for the best.”

    • Ametia says:

      Mind you, Carson will never be the GOP’s nominee for Potus, but he does provide brilliant cover for their racial animus towards BLACK$, while collecting the $$$$$.

  4. Ametia says:

    And then there’s THIS, further perpetuating the idealogy that being a Muslim are ‘BAD’

    If Jimmy K wants to survey Americans on a subject, why doesn’t he ask this question:


    And ask it of WHITE AMERICANS—ONLY

    • eliihass says:

      Jimmy Kimmel is a sadistic ass…

      He’s no more open-minded and all-embracing than Ted Cruz…He only happens to work in Hollywood which was previously (and erroneously) thought to be ‘liberal’ and ‘open-minded’..

  5. Ametia says:

    American voters have as much chance of expecting Hillary Clinton to apolgize for her email FIASCO as they do of Donald Trump apologizing for his vile, racists, mysogynist remarks & bufoonery behavior.

    Pleae Tweet! Thanks

  6. Ametia says:



    Prince has some advice for up-and-coming artists that music industry bigwigs probably don’t want disseminated: “Stop signing contracts. You don’t belong to people; that’s over with,” he says during USA TODAY’s three-hour visit to the 57-year-old’s iconic Paisley Park compound in suburban Minneapolis.

    Of course, his disdain for the traditional artist-label relationship is well-documented and decades long, but his passion for the more David-and- Goliath aspects of the topic is as fiery as ever. How fiery? Well, here’s what he says about voiding his membership with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers — the body that pays royalties to musicians whenever their music is played: “To actually tell ASCAP, ‘Why am I a member of this? I don’t have to stay there, do I?’ When you examine what they are, why should any of us be a part of it? … We’re not against anything — it’s what we’re for.”

    It’s that kind of thinking that led Prince to another rule-breaking musician — Jay Z — whose mission to disrupt the paid streaming service model by investing in Tidal sounded like music to Prince’s ears.

    Prince, whose unflinching, don’t-mess-with-my-money attitude belies his elfin appearance, says he chatted with other digital music companies before selecting Tidal as the exclusive home for his new album HitNRun, available to subscribers on Monday. The album will live solely on Tidal. So, why Jay Z? Because he gets it, Prince says.

    “Jay Z didn’t want to get the same wages (as everyone else),” he says. “God’s not broke, why should we be? I’m not mad at anybody for being successful. A lot of us grew up broke and we’re not trying to go back to it. And, we don’t wish that for anybody else.”
    Despite its A-list backing, Tidal has been slow to get off the ground, but you won’t find Prince in the chorus of critical voices, which includes musicians Mumford & Sons and Lily Allen, who have slammed its $9.99 to 19.99 monthly fee as too expensive and unfair to fans.
    “I’m not going to criticize Jay Z. I didn’t spend my money,” Prince says. “Can you see me in the newspaper saying something negative about Tidal?”

    Besides, in addition to its artist-owned DNA, Tidal’s high-definition sound quality was a plus for Prince, a consummate musician who wants listeners to really
    hear his music. “We take the time to make music. It’s actual people playing. You can hear all the humanity in it. … This is a top-of-the-line, sonically exquisite piece of work. You hear all of the effort.” There’s something else Prince wants listeners, fans, fellow artists and black America to hear: His message about pride in ownership.

    “(Fans) care about blackowned, don’t they? Go over (to other services) if you want. Any sort of ownership we have is really important,” he says about Tidal and its competition. “When you own your own community, you pay for your police department. Police were created to protect property of white folks. They were originally slave catchers. … When you get your own studio, now what are (labels) going to provide for you?”

    Prince does own his own studio, in fact, and when it comes to the music he creates within its walls, a smirking Prince has the perfectly Prince-ian retort to this reporter’s (somewhat impatient) request to hear HitNRun in its entirety.

    “Did you bring money?”

  7. Ametia says:

    CNN is pushing Civil Rights groups are responsible for a rash of police being killed. Saying the motive is different since Black Lives Matter.

    Just disgusting!

  8. Don’t know if you ladies saw this had to come right over and share.

  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Erika Totten ‏@2LiveUnchained 2h2 hours ago
    Me: “What does your protest sign say?”
    Her: “White is BORING!”

  10. Somebody call 911, I’m choking from laughing.

    Boy If You Don’t……

  11. Baby Landon Gets Mentored

    [facebook url="" /]

  12. yahtzeebutterfly says:
    (photo by Chuck Modi)

    • Liza says:

      I feel sorry for the child. Her mother clearly does not accept her for who she is, a healthy three year old biracial child. Someday the kid will know that her mother sued the agency that provided the wrong sperm donor and that will be a sad, sad day for that little girl. All of this concern about her being an “outcast” in the lily white world of this woman is just a thinly veiled cover-up for, “I prefer not to raise a black child.”

    • Ametia says:

      Jennifer’s a PLAIN OLD LOSER all the way around.

    • rikyrah says:

      She could move to another town where her daughter would be more welcome.

  13. white kid vs black kid

  14. rikyrah says:

    Malik Hall Meeting POTUS
    President Barack Obama meets 4-year-old Malik Hall during departure photos with Malik’s uncle, Maurice Owens, center, in the Oval Office, Sept 4, 2015. Also pictured, from right, Owens’s sister Ayesha Hall, his mother Chauvet Wells and his brother Derrick Harpe. Kayah Hall, Owens’s 2-year-old niece, is hidden behind Ms. Wells.
    (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  15. rikyrah says:

    The missing story of the 2014 election
    By Chris Ladd on November 10, 2014 6:00 AM

    Few things are as dangerous to a long term strategy as a short-term victory. Republicans this week scored the kind of win that sets one up for spectacular, catastrophic failure and no one is talking about it.

    What emerges from the numbers is the continuation of a trend that has been in place for almost two decades. Once again, Republicans are disappearing from the competitive landscape at the national level across the most heavily populated sections of the country while intensifying their hold on a declining electoral bloc of aging, white, rural voters. The 2014 election not only continued that doomed pattern, it doubled down on it. As a result, it became apparent from the numbers last week that no Republican candidate has a credible shot at the White House in 2016, and the chance of the GOP holding the Senate for longer than two years is precisely zero.

    For Republicans looking for ways that the party can once again take the lead in building a nationally relevant governing agenda, the 2014 election is a prelude to a disaster. Understanding this trend begins with a stark graphic.

    Behold the Blue Wall:

    The Blue Wall is block of states that no Republican Presidential candidate can realistically hope to win. Tuesday that block finally extended to New Hampshire, meaning that at the outset of any Presidential campaign, a minimally effective Democratic candidate can expect to win 257 electoral votes without even trying. That’s 257 out of the 270 needed to win.

  16. rikyrah says:

    September 05, 2015 7:30 AM
    Why Donald Trump Will Defeat the Koch Brothers for the Soul of the GOP

    By David Atkins

    In order to understand how Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican field despite openly promoting tax hikes on wealth hedge fund managers, hedging support for universal healthcare and other wildly iconoclastic positions hostile to decades of Republican dogma, it’s important to note the that the Republican Party was teetering on the edge of a dramatic change no matter whether Trump had entered the race or not.

    Demographers and political scientists have long been predicting that the Republican Party is due for a realignment—the sort of tectonic political shift that occurs when one of the two parties either take a courageous political stand or falls into danger of becoming a permanent minority, shifting the demographics and constituencies that sort each party. The last big realignment in American politics is generally considered to to have occurred in the wake of the Civil Rights Act, when Democratic support for civil rights legislation moved racially resentful, mostly Southern whites into the arms of the Republicans while picking up support from women and minorities. Republicans, of course, hastened this process through their use of the Southern strategy to maximize conservative white fears and resentments. It is arguable that the Democratic shift toward the conservative and neoliberal economics beginning the late 1970s as a response to the increasing power of money in elections and the rise of Reagan was also a minor realignment that moved many wealthy social liberals out of the Republican fold at the expense of blue-collar Democratic workers.

    Conventional wisdom has argued that demographic trends showing the rise of Latino and Asian voters would spell the need for another GOP realignment—this time away from minority-bashing Southern Strategy politics, toward a more ecumenical, corporate-friendly fiscal libertarianism and militaristic foreign policy that would in theory attract conservative-leaning voters across the racial spectrum who had previously felt unwelcome in the Republican fold due to its racial politics. Republican leaders are well aware that every election year the voting public becomes more diverse, and that permanently losing the Latino and Asian votes the way Republicans have the African-American vote would mean a permanent disaster for their party. The Blue Wall becomes more formidable for the GOP with every presidential election cycle, largely due to demographic change.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Have said it from the beginning. Trump is NOT appealing to some ‘sliver’ of the Republican Party. He is speaking the language of the MAINSTREAM of this GOP, but he does not do it in Frank Luntz-approved dogwhistles. It’s been interesting to see articles being written trying to dance around what Trump is saying, because the dogwhistles gave the MSM the cover to pretend that the GOP doesn’t represent what they represent. Now, we get the articles about how ‘there must be more’ to their support of Trump. No. He expresses their hatred of THE OTHER in plain language, and that’s what they want. There IS nothing deeper there.


    What Donald Trump Understands About Republicans
    SEPT. 2, 2015

    Trump’s success is no surprise. The public and the press have focused
    on his defiant rejection of mannerly rhetoric, his putting into words of
    what others think privately. But the more important truth is that a
    half-century of Republican policies on race and immigration have made
    the party the home of an often angry and resentful white constituency — a
    constituency that is now politically mobilized in the face of
    demographic upheaval.

    Demographic upheaval may be understating it. From 1970 to 2010, the Hispanic population of the United States grew fivefold,
    from 9.6 million to 50.5 million. From 2000 to 2010, the number of
    white children under 18 declined by 4.3 million while the number of
    Hispanic children grew by 4.8 million. In 2013, white children became a minority, 47.7 percent of students ages 3 to 6.

    We have become familiar with Trump’s selling point — that he, more than any other Republican candidate, voices nativist and protectionist views in aggressive and abrasive terms, without qualm:
    “I Love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they’re bad. They’re really bad.” He has vilified Latin American immigrants as “bringing drugs, bringing crime” and as “rapists.”

    Not very subtly, Trump conflates American blacks with Mexican immigrants. “I know cities where police are afraid to even talk to people because they want to be able to retire and have their pension,” he declared in Nashville on Aug. 29. “That first night in Baltimore,” when rioting broke out in protest over the death of Freddie Gray in police custody, “they allowed that city to be destroyed. They set it back 35 years in one night because the police weren’t allowed to protect people. We need law and order!”

    Urban gangs, in turn, provide Trump with an opportunity to link immigration and crime.“You know a lot of the gangs that you see in Baltimore and in St. Louis and Ferguson and Chicago, do you know they’re illegal immigrants?” Trump vows that after the election, “they’re going to be gone so fast, if I win, that your head will spin.”

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      “He expresses their hatred of THE OTHER in plain language, and that’s what they want.”

      Exactly, Rikyrah!

    • Ametia says:

      Yes, Rikyrah. Trump’s vileness is loud & clear. The white man is ANGRY and wants all you coloreds, Mexicans, and yes you too, Asians “chinks’ out of their way and out of their country!

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

    Off to swim and run errands.

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