Sunday Open Thread | Praise & Worship

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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43 Responses to Sunday Open Thread | Praise & Worship

  1. eliihass says:

    Some day, the world will come to understand, recognize and appreciate what some of us already know…

    This woman is EVERYTHING…she is unassuming greatness…she is focused, eyes in the back of her head, all-seeing, all-knowing magic..

    She has made it look mostly easy and effortless…but the psychological warfare and machinations she’s had to contend with, maneuver, outwit and endure, will only be told in the years to come…

    As she stands and surveys an audience full of those who tried to and are still trying to take her down…those who tried her husband…and those who tried to and continue to try to chip away at her, her being, her marriage and her family…the most important things to her…

    It is important to note that a lesser woman would have long shriveled up and died – or out and out lost their minds…but she’s not only still standing, she’s still so completely herself…still clear about who she is and what ultimately matters… still so unaffected …in spite of the attacks and 8 years of dehumanization and psychological warfare at times even from those who were supposed to be on her side…

    She shows up still…they didn’t break her…they tried…

    She stands and still defiantly looks her detractors and those who’ve sabotaged and undermined her and tried to take her down, squarely in the eyes…

    Scars and all…she’s still standing…

    As she surveys this audience full of outright foes and false friends and false allies…and those with an agenda who continue to try to insinuate and ingratiate themselves into and with her husband for all sorts of reasons and plots and plans…

    She has shown how to be a public figure – a black woman public figure …without losing yourself even in the face of the most hostile attacks and underhandedness by so-called ‘allies’ who think they’re slick…she has shown how to be the first black FLOTUS in a world that thinks so little of black women – especially dark skinned black women…and will try you in ways you can’t even begin to contemplate…especially if you refuse to be contrived, or assume and embrace affectation, speak in affected valley girl voice or bleach your skin to make yourself generally ‘less black’ and more ‘acceptable’ to those who decide what’s hot and not …and what and who rates and who doesn’t…

    I read an article a few weeks ago somewhere, FLOTUS is talking about her daughters…and how this last year is a year of goodbyes since as she reminds her daughters, ‘there are some people they are never going to see again’…LOL…

    I know she’ll have to still stomach some of these folks as they build their foundation …but I know she can’t wait to leave the White House and hopefully be permanently rid of most of these blood suckers and opportunists – some of whom are really no price and are dastardly in more ways than one – including those who think that ingratiating themselves with POTUS will guarantee them access forever…

  2. eliihass says:

    As you can imagine, this was my absolute favorite moment of that wildly popular final WHCD dinner..

    And in perusing Instagram, I can categorically declare that so many others thought so too…

    Except of course for the few right-wing nuts and the envious, jealous, literal and metaphorical green-eyed Beckys and a few sad and spiteful skin-folk …all of whose lives are empty, sad and devoid of love…

  3. eliihass says:

    FLOTUS busy focused on what and who really matters…

    Eschewing the D.C tea parties, ladies who lunch and gala circuit…and ignoring the self-important, self-styled kingmaker crowd, she’s busy quietly investing in, nurturing and uplifting the babies…making sure they know they are seen and they are who matter most…

    It’s mind-blowing how brilliant and impactful her unassuming and understated moves really are…

    Perusing Instagram and other social media, one can’t even begin to understand just how powerful and positively impactful and life-changing these seemingly fun and simple events she organizes including this one to celebrate and inspire kids at College signing day – mostly comprising kids who are the first in their families to go to college – really are..

    To read some of these kids posts…and those of their parents, siblings, families and friends…is to be so overwhelmed with emotions so deep…

    This woman…this magnificent and positively brilliant, insightful and purposeful woman, knows exactly how to reach her target audience and connect and deliver…but most importantly, make sure they understand and take advantage of what she’s trying to get them to see and understand…

    It’s no mistake that where most people in her position are angling to be commencement speakers at top Ivy League institutions etc. she turns those down and instead chooses each year to speak at an HBCU, a high school with a diverse demographic – and usually one that has overcome and excelled against all odds…and a college that has done right in the civil rights story of making our Union more perfect…

    It’s like she knows a life-saving secret and she’s going around quietly sharing it with those least likely to ever get the information they need to survive…

    She employs celebrities to wear their alma mater tees and come out to rally and entertain these mostly disadvantaged kids who have a shot at excelling against all odds…and she’s desperate to let them know to stay the course and to never give up – using her own biography she connects and shows them the possibilities…she also shows the kids using these celebrities, that they didn’t just skip to celebrity in most instances…that they too went to college and got their education …and that college and a higher education is cool and fun…and important and life-changing and life-saving…

    And then in her Princeton tee, she doles out the best and the most practical and wonderful advice about college life and life itself… lets her hair down, dances coolly and doles out lots of real, warm and engulfing hugs to kids who will never ever forget ….to show that you don’t lose your street cred and that you can still be so cool and fun and multi-faceted in the best and most genuine of ways – even if you go to college …and even if you are a 52 year old Princeton and Harvard -educated lawyer, wife, mother, daughter and historic FLOTUS married to the Columbia and Harvard educated lawyer, husband, father and historic POTUS…

    She’s fantastic and positively subversive…I love her…

  4. rikyrah says:

    State workers admit to denying food assistance to eligible families
    Officials say they were shocked by the workers’ confessions (KTRK)
    Sunday, May 01, 2016 10:52AM

    ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Several state employees admitted to falsifying information on food stamp applications in an attempt to deny assistance to eligible families.

    Officials in New Mexico say they were shocked to hear employees of the state’s Human Services department would work against those who needed help the most.

    “This is something we’ve never heard before, but according to workers, has been going on for quite some time,” says Sovereign Hager with the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty.

    In federal court, five workers said they were pressured to falsify applications for assistance by stating families had more than $100 in assets when they had less than that or none at all.

    Lawyers say those people were then wrongfully denied food assistance.

  5. eliihass says:

    I hope Jesse comes out and supports Bernie in California …Jesse Williams is one of the very few celebrities I think is a real activist and not just another self-serving opportunist who cynically exploits politics and important causes to keep themselves relevant and in the news …and more importantly, as access to important, happening, ‘it’ people and events… to self-promote and self-advance…and to sell their movies, their product deals …and to amass a following to flatter themselves and to pawn off their movies, products…and to be seen as ‘popular’ and a ‘good bet’ for movie deals, magazine covers etc..

    Just like those who really see and know do, you can tell FLOTUS knows that Jesse is the real deal and not another agenda-driven Hollywood ‘swarmer’…

  6. rikyrah says:

    ‘This can’t happen by accident.’
    For generations, African Americans have faced unique barriers to owning a home — and enjoying the wealth it brings. In Atlanta, where predominantly black neighborhoods are still waiting for the recovery, the link between race and real estate fortune is stark.

    SoUTH DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — When the new subdivisions were rising everywhere here in the 1990s and early 2000s, with hundreds and hundreds of fine homes on one-acre lots carved out of the Georgia forest, the price divide between this part of De­Kalb County and the northern part wasn’t so vast.

    Now, a house that looks otherwise identical in South DeKalb, on the edge of Atlanta, might sell for half what it would in North DeKalb. The difference has widened over the years of the housing boom, bust and recovery, and Wayne Early can’t explain it.

    The people here make good money, he says. They have good jobs. Their homes are built of the same sturdy brick. Early, an economic development consultant and real estate agent, can identify only one obvious difference that makes property here worth so much less.

    “This can’t happen by accident,” he says. “It’s too tightly correlated with race for it to be based on something else.”


    Even well-off African Americans, like the ones in some South DeKalb subdivisions, were more likely to be given subprime loans when they should have qualified for better ones. Nationwide, black families earning around $230,000 a year, according to research by sociologist Jacob Fa­ber, were more likely at the height of the bubble in 2006 to be given a subprime loan than white families making about $32,000. The problem, Faber argued, wasn’t that professional blacks didn’t understand that they qualified for better loans; they were targeted for bad loans. Subprime lenders viewed them, Faber argued, as particularly profitable targets.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Damon Young, 5/1/16

    Who is Barack Obama?

    From 2008 to 2015, Barack Obama was the President of the United States. Now, however, he is the Grand Supreme Wizard of Nofucksistan. He presides over a land encompassed of fields and fields and fields of no fucks as far as thine eyes can see; cities with names like “Nah” and “ILeftMyLastFuckin2014″; beautiful trees ripe with no fucks fruit, and harvests that produce bountiful new crops of no fucks every quarter.

    So he’s no longer the President of the United States?

    He still is. A great part about being Grand Supreme Wizard of Nofucksistan is that you can hold that position while still holding other occupations. Solange Knowles, for instance, was the previous Grand Supreme Wizard while also maintaining a thriving career as a recording artist, Instagram muse, and amateur kickboxer.

    What is the White House Correspondents Dinner?

    It’s an annual event where the President and the press gather to laugh at jokes and roast the President. But since President Obama is Grand Supreme Wizard of Nofucksistan, he’s somewhat impervious to roasting. Sure, there were digs directed at him during the night, but you can’t really roast someone who left his last fuck in a kitchen cupboard in a timeshare duplex at Deep Creek Lake.

    Instead, he took the opportunity to roast Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and others with lines like “I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes that white people should not make” and jabs at candidates who “didn’t poll high enough to earn a joke” — which is basically the presidential equivalent of “all you other cats throwing shots at Jigga, you only get half a bar — fuck y’all niggas.”

    And, to remind everyone of his new occupation, he ended his set by literally dropping the mic.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Cham ‎@kchamomile
    So Malia Obama got in to Harvard and NOW there are angry white ppl decrying “legacies” to pretend they’re not just bitter and anti black 😂

    Cham ‎@kchamomile
    Y’all NEVER cared abt rich white ppl getting into college cause they’re rich parents got ’em in there.

    Cham ‎@kchamomile
    And of COURSE Malia couldn’t have earned her acceptance into Harvard.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Farrah Rochon ‎@FarrahRochon
    Malia Obama is the daughter of two lawyers who no doubt taught her a the value of an education. Pretty sure she’s smart enough for Harvard.

    • eliihass says:

      2 Harvard educated lawyer parents for that matter…and Ivy league Princeton and Columbia educated mother and father no less..

    • eliihass says:

      No matter what is said or done…or what threats are made and deals are cut…or the blackmailing and strong-arming going on…Deep down, POTUS knows that it is Bernie Sanders and not Hillary Clinton who closely mirrors and embodies the people-centered progressive spirit and goals that motivated his run and propelled him to the Presidency in 2008 ..

  10. Larry Wilmore to President Obama: “Yo Barry, you did it my Nigga”.

    • rikyrah says:


    • eliihass says:

      Sometimes you wonder if it isn’t easier to simply type: President and Mrs Obama…I know it is …

      But there’s this insistence on addressing the sitting First Lady by her first name in formal news articles, while addressing former first ladies with the first lady title and in bold capitals no less…

  11. Ametia says:

    No doubt, when you leave the White House, Mr. President, you’ll continue earning those “Tubmans.”

  12. Ametia says:

    Sandra Bland’s Mother Delivers Emotional Speech To Congressional Leaders Says “Wake Up, Get Up, Step Up, Or Shut Up!!” [Video]

    Let’s get something straight. I as a mother do not believe she committed suicide. I will say that until it’s proven. But if you want me to believe that my daughter—that I sent down there sitting up, driving her own vehicle—would be sent home in a capsule in the bottom of a plane with luggage on top of her, that I’m going to shut up? I will not. I will not.

  13. Comrade: A person who shares one’s interests or activities, political party.

  14. Potus calls Bernie Sanders “the bright new face of the Democratic Party.”

  15. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone:)

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