Friday Open Thread |Just Because I Love Them: Aretha Franklin

We conclude this week with Ms. Aretha Franklin.


She can still bring them to their feet – in 2015.


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65 Responses to Friday Open Thread |Just Because I Love Them: Aretha Franklin

  1. vitaminlover says:

    Southern, I am relieved that you are always safe. However, I, myself could not live in Texas because of the weather. I pray for you and your family’s safety.

  2. Liza says:

    SG2, I hope that you and all the folks in east central Texas are okay. Looks like nice country out there but ya’ll need better roads on higher ground.

  3. Liza says:

    Y’all deserve a Friday night treat. John Hurt…

  4. rikyrah says:

    Ok , I am about to begin my weekend itis. For those of you from Chicago, I just stopped by Lem’s and got a large tip/link combo, with Cole slaw. Stepped across the street and got myself a slice of diabetes on a plate for dessert 😆from my favorite bakery.
    Let the itis commence.😄

    • eliihass says:

      Life is short…and it’s really all about moderation..

      An occasional treat isn’t so terrible…

      Enjoy, then do an extra lap or 3 when you go swimming tomorrow..

  5. rikyrah says:

    Isn’t this what folks like me have been saying?

    This isn’t about freedom of speech.

    This is about freedom from the CONSEQUENCES of expressing that ‘ freedom of speech’.

    They want to be able to party like it’s 1948, where a WHITE MALE, cause that’s who we’re talking about…

    could go around and call me Nigger, without there being any consequences.

    Well, today, if he does it, he doesn’t know or not, if he’s rolled up ‘ the wrong one’,. and his teeth will wind up looking like Chicklets on the pavement. And, that’s the lesser of what could happen to him.

    Nobody’s playing with these muthaphuckas.

    He’s all big and bad..then BE all big and bad…

    but, accept the consequences for being all big and bad…



    A Dialogue With a 22-Year-Old Donald Trump Supporter

    He lives near San Francisco, makes more than $50,000 per year, and is voting for the billionaire to fight against political correctness.


    For several days, I’ve been corresponding with a 22-year-old Donald Trump supporter. He is white, has a bachelor’s degree, and earns $50,000 to $60,000 per year.

    He lives near San Francisco.

    “I recently became engaged to my Asian fiancée who is making roughly 3 times what I make, and I am completely supportive of her and proud she is doing so well,” he wrote. “We’ve both benefitted a lot from globalization. We are young, urban, and have a happy future planned. We seem molded to be perfect young Hillary supporters,” he observed, “but we’re not. In 2016, we’re both going for Trump.”


    Trump Voter: We are young, urban, and have a happy future planned. We seem molded to be perfect young Hillary supporters. But we’re not. Both of us voted Libertarian in 2012, and ideologically we remain so. But in 2016? We’re both going for Trump.

    For me personally, it’s resistance against what San Francisco has been, and what I see the country becoming, in the form of ultra-PC culture. That’s where it’s almost impossible to have polite or constructive political discussion. Disagreement gets you labeled fascist, racist, bigoted, etc. It can provoke a reaction so intense that you’re suddenly an unperson to an acquaintance or friend. There is no saying “Hey, I disagree with you,” it’s just instant shunning. Say things online, and they’ll try to find out who you are and potentially even get you fired for it. Being anti-PC is not about saying “I want you to agree with me on these issues.” It’s about saying, “Hey, I want to have a discussion and not get shouted down because I don’t agree with what is considered to be politically correct.”

    • eliihass says:

      SG, I hope you and yours are ok…stay safe..

      This is too crazy…

      Meanwhile, we’re over here begging for the slightest of rain showers..

  6. rikyrah says:

    I wasn’t going to watch this, but Luvvie has convinced me.


    On ROOTS Reimagined and Retelling This Classic Story
    Awesomely Luvvie — May 26, 2016 1 24

    When I first heard that they wanted to remake ROOTS, I legit was like “Bhet why?” The mini-series from 1977, based on Alex Haley‘s book of the same name is one of those classics that everyone knows about even if they haven’t seen. Why touch it? Why do we need to see a new version of the harrowing tale of Kunta Kinte, a Mandinka warrior, stolen and sold into slavery? It was the role that catapulted LeVar Burton into stardom, and it is so strongly HIS that why would they even try to re-do it?

    Those were my questions when the ROOTS team reached out to me. I was hella skeptical. And then they told me why they were re-imagining (not remaking) ROOTS. It turns out that most millennials (people under 35) have never seen the original ROOTS. We’ve seen clips of the “What’s your name? KUNTA.” scene, but many of us have never sat down to watch it. Me included.

    So they sent me a screener of the first episode of ROOTS Reimagined. Y’all. Y’ALL. I watched it and when it ended, I felt trapped in a glass case of emotions. I felt anger that was visceral. I felt proud, from the resilience of my people. And I felt more than ever that this was necessary. This is a time when this conversation can be really productive.

    I agreed to partner with the History Channel and A+E on this to spread the word because what they’ve done here is fantastic. They put my skepticism to bed after seeing that episode, and the care they took to tell a story that was layered, as complete as it could be, but also relevant to the pace we absorb things in now.

    Episode one spends a lot of time in Africa, where we learn who Kunta Kinte was, who he came from and how he came to be who he was before he was stolen from his home to become a slave in the United States.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Why People Hate Congress
    by BooMan
    Fri May 27th, 2016 at 12:34:44 PM EST

    If you want a demonstration on why it’s so easy for regular folks to despise politicians, look no further than the shenanigans that went on in the U.S. House of Representatives, yesterday. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), who is openly gay, has been attaching a LGBT rights amendment to Republican bills. He’s able to do this because Speaker Ryan has decided to allow for a much more open amendments process than his predecessors, but that comes with a cost. The cost is that the opposition finds it much easier to mess with you by offering amendments that drive wedges into your caucus.

    Gay rights is one of those wedge issues. First, Rep. Maloney attached his amendment to a military construction bill. It provided “that nothing in the underlying spending bill can undermine President Obama’s executive order barring discrimination by government contractors based on sexual orientation or gender identity.”

    When it became clear that the amendment would pass, the House leadership held the vote open until they could whip enough votes to defeat it, 212-213. That was last week.

    On Wednesday night, Rep. Maloney attached the amendment to an energy spending bill and it passed 223-195, with 43 Republicans and all the Democrats supporting it.

    Isn’t it amazing that the same body of 435 representatives could have such a different opinion of an amendment depending on whether it was attached to a military construction bill or an energy bill?

    In truth, those 43 Republicans don’t object to the amendment. They didn’t want to go on the record opposing it the first time.

    But, fine, they eventually exercised their independent judgment and passed it, right?

    What happened then?

    The victory was short-lived, however, as the amendment proved to be a poison pill that led scores of Republicans to oppose the underlying energy bill, which suffered a crushing 112-305 defeat on the floor Thursday. One hundred and thirty Republicans voted against the package, while just six Democrats supported it.
    The Republicans voted against gay rights before they voted for them before they voted against them again?

    Of course, they blamed the Democrats for not supporting the energy bill, but the energy bill wasn’t crafted to win Democratic support. What actually happened is that gay-hating Republicans who supported the energy appropriations decided to vote against them once the funds became attached to an anti-discrimination provision.

    This is, of course, Speaker Ryan’s fault because he decided to let the Democrats offer these types of amendments to bills they have no intention of supporting. And that allows the Democrats to have a good old time exposing the Republicans’ divisions and horrible record on gay rights.

    It’s another demonstration that the GOP is not capable of acting as a cohesive governing coalition. They cannot fund the government. And they couldn’t fund it even before they opened the door for the Democrats to shiv them at every opportunity.

  8. rikyrah says:


    Romney: I speak out against Trump to sleep at night
    5/27/16 11:34 AM EDT

    For Mitt Romney, the decision to take on Donald Trump was a matter of personal integrity, the former Republican nominee suggested in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Friday.

    “I know that some people are offended that someone who lost and is the former nominee continues to speak, but that’s how I can sleep at night,” Romney said. “And there are some people, though it’s a small number, who still value my opinion.”

    Recalling a conversation with his son Josh, the former Massachusetts governor said he was asked, “When the grandkids ask ‘What did you do to stop Donald Trump?’ what are you going to say?’” The Boston Globe reported the same account in March.

  9. My cousin is good at helping rescue cattle like this. I’m sure he’s somewhere helping to rescue cattle and horses.

  10. Highway 105 Washington County, Texas.

    105 Washington County Tx

  11. rikyrah says:

    The End of Black Harlem
    Newcomers say gentrification is about wealth, not
    race. But that’s a distinction without a difference.

    MAY 27, 2016

    I HAVE lived in Harlem for half my life — 30 years. I have seen it in all its complexities: a cultural nexus of black America, the landing place for Senegalese immigrants and Southern transplants, a home for people fleeing oppression and seeking opportunity. Harlem is the birthplace of so much poetry and music and beauty, but in the eyes of many who have never set foot here, it has long been a swamp of pain and suffering.

    It is also changing, rapidly. A few years ago I was on Eighth Avenue, also known as Frederick Douglass Boulevard, picketing a fund-raiser for a politician who was pushing for denser mixed-use zoning along 125th Street, the “Main Street” of my sprawling neighborhood. Harlem has seen an influx of tourists, developers and stroller-pushing young families, described in the media as “urban pioneers,” attracted by city tax abatements. New high-end housing and hip restaurants have also played their part. So have various public improvements, like new landscaping and yoga studios. In general all this activity has helped spruce the place up. Not surprisingly, on that day a few passers-by shot us ugly looks, as if to say, “Why can’t you accept a good thing?”

    But even then, a few boys passing by on their bikes understood what was at stake. As we chanted, “Save Harlem now!” one of them inquired, “Why are y’all yelling that?” We explained that the city was encouraging housing on the historic, retail-centered 125th Street, as well as taller buildings. Housing’s good, in theory, but because the median income in Harlem is less than $37,000 a year, many of these new apartments would be too expensive for those of us who already live here.

    Hearing this, making a quick calculation, one boy in glasses shot back at his companions, “You see, I told you they didn’t plant those trees for us.”

  12. rikyrah says:

    They think they’ve found the new house of the First Family -post White House.

    A new house for the Obamas

    Last updated on: May 27, 2016 10:42 IST

  13. rikyrah says:

    Anthony Bourdain
    Bun Cha is a typical Hanoi dish, decidedly everyday, and much loved by locals . To the consternation, no doubt, of the Secret Service (who were very cool about it) I was recently joined for dinner by the leader of the free world in a working class joint near the old quarter of town for an upcoming episode of Parts Unknown .

    The President is very comfortable with chopsticks. He handled the sticky, hard to separate noodles that accompany the pork and the broth components of Bun Cha skillfully. He even went in for seconds.

    The reaction among regular people in Hanoi to the fact that the US President chose to eat Bun Cha was beyond all imagining. The effect was unbelievable.People were actually crying the next day, describing to me their shock and their pride, the reactions of their neighbors, to this completely unexpected choice of meal—and the venue.

    • rikyrah says:

      This muthaphucka here!

      Ohio Governor Poised To Make Voters Pay To Keep Polls Open Late
      MAY 26, 2016 8:08 AM

      Republican lawmakers in Ohio approved a bill late Wednesday night that would force residents to put up a cash bond when they petition a court extend voting hours during an election day emergency, such as a natural disaster. If Gov. John Kasich (R) signs the bill, Ohio could become the first state in the nation to make voters risk losing tens of thousands of dollars of their own money when making the case for keeping the polls open a few extra hours.
      The bill’s author, Republican Sen. Bill Seitz of Green Township, wrote an op-ed this week about his motivation for pushing the measure.
      “Sadly, in both the November 2015 and March 2016 elections, rogue courts in Hamilton County issued orders extending polling hours. These orders cost Hamilton County taxpayers $57,000, and forced the inside poll workers to stay around for an extra 60 to 90 minutes after already working a 14-hour day.”
      In the instances he’s citing, local courts ruled that true, unforeseen emergencies — a software glitch in 2015 that temporarily wiped out the poll books and a massive car wreck in 2016 that cut off the county’s main highway — justified keeping the polls open longer so that a few thousand waiting voters wouldn’t be disenfranchised.
      Mike Brickner with the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio says the bill now before Gov. Kasich would make it much more complicated and expensive to respond to such emergencies in the future.

    • Ametia says:


  14. rikyrah says:

    hat tip- POU:
    You will literally say AMEN while watching this young man.

    Harvard Grad’s Moving Commencement Speech Racks Up More Than 1 Million Views

    Donovan Livingston, a graduate of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, delivered a commencement speech for the ages on Wednesday. It was so good that Harvard referred to it as “one of the most powerful, heartfelt student speeches you will ever hear” when they posted it on Facebook. And for great reason. Livingston gave his speech in the form of a stirring five-minute spoken word poem, where he addressed racism and education. Titled “Lift Off,” Livingston’s poem spoke to his own experience with education, the students he teaches, and the United States’ history of systemic racism in education.

  15. Tornado damage on Highway 6, 30 miles south of Bryan/College Station! We were on highway 50 going to College Station and turned around. It was dark at 2:30pm like it was 6pm.

  16. Bags of donated clothing floating across the highway like ducks

  17. rikyrah says:

    I have heard about the bad weather in Texas. I hope that you and your family are safe.😦

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning ☺,Everyone 😄

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