Tuesday Open Thread | Sabotage of Obamacare

Yes…instead of trying to fix the parts of Obamacare that they consider ‘broken’, they are trying to destroy it, and, hurt MILLIONS OF AMERICANS.




In case you had any doubt…

And, the DNC needs to begin running ads about this RIGHT NOW.


19 States have sued Dolt45 for pulling the money for the subsidies.



This is the crux of it. MILLIONS OF LIVES ARE ON THE LINE.


As always, one of my solid go-to’s is Mayhew at Balloon Juice.

These are his posts since the announcement of the non-payments of the CSR’s.

CSR’s Won’t Be Paid

CSR and Exit Clauses

State Choices for CSR Ramifications

CSR Thoughts This Morning

Sunday Morning CSR Status Report

Plan Types Aren’t Everything

Misunderstanding the No CSR World

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83 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Sabotage of Obamacare

  1. rikyrah says:

    USS Comfort -NOW UP TO between 30 and 40 patients.

    30 AND 40 PATIENTS?

    DA PHUQ?

  2. vitaminlover says:

    Chimp, you had better watch how you treat the poor and less fortunate. Don’t be so smug as to think that you are getting away with being so smug. You are in deep trouble and you have done these hateful things long enough to know better. Your heart is hardened.

  3. rikyrah says:

    If we can’t support someone who PUT THE KLAN IN JAIL….

    then, why be a Democrat?

    I don’t care if it is Alabama.


  4. rikyrah says:


    Internal White House documents allege manufacturing decline increases abortions, infertility, and spousal abuse
    October 17 at 8:34 PM

    A document circulated by Peter Navarro, director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, linked the country’s manufacturing decline to a host of social problems.

    White House officials working on trade policy were alarmed last month when a top adviser to President Trump circulated a two-page document that alleged a weakened manufacturing sector leads to an increase in abortion, spousal abuse, divorce and infertility, two people familiar with the matter said.

    The fact-sheets, which were obtained by The Washington Post, were prepared and distributed by Peter Navarro, director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. They were presented without any data or information to back up the assertions, and reveal some of the materials the Trump administration reviewed as it was crafting its trade policy.

  5. rikyrah says:

    We’ve seen the article many times before…

    Oh woah is the Trump voter who voted against their own interests…
    That the repeal of Obamacare means that all those GOOD JOBS that came with it go away too.

    The article has been written before and before…

    I didn’t even read it.

    The comments, however, are pure gold.
    There’s a sea change out there, and some don’t want to acknowledge it. But, people are DONE with these muthaphuckas.

    Elections have consequences.


    My Blue state living self doesn’t give a shyt.
    Phuck ’em.


  6. rikyrah says:

    disgusting human being.
    Yet another example of why his voters will NEVER be forgiven.


    • Liza says:

      I can’t be shocked anymore by what comes out of that fool’s mouth, but at the same time it is appalling.

  7. rikyrah says:

    And yet….FEMA can’t find these people….


    • eliihass says:

      Just as they now refuse to provide or make public, White House visitors logs …but are quick to whip out and reference White House visitor logs from the Obama years to faux-righteously and gleefully do their gotcha on how many times Harvey Weinstein visited…

      If those visitor logs were kept secret by the Obama admin…as is now being done with everything by the treasonous impostors, they wouldn’t know how many times Weinstein visited …and they wouldn’t now fling that around and gloat in their faux-outrage..

      I’m sure they’ll be looking to destroy much of it too, before they’re thrown out of the People’s House..

  8. rikyrah says:


    They are trying to kill these American Citizens.


  9. rikyrah says:

    My family had one for over 40 years, until a hole rusted in at the bottom of the pan.


    He ain’t lying about the pot roast. Best one ever 😝

    • Ametia says:

      ‘s BWA HA HA HA HA

      I have this roasting pot, one large for turkeys and one small pot for hens & chickens. Found them at a farmer’s market over a decade ago.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Go Rev. Barber!

    Trump’s Evangelical Fans Preach the Gospel of Greed, Not Grace
    The Christian nationalists Trump has emboldened pray in public and prey on the people in private.

    by Rev. Dr. William Barber / Oct.17.2017 / 8:58 AM ET

    President Donald Trump speaks at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 13.Al Drago / Pool via EPA
    God’s orders: “Go to the royal palace and deliver this Message. Say, ‘Listen to what God says, O King of Judah, you who sit on David’s throne — you and your officials and all the people who go in and out of these palace gates. This is God’s Message: Attend to matters of justice. Set things right between people. Rescue victims from their exploiters. Don’t take advantage of the homeless, the orphans, the widows. Stop the murdering!” — Jeremiah 22:1-3

    On Friday, President Donald Trump went before the annual Values Voter Summit and declared America “a country that never forgets that we are all, everyone one of us, by the very same God in heaven.” In the name of Jesus, Trump vowed to “stop cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values.” But the Values Voter Summit, hosted by the anti-abortion, anti-gay Family Research Council, no more represents Jesus than did the church authorities who backed slavery.

    Trump invoked the name of Jesus just a day after he announced his executive order to stop the federal government’s Cost Sharing Reduction payments, which subsidize health care for lower-income families under the Affordable Care Act. Throughout the Scriptures, virtually every story told by Jesus admonishes us to see to the needs of the poor and vulnerable among us. Instead, Trump told the crowd of cheering evangelicals that he would always defend those who use religion to discriminate.

  11. eliihass says:

    I’m sorry about Gen. Kelly’s loss..

    He clearly mentioned not getting a personal POTUS call when he lost his son —to the emotionally warped and intellectually stunted megalomaniac he’s supposed to be shepherding — (reports out today show that he and his wife were personally acknowledged…including at a closed to press White House event for gold star families, just a few months after their son died in 2010).

    It buttresses concerns of those who rightly, aren’t entirely convinced or impressed with the supposedly ‘high-minded’ generals said to be babysitting the treasonous squatter…

    I get it…the general is upset about not specifically getting a personal POTUS call, but no high-minded person who doesn’t like his son’s death being politicized, would share this tidbit with his ward – a notoriously petty, spiteful, insecure, immature, leaky-mouth buffoon with a serious POTUS44 complex/obsession – and for whom there are no boundaries, and nothing is actually sacred, confidential or off-limts …a vacant, incurious, ignorant, self-serving narcissist so consumed with envy and petty, who will stop at nothing and will fling and use any and everything at his disposal – including 3rd party grievances, details of personal conversations, miscellaneous and unrelated information – even that shared in confidence – to make and score points for himself…no matter how minuscule or fleeting the ‘win’…and no matter how damaging for the long-term, the consequent fall-out …

    Part of being a responsible adult – and one that’s high-minded and with integrity, is understanding what one is dealing with, and knowing when not to share, and how to preemptively navigate treacherous waters – if that is the aim; — and how not to arm, enable or trigger a decidedly small and unstable person with a massive complex and chip on their shoulder – and as important, how not to directly or indirectly instigate –or exacerbate and inflame already volatile situations …

    Seeing what’s been glaringly obvious on display the past year and counting …and knowing what we all know about the churlish, treasonous impostor…kinda hard to be convinced about, or impressed with these always reverentially touted and supposedly ‘honorable and patriotic’ folk …who surround, even stoke, co-sign and clearly condone some of this appalling behavior…and are often seated right alongside, nodding in agreement – with a satisfying smirk on their faces, as their hollow, buffoonish ward, childishly and vindictively lies, bloviates and rampages on..

  12. Liza says:

    Black Superheroes Matter: Why a ‘Black Panther’ Movie Is Revolutionary
    By Tre Johnson
    3 hours ago

    Literally from the jump, director Ryan Coogler and Co. make it clear that we will be watching a black superhero fully in control and completely occupying the center-stage spotlight. Watch Boseman’s Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War, and you’ll see a charismatic character who fills a void in the conflicted do-gooder group. Watch the new trailer, however – the one that dropped yesterday for his stand-alone film that hits theaters February 16th – and you’ll see someone with the arrogance of Shaft, the coolness of Obama and the hot-headed impulsiveness of Kanye West. This T’Challa is accessible, awe-inspiring and perhaps most importantly, human. “I think the question that I’m trying to ask and answer in Black Panther is, ‘What does truly mean to be African?'” the filmmaker recently told Rolling Stone. “The MCU has set itself in the real world as much as possible – so what does it mean for T’Challa to move around as this black man in a movie reality that tries to be a real world?”

    … Coogler has set out to do something with the modern black superhero that all previous iterations have fallen short of doing: making it respectable, imaginative and powerful. The Afro-punk aesthetic, the unapologetic black swagger, the miniscule appearances from non-black characters – it’s an important resetting of a standard of what’s possible around creating a mythology for a black superhero. The trailers point to a new direction for depicting not only black superheroes, but also how we imagine our heroes. He’s not being played for laughs. He’s not a sidekick or born out of dire circumstances. His story, one of an ingrained birthright, legacy and royalty is a stark difference for how we tend to treat most black superheroes – and black superhero movies.

    As a child in school, I rarely reached for the black or brown Crayola crayons in my superhero coloring books; I have a lifetime’s worth of Halloweens where I weighed how often I could or should dress as the white superheroes. I couldn’t find ones that looked like me both outside of and underneath the mask. An entire generation of children will now know that a black superhero, society, imagination and power can exist right alongside Peter Parker, Steve Rogers and Bruce Wayne. An entire generation of children will not know what it feels like to not see themselves reflected back on costume racks, coloring books or movie screens. We’re at a pivotal time where these characters and stories are coming not out of permission or obligation, but necessity.
    It has been someone’s time before again and again and again. But next spring will belong to Wakanda much like the summer belonged to Wonder Woman. We’ve been waiting to see ourselves onscreen, flying through the air and running across buildings and dodging laserblasts from bearded colonialists our entire lives. The future is Ryan Coogler, Chadwick Boseman, T’Challa, Black Panther. The future is here on February 16th.


  13. Liza says:


    Those missiles look like slim dicks for a reason. Please stop these insecure men from gaslighting and killing humans by any means necessary.
    1:37 AM – 17 Oct 2017

  14. Ametia says:


  15. rikyrah says:

    How the Insurgents Want to Play the Game
    by Nancy LeTourneau October 17, 2017


    He revels in playing the provocateur and constantly talks about being a “street fighter” in a war. What he thinks we won’t notice is how he keeps doing all he can to ignite that war and fan the flames when they appear. That’s why, ever since I read the Bernstein piece, I’ve been thinking about what he said after Hillary Clinton gave her speech during the campaign about the alt-right. Here’s the exchange:

    On August 25, after Hillary Clinton’s alt-right speech, Yiannopoulos emailed Bannon, “I’ve never laughed so hard.”

    “Dude: we r inside her f*cking head,” Bannon wrote back.

    In other words, after doing all he could to promote the message of the alt-right into the mainstream, he thinks he won some sort of victory when Clinton exposed the connection. That is actually this guy’s political strategy. His claims about being a “populist” with an agenda that is all about economic nationalism are the front he puts up in order to play that game. We might call it the new “dog whistle.”

    When Milo Yiannopoulos’s name started showing up in the news, I pretty much ignored him. He sounded like nothing more than another Ann Coulter, who made her money by writing and saying the most outrageous things things and then claiming that her free speech rights were violated when people said they didn’t want to hear what she had to say. In case you haven’t seen it before, here is Al Franken providing the most appropriate response to that kind of nonsense.

    What used to be a way for Ann Coulter to make some money has now been employed by the insurgents in their long-term strategy to take over the Republican Party by sowing the seeds of chaos and vindictiveness in our political discourse.

    Because we are now dealing with the reality that the insurgents have been successful in putting their guy in the White House as well as in charge of federal departments like DOJ, the Department of Education, and the EPA, this has all gone beyond simply being about discourse and has begun to be implemented as policy that actually has an impact on people’s lives. So while I could ignore Coulter and Yiannopoulos, I can’t ignore Jeff Sessions as the sitting attorney general. That is the challenge we face today.

    I don’t for a minute think that Steve Bannon actually got inside Hillary Clinton’s head the way he thinks he did. She gave a thoughtful speech in which she defined the alt-right and explained their connection to Donald Trump and his candidacy. It was Bannon’s promotion of the alt-right onto the mainstream stage that played a role in making that speech necessary. But he would have successfully gotten inside her head if she had taken it all personally and lashed out vindictively—the way people like Coulter and Yiannopoulos do. That’s their approach, but has never been Clinton’s style.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Trump remains focused on Obama, calls to fallen soldiers’ families
    10/17/17 12:52 PM
    By Steve Benen


    “You could ask General Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?” Trump said in a radio interview with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade.

    Something Rachel said on the show last night struck me as important. “If there’s one thing a country should keep faith about, it’s the thanks and respect to the family of people who gave their lives for this country… If there is anything that everybody can agree should be taken seriously and treated with solemnity and respect, it must be this.”

    I desperately wish the current president of the United States agreed. Evidently, he does not.

    I don’t know for sure what Obama did after retired Gen. John Kelly’s son died in Afghanistan. But I do know the memory of 1st Lt. Robert Michael Kelly doesn’t deserve to be treated as a partisan prop by a draft-dodging amateur whose profound insecurities overrides any sense of moral judgment he has left.

    It’s entirely possible that John Kelly, in his capacity as the White House chief of staff, privately reflected with his boss about the loss of his son seven years ago. But decency demands that Trump resist the urge to politicize the fallen for petty and political reasons.

    Trump has so many flaws, and there are so many reasons he’s ill-suited to the presidency and ill-equipped for its responsibilities, but sometimes, I simply wish he weren’t such a small man in a big office.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Trump offers new ‘instructions’ to U.S. intelligence agencies
    10/17/17 10:40 AM—UPDATED 10/17/17 10:53 AM
    By Steve Benen

    Donald Trump faced a problem last week. The international nuclear agreement with Iran has proven to be effective and stabilizing, but the president, reflexively opposed to each of his predecessor’s accomplishments, had concluded he hated the Iran deal anyway.

    The dilemma, of course, was coming up with a coherent justification for putting the policy’s future at risk. For the most part, Trump stuck to demonstrably false claims, but there was another point in the president’s speech on Friday that stood out for me.

    “There are also many people who believe that Iran is dealing with North Korea. I am going to instruct our intelligence agencies to do a thorough analysis and report back their findings beyond what they have already reviewed.”

    If we accept the rhetoric – part of the prepared written remarks – at face value, Trump seemed to concede that there is no meaningful evidence that Iran is dealing with North Korea. If such proof existed, he would’ve said so, instead of referring to some vague “people” who “believe” the allegation.

    But therein lies the point: the president has apparently decided to “instruct” intelligence agencies to take another look at the claim Trump seems eager to believe, telling intel professionals to go “beyond what they have already reviewed.”

  18. rikyrah says:

    After making a mess, Trump wants credit for others’ clean-up effort
    10/17/17 08:43 AM
    By Steve Benen

    Donald Trump delivered some brief remarks before the start of a cabinet meeting yesterday, and seemed especially animated about the Affordable Care Act. “Obamacare is finished. It’s dead. It’s gone,” the president said, sounding a bit like a mob boss. “It’s no longer – you shouldn’t even mention. It’s gone. There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore.”

    About a minute later, in reference to rising premiums, Trump added, “This is an Obamacare mess.”

    As a simple matter of logic, both statements can’t be true. If the ACA no longer exists, it can’t be the source of ongoing troubles in the health care sector. Either there is “such a thing” as the Affordable Care Act or there isn’t, and the president probably ought to pick one.

    But Trump’s confusion isn’t just creating contradictions. By taking a series of steps to sabotage the nation’s system – including last week’s decision to scrap cost-sharing-reduction payments – the president is directly responsible for pushing higher costs onto many American consumers. Trump nevertheless added yesterday that everything is going according to plan.

    “In my opinion, what’s happening is, as we meet – Republicans are meeting with Democrats because of what I did with the CSR, because I cut off the gravy train. If I didn’t cut the CSRs, they wouldn’t be meeting. They’d be having lunch and enjoying themselves, all right?”

    Actually, no. It’s all wrong, not all right.

    Especially when it comes to the health care debate, Trump has struggled badly to keep up with the basics of current events, so let’s give the president a hand. Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) have been meeting for a month and a half, trying to work out a bipartisan deal to extend cost-sharing-reduction payments. Their efforts are all the more important

  19. rikyrah says:

    Trump rationalizes his failures: ‘I’m not going to blame myself’
    10/17/17 08:00 AM—UPDATED 10/17/17 08:06 AM
    By Steve Benen

    One of the earliest controversies of Donald Trump’s presidency came after he authorized a mission in Yemen, which claimed the life of Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens. The president couldn’t have dealt with the developments in a worse way.

    Trump exploited Owens’ death, made dubious claims about the mission, and ultimately tried to avoid responsibility for the operation he personally authorized. “This was something that was, you know, just, they wanted to do,” the president said, referring to U.S. generals. “They came to see me they explained what they wanted to do, the generals … and they lost Ryan.”

    It was a quote that, under normal political conditions, might have come to define Trump’s presidency, haunting him at every turn. And while that obviously didn’t happen, the president’s response was nevertheless an early reminder that in Trump World, the buck always stops somewhere else.

  20. rikyrah says:

    The Senate Republicans’ Uncertain Majority
    by Martin Longman
    October 16, 2017


    So there’s considerable uncertainty at the moment about how the Senate will be divided for the rest of this term, and it’s generally bad news for the Republicans. If they want to pass a budget, if they want to enact anything partisan under the reconciliation rules (i.e. tax cuts) or other rules than allow them to get around a filibuster (i.e. appointments and nominations), some degree of chance, timing and luck will be involved.

    And this doesn’t even take into consideration the potential for individual Republican senators to simply vote against the majority in their own party.

    Under these circumstances, it seems like a bad bet to build a legislative strategy based on ramming home 50-50 votes in the Senate with the vice president as the tie-breaker. Apparently, though, failure of this type is preferable to admitting to voters and donors and the president that bipartisan solutions are a better bet.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Quick Takes: Trump’s Obsession With Obama
    A roundup of news that caught my eye today.

    by Nancy LeTourneau October 16, 2017

    * Speaking of Trump’s predecessor, Charles Blow’s latest is titled, “Trump, Chieftain of Spite.”

    It must be cold and miserable standing in the shadow of someone greater and smarter, more loved and more admired. It must be infuriating to have risen on the wings of your derision of that person’s every decision, and even his very existence, and yet not be able to measure up — in either stratagem or efficacy — when you sit where that person once sat.

    This is the existence of Donald Trump in the wake of President Barack Obama. Trump can’t hold a candle to Obama, so he’s taking a tiki torch to Obama’s legacy. Trump can’t get his bad ideas through Congress, but he can use the power of the presidency to sabotage or even sink Obama’s signature deeds.

    In fact, if there is a defining feature of Trump as “president,” it is that he is in all ways the anti-Obama — not only on policy but also on matters of propriety and polish. While Obama was erudite, Trump is ignorant. Obama was civil, Trump is churlish. Obama was tactful, Trump is tacky.

    There is a thing present in Obama and absent from Trump that no amount of money or power can alter: a sense of elegant intellectualism and taste.

  22. rikyrah says:

    Republicans Are Betting on Tax Cuts to Save Them
    by Nancy LeTourneau October 16, 2017

    Take a look at some of the quotes Sean Sullivan collected at a two-day midtown Manhattan summit of the Koch brothers’ donor network, GOP patrons, senators and strategists.

    “Hugely nervous,” said Chris Wright, an oil and gas executive from Colorado, describing the tone of the conversations he and other donors were having about tax reform. Wright, like most attendees, argued that passing a tax bill would give the party a much-needed boost.

    And if they fail?

    “I think the Republicans will pay a heavy price in the midterm elections,” he said.

    Art Pope, a major conservative donor from North Carolina, put it this way: “When you have lack of success, that may depress voter turnout for Republicans, that may depress donations for Republicans and conservatives.”

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) warned that Republicans could face a “Watergate-level blowout” in the midterm elections if they don’t make major legislative strides on taxes and health care, invoking the political scandal that brought down Richard Nixon’s presidency and set back the GOP considerably in subsequent elections.

    “If tax reform crashes and burns, if [on] Obamacare, nothing happens, we could face a bloodbath,” said Cruz, who spoke in a moderated discussion…

    In a panel discussion focused on tax reform, Sens. David Perdue (R-Ga.) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.) warned of dire political consequences if the endeavor is not successful.

  23. rikyrah says:

    Does Religious Liberty Apply to All Religions?
    by Nancy LeTourneau October 17, 2017

    Recently Attorney General Sessions released a memo on the subject of “Federal Law Protections of Religious Liberty” in which he outlined twenty principles of religious liberty. The people who attended the Values Voter Summit last weekend hailed this as a major achievement, while many other expressed concern that it was nothing more than a license to discriminate, particularly against LGBT Americans.

    What struck me are the assumptions that everyone made about this memo. That is because the words, “religious liberty” have come to mean something very specific in our current political climate. The truth is that, when people use that term, they most often don’t mean religious liberty, but the liberty of white evangelical Christians to both practice their religion and impose it on others. For example, Sessions should consider distinctions such as this:

    But the most troubling thing that everyone has assumed is that religious liberty only applies to white evangelical Christians. I just googled a question about how many religions are practiced in this country. The top response tells me that its over 310. So do these principles of religious liberty apply to all of them? Or only to white evangelical Christians?

    Take a minute to think about how AG Sessions would handle questions about whether or not these principles he enumerated apply to Muslims, or businesses owned by Muslims (much less the 140,000 Wiccan believers in this country).

  24. rikyrah says:

    Pence could face legal jeopardy for role in Trump scandals
    Jane Mayer, staff writer for the New Yorker, talks with Rachel Maddow about Mike Pence’s key roles in the failure to vet Mike Flynn and the obfuscation of the firing James Comey and the legal jeopardy he could face as a result.

  25. rikyrah says:

    Pence extremism, unpopularity overlooked in Trump’s shadow
    Jane Mayer, staff writer for the New Yorker, talks with Rachel Maddow about her profile of Mike Pence, including the fact that his religious extremism and incompetence made him unpopular as governor before Donald Trump chose him as a running mate.

  26. rikyrah says:

    Campaign donations bail out Trump and Junior on Russia legal fees
    Fredreka Schouten, campaign finance reporter for USA Today, talks with Rachel Maddow about the legal fees for Donald Trump and his son and other members of the Trump campaign are covering the cost of legal fees associated with the Trump Russia investigation.

  27. rikyrah says:

    New reports detail Russia’s cyber campaign for Trump
    Rachel Maddow shares two new reports that add detail to what is known about how Russia tried to interfere in the U.S. democratic process on Donald Trump’s behalf.

  28. rikyrah says:

    Trump ducks failure to address Green Beret deaths with Obama lie
    Rachel Maddow notes that not only did Donald Trump fail to duly honor the recent deaths of U.S. Green Berets attacked in Niger, but given the chance, he told a lie about President Obama instead.

  29. Chicas, I’m listening to Christmas music this morning. Am I going too far? LOL!

    • Ametia says:

      This is laughable. How about supporting your players when they KNEEL, MOFOS.

      How’s that for criminal justice REFORM?

    • Liza says:

      From the article: “NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart announced Monday that the NFL will endorse a bipartisan bill that reduces mandatory-minimum sentences for low-level drug offenses, cuts the “three strikes” rule (which mandates a life sentence after a third drug offense) and offers judges more flexibility in reducing sentences for some low-level crimes.”

      The mandatory minimum for low level drug offenses should be treatment not prison. Three strikes is just wrong and everyone knows it, even Republicans. And judges getting “more flexibility” in reducing sentences for “some low level crimes” means what?

      Well, the NFL isn’t exactly putting it’s head on a chopping block defending the players. This is bullsh!t.

      What about police brutality? What about cops killing people? What about cops kicking people in the head? What about cops maiming people for life? What about police militarization? What about over-policing in black neighborhoods?

  30. rikyrah says:

    12 Days after Green Berets were killed in Niger, Trump says, “I will at some point during the period of time call the parents.”

    Trump has played golf 5 times in those 12 days, so it’s understandable that he didn’t have time to pick up the phone! #TuesdayThoughts

    — Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 17, 2017

    • Ametia says:

      PBO & FLOTUS DO NOT have to prove anything to #45. it’s on record, in the presidential archives, on videos..

      The focus on your ineptitude, ignorance, glaring stupidity, and blatant racial animus are the SHIT stains you will leave behind.

      BYE BOY!

  31. rikyrah says:

    My son, died in Iraq in May 2008. I didn’t receive a letter or call from Pres Bush. A year later in May I received a letter from Pres Obama.

    — Tisa Farrow (@tfboxcar) October 16, 2017


  32. rikyrah says:

    uh huh
    uh huh

    Even though it’s been months, I feel like we’re through the looking glass, sitting here posting tweets from David ‘ Phucking’ Frum.

    Trump collects at least $4 million per year in federal housing subsidies https://t.co/32RMpCf76a https://t.co/mY1iDu4X4m

    — David Frum (@davidfrum) October 16, 2017

    • eliihass says:

      I agree..

      But as I’ve often cautioned, we can appreciate their aligning with us on this singular matter of the treasonous and unfit buffoon… and even retweet/repost their sane sentiments and observations regarding same..

      But in the end, our goal beyond the buffoon, differs in very stark ways…

      These folks are able to see the callous in the buffoon …but be clear, many remain just as callous and completely unapologetic and still fully committed to their various versions of callous, inhumane right-wing dogma…these folks are still not our friends..

  33. rikyrah says:

    If you live in Pennsylvania, here is Mayhew’s latest about their Health insurance marketplace, since the CSR announcement:

    Pennsylvania’s 2018 Exchange market

  34. rikyrah says:

    Stop the damn lying – you’re the President. I went to Dover AFB with 44 and saw him comfort the families of both the fallen military & DEA. pic.twitter.com/HhE4KbTBkJ

    — Eric Holder (@EricHolder) October 17, 2017

  35. rikyrah says:

    America is not divided on Trump. White people are. https://t.co/xKJUHzJrL0

    — Allan Brauer (@allanbrauer) October 17, 2017

    Gallup on Trump job performance by race; white 47% approve 49% disapprove; black 5% approve 88% disapprove; Hisp 17% approve 77% disapprove

    — John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) October 16, 2017

  36. rikyrah says:

    Reporting gets results. Drug czar nominee championed bill that effectively handcuffed feds from going after Big Pharma firms on opioids.. https://t.co/KxEFfi2qKy

    — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 17, 2017

    Rep.Tom Marino has informed me that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as drug czar. Tom is a fine man and a great Congressman!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 17, 2017

  37. rikyrah says:

    Former GOP Congressman on Larry O last night:

    It might be better for the country if the Democrats take the House in 2018.


  38. rikyrah says:

    JENNIFER RUBIN, folks.

    “Christian conservatives should give up the ruse — they’ve made a bargain with the most irreligious and faithless president in history, a man who holds what they value in contempt. Their scam — that they and their candidates operate from some high, moral plane and are the true repositories of American values — should end with this president. They are nothing more and nothing less than an anti-abortion, anti-gay lobby group that seeks to enlist government to impose their ideological positions on others. In short, they are what their critics have always claimed.”

  39. rikyrah says:

    Found this thread at BJ:

    I’m starting to reach a breaking point with unserious people.

    — Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) October 17, 2017

    2/ I watched the segment @chrislhayes did tonight RE whether Trump called or sent letters to the families of the 4 soldiers KIA in Niger
    3/ it kinda unexpectedly wrecked me. I heard about it earlier, & like w much that he does, my response was sarcastic humor. But watching…
    4/…it overwhelmed me, & I ended up in tears. It was one of those moments where it was devastating to think about the defective human…
    5/…now with power to make some of the most consequential decisions w the most catastrophic effects in human history. Specifically…
    6/…it reminded me of my role in bringing a dog from Iraq to the United States. In 2006 I managed a Congressional campaign vs a Repub…
    7….incumbent who–like nearly every one of them-voted for the Iraq War. As late as early 2006 there were still a lot of Dems afraid of…
    9/…opposing the Iraq War & making the campaign centered on it. Like many Dems unafraid of opposing the war, he won. He asked me to be…
    10/…his chief of staff. And in 2007 I took on the job of setting up his operation & positioning him for reelection.

    14/…BUT, he was not elected to represent only people opposed to or not involved in the war. He was elected to represent all +700,000 people in his district…

    19/ Fast forward a few months. We get word the family had tried to get help from one of the state’s 2 Repub…
    20/…senators but we’re getting ignored. They reached out to us. The last photo of their son was him holding a puppy. The next day…
    21/…he was killed. They wanted to know if we could he them bring them the puppy. From Iraq. To the US. From the start, I made it clear..
    22/…I would likely fire anyone on our staff who should do any of the following: A. Guarantee we could get the dog B. Request anything…
    23/…that could get anyone else wounded or killed C. Mention anything about what we were doing to anyone in the press. This was…
    24/…something the family wanted. We were doing it for them, & because their son had made the ultimate sacrifice for his nation. Remember
    25/…the man we worked for was elected for opposing the war in which their son was killed. I assumed they voted for the Repub incumbent…
    26/…but _it didn’t matter. We had a duty to act in the interests of everyone in the district. And we took that duty seriously. So, for…

    27/…the next several months, in addition to all out normal work, & helping a guardswoman who’d gone AWOL to attend a custody hearing…
    28/… for her son, & a soldier who wanted to donate a kidney to his mom, we worked to find a street dog in Iraq, get it quarantined…
    29/…in Iraq, transported through three countries, & delivered to a family in the US, & keep it secret from the press. The help we got…
    30/…still makes me choke up; the soldier’ squad, the commander of the 82nd Airborne, DHL, customs officials in three countries…
    31…and especially the 20-somethings on our staff who took on this task as professional, as public servsnts, as patriots, and as…
    32…this connects to today–as serious people doing serious work. When I saw the tape of Trump today, I wanted to punch the screen…
    34/..I worked with a bunch of 20 somethings fresh out of college & we were more professional, serious, responsible, ethical, & patriotic in getting an Iraqi puppy than POTUS is commanding our military

  40. rikyrah says:

    I didn’t know that they had given Harry Connick, Jr. a talk show.
    A talk show?

  41. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😐😐😐

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