Tuesday Open Thread | Trump doesn’t know the words to the National Anthem

This bum railed against Colin Kaepernick & NFL players for kneeling during the National Anthem to protest police brutality and he doesn’t even know the words to the song. What an utter disgrace!

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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82 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Trump doesn’t know the words to the National Anthem

  1. check mail

  2. rikyrah says:

    If there really is a Deep State, suckering the Trumpers into talking about Fusion so that this would end up being in the release was a pretty smart play.
    Alternate version: Trumpers harping on Fusion never understood what was going on in all this in the first place. https://t.co/l3t6wb51oe

    — Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) January 9, 2018

  3. Ametia says:

    Seriously, does anyone believe #45 will stroll into Bobby III Sticks office with his lawyers and say; ” Mr. Mueller, I’m ready for my interview.” LOL

  4. rikyrah says:

    Exclusive clip of Steve Bannon packed up to leave the Breitbart embassy. pic.twitter.com/QyPfFlO40z

    — Adam Smith (@asmith83) January 9, 2018

    HuffPost right now pic.twitter.com/YriJVzMokH

    — Jillian Stampher (@JillianStampher) January 9, 2018

  5. rikyrah says:

    this is inhumane

    Today, I have to call my parents and tell them that they have 18 more months legally in this country. After that they must leave my US citizen sisters ages 13, 7, 3 or be deported. To the other hundreds of thousands families going through this: I don’t know how but we’ll get thru https://t.co/E4SmZXuCkm

    — Katherine (@Kitty_tweeting) January 8, 2018

  6. rikyrah says:

    When Congress Paid Its Interns
    The same institutional penny-pinching that has devastated congressional staff has all but wiped out paid internships, with pernicious consequences for Washington and for American democracy.

    by Saahil Desai

    Legislative privilege: By failing to pay interns, Congress narrows the opportunity to the white and affluent, which means fewer minorities in the ranks of paid staff.

    When I met Kendall on a November Sunday afternoon in a downtown D.C. bar, she had just finished her shift serving appetizers and drinks for a catering company. An energetic Southern California native, Kendall splits her time between the serving job and the one she actually came to D.C. to pursue: an internship on Capitol Hill.

    Kendall, who is being identified by her middle name so she can speak openly about her internship, is just the type of young person any congressional office should be eager to employ. She’s articulate, shrewd, and a voracious reader (when we first met, she was paging through a tattered copy of The Culture of Narcissism, by the late political theorist Christopher Lasch). Kendall—whose father sells orthopedic implants and whose mother is a babysitter—grew up in La Verne, in far east Los Angeles County, excelled at school, and attended Pomona College with significant financial aid, graduating last May. The work she’s doing in Congress, for two California Democratic House members, is mostly clerical—compiling news clips, sorting mail, answering calls from constituents. But she has also been given some higher-order tasks that put her closer to the action. “It was really cool to see a press release go out with what I had written,” she said.

    The internship, however, is unpaid, and because her parents can’t afford to bankroll her, she has had to make sacrifices to make her stint on the Hill viable. To cut down on expenses, Kendall takes a grinding hour-and-a-half commute, on two separate buses, from the Arlington, Virginia, apartment she shares with two roommates to the Rayburn House Office Building, where she works. She could take the Metro and zip to work in thirty minutes, but during rush hour that would cost $3.25 each way, while a weekly bus pass costs her just $17.50. On days when she works her second job, she might not get home before 11 p.m.

    Her parents try to help out when they can, but still Kendall says that she spends just $25 per week on
    groceries—“I eat lots of pasta,” she said. And the requirement that she wear business attire every day has strained her thin budget even more. “For me, it was hard because I didn’t have much of a business wardrobe,” she said. “So I went to the thrift store and bought a blazer for $8. It didn’t fit me right, but it was the best I could find.”

    Up to 40,000 interns flock to the nation’s capital annually, working temporary stints in government, journalism, think tanks, and lobbying. By far the highest concentration of interns is on Capitol Hill. Visit on a muggy summer day, and you’re sure to see “Hillterns” in their recognizable ill-fitting suits, struggling to find the nearest Metro station.

    Nationwide, about half of all internships are unpaid, even as they are now a nearly mandatory credential for gaining an entry-level job in many white-collar professions. Congress is especially bad: in the House, only 8 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats compensate even one of their many interns, according to Pay Our Interns, an advocacy organization that tracks payment for interns on the Hill. The partisan difference is partly due to the fact that the GOP is in the majority and can allocate more funds to its members, but it’s still a bad look for liberal politicians who claim to stand for fair pay and higher wages. The situation is better in the Senate, though the disparity isn’t, at least not by much: fifty-one Republicans and thirty-one Democrats offer at least a stipend for at least one intern each year. Still, the great majority of Senate interns are unpaid, and among the minority who are paid, the level of compensation varies widely by office. Bernie Sanders admirably pays all his interns $15 an hour, while Republican Orrin Hatch pays half that, just $7.50 an hour.

    Unpaid internships are burdensome anywhere, but especially so in Washington, D.C. For renters, D.C. ranks as the seventh most expensive city in the world. The total cost of a three-month unpaid internship in cities like D.C. and New York can inch toward $6,000 once you factor in such variables as rent, food, and transportation.

    As a result, Capitol Hill internships are increasingly opportunities that only young people from affluent families can afford to take. This fact has not escaped Kendall’s notice; she talks about a fellow intern who goes out for lunch on his parents’ credit card while she eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at her desk.


    By failing to pay interns, Congress not only dissuades children of the non-affluent from becoming interns, but also limits the talent pool from which it draws most of its paid staff. “Whenever we had an opening on our staff, we would always hire from the ranks of former interns above everyone else,” said John Weinfurter, the longtime chief of staff for Joe Moakley. Nicholas Larson, a legislative correspondent for Representative Jim Himes and a former intern himself, estimated that 40 percent to 60 percent of entry-level staffers were previously interns.

    This pinching of the talent pipeline has another downstream effect: fewer minorities in the intern pool—a direct consequence of not offering payment—means fewer minorities in the ranks of the paid staff. In 2015, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that among the 336 top staffers populating Senate offices, only twenty-four were minorities. House staffers aren’t much more diverse—as of 2010, the most recent year for which data is available, 82 percent of chiefs of staff, 77 percent of legislative directors, and 80 percent of legislative correspondents were white. “While I was an intern, one of the biggest things for me was walking down the halls of Congress and not seeing anyone that looked like me,” said Carlos Vera, founder of the group Pay Our Interns, who is Latino. “Actually, the only people that looked like me were the janitors.”

  7. rikyrah says:

    (THREAD) BREAKING: In an extraordinary move, Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) has *unilaterally* released the transcript of Fusion GPS’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    What follows is a live-read of the transcript by a former criminal defense attorney. Hope you’ll share. pic.twitter.com/6R40eHmYqM

    — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) January 9, 2018

  8. rikyrah says:

    Good comment from BJ:

    Roger Moore says:
    January 9, 2018 at 3:48 pm
    It occurred to me that the big impact of Fire and Fury is less that it’s telling anything new and more that it’s gathering stuff together in one place. One of the things we’ve been worried about is normalization of Trump’s dangerously abnormal behavior and way of running things. Part of the way that happens is for things to come out in individual pieces rather than as a bigger narrative. It both decreases the impact of each event and inures one to them. By lumping a whole bunch of the Trump Administration’s awfulness in one place, it undoes that. Seeing everything wrong gathered together in one place highlights its wrongness, and the repetition hammers it home. People who have gradually fallen for normalization can see just how abnormal Trump is.

  9. rikyrah says:


    If you listen closely, you can almost hear the sad trombones at Fox News today. https://t.co/KjlxgfF0J6— shauna (@goldengateblond) January 9, 2018

  10. Ametia says:

    What Lindsey Graham and the rest of the GOP toadies miss
    By Jennifer Rubin January 9 at 1:30 PM

    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has set the bar high for utter sycophancy and hypocrisy for praising Trump on matters large and tiny. He set a new low (high) in moral self-debasement when he declared on Monday on “The View”: “I said he was a xenophobic, race-baiting religious bigot. I ran out of things to say. He won. … He’s our president.”


  11. rikyrah says:

    uh huh

    what is stunning is the degree to which the FBI sat on the information during the campaign. If anything they put finger on the scale FOR Trump— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) January 9, 2018

  12. rikyrah says:

    Just a reminder:Republicans didn’t want you to know this. https://t.co/JlI8YmnIMY— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) January 9, 2018

  13. rikyrah says:

    more from Fusion

    Steele went to the FBI bc he was concerned Trump was being blackmailed, according to Simpson transcript https://t.co/QBWlkD0wYN pic.twitter.com/FpOSrhwROn

    — Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) January 9, 2018

    Simpson, re: that NYT article published on Oct 31 that said the FBI had found no clear Trump-Russia links: “it was a real Halloween special.”

    Steele severed his ties to the FBI at that point.
    “There was a concern that the FBI was being manipulated…by the Trump people.” pic.twitter.com/CverI9DvOS

    — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) January 9, 2018

    • Ametia says:


      ALSO, TOO Folks don’t be hoodwinked into that sideshow with #45 GOP & Dems.

      Notice nobody evet confronts or asks #45 & his press Sec about “OBSTRUCTION” They only mention NO COLLUSION.”

  14. Di Fi is clearly outta fucks to give…..

  15. Tyren M says:

    Good afternoon and Happy NY 3Chics,
    Y’all won’t have to worry about Oprah being our next President. Not because of the 53% of WW who voted for Trump. Because of the WW still mad she endorsed her own state Senator over HRC. Because of this, all the rest is noise. Have a good day.

    • Ametia says:

      Happy 2018, Tyren! Spot on, brother. But I’m not worried. Oprah can do was she pleases.

      White women flew away from OPRAH after that like she forgot to shower.

      We notice who’s beating the drum loudest. It’s not black women.

  16. .@SenGillibrand When will you take action, hold press conferences about Native women repeatedly raped and assaulted by white law enforcement sworn to protect them? Aren’t they women? #MeToo


  17. Ametia says:

    NO Oprah is not the DEMS best hope



  18. rikyrah says:

    Jonathan Merritt‏ @JonathanMerritt

    Surprised at how loud this crowd just booed @realDonaldTrump. You know it’s bad when football fans in the deep South boo a Republican president. 😶

    8:22 PM – 8 Jan 2018

    Will Saletan‏ @saletan

    Also impressive because usually it takes a war to produce such open contempt at a sporting event. Or at least a recession. Trump has managed to do it with neither.

    8:41 PM – 8 Jan 2018

  19. check email ladies

  20. Liza says:

    This would be like ignoring a baseball size tumor.


  21. rikyrah says:

    The New York Times has three conservative op-ed columnists who identify as anti-Trump, and judging from his latest column, David Brooks — who’s generally believed to be the most moderate of the three — is the one likeliest to end 2018 as an unabashed Trump backer.


  22. rikyrah says:

    What if…
    44 had been caught not knowing the National Anthem?

    Yeah, I know.

    • Rikyrah I remember when white people flipped out over a pic showing PBO didn’t put his hand over heart and now this clown doesn’t know the National Anthem. You can clearly see he doesn’t know the words. He’s just moving his mouth, trying to fake it through.

  23. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning Everyone 😄😄😄

  24. PolitiGal says:

    But are we really surprised that this nut doesn’t know shyt? Love the post. Our blogs a similar

  25. vitaminlover says:

    One of our players said f*** trump as they were walking through the tunnel I believe during half time (snicker). I saw it on twitter.

  26. vitaminlover says:


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