Saturday Open Thread | Democratic Rep. James Clyburn: We’re pursuing censure for Trump

Washington (CNN) Rep. James Clyburn, a member of House Democratic leadership, said the Congressional Black Caucus, of which he is a part, is pursuing a censure resolution against President Donald Trump next week after the President’s vulgar remarks on immigrants Thursday.

“I am hopeful that we will do that and get bipartisan support for it,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in an interview Friday. “The President is the commander in chief and this is kind of conduct that would be ‘unbecoming of an officer.'”

He continued: “If a general or some other line officer in the military were to say something like this, he would be censured. It should occur here with the commander in chief at a minimum.”

Congress pursuing censure against the President would mean publicly reprimanding him as a formal state of disapproval.

Clyburn was referring to Trump’s comments during a meeting with congressional immigration negotiators where he referred to some African nations as “shithole countires.” In that meeting, he rejected a bipartisan deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an Obama-era initiative aimed at protecting young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children. Trump, a person briefed on the meeting told CNN, also asked why the US wants people from Haiti in the US and added that the US should get more people from countries like Norway.

Trump on Friday denied describing certain nations as “shithole countries.” He also denied demanding that Haitians be removed from negotiations about protected status for people from certain countries.

“The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!” Trump tweeted.

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Rep. Cedric Richmond, a Louisiana Democrat, and the House Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, released a joint statement announcing their plan to pursue censure against the President, citing his remarks against immigrants from Haiti and African countries.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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24 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | Democratic Rep. James Clyburn: We’re pursuing censure for Trump

  1. rikyrah says:

    I’ve said for awhile that the goal was to kill these American Citizens.

    Puerto Ricans Have Been Committing Suicide Nearly Every Day After Hurricane Maria, Report Shows

    Source: Newsweek Magazine


    BY MARIA PEREZ ON 1/13/18 AT 8:00 AM

    The rate of suicide increased to nearly a suicide a day in Puerto Rico in November, according to a recent report released by The Commission for the Prevention of Suicide. At least 227 people committed suicide on the island last year, a 16 percent increase compared to 2016, according to the report released Tuesday from the commission, which is part of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico.

    After Hurricane Maria, 26 people took their own lives in November, or nearly one person a day. The suicide report also found that 85 percent of suicides are committed by men, and 14 percent are committed by women. Many health specialists and doctors said the spike in suicides can be linked to the aftermath of the storm that struck the island on September 20 and the destruction of basic resources like food, water, electricity and housing.

    “If someone is in a position where they do not have any electricity, water or a roof over their head, you’re going to either break and sometimes break to the point of committing suicide,” said Alicia Schwartz, a home care nurse from New York City, who volunteered in Puerto Rico through the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union after Maria hit the island.“You can only live so much without the simple necessities of having a roof over your head.”

    Dr. Kenira Thompson, who is in charge of providing mental health services at the Ponce Health Sciences University in Puerto Rico, said she has seen a rise in patients since the storm. “A lot of patients are presenting severe mental health issues since the storm and the number of patients in our clinic has increased dramatically,” said Thompson. “Not one person that has lived through the storm can’t say they weren’t touched by what happened.”

  2. rikyrah says:

    This is so sad.

    Almost 35 years ago, she let a stranger hold her newborn. It has haunted her ever since.
    By Paul Duggan January 12 at 2:06 PM

    The woman in the bus depot, the perpetrator, was amiable and chatty, Eleanor Williams tearfully told the police.

    This was long ago, after Williams, young and naive, had been tragically preyed upon, investigators said. Today, it’s a cold case.

    The woman, whose crime in the terminal that day shattered Williams’s psyche, was African American and appeared to be in her 20s, Williams recalled, speaking publicly for the first time in decades about a mystery that has perplexed D.C. police. Williams said the stranger’s perfidy left her so mired in guilt and shame that she later contemplated killing herself.

    The woman, about 5-foot-3 and slender, struck up a conversation with Williams in the passenger waiting area, cooing over Williams’s infant daughter. After a while, in the sweetest voice, she asked whether she could hold the child.

    Please? Just for a minute?

    She said her name was Latoya.

    Which might have been a lie. Who knows?

    She said she was headed “out west” — maybe also a lie.

    Williams was 18 then, on Dec. 2, 1983, a date that haunts her. She had grown up on a nine-acre farm in southeastern Virginia, and she still lived there. Before that morning, when she set out for Kansas by motor coach with her daughter, she had never ventured more than 30 miles from her home, she said.

    Her baby, April Nicole Williams, 3½ months old, was bundled in a pink-and-white snowsuit. The trip’s first leg, 200 miles, brought them to downtown Washington, to the old Trailways depot at 12th and I streets NW, which closed not long afterward.

    They were scheduled for a three-hour afternoon stop. Carrying April and her diaper bag, Williams, who had been awake since before dawn, trudged into the station and sat down wearily, with 1,200 miles of highway still ahead of her.

    Latoya, if that was really her name, “came over next to me at some point and just started talking to me,” Williams said recently at her Connecticut apartment, sobbing as she described the awful mistake she made 34 years ago. Latoya “was being friendly, asking me lots of questions. Like, ‘Where are you going?’ And, ‘How old is your baby?’ She was nice, you know? Then she was like, ‘Do you mind if I hold her?’ And I was sitting right next to her, right there, so I said okay, and I let her.”

    Until lately, Williams, 52, hadn’t spoken publicly about her firstborn child since the week in 1983 when her world fell apart. She kept the memories mostly to herself, buried under a weight of sorrow. In her apartment, she shared the story haltingly, pausing for long stretches to gather her composure.

    The woman, cradling April, said the baby needed a diaper change, Williams recalled.

    “She said: ‘Oh, I’ll take her to the bathroom. You look tired.’ And I was skeptical, like, “Well . . . okay, I guess.’ Because I was tired. And I thought about it, but I had already said okay, and she had already got up and taken her to the bathroom.

    “And then, I don’t know, about 10 minutes later, when she didn’t come back, I started getting nervous.”

    Williams struggles every day to live with this: She entrusted her infant daughter to a stranger in a bus station, some woman. Latoya was her name, or maybe not.

    “She went to change her,” Williams said, “and I never saw them again.”

    ‘I blame myself’
    One year ago yesterday a 3-month-old girl was kidnapped at the old Trailways bus terminal in downtown Washington, prompting one of the largest and longest manhunts in the city’s history. Today, while the chance of the baby’s return has decreased, the hope, it seems, has not. — The Washington Post, Dec. 3, 1984.

    There’s still hope, although very little.

    She weighed 11 pounds when she vanished.

    Assuming she is alive, she turned 34 last summer.

    “I’m pretty sure this is the only cold-case kidnapping we have, the only stranger kidnapping, where we still have a victim out,” Cmdr. Leslie Parsons, head of the D.C. police criminal investigations division, said recently. Parsons wouldn’t discuss details of the case, but apparently there isn’t much to say. “About the only thing we can do proactively at this point is put it out in the media,” he said. “Hopefully someone will see it, and they’ll call us.”

  3. Ametia says:

    See more clips from Letterman here:

  4. Ametia says:
  5. @LindseyGrahamSC @JeffFlake @SenJohnMcCain @SenBobCorker @SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski Here is your chance to take a stand for the country. Now Is The Time!

  6. rikyrah says:

    Trump responds to ‘s***hole’ outcry with ‘America First!’ tweet

    Source: The Hill

    BY JOHN BOWDEN – 01/13/18 08:24 AM EST

    President Trump is responding to the widespread condemnation of his remarks about immigrants from “shithole countries” with a two-word tweet: “America First!”

    Trump offered the tweet at 8:14 a.m. with little other comment. And while the tweet didn’t cite the criticism of his reported comments at a meeting with lawmakers in the White House, it was hard to see the words as anything but a response to that controversy.

    America First is one of the hallmarks of Trump’s presidency, and reflects his stance on immigration.

    Trump wants to change the rules for entering the United States, and stepped into controversy when he said the nation should be seeking immigrants from countries such as Norway instead of countries such as Haiti.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Sen. Kamala Harris: Trump’s comments simply irresponsible
    Senator Kamala Harris talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump’s racist remarks about sources of U.S. immigration, and about the plight of DACA recipients to whom the United States made a promise that Trump intends to break

    Senator Harris: Robert Mueller’s authority must be preserved
    Senator Kamala Harris talks with Rachel Maddow about the Trump Russia investigation and why she can’t think about things like 2020 while the fate of DACA recipients hangs in the balance.

  8. Ametia says:

    AM Joy had FAKE BLACK PASTOR Mark Burns on spouting RIGHT WING TALKING POINTS, about black people being in trouble? GTFOH

    bEWARE folks, THE COONTASTIC SHOW commences when #45 spews his vile racism.

  9. rikyrah says:

    White House mired in crisis as Russian hackers target U.S. Senate
    A White House that can’t even organize a conference call is struggling to keep up with the more-than-daily crises created by Donald Trump, plus, past crises like alleged affairs with porn stars, while Russian hackers remain undeterred. Rachel Maddow reports

  10. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning Everyone 😄😄😄

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