Friday Open Thread

TGIF, Everyone! JUMP TO IT!


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51 Responses to Friday Open Thread

  1. eliihass says:

    Am I missing something..? Why is the media effusively pushing a Monica Lewinsky t.v special ..

    Bill Clinton seriously messed up and will never have my respect .. And yes, he did get far too much support and a sickening pass from those who kept insisting on glossing over his immorality, and separating his poor moral character from his political abilities.. Something that irks me to no end..

    And, sure, Ms Lewinsky paid a price for her poor choices, while the 2nd married man she tangoed with – the powerful and high-profile one, mostly kept on going..

    The Me Too movement however, can’t be warping their message by providing cover for, or portraying as ‘victim’, women who knowingly have affairs with married men.. I don’t get care how ‘powerful’ the man is …or the absurdly idiotic logic that women who knowingly target, flirt, chase after and sleep with powerful married men, are somehow ‘manipulated’ into doing so by the powerful man.. And therefore, victim..

    I went to college at 15, and after graduate school, went to work in a predominantly male industry.. surrounded by highly educated, sophisticated, talented, suave, wealthy, married men who either practiced in my profession or made up the wealthy, discerning clientele..

    At 22 I was already going out on my own to one on one lunch meetings with these sort of really wealthy and powerful men, to pitch projects..

    I don’t care how young you are, and no matter the pressure, it is entirely a choice to embody and live ones moral values… or not..

    It’s not a matter of being caught up in the big bad world and losing ones way ..afterall, we all know of girls in college who were sleeping with married professors..

    Base immorality is not an unwitting curse of youth..

    And we of course know of all those actresses, Hollywood types and others, who suddenly became ‘political activists’ and ‘woke’ – once they peeped – and immediately set their sights on the ‘charming’ attractive married politician and powerful leader … and did their darnedest to insinuate themselves into ‘charming’ married politician’s orbit.. and dubiously ingratiating themselves with ‘charming’ politician’s handlers and staff who ensured they had unfettered access..

    Many powerful men are narcissists and sociopaths by nature.. And the difference between a marginally decent powerful married man and a full-blown narcissistic/sociopathic one, is decency, integrity, discipline …and a respect for, and commitment to their wife and marriage vows – and the ability to not only avoid, but also to not wittingly or unwittingly create situations that open them up to shenanigans.. initiated by themselves or others..

    I am huge on Karma seriously flogging any man who cheats on his wife ..powerful man or not..

    But every single one of us – no matter differences in upbringing, knew right from an early age that sleeping with a married man or woman, is flat out wrong..

    And anyone who still chooses to have an affair with a married person, does so at their own peril, and should know not to play victim.. Or to expect ‘sympathy’..

    The only wronged person in this whole mess, continues to be Bill Clinton’s wife – Hillary Clinton ..

    It is really something that Monica Lewinsky is now being touted and crowned ‘role model’, and trotted out to re-frame her story of having a consensual affair with a powerful married man …even though we were treated to that dedicated one hour Barbara Walters image rehab special …and the Me Too movement has since cast her as hero and ambassador ..

    And all while a treasonous buffoon with over 17 credible sexual misconduct accusations, is busy brazenly bastardizing, corrupting and decimating our democracy and its anchor institutions..

    • rikyrah says:

      42 was a dog.sure enough.

      Lewinsky is naive dove. 42 wasn’t even her first married man😒😒

    • Liza says:

      I agree, Eliihass. I can’t even verbalize my lack of interest in Ms. Lewinsky, what her issues were at the time or what they are now. I have to believe that like most things, this is about generating income.

      In 1992 I was living in California and working late hours. I wasn’t following the presidential candidates that much. But one day I got home from work and put on the TV and happened to catch Gennifer Flowers giving her famous press conference. Well, she caught my attention, needless to say, and I sat down and listened to her.

      And I’m thinking, “Yeah, she looks like a sleazebag but that old girl ain’t lying.”

      I’m not saying I’m a prophet but I pretty much figured that if Clinton won his sleaze hound past would be coming back to haunt him.

      At this point I would say the sleeping dog needs to lie. Rehashing and dissecting the scandal is of no benefit to the nation and sure as hell doesn’t help the folks who are fighting to save our democracy.

  2. Ametia says:
  3. Ametia says:

    Stacey Abrams is coming for Georgians in 2020!!!!!

  4. Ametia says:

    SINCLAIR-OWNED NEWS is blaming Obama era policies for lax policies on sexual assaults on campus now? I.CAN.NOT.

  5. Ametia says:

    Stacey Abrams (D) admits defeat in the contentious Georgia governor’s race, which she alleged was tainted by voting irregularities

    The outcome remained uncertain for days as Abrams pressed for the counting of ballots that had been rejected for minor errors. Abrams, who would have been the nation’s first female African American governor, had hoped to force a runoff with Republican Brian Kemp.
    Kemp drew criticism from Democrats for championing a controversial voting law disproportionately affecting black voters and, days before the midterms, launching an investigation into Democrats, alleging a “hacking” attempt into the voter registration system.

    Read more »

  6. rikyrah says:

    Why the haterz are crying those delicious tears over Forever FLOTUS 😍 😍

    They are mad for so many reasons
    1. Forever FLOTUS 😍😍 getting that huge advance.
    2. They wanted it to be a flop.
    3. Forever FLOTUS 😍😍 is selling out ATHLETIC ARENAS.
    4. Forever FLOTUS 😍 😍 continues to de-age.
    5. Her successor is every bit the international embarrassment as her husband.😋😋😋

  7. Ametia says:

    [wpvideo 902D8eKI]

  8. Acosta be like….how you like me now, Trumpy?

    Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s White House press pass

  9. Ametia says:

    So George Conway, Kelly’s husband is pushing some nonsensical conservative anti-trump group. GTFOH

  10. Ametia says:

    Word of the Day : November 16, 2018

    (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN with Muller vs 45 & RUSSIA

    Exculpate: verb EK-skull-payt

    Definition: to clear from alleged fault or guilt

  11. rikyrah says:

    1) Months ago, veteran groups warned VA its *literally 50-year old IT system* for GI Bill payments would crash this fall, triggering calamity

    2) They were right

    3) Student veterans are past due on rent, taking out loans and struggling to buy groceries

    — Alex Horton (@AlexHortonTX) November 15, 2018

  12. rikyrah says:

    Signs suggest Robert Mueller investigation coming to a head

    Rachel Maddow takes an overview of recent Robert Mueller court filings, clues in the news, and emotional displays and outbursts by Donald Trump to deduce that Mueller’s Trump Russia investigation appears to be coming to fruition.

  13. rikyrah says:


    Amy Chozick
    ‏Verified account
    Follow Follow @amychozick
    From the studio that brought you The West Wing, The Wire and Friends….comes Chasing Hillary! I love television and could not be more excited about Warner Bros developing my book into a TV drama…

  14. rikyrah says:

    Well, well,well……
    Top Cheney Aide in Mueller’s Sights as Probe Expands

    Mueller’s investigators have examined an array of operatives with ties to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE—including John Hannah, Dick Cheney’s former national security adviser.

    Erin Banco, Betsy Woodruff11.16.18 4:42 AM ET

    Dick Cheney’s former top national security aide has come under scrutiny from special counsel Robert Mueller, two people with knowledge of the probe tell The Daily Beast. It’s the latest sign that Mueller’s probe has expanded beyond the narrow bounds of Russian interference in American politics.

    Mueller’s team has been looking into the communications and political dealings of John Hannah, the former Cheney adviser who later worked on Trump’s State Department transition team. This includes interactions with Lebanese-American businessman and fixer George Nader, who brokered meetings between foreign dignitaries and team Trump, and Joel Zamel, a self-proclaimed social media guru with deep ties to Israeli intelligence. The Daily Beast previously reported that the three men met with a top Saudi general in the days leading up to Trump’s inauguration to discuss plans to undermine and overthrow the government of Iran.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄😄😄

    • Good morning, everyone. Getting things ready for Thanksgiving.I’m having a house full. I did some shopping yesterday, still need to pick up more things. I’ll try to put up my tree this weekend. It usually takes me about 3 days to complete. LOL!

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