Thursday Open Thread | Senator Leahy ask AG Barr about his chat with Trump at a St Patrick’s Day event

What does Senator Leahy know? Notice how Senator Leahy raises his head up and asks “you sure of that”? Lawyers never ask a question they don’t already know the answer to. I think Senator Leahy has receipts.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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166 Responses to Thursday Open Thread | Senator Leahy ask AG Barr about his chat with Trump at a St Patrick’s Day event

  1. rikyrah says:

    Moving those goalposts for Bernie😒😒🙄🙄

    • eliihass says:

      Biden is loyal and understands team.. the other is a mediocre opportunist who’s been propped up the elective political ladder for years.. who’ll do and say just about anything entirely for her own aggrandizement and advancement… And who’s basically tried to rip off the Obamas … A cheap knock-off that hardly measures up..

  2. rikyrah says:

    They need to be brought up on charges:

    “The “staff must at all times be physically able to run, jump, lunge, twist, push, pull, apply approved restraint techniques and otherwise manage or coerce the full weight of an INFANT or adolescent.”
    “The guide defines restraints as either the application of physical force or a drug administered to manage a child’s behavior.”

  3. rikyrah says:

    Georgetown students want to create a reparations fund for the descendants of 272 slaves sold by the school in 1838.

    They’re voting to add a $27.20 fee/semester to undergraduate tuition.

    If the school accepts, it would be the first major college with a reparations policy.

    — AJ+ (@ajplus) April 10, 2019

  4. rikyrah says:

    Worked for the federal government for 30 years; have been a federal retiree for 20 years. No agency is as efficient as the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is responsible for a good part of the management of SECURITY CLEARANCES, so I’m guessing trump’s disrupting that. AGAIN.

    — @joboomr44 (@joboomr44) April 11, 2019

  5. rikyrah says:

    No. 44 salutes No. 3. #L3GACY

    Special words for @DwyaneWade from @BarackObama!

    — Miami HEAT (@MiamiHEAT) April 10, 2019

  6. rikyrah says:

    Everyone knows that covering pre-existing conditions is not a viable prospect without the individual mandate. End of story.

    — meta (@metaquest) April 10, 2019

  7. rikyrah says:

    A Muslim woman who traveled across the world from Abu Dhabi to the United States so her 4-year-old could undergo a liver transplant meets the woman who saved her son’s life.

    This is HUMANITY ❤️

    I’m crying 😭

    Retweet ❤️

    — StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) April 10, 2019

  8. rikyrah says:

    I love her.

    Black Maternal Health Matters. The U.S. has the worst maternal mortality rate in the developed world, and it’s unacceptable. Women, especially women of color, shouldn’t have to risk death to bring life into this world. So we’re fighting back.

    — Lauren Underwood (@LaurenUnderwood) April 9, 2019

  9. rikyrah says:

    This Is Getting Really Dangerous

    Katherine Krueger
    Today 9:13am

    On Wednesday morning, Fox News used its biggest megaphone to amplify an attention-starved congressman’s bad faith charge against Rep. Ilhan Omar: that, in remarks before the Council on American-Islamic Relations, she characterized the Sept. 11 attacks as “some people did something.”

    That this is a willful misreading of her fuller point—that all Muslims in America have faced violence, intimidation, and discrimination as a result of the actions of a small group of extremists—shouldn’t surprise you. But still, this morning’s New York Post cover should take you aback:

    Is the Post—owned, like Fox News, by Rupert Murdoch—whispering in the ears of extremists everywhere? Whatever your thoughts on that, this has already gone entirely too far, and is likely to only pick up steam.

    The irony is that this narrative around Omar’s remarks is proving her exact point—bigots began widely equating terrorists with all Muslims after 9/11, but ask us not to do the same if the terrorist is white—so cutting off Omar’s remarks to make it seem like she was minimizing the attacks fits an Islamophobic narrative already entrenched on the right.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Keep Your Homophobia Away From Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union’s Support of Their Child
    Corey Townsend
    Yesterday 2:30pm

    This past weekend, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade did what parents around the world should all do: They supported their child.

    Each year, a conglomerate of homosexuals swarm South Beach in Miami to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Miami Beach Pride brings people from all walks of life together to celebrate love and the freedom to be who they are.

    Wade’s 11-year-old son Zion Wade attended the march with his family, including his stepmom, Gabrielle Union. “We support each other with Pride,” Wade wrote on Instagram over a photo of his son at the event.

    What was meant to be a celebratory act of support turned into a chance for the degenerate to sling their homophobia and share their unsolicited opinions on the family’s activities.

  11. Ametia says:

    WE GOT RAIN, THUNDER, SLEET, SNOW Happening simultaneously

  12. Ametia says:


    Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro will appear at a town hall on April 11, which CNN’s Don Lemon will moderate.

    WTF KIND OF LEDE is this?
    Castro tries to pull a Beto with Trump counter-rally

  13. rikyrah says:

    Found this at another blog about Assange and progressive support

    Depends on how you define “progressive.” Reflexive support for an accused rapist who worked with a hostile foreign power led by a murderous oligarch to put a racist, sexist, xenophobic demagogue in charge of the world’s most fearsome nuclear arsenal doesn’t fit my definition of “progressive.” Your mileage may vary.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Howard Schultz
    ‏Verified account
    Follow Follow @HowardSchultz
    The Medicare for All proposal by @BernieSanders would cause 180 million people to lose their current healthcare coverage. All that Sanders and the far-left care about is furthering their agenda. This is unrealistic and shows a total disregard of our country’s overwhelming debt.


    But, you don’t wanna talk about THAT.

    Phuck outta here.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Amene (@Ange_Amene) Tweeted:
    And folks can keep pretending Kamala is going to have a problem with black voters over some truancy issues, but they are gonna have to come harder than that.


    Folks often forget Black voters wanted the 94 Crime Bill. It’s the new gen that has issues with it.

  16. Ametia says:

    Watch how the MSM FRAMES the scraggly-haired Assange’s arrest & extradition.

    • eliihass says:

      I’d be curious to see who throws money at this long discredited über money pit crawling with scum .. future indictments and prison sentences …

  17. eliihass says:

    “…Two people were found dead inside the multimillion-dollar home of renowned businessman and former part-owner of the Minnesota Vikings Irwin Jacobs this week, following a possible murder-suicide.

    The bodies were discovered in a bed next to a handgun by a routine visitor of the Minnesota residence on Wednesday morning, Orono Police Chief Correy Farniok confirmed in a press conference.

    “Officers with the Orono Police Department made entry into the home. Upon entering, we found two individuals deceased — one adult male, one adult female — they were both inside the house and a gun was recovered —

    Irwin’s company, Jacobs Management Corp., later released a statement on behalf of the couple’s five children confirming Irwin, 77, and his wife of almost six decades, Alexandra, had died.

    Though police were unable to confirm the details around the case, Dennis Mathisen, one of Irwin’s longtime business partners, told The Star Tribune that the prominent businessman had killed his wife of 57 years before turning the gun on himself.

    “[Alexandra] had been in a wheelchair for the last year or so and had signs of dementia. Irwin was just distraught over her condition,” he told the publication, adding that he learned of the tragedy after speaking to Irwin’s secretary and son Mark Jacobs.

  18. Ametia says:

    GMA with Robin Roberts
    Baylor women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey talks her NCAA win

  19. rikyrah says:

    But, that’s your homeboy, GG. We all know it….

    Here’s the extremely contentious interview I did with @NPR this morning on @MorningEdition about the Assange arrest, which became contentious at the start because NPR weirdly lied by introducing me as a “colleague of Julian Assange” – starts at 3:32— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 11, 2019

    • Ametia says:

      HA! Loved watching them drag that scraggly-haired MOFO in the paddy wagon.

      GG trying to distance himself from Assange, but we know better.GTFOH

  20. rikyrah says:

    These muthaphuckas here 😠😠😠

    🇹🇹Black🇭🇹Aziz🇳🇬aNANsi🇯🇲 (@Freeyourmindkid) Tweeted:
    So Texas is trying to prevent 3 or more people who need assistance when voting at the polls from rising in the same vehicle (ie a good portion of the elderly who will carpool from church to the polls). Pay attention y’all, this is the shit that will keep Republicans in power.

  21. Ametia says:


  22. Liza says:

    This just kills me. I remember being 10 years old really well because that was the year my father died. I remember it so well. For God’s sake, this is a young CHILD. This is so wrong.

  23. So says the one who voted to confirm this nightmare on the country

  24. rikyrah says:

    Today we learned:

    Barr still won’t commit to giving Congress the full unredacted Mueller report,

    Barr won’t request court approval to give us grand jury material, and

    Barr won’t even say if the White House has seen, or been briefed on, the report.

    Trump got his Roy Cohn.

    — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 9, 2019

    • Liza says:

      Why do all these f*ckers look like they live in mama’s basement and haven’t cleaned up for a month?

  25. eliihass says:

    SG, could you please delet this. Thanks!

  26. rikyrah says:

    STFU and grow a pair.
    He is NOT a Publisher😠😠😠

    Get on my last goddamn nerve. Grow a phucking pair😠😠

    Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) Tweeted:
    Assange sucks but prosecuting publishers seems extremely dangerous and troubling to me.

  27. rikyrah says:

    You know the reason… He is White😒😒

    thefieldnegro (@fieldnegro) Tweeted:
    Deputy’s son arrested in connection to fires at historically black churches. Imagine if a Muslim had burned three white evangelical churches in Alabama….Why is this not being declared an act of domestic terrorism? via @nypost

  28. rikyrah says:

    Neophyte Twit (@makk1123) Tweeted:
    It’s happening folks!
    He’s got his Supreme Court in place.
    He’s got his AG in place.
    He has a sympathetic senate that’s bought and paid for.
    He’s ridding himself of anyone that opposes him and not replacing them.
    The dictatorship is here.
    This is a fkn national emergency

  29. rikyrah says:

    Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) Tweeted:
    There are many cultists on this site, but the Assange cultists are the worst. Assange was the agent of a proto fascist state, Russia, to undermine democracy. That is fascist behavior. Anyone on the left should abhor what he did. Not celebrate it.

  30. rikyrah says:


    Neal Katyal (@neal_katyal) Tweeted:
    Just learned Trump DOJ has now abandoned its defense of the statute criminalizing, of all things, female genital mutilation. This is what happens when you torch your institutional responsibilities to defend statutes, and gut the traditional standard DOJ has applied in past admin

  31. rikyrah says:

    Just make it available for sale. Please🙏🙏

    • Ametia says:

      $$$$$$ has always been the defining weapon used against POC, to push us down, hold us back.

      So the fact that this fuckery of white folks “economic anxiety” as reason for voting for 45?

      Ummm, ok then…

  32. rikyrah says:


    Adam Serwer🍝 (@AdamSerwer) Tweeted:
    In Fall 2016 the people who told you exactly who Trump was were ignored, belittled, and called hysterical. This was brand management, but it was also a twisted form of ethnic and class solidarity. I hope history remembers those who saw the truth, and those who plugged their ears.

  33. rikyrah says:

    Amene (@Ange_Amene) Tweeted:
    The danger in trying to coerce Trump voters for the Democratic nomination, is that you risk alienating a vital voting block that YOU NEED TO WIN.


    And the people who vote in a primary are typically people who are engaged politically.


    They SEE YOU.

  34. rikyrah says:

    Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) Tweeted:
    SHORTER: Because #ClaireGrady will follow @SecNielsen’s decision to not reinstate family separation, Trump wants her to quit, as he demanded Nielsen’s resignation.

    As long as everyone understands what’s happening here.

  35. rikyrah says:


    Amanda The Godmother (@Royal_Realness) Tweeted:
    The war ain’t over guys. You think Meghan is getting brutally destroyed now by the british press and trolls? Wait until Baby Sussex is born. Nobody is more viciously and vehemently attacked by the press and people than a mom and how she parents her child. It’ll be worse.

  36. rikyrah says:

    Heidi Przybyla (@HeidiNBC) Tweeted:
    A generation of aging whites is literally trying to block the young immigrants needed to pay their Medicare & Social Security.

    “An aging population and declining birthrates among the native-born population are creating underpopulated cities and towns, vacant housing.”

  37. rikyrah says:

    Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) Tweeted:
    Trump believes rebooting family separation will deter migration, despite the fact the first time he separated families it didn’t deter migration.

    It did, however, lead to families making more dangerous remote crossings — which resulted in the deaths of two young children.

    • Liza says:

      Yeah, and it’s the season for dangerous crossing and dying from dehydration.

      The Arizona desert is heating up.

  38. rikyrah says:

    Bodak Red 🥂 🥂 (@AFarray) Tweeted:
    Seems to me, Harris made an unpopular but courageous decision. Back to the hatchet job drawing board, @CNN.

  39. rikyrah says:

    Old Lady Dem (@oldladydem) Tweeted:
    2008: white man loses to black man
    2012: white man loses to black man
    2016 Dem primary: white men lose to woman
    2016 GE: white man loses popular vote to woman
    2018 midterms: white men lose to women/POC
    White male pundits on 2020: A white man is the safest choice for Dems.

  40. rikyrah says:

    Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) Tweeted:
    Is Stephen Miller racist?

    Miller’s classmates: Yes
    •MAGAs: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Miller’s Rabbi: Yes
    •MAGAs: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Miller’s Uncle: Yes
    •MAGAs: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Rep Ilhan Omer: Yes


  41. rikyrah says:

    Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) Tweeted:
    In all seriousness, I know it’s fun to joke about Candace Owens, but her being given a platform to speak on the same level as @KristenClarkeJD at the hate crimes hearing is a mockery and disrespectful of the very real violence black Americans have always faced in this country.

  42. rikyrah says:

    Shannon 💃🏻 (@TheStagmania) Tweeted:
    What an asinine quote. He isn’t a millionaire because he “wrote a book,” he’s a millionaire because he built a national profile and then traded on that profile to make money. Just like all the other politicians his supporters love to call “corporate whores.”

  43. rikyrah says:

    Corey Bu-Shea (@coreybking) Tweeted:
    Queen/Auntie Maxine had Steve Mnuchin so flustered he pronounced gavel as gravel in his “attempt” to whitesplain her job to her… Ain’t that some shit? I bet every Black woman has a similar story…🙄🙄🙄🙄

  44. rikyrah says:

    Bernie’s Tax Returns is a Cop 💄🥀 (@OjPats4) Tweeted:
    A socialist in the streets, but a capitalist between the sheets.

  45. rikyrah says:

    PragmaticObotsUnite (@PragObots) Tweeted:
    And this is why @RepSwalwell candidacy is a non-starter for me. I’m not interested in any Dem candidate whose priority is making nice with Republicans, the party that supports white supremacy.

    • You know what? I like him but it troubled me when he said this.

      I told him….No thank you. You can’t dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.

      • eliihass says:

        He is from a district that got even redder and even more right-wing after California’s ‘non-partisan’ redistricting happened..

        He defeated longtime congressman Pete Stark …And so many were unhappy about it..

        And many loathed Eric Swalwell – not just because he was so young and green and had defeated Pete Stark who was popular and had held the seat for 30 years.. but because there was a concern that he was a California ‘blue dog’ Democrat – far too conservative ..

        Nancy took him under her wings and started to groom him.. and after a while, began to send him out to do t.v shows etc.

        He not only became less stiff, but much bolder and a much better and confident communicator …effectively pushing the party’s perspectives.. And in the process, he shed his blue dog reputation.. And loads of Californians from solidly blue parts, began to warm up to him..

        He easily won this past election with 78% of the votes .. giving his opponent a real trashing..

        I personally think that he’s not quite ready for the presidency … I think several people running aren’t.. And as much as people say things like, ‘it’s an embarrassment of riches’ about our candidates, I beg to differ..

        Now, 2008 was a strong crowd and a true ‘embarrassment of riches’ for the Democratic Party..

        This 2020 field as far as I’m concerned, not so much… Compared to the treasonous buffoon, they do look so much better – which is why everyone and their mama is throwing their hat in the race.. but we will lose if we field any of these folks.. bank on it..

        When most of these declared folks aren’t even topping their own home states in the public or in-house party polls or even in polls conducted by their campaign, it is quite problematic for them and reveals what many of us know… the ginned up hype on social media by paid/affiliated ‘influencers’ don’t add up to much in the real world.

        Bussing in folks from out of state and having kingmakers invested in ones candidacy strong-arm their union boss friends into mandating turn-out …to boost ones numbers at official announcement rally, does not equal real support or ‘excitement’..

      • Ametia says:

        No, you talk to your racist ASS folks, Eric and tell them to get a fucking CLUE.

        There will be NO coming together with them or some “open minded: fox viewers. These folks are all about their own WHITENESS.

  46. rikyrah says:

    CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:
    “He is the attorney general of the United States of America, not the attorney general of Donald Trump.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Attorney General William Barr is “going off the rails,” while referencing Barr’s recent testimony on Capitol Hill.

  47. rikyrah says:

    cjtown (@ladyc10) Tweeted:
    Who ever wins the WH after trump will have a lot of shit to clean up, this MF has literally fucked up every branch of government, and it’s not by accident. The GOP has been trying to destroy government for decades, their asses are succeeding under trump.

  48. rikyrah says:

    Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) Tweeted:
    You hypocritical bigots had no problem with being disrespectful when the POTUS was Black. Lose me with that “respect our president” when it comes to the nazi sympathizer currently in office.

  49. rikyrah says:


    Rep. Josh Harder (@RepJoshHarder) Tweeted:
    The hypocrisy from @BetsyDeVosED is shocking. She does lots of photo ops reading to kids… but then goes to DC and tries to cut EVERY literacy program.

  50. rikyrah says:

    William Pittman (@wspittman) Tweeted:
    A ticket pandering to misogynists and racists won’t bring out the base of the Democratic Party. Put a black woman on top of the ticket and see unprecedented voter turn out, I say.

  51. rikyrah says:

    Thread 👏👏

    Lauren Underwood (@LaurenUnderwood) Tweeted:
    This morning, when I asked Secretary DeVos how she makes sure that students with disabilities are fully accommodated by their school systems, she responded that her Department is not a “filing cabinet” for these transparency concerns. /1

  52. rikyrah says:

    Uh uh😒😒
    She was a full participant. Charge her😠😠

  53. rikyrah says:

    The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) Tweeted:
    A 21-year-old named Holden Matthews has reportedly been arrested in connection with fires that destroyed 3 predominantly black churches in Louisiana. On social media, he was active on black metal and pagan pages, scenes with large neo-Nazi fanbases

  54. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄 😄 😄

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