Legend Cicely Tyson Dies At 96😢😢

Human Wonder.
Once in a lifetime talent.

All of these describe Ms. Cicely Tyson, who has passed away at the age of 96.

I am not heartbroken.

Just sad.

She has been a wonder.

The first time I remember Cicely Tyson was ‘The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.’

I have watched so many of her performances over the years. Everything I watched, she was always the standout in the piece, even if the piece itself wasn’t the highest of quality.

Cicely Tyson, IMO, could not give a bad performance. Just impossible.
Her voice. Her very being on stage was searing.

She touched your soul.

She lived her life her way. She got her roses while still alive. She knows that she was adored and worshipped.

And, her work. Her craftmanship. Will live on.

Rest In Power, Ms. Tyson.

Thank you, for sharing your talent with the world.


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48 Responses to Legend Cicely Tyson Dies At 96😢😢

  1. Liza says:

    I saw Ms. Tyson once when she was the keynote speaker at a women’s conference in San Diego. This was sometime in the early 1990’s if I’m not mistaken.

    She had big hair, natural, and she was quite beautiful. Good speaker too.

    It was always good to see her doing so well for so long. She really had a distinguished career.

    RIP, beautiful lady, and thank you for everything.

  2. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, All. Rikyrah, your post on Ms Tyson is extraordinary! THANK YOU.

    Our Queen is wearing her crown in eternal glory, now.

    For me, this statement from Cicely Tyson encapsulates exactly what is at the heart of WHITE RAGE, BIGOTRY, RACISM, against BLACK PEOPLE. And her role on and off stage, highlighted our HUMANITY.

    “My God. This man is thinking that we’re not human beings”.

    Thank you, Ms. Tyson, for always being a LIGHT in our universe. Cary on, dear good & faithful servant.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊

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