President Biden Announces Re-Election Bid!

Can’t wait to vote for this team in 2024!

Start that monthly donation!🤗

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15 Responses to President Biden Announces Re-Election Bid!

  1. rikyrah says:

    Mike Memoli (@mikememoli) tweeted at 6:16 AM on Wed, Apr 26, 2023:
    The Biden campaign is taking @JoeBiden’s launch message to the airwaves, launching a two-week ad campaign in 6 states + national cable that starts with similar message about defending freedoms

  2. rikyrah says:

    The choice is simple.

    It’s between fascism and democracy (small d)

    That’s what 2024 is. 

    And, I think the Democrats need to run continuous ads on the nightmares of the laws being passed in Red States and make it clear that’s what they want for all of America. 

  3. Liza says:

    Arizona Democrats Want the National Party to Join Their Fight to Oust Kyrsten Sinema
    Senate leaders are still trying to keep the independent happy. Arizona Dems are done with that.
    By John NicholsTODAY 8:16 AM

    … over the weekend, the Arizona Democratic Party’s state committee sent its bluntest message yet about what’s at stake in 2024, and about how national Democrats should respond as the Senate contest takes shape.

    The committee passed a resolution declaring that Kyrsten Sinema has obstructed the Democratic agenda by refusing to reform the minority veto filibuster and blocking urgent and popular legislation including voting rights protections and democracy reform, codifying Roe v Wade, a $15 minimum wage, Medicare expansion, broad prescription drug price negotiation, a path to citizenship for Dreamers and immigrant families, LGBTQ+ equality, labor rights protections, sufficient climate action and clean energy funding, universal pre-K, paid family leave, universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, free community college, and more, all while ignoring and enabling the extremist MAGA Republican assault on our democracy, leading to her censure by the Arizona Democratic Party…

    Sinema had already been censured by the Arizona party more than a year ago. But the new resolution goes a step further. Focusing on the prospect that the incumbent—who has yet to announce her 2024 intentions—could try to attract support from national Democratic donors and officials, the resolution argues:

    WHEREAS Kyrsten Sinema has consistently put the interests of her corporate and billionaire class donors first while betraying the working class, low-income, immigrant, and vulnerable Democrats who voted most heavily in her favor and most urgently needed her support;
    WHEREAS reputable polls consistently show that the vast majority of Arizona Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents do not approve of Kyrsten Sinema and would prefer a Democrat who backs ending the filibuster over her;
    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Arizona Democratic Party does hereby declare and affirm our commitment to support the winner of the 2024 Arizona Democratic primary for the United States Senate to replace Kyrsten Sinema;
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Arizona Democratic Party does hereby call upon Democrats nationwide at every level, from grassroots activists and small donors to national party leaders, members of Congress and the Biden administration, large donors, and campaign and political institutions to pledge to support the winner of the Arizona Democratic primary for the United States Senate in 2024…

    The resolution is a clear signal that Arizona Democrats will aggressively oppose a Sinema candidacy and support the winner of the Democratic primary—quite possibly US Representative Ruben Gallego, a Congressional Progressive Caucus member who launched his candidacy in January—and that they believe national Democrats need to get with the program.

  4. vitaminlover says:

    That’s who I’m voting for. Period!

  5. rikyrah says:

    Miss Aja (@brat2381) tweeted at 7:48 PM on Mon, Apr 24, 2023:
    IDC how many bs “polls” the MSM pulls out of their butts. I’m going to keep my head down, ignore the noise, and work like hell to help Biden/Harris/all Dems in 2023 and 2024.

    And hell yes I’m excited about Biden/Harris and the rest of the Democrats running. 😤💪🏾

  6. rikyrah says:

    Candidly Tiff (@tify330) tweeted at 9:21 PM on Mon, Apr 24, 2023:
    “Biden has also selected a suite of co-chairs for his campaign, including Reps. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) and Veronica Escobar (D-Tex.), among others.”

  7. rikyrah says:

    Justice for Justin 💛🐝⚖️🍑 (@ish_not) tweeted at 7:15 AM on Tue, Apr 25, 2023:
    *media to Clyburn* : “he’s 80”

    Rep. Clyburn: “I’m 82” *continues to rattle off stats, facts, and that FIYAH 🔥*


  8. rikyrah says:

    Never change, Kenny. Never change..LOL

    2RawTooReal (@2RawTooReal) tweeted at 7:06 AM on Tue, Apr 25, 2023:
    I’m laughing at all you “White” liberals who wanted Vice President Kamala Harris to be removed from the ticket 🎟️ because you’re a racist piece of 💩 #BidenHarris2024

  9. rikyrah says:

    Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) tweeted at 0:29 PM on Sat, Apr 22, 2023:
    Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we’re replacing every single lead pipe in America—because everyone should be able to turn on a faucet at home or school and drink clean water.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Qondi x S’ABLE Labs Presents THIRSTDAY 4/27 💦 💗 (@QondiNtini) tweeted at 10:15 PM on Mon, Apr 24, 2023:
    Start following Campaign Bae @quentinfulks immediately everyone!

    He ran an excellent campaign to #SaveSenatorBae and now he’s going to #SaveBidenHarris

    Time to Thirst For Democracy again 🔥

  11. rikyrah says:

    Stacey Williams🌊👩🏾♥️♌🦁🇺🇸🇺🇦🇵🇸☮️🌈 ally 😷 (@StaceyW32933359) tweeted at 6:15 AM on Tue, Apr 25, 2023:
    People saying Biden is too old. He’s the adult that came in and saved us from HELL. I don’t care how old he is. If he can still run this country like he actually cares about us, I want him in office. ♥️👍🏾

  12. rikyrah says:

    Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (@malcolmkenyatta) tweeted at 6:56 AM on Tue, Apr 25, 2023:
    .@JoeBiden has been one of the most consequential Presidents in American history.

    -Largest climate investments in history
    -Lowering cost of insulin and Rx drugs
    -Record infrastructure $

    We need to #FinishTheJob and beat back the tide of MAGA extremism.

  13. Liza says:

    Harry Belafonte, such an extraordinary life and legacy, RIP.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Biden-Harris 2024!😊

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