Serendipity SOUL | Wednesday Open Thread | Fugees & Lauryn Hill Week!

Happy HUMP day, EVeryone! We continue with this week’s featured artist with the musings of Lauryn Hill.


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67 Responses to Serendipity SOUL | Wednesday Open Thread | Fugees & Lauryn Hill Week!

  1. Ametia says:

    So Mr. “Dark-skinned” King gets to interview GWB and Ms. Laura. Not surprised CNN is assisting with hyping up his legacy. NOT.GONNA.HAPPEN. No way we’ll ever forget the stinking legacy you left for our country, Georgie Porgie!

    • Ametia says:

      The view of George W. Bush’s presidency has improved with time, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll.

      Forty-two percent now say his presidency was a success, up 11 points since a CNN poll in January 2009, during his final days in office. Fifty-five percent of those questioned say Bush’s presidency was a failure, down 13 percentage points since 2009.

      CNN’s John King sits down with George and Laura Bush for a one-on-one interview airing Wednesday night on “Anderson Cooper 360” at 10 p.m. ET. CNN TV and will cover the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum from Dallas on Thursday.

      Who the fuck are CNN polling to come up with this TRIPE?

  2. Ametia says:


    Wisconsin’s Mass Incarceration
    of African American Males:
    Workforce Challenges for 2013

    Executive Summary
    Among the most critical workforce issues facing Wisconsin are governmental policies and practices leading to mass incarceration of African Americans men and suspensions of driving privileges to low-income adults.

    The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990, fueled by increased
    government funding for drug enforcement (rather than treatment) and prison construction, three-strike rules, mandatory minimum sentence laws, truth-in-sentencing replacing judicial discretion in setting punishments, concentrated policing in minority communities, and state incarceration for minor probation and supervision violations. Particularly impacted were African Americanmales, with the 2010 U.S. Census showing Wisconsin having the highest black male incarceration rate in the nation. In Milwaukee County over half of African American men in their 30s have served time in state prison

    • Ametia says:

      Wisconsin has the highest black male incarceration rate in the country, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

  3. Oldest Living Couple on Earth. Herbert & Zelmyra Fisher of North Carolina. Married 85 years
    (86 in May)

    God bless them!

    Oldest living married couple


    Check your email.

  5. rikyrah says:

    Fox News Attacks Muslims Relentlessly In Wake Of Boston Bombing

    The Huffington Post | By Jack Mirkinson
    Posted: 04/24/2013 9:23 am EDT | Updated: 04/24/2013 11:20 am EDT

    In the days following the Boston Marathon bombings, Fox News has become a haven for talk about the extreme threats posed to the United States by Muslims. Day after day, the network’s hosts and pundits have warned about an Islamic menace which is poised to take down the country.

    At the most extreme has been “Fox News liberal” Bob Beckel, whose call on “The Five” to bar or severely restrict Muslim students from coming into America seemed to startle even Dana Perino, George Bush’s former spokeswoman. Beckel stuck by his comments on Tuesday, saying that some of the 75,000 Muslim students in American schools are likely to harbor terrorist ambitions.

    “It’s a risky situation,” he said.

    “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade has also suggested putting “listening devices” in mosques, and wondered aloud why there can’t be more racial profiling of Muslims and Arabs. He said this despite widespread reports that bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was actually shouted down at a mosque when he began making radical statements.

    There was also Ann Coulter, who called for Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s wife to be jailed for wearing a hijab, as well as a host of other virulently anti-Muslim commentators; and the state senator who has been calling for Dzokhar Tsarnaev to be tortured.

    Bill O’Reilly got in on the act on his show, shouting down the head of the Council on American Islamic Relations when he tried to point out that people like the Tsarnaevs are not representative of all of Islam.

  6. rikyrah says:

    A Philosophy of Fighting

    By Tom Junod

    You fight. You don’t want to, but you do. You fight because of things she does that you don’t like, and things you do that she doesn’t like. The things themselves are not important; what’s important is that you both always do them. You are always fighting because you are fighting about always, which is to say about the permanence that you, as a married man, aspire to and at the same time dread. You may say you are fighting about her habits, and she may say she is fighting about yours — that you are fighting over the nearly daily discovery that habits are inextinguishable. But really, you are fighting because you are married, and fighting is as intrinsic to marriage as sex.

    Are you happily married? Of course you are. Do you love your wife? Of course you do. It is your happiness and your love that make the fights so painful. You never fail to be surprised by them and you never fail to be amazed that your marriage has survived them. When you were contemplating asking your wife to marry you, you asked yourself the same question that most men in your position ask themselves: Can I have sex with this woman, and only this woman, for the rest of my life?

    You wonder now if the question that you should have asked yourself is: Can I fight with this woman for the rest of my life? Can I fight with her and still have sex with her for the rest of my life? Can I fight with her and still love her for the rest of my life?


    What kind of fight is that? Well, the one that doesn’t end, obviously. But the kind of fight that doesn’t end is this: the kind of fight you win. A fight to the finish is what finishes a marriage. That’s because over the course of married life, people supply their spouses with precisely what’s required to finish them off. The question is not who can win, because anyone can win if they’re willing to go far enough — if they’re willing to win at the cost of love and respect. The question is who can abstain from winning, who can resist the temptation of winning, which, like any other marital temptation, is always there. But how do you do that? Well, you don’t go to sleep angry, as the old saying goes. And you don’t say what can’t be unsaid. And you don’t fight drunk, because not only will you then say what can’t be unsaid; you will find out what it is. And you never end a fight by fucking someone else instead of each other. Infidelity is the final measure of victory and defeat; it is the logical consequence of keeping score, and the ultimate extension of the dictum that if you have found a fight worth winning, you have found a marriage worth losing.

    Read more: Marriage Fighting – Tom Junod on Fighting with Your Wife – Esquire

  7. rikyrah says:

    A modest proposal in response to Boston bombings

    Posted by Greg Sargent on April 24, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    The Hill reports on a new move by Senate Democrats that is interesting for a number of reasons:

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require background checks to be run on anyone buying explosive powder, a reaction to last week’s Boston Marathon bombing. […]

    Under current law, people can buy up to 50 pounds of explosive “black powder” with no background check, and can buy unlimited amounts of other explosive powders, such as “black powder substitute” and “smokeless powder.”

    The bill, which was first spearheaded by Senator Frank Lautenberg, would require a background check for purchase of any of those powders. The Hill adds that it would permit the attorney general to block such sales if the check reveals the would-be buyer as a suspected (or known) terrorist, or if there is grounds for believing the explosives will be used in service of terrorism:

    “It defies common sense that anyone, even a terrorist, can walk into a store in America and buy explosive powders without a background check or any questions asked,” Lautenberg said Tuesday. “Requiring a background check for an explosives permit is a small price to pay to ensure the safety of our communities.”

    • Ametia says:

      Wattsamatta you, Harry? We freedom lovin’ Amur-cans have a right to buy pressure cookers and explosive materials to kill each other!

  8. rikyrah says:

    Missouri Senate votes to defund driver’s license bureau
    April 22
    The Associated Press

    Missouri residents could be unable to get driver’s licenses if a funding cut passed Monday by the Missouri Senate were to ultimately become law.

    The elimination of funding for Missouri’s driver’s license bureau was perhaps the most dramatic proposal in a Senate budget plan full of reductions intended to grab the attention of executive branch officials accused by some senators of being uncooperative or less than forthcoming when describing how they spend state money.

    Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Kurt Schaefer, the architect of many of those message-sending cuts, said he was seeking leverage over state officials as he leads a Senate delegation that will meet with House members in the coming weeks to negotiate a final version of the 2014 budget.

    But other senators wondered about the effect if the proposed cuts actually become law.

    If the entire $3.5 million allotment for the Motor Vehicle and Driver Licensing Division ultimately is eliminated: “They will not be able to issue any driver’s licenses,” Schaefer, a Columbia Republican, acknowledged.

    Read more here:

  9. rikyrah says:

    some more Virginia goings on from Town:


    Remember the Virginia GOP’s scheme to redistrict the Democrats out of power while the one Senator was away at the Inauguration?

    Remember 2 black delegates were all in favor of this because it would create a “black” Senate seat?

    Remember how the one black delegate from Roanoke decided to sit down?

    Remember how I told y’all the black delegate from Petersburg was all in favor of this because she fancied herself being the new black Senator (Petersburg would be part of this new district)?

    Black Democrats remembered too, and they ain’t having it:

    Democratic challenger to Petersburg’s Del. Dance picks up more support

    Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:07 pm | Updated: 1:58 pm, Wed Apr 24, 2013.
    Richmond Times-Dispatch

    More Democratic leaders in the 63rd House District today announced their support for Evandra D. Thompson, who is challenging Del. Rosalyn R. Dance, D-Petersburg, in the party’s primary in June.

    Four former mayors of Petersburg and Hopewell – including a Virginia civil rights icon – said that they are disappointed with Dance’s service in the House of Delegates.


    Dance faces opposition from some in her party who are accusing her of voting with Republicans on too many issues.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Gov. Ultrasound McDonnell of Virginia seems to be in more trouble than originally thought…

    What began as an investigation about his daughter’s wedding and how it was paid…is EXPANDING


    Ex-chef seeks McDonnell family expense details

    Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 12:30 pm, Wed Apr 24, 2013.

    BY JIM NOLAN AND OLYMPIA MEOLA Richmond Times-Dispatch

    Lawyers representing Virginia’s former Executive Mansion chef want Gov. Bob McDonnell, his family and employees of the executive residence to provide information regarding any instances during which “state goods and resources” were “consumed, provided to, or taken by” McDonnell family members.

    The request came in a motion filed this week by lawyers representing Todd Schneider, who is charged with felony embezzlement.

    The motion, part of preparation for Schneider’s trial scheduled this summer, also seeks documentation of any instances in which Schneider was denied payment after providing catering services, or told to take food from the mansion for his personal company in lieu of payment.

    Among the specific items listed in the motion are:

    • rikyrah says:



      Cliff Note Primer on the Chef Scandal:

      Executive Chef had a side catering business

      McDonnell & ’em used the side catering business

      & ’em (allegedly) didn’t pay the Executive Chef for his side
      catering business services, telling him to just take food, supplies etc
      from the Executive Mansion pantry as payment

      called the Virginia Misuse & Abuse Tip Line, runtellingdat about
      how the Executive Chef was taking things from the pantry.

      Executive Chef is either fired/quits amid whispers of embezzling.

      McDonnell’s daughter gets married, some struggling business who wants access to McDonnell pays for the catering.

      When it came out Struggling Business paid for McDonnell’s daughter’s catering, Spongebob claimed he didn’t have anything to do with his daughter’s wedding, she/fiance did everything and she doesn’t have to disclose gifts given to her by Struggling Business. The only person who has to disclose is him, and he ain’t had nothing to do with his daughter’s wedding.

      Somehow the Washington Post gets hold of some info showing McDonnell put down a deposit on the catering as well as handwritten notes by McDonnell regarding the catering.

      Executive Chef is charged with embezzling.

      Executive Chef/Lawyer are now charging that 1 McDonnell daughter was living rent free in the state-owned VA Beach vacation house;

      The twin sons raided the taxpayer paid pantry to take food & supplies back to college with them;

      McDonnell’s wife gave the 3 McDonnell daughters pots, pans, food & supplies paid for by VA taxpayers so they could stock their own kitchens

      Now everybody’s giving the side eye to McDonnell Daughter #2, who is getting married next month.

      There will be more & it will be interesting how/if this impacts the Governor’s race. Stay tuned, it’s just beginning….

    • Ametia says:

      Yet the CaCs blather on and on about POTUS & FLOTUS vacations and expenses. See this is why NEGROES can’t have nice thangs! The 2520s steal, loot, pillage, and lie to take what isn’t RIGHTFULLY theirs.

  11. rikyrah says:

    For those of us who miss Scandal…

    Here’s something from LUVVIE


    If the Boston Manhunt Had Happened on Scandal
    April 19, 2013 | Luvvie

    You know I miss Scandal. Like the desert misses rain. Like Coolio misses hair. Like Cher misses youth. I MISS SCANDAL AND US GLADIATORS ARE SUFFERING. Anytime is too long for Scandal to be gone. 5 more days though, and we’ll be reunited. Until then, all I have are memories, old episodes and my own imagination.

    So I was thinking. What would happen if this Boston manhunt had happened on Scandal? How would it go down? I’m glad you asked.

    The Call – Liv gets a call and it’s from the Boston Mayor. A bomb just went off at the annual Marathon, an international event. “We’ve had an explosion at the finish line of our Marathon. People are hurt and we need you.” Olivia says “I will be there in an hour.”

    The Scene – Liv calls Edison (Senator Pudding Pop) and asks if he’s going to Boston. He is. Immediately. And she hitches a ride on one of the gubment’s private jet with Huck in tow. They get to Boston and are on the scene of the explosion. There’s blood and glass shards everywhere. Liv’s off-white trench betrays the scene, which is anything but clean.

    Her and Huck hop to it, gathering info they can. Huck stands in the middle of the street looking around, when he notices a security camera inside the store window closest to the site. He tells Liv they need to get the tape. The store owners are shaken up but happy to help in any way. They give the two the tape out the camera.

    Olivia talks to the mayor and says she needs updates as they get them and will not STOP until they find who the perpetrators were. Liv is gon HANDLE IT. She calls Harrison and says she’s headed back. He needs to gather info on everyone registered to run in the marathon. He says “I gotchu. I got this.”

    Digging for Dirt – Back at the Gladiator office, Harrison, Abby and Quinn are going through information about the registrants with the news playing in the background. They hear a CNN report saying that the suspects are “dark-skinned” and Harrison drops his papers to call them complete idiots. He changes the channel to MSNBC and throws the remote, adjusting his tie as he gets back to work.

    What Do You Got? – Liv stomp walks in with Huck and puts a picture of the logo of the Boston Marathon on the glass wall. “The city of Boston, and possibly the entire country are our newest clients.” *camera snap sounds* “There are 3 dead and over 170 injured at this event. We need to find who did it.” Harrison talks all fast and tells them what they’ve found so far about the runners when Olivia says they have a security tape from a store near the finish line. Huck was already reviewing it.

    Pressure Cooker, No Rice – Olivia gets a call from the Mayor. They’ve found what they think set off the bomb. They were pressure cooker bombs in backpacks found near the finish line. It looks like the job of 2 or more people.

    She hangs up when Huck yells “I THINK I HAVE SOMETHING!” The gladiators circle around his computer and he slows the tape down and zooms in on it. “Look. These 2 guys in baseball caps and backpacks. I think it’s them.”


    • Ametia says:

      Sheer GENIUS!

      I Highly recommend folks click the link and reply to Luvvie. She works hard on these posts. There’s nothing out there like it.

  12. Ametia says:

    Poll: Ayotte’s Approval Rating Under Water After Voting No On Gun Bill

    Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) has seen her once-solid approval rating in New Hampshire take a slide following her opposition to gun control legislation that failed in the Senate, according to a survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling released on Wednesday.

    Ayotte’s approval rating in the latest poll is under water: 44 percent of Granite State voters said they approve of the job she is doing while 46 percent said they disapprove. In PPP’s previous survey of New Hampshire in late-October, Ayotte boasted a positive approval rating, with a plurality of 48 percent saying they approved of her job performance at the time and 35 percent saying they disapproved.

  13. Fox News Attacks Muslims Relentlessly In Wake Of Boston Bombing

    In the days following the Boston Marathon bombings, Fox News has become a haven for talk about the extreme threats posed to the United States by Muslims. Day after day, the network’s hosts and pundits have warned about an Islamic menace which is poised to take down the country.

    At the most extreme has been “Fox News liberal” Bob Beckel, whose call on “The Five” to bar or severely restrict Muslim students from coming into America seemed to startle even Dana Perino, George Bush’s former spokeswoman. Beckel stuck by his comments on Tuesday, saying that some of the 75,000 Muslim students in American schools are likely to harbor terrorist ambitions.

    “It’s a risky situation,” he said.

    “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade has also suggested putting “listening devices” in mosques, and wondered aloud why there can’t be more racial profiling of Muslims and Arabs. He said this despite widespread reports that bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was actually shouted down at a mosque when he began making radical statements.

    Fox News helps fuel hate against America with their hateful racist propaganda. When are they going to be shut down?

  14. Ametia says:

    BWA HA HA HA A.J.’s very EXCITED, to say the least

  15. Ametia says:

    South Africa group: Desmond Tutu admitted to hospital

    JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A South African foundation says retired archbishop Desmond Tutu has checked into a Cape Town hospital for treatment of a persistent infection.

    The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation said the Nobel Peace Prize laureate will undergo tests to discover the cause of the infection.

    The foundation says 81-year-old Tutu spent Wednesday morning in his office before going to the hospital and was in good spirits. It says the non-surgical treatment is expected to take five days.

    Tutu was a vigorous campaigner against the system of white racist rule known as apartheid, which ended when democratic elections were held in 1994.

  16. LIVE VIDEO: Vice President Joe Biden is speaking now at a memorial service for Sean Collier.

  17. Ametia says:

    Nestle CEO: Water is Not a Human Right, Should be Privatized

    By Anthony Gucciardi

    Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth? According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up.

    The company notorious for sending out hordes of ‘internet warriors’ to defend the company and its actions online in comments and message boards (perhaps we’ll find some below) even takes a firm stance behind Monsanto’s GMOs and their ‘proven safety’. In fact, the former Nestle CEO actually says that his idea of water privatization is very similar to Monsanto’s GMOs. In a video interview, Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe states that there has never been ‘one illness’ ever caused from the consumption of GMOs.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Backers rally for fired gay teacher

    She says Catholic school was told of her female partner

    By JoAnne Viviano
    The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday April 17, 2013 9:42 AM

    When Bishop Watterson High School teacher Carla Hale returned to work last month after her mother’s death, administrators at the Catholic school in Clintonville confronted her with a letter.

    An anonymous parent had written to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus, appalled that Hale had listed her female partner’s name in an obituary.

    Within weeks, Hale said, she was fired because she is in a gay relationship.

    Students and other supporters recently caught wind of the firing, and on Monday, a petition was initiated on to seek Hale’s reinstatement. It had gained about 4,000 signatures by yesterday afternoon.

    “The school claims its mission is to teach its students about love, acceptance and tolerance, and yet it did none of this in the way it treated Ms. Hale,” the petition says.

    Hale said yesterday that she has been humbled and overwhelmed by the support.

    “It’s amazing that they’ve come together and rallied around this situation,” she said. “I’m in awe of them.”

    According to a contract between the Columbus diocese and the Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators, teachers can be terminated for “immorality” or “serious unethical conduct.” George Jones, a spokesman for the diocese, had no comment yesterday, saying personnel matters are confidential.

    Hale, a physical-education teacher who taught at Watterson for 19 years, said she has filed a grievance under the terms of the contract, seeking her job back. Her attorney, Thomas Tootle, said they are exploring other legal options.

  19. Ametia says:

    We miss you, Michael.

  20. Ametia says:

    Guess who’s coming to the WHCD?
    By CAITLIN MCDEVITT | 4/24/13 5:10 AM EDT

    Get ready for another star-studded White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. The guest list isn’t set in stone, of course, but there are plenty of celebrities signed up for Saturday’s event. Here are the biggest names we’ve heard, confirmed by their reps or the media outlets hosting them.

    So who’s going? A-listers Nicole Kidman, Michael Douglas, Barbra Streisand and Steven Spielberg are expected, along with almost Senate candidate Ashley Judd, rocker Jon Bon Jovi, Scarlett Johansson and the evening’s headliner, comedian Conan O’Brien. As is tradition, President Barack Obama will deliver a few of his own jokes before O’Brien does his routine.


  21. Ametia says:


    O’Malley says he’s considering White House run

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Maryland’s governor, Martin O’Malley, says he is considering a run for the White House in 2016.

    O’Malley said Wednesday in Jerusalem that he will dedicate more “reflection time” in the later part of this year to deciding whether to seek the Democratic nomination for the 2016 race.
    O’Malley is frequently touted as a rising star of the Democratic Party. The former Baltimore mayor has successfully promoted a progressive agenda that includes same-sex marriage, gun control laws, banning the death penalty and immigration reform.

    O’Malley is on an eight-day tour of Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territories with a delegation of Maryland officials. During his visit, he intends to visit the traditional birthplace of Jesus, the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, to attend Sunday Mass.

  22. Live streaming of MIT Officer Sean Collier’s Memorial Service

    VP Biden will deliver remarks at 12:45 approx

  23. Ametia says:

    The Radicalized Terrorists are in Congress

    It is curious to listen to the media and commentators pontificate about the acts and motives of the Boston bombers:
    “they clearly had a general hatred of our government and the American way of life.”
    Sounds like the Republicans in Congress to me, creating gridlock in Washington and rooting for government failure. They hate the government and they are destroying the American way of life.

    They lie, cheat, whore and sell their souls to be a part of the very thing they claim to detest. You’d think anyone so opposed to the government would sell shoes, join an anti-government militia or leave the country altogether.

  24. Ametia says:

    The Great Mulligan
    By Charles P. Pierce
    at 9:15am

    There has been some low hilarity, and one high crime against history and memory, attending the sudden reappearence on the scene of C-Plus Augustus, the previous president of these United States. The occasion is the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, in which it is rumored that every book starts with Chapter 11. (Apparently, one of the exhibits is an interactive quiz that asks the visitor to the museum what the visitor would do if confronted by all the things that got themselves fked up during the Avignon Presidency. My answer to all of them would be, “Don’t let Mickey The Dunce steal Florida,” but that’s just me.) However, the opening of the library roughly coincided with the bloody events surrounding the Boston Marathon, and that has prompted yet another revival of the brutally dishonest notion that the presidency of George W. Bush began on September 12, 2001, that he arose, full-grown, from the rubble of lower Manhattan.

    The best example came from the inexplicably employed Jennifer Rubin, who took to her space in the inexplicably still publishing Washington Post op-ed pre-school to argue the following, as our old friend, Clio, Muse Of History, started guzzling Popov and huffing airplane glue:
    Unlike Obama’s tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11.

    Read more: The Great Mulligan – Esquire


  25. rikyrah says:

    Showdown in Hawai’i

    by BooMan
    Tue Apr 23rd, 2013 at 11:24:03 PM EST
    I used to have a white Hawai’ian roommate back in the early 90’s when I was living in Los Angeles. His brother was a professional surfer. Somehow this fact has never before come up on this blog. In any case, pretty much everything I know about Hawai’ian culture that doesn’t come from Hollywood, comes from talking to this roommate of mine. As an illustration, one memorable story was about a time when his brother made the mistake of stealing a wave from an ethnic Hawai’ian gentlemen who didn’t take too kindly to it. He literally knocked my roommate’s brother unconscious and left him to drown in the ocean. According to the story, this never would have happened between two ethnic Hawai’ians. Yes, they were both natives of Hawai’i, but white people did not steal real Hawai’ian’s waves. In other words, even though Hawai’i is a chill place with many ethnicities that seem to get along very, very well, that doesn’t mean that there is no racial or ethnic tension.

    So, that’s the first context. The second context is that racial tensions emerge most openly and most profoundly within the Democratic Party in areas where the party is totally dominant. When John Street was mayor of Philadelphia, white neighborhoods had their snowed plowed last, and when Frank Rizzo was mayor of Philadelphia, black folks had their neighborhoods plowed last. You will see tensions between black and Latino candidates in New York City or Asian and Latino candidates in California.

    So, it’s significant that Hawai’ian Governor Neil Abercrombie, who is white, chose to ignore Sen. Daniel Inouye’s dying wish that he be replaced by Rep. Colleen Hanabusa and chose his Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz, instead. Brian Schatz is Jewish, and about as white as that implies. Hanabusa, like Daniel Inouye, is a Hawai’ian of Japanese descent. Hawai’i’s other senator, Mazie Hirono, was actually born in Japan. So, that’s a whole other element to this. There are Japanese-Hawai’ians, Hawai’ian-Hawai’ians, white Hawai’ians, and even Kenyan-Kansan-Hawai’ians.

    Rep. Colleen Hanabusa is going to run for Daniel Inouye’s seat against the incumbent, Brian Schantz. I have no idea who will win, but I suspect that it will create some tensions on the islands.

    From a progressive point of view, I don’t see much to pick between them, and that also might make it less of an ideological battle than an ethnic one. There are a couple of somewhat sketchy things in Hanabusa’s past, but nothing that looks too major.

    As of now, I have no dog in this fight. We are going to have a lot of turnover in the Senate soon, and next year is going to be very interesting. Most eyes will not be on this primary, but it could matter quite a bit. Sen. Inouye served in the Senate for 49 years. Sen. Daniel Akaka served in Congress for 36 years.

    So, keep your eyes open.

  26. Ametia says:

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2013

    The Ministry of Truth: George Orwell Predicted the Post-Truth World That is George Bush Junior’s New Museum
    Chauncey DeVega

    George Bush Jr. is one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. The extreme political polarization of the country, the Right-wing echo chamber and news complex, and a frightening level of anti-intellectualism among the general public, have together encouraged a detachment from empirical reality by conservatives (and some liberals and progressives).

    The election of the country’s first black president–twice–further encouraged a system shock to the cognitive map and thought processes of the herrenvolk Tea Party GOP. This pushed them even farther into crazy town and their conspiranoid fantasies of Birtherism and other related nonsense.

    In an era where all opinions are ostensibly created equal, a claim is “true” just because one says it is. Can We the People ever recover from this turn?

    Read on:

  27. Ametia says:

    Republicans and the NRA helped the Tsarnaevs and Murderers get their Guns
    No this isn’t hyperbole.

    Now, the most despicable Republican (this time) has to be Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona who sent a handwritten letter to the mother of a shooting victim claiming that he was “truly sorry” for her son’s death and that “strengthening background checks is something we agree on.” Of course, like all Republicans he voted against the background check bill.

    But, even before the NRA, Gun Owners of America and other Pro-Unrestricted Gun Violence Groups cowered 42 Republicans and 4 Democrats in the Senate to defeat the Manchin-Toomey Background Check Amendment, the NRA was fighting for the Rights of Terrorists, like the Tsarnaev’s to have ready easy access to whatever firearms they wished.

    In 2011, Republicans on the House Judiciary panel shot down a proposal Thursday to prevent weapon sales to suspected terrorists. In a party-line vote of 21-11, the committee Republicans killed an amendment from Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) that would have blocked firearm purchases by those on the FBI’s terrorist watch list.

    So, even if the FBI could have put Tamerlan Tsarnaev on the FBI Terror Watch List he still could have bought guns.

  28. Ametia says:

    Apple CEO Seeks to Stem Growth Concern by Returning Cash
    By Adam Satariano & Peter Burrows – Apr 24, 2013 2:50 AM CT

    Apple Inc. (AAPL) (AAPL) Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook is seeking to reassure investors dismayed by the company’s falling stock price and first profit drop in a decade by unveiling the largest buyback plan in corporate history.

    The iPhone maker yesterday boosted its quarterly dividend and alloted more cash to buybacks, adding $55 billion to its plan to return cash to shareholders — bringing the total to $100 billion through 2015. Cook made the announcements as Apple reported an 18 percent decline in earnings and acknowledged that growth will continue to slow.
    Apple (AAPL) has come under pressure to release a new hit product that can live up to the success of the iPhone and iPad, sending the shares down more than 40 percent since September and wiping out about $280 billion in market value. To allay the concerns, Cook also took the unusual step of using a conference call with analysts to say that new products are in the works for later this year and through 2014, without giving details.

  29. Ametia says:

    Paul Ryan Intern Charged with Stalking

    Adam Savader, reportedly a former intern for Paul Ryan, was arrested and charged with Internet extortion and cyber stalking by the FBI on Tuesday. Savader apparently sent anonymous text messages to 15 women saying he had nude photographs and threatening to distribute them unless he was sent more photographs. If convicted, he faces a maximum of five years in prison.

    Read it at FBI:

  30. Ametia says:

    Beat that ass, Lawrence

  31. rikyrah says:

    Reid offers GOP a new sequestration deal
    By Steve Benen
    Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:10 AM EDT.

    For the last couple of months, congressional Republicans were content to ignore the consequences of their sequestration policy, celebrating the deep budget cuts as a “victory.” Now that it’s causing several flight delays as the FAA begins furloughs, Republicans have suddenly discovered they don’t like the sequester after all. Indeed, they’re now blaming President Obama, suggesting some kind of conspiracy is afoot — the White House wants air travelers to suffer to make some kind of point about the value of government spending.


    It is curious to see what captures the GOP’s attention. When Head Start centers are forced to adopt lottery systems, forcing children out of pre-K, and low-income families lose housing vouchers, Republicans are indifferent. When business travelers are stuck on tarmacs, Republicans launch a national p.r. campaign. It’s almost as if the party commends cuts that hurt the poor, but leaps into action when those with more resources are inconvenienced.

    Regardless, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has offered his GOP colleagues a way out of this mess: Congress can turn off the sequestration cuts for five months, restoring the funds to the various agencies, by drawing upon the Overseas Contingency Operation fund set aside for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fund contains several hundred billion dollars.

    So, is this the sort of offer that could help fix, or at least pause, the stupid and damaging policy? Of course not — Republicans immediately rejected the idea.

  32. rikyrah says:

    Is Deval Patrick America’s governor?


    by Zerlina Maxwell | April 23, 2013 at 8:51 AM

    Every high-profile crisis tests whether our elected officials can step up and lead.

    During 9/11, New York’s mayor Rudolph Giuliani became “America’s Mayor” after the media deemed him competent in handling the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

    On the other hand, President George W. Bush is largely seen as incompetent for failing to prevent 9/11, starting a war in a country not related to the attacks, and leaving so many stranded in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

    Even New Jersey governor Chris Christie rose to the challenge during Hurricane Sandy.

    If the bombings of the Boston Marathon and subsequent manhunt serves as the moment America saw a single leader step up and pass this crucial test of true leadership, it’s Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick.

    Patrick leads the way

    Patrick, a two-term governor and double Harvard graduate, has definitely risen to the occasion and throughout the week as the manhunt for brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev stretched through the weekend, Patrick faced the press and the search for the perpetrators with an unruffled sense of self-assurance.

    When the first question about the bombing Governor Patrick fielded Monday night was “Is this another false flag attack staged to take our civil liberties?” Patrick replied, “No. Next question,” clearly unwilling to play any media game or wade into any nonsense not related to bringing the people who attacked Boston to justice.

    That serious calm continued throughout the weekend as Patrick, in many ways becoming American’s governor, held periodic press conferences to update the public about the ongoing manhunt. Patrick lead the way as law enforcement finally apprehended Tsarnaev alive, bringing the week of terror in Boston to an end.


  33. rikyrah says:

    Maxwell: For conservatives, it’s all about race

    When I was a journalism professor in 2005 at Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, a white student from the University of Alabama came to my campus and handed me a bullet-ridden sheet of standard copy paper.

    It was a target that had been used at a local shooting range.

    The image on the target was an enlargement of my photograph published in the Tuscaloosa News with my weekly column. Most of my forehead was shot out, and my eyes and nose were gone. The student said many whites in Tuscaloosa hated me and advised me to be “extra careful.”

    I was reminded of that experience after reading about Sgt. Ron King, the white firearms instructor recently fired from the Port Canaveral Police Department. He allegedly offered fellow officers shooting targets with a silhouette resembling Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black 17-year-old shot and killed last year in nearby Sanford by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman.

    King said that race was not his motivation in attempting to get others to use the targets, which had images of Skittles candy and a bottle of tea, items Trayvon Martin was carrying. I don’t believe King. Neither did his boss and those who refused to accept the targets.

    I suggest that the racial animus that motivated King represents a major current of the American zeitgeist in 2013.

    Look no further than Republican sentiments and spiteful rhetoric surrounding Barack Obama and his presidency. From the beginning, Republicans made it clear that they were going to give the nation’s first black president a hard time. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated publicly that his No. 1 goal was to make Obama a “one-term president.”


    Most of the president’s words and many of his actions and policies are interpreted through the prism of race. After Trayvon Martin was killed, for example, Obama lamented the tragedy in part by saying that if he had a son, “He’d look like Trayvon.” Many conservatives pounced, accusing Obama of playing the “race card.”

    Not so. The president’s words reflected the heartfelt sadness of a loving father.

    Many of Obama’s domestic policies and proposals, including on the economy and affordable health care, are described as the work of a black man determined to establish socialism, redistributing wealth from rich people to blacks and other undeserving groups.

    On foreign policy, especially related to the Middle East, the president is seen as the “other,” someone who is not truly American even though he was born in the United States. He is accused of weakening the country’s image abroad, even endangering our very existence.

    The social and cultural lives of the president and the first lady are under a microscope. I don’t think we’ve ever had so much criticism of the first family’s vacation spots, modes of travel and entertainment. I cannot help but conclude that it is all about race.

    • Ametia says:

      THIS: “The social and cultural lives of the president and the first lady are under a microscope. I don’t think we’ve ever had so much criticism of the first family’s vacation spots, modes of travel and entertainment. I cannot help but conclude that it is all about race.”

      No shit, Sherlock!

  34. rikyrah says:

    Does an $8 million advertising campaign really make Obamacare into the Iraq War?

    Posted by Ezra Klein on April 23, 2013 at 9:47 am

    Obamacare is the Iraq of the Obama administration,” tweets Ben Domenech.

    This is a wonderful piece of Twitter ephemera — both in its implicit view of what the Iraq war was, and what Obamacare is. But the link is even better. It goes to a piece Peter Suderman wrote for Reason magazine. The headline? “Obama Administration to Spend Another $8 Million Marketing ObamaCare.”

    Yep, that was definitely the problem in Iraq.

    And that’s really all the piece is. “The Hill reports that [HHS] just announced that it signed an agreement to spend another $8 million—with the option to spend more—further promoting the exchanges,” Suderman writes. Then he takes out the knife:

    I’ll give the folks at HHS this: They could probably use some effective marketing. But maybe they ought to consider scaling back a bit, and work more on trying to raise awareness about the law’s benefits with Sen. Max Baucus? When you’ve already spent $3 million promoting ObamaCare’s exchanges, and yet the senator who claims to have written the bill on which the law was based thinks those exchanges are about to be a “huge train wreck,” you kind of have to wonder whether the agency is really getting much value out of its marketing budget.

    The particular irony of Suderman’s critique is that Baucus’s specific concern was that there would be a 2014 “train wreck” because the Obama administration wasn’t doing enough to advertise and explain the exchanges. The announcement that it will spend more money to advertise and explain the exchanges is, in part, a way of responding to Baucus’s concerns.

  35. rikyrah says:

    Why oh why oh why can’t Barack Obama be more like Lyndon Johnson?
    Alex Massie 23 April 2013 16:39

    So, is Barack Obama a wimp or just another lame-duck second-term President? Maureen Dowd, in her typically sophomoric fashion, appears to believe that the failure to pass gun control legislation shows that the President has not been paying enough attention to Aaron Sorkin movies. Tim Stanley, who at least knows something of how Washington works, suggests this failure reveals Obama as a lame-duck.

    Today’s New York Times piles on with an article asking, essentially, why oh why BHO can’t be more like LBJ. As is so often the case, a presidential setback must be attributed to an absence of Presidential willpower. The Cult of the Presidency is an eternal flame that can never, ever, be extinguished.


    Quite. Even so, the comparison with Lyndon Johnson is instructive because it reminds us that the theme, fashionable in liberal circles these days, that Washington is fundamentally broken is itself hardly a new phenomenon. Indeed, it is by no means obvious that Washington’s sclerotic division of power is worse now than it was when Lyndon Johnson bestrode the scene as a masterful Texas-sized mastodon.

    It is true, of course, that Johnson was able to pass a string of landmark bills. It is also true that his record owed a lot to forces beyond his control. If you have the votes you can pass big bills; if you don’t you can’t. That sounds banal but it’s the kind of tedious truth far too many people who should know better pretend not to know at all.

    Huge chunks of the two most recent volumes of Robert Caro’s monumental biography of LBJ are devoted to Congressional wrangling and arm-twisting. Caro argues that the Senate was, essentially, moribund for the best part of 25 years before Johnson found ways of unblocking the legislative logjam that had for so many years stymied civil rights legislation (and much else besides). In other words, the “system” was just as banjaxed then – and, in fact, more so – than it is now.

    For four years Franklin Roosevelt had pistol-whipped Congress, pushing through the New Deal. But his attempt to pack the Supreme Court stirred the Senate into life, uniting Republicans and southern Democrats against the President. Though Congress gave FDR a “free hand in running the Second World War”, Caro writes, “he never got a single major social reform through Congress during the eight years of his presidency remaining after the Court fight”.

  36. rikyrah says:

    Paul tries to walk back drone comments
    By Steve Benen

    Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:35 AM EDT.

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told Fox’s Neil Cavuto yesterday that he’s comfortable with the executive branch having the authority to use drones on Americans over U.S. soil if an administration perceives an “imminent threat.” The senator even went so far as to say, “If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and 50 dollars in cash, I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.”

    And since I reported on this yesterday, it’s only fair that I note that Paul issued a statement last night, clarifying his position.

  37. rikyrah says:

    What would the Koch brothers do to the Los Angeles Times?

    By Harold Meyerson,

    Published: April 23

    On May 21, Los Angeles voters will go to the polls to select a new mayor. Who will govern Los Angeles, however, is only the second-most important local question in the city today. The most important, by far, is who will buy the Los Angeles Times.

    The Times is one of the eight daily newspapers now owned by the creditors who took control of the Tribune Co. after real estate wheeler-dealer Sam Zell drove it into bankruptcy. Others include the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, the Orlando Sentinel and the Hartford Courant. The Tribune board members whom the creditors selected want to unload the papers in favor of more money-making ventures.

    Fans of newspapers are a jumpy lot these days. And in the past couple of weeks, their apprehension has gone through the roof with word that right-wing billionaires Charles and David Koch are looking to buy all eight papers.

    The Koch boys, whose oil-and-gas-based fortune places them just behind Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison as the wealthiest Americans, have been among the chief donors to the tea party wing of the Republican Party. Their political funding vehicle, Americans for Prosperity, ranked with casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson among the largest funders of right-wing causes and candidates in 2012. Their purchase offer won’t be buttressed by a record of involvement in or commitment to journalism on their part. But it will come complete with a commitment to journalism as a branch of right-wing ideology.

    As the New York Times reported Sunday, the Koch brothers told a group of like-minded money men at a closed-door conclave in Aspen three years ago that the right needed to invest more in grass-roots activism, politics and media. Given the nature of the Kochs’ investment in grass-roots activism and politics, that doesn’t bode well for the kind of fact-based journalism that most American newspapers strive to practice.

  38. rikyrah says:

    Republicans lean in hard on immigration

    Posted by Greg Sargent on April 23, 2013 at 4:38 pm

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    A heavy-hitting Republican group is going up on the air with a new ad, starring Marco Rubio, that makes the case for comprehensive immigration reform. The spot, which is set to air in six states, represents a major push to court conservatives who might be reluctant to accept the Gang of Eight Senate compromise.

    The group — which is called Conservatives for a New Direction — is made up of a number of heavy-hitting elite Republican strategists. As Politico puts it, the big names illustrate “the fierce intensity of elite pressure on Republicans to pass a bill.”

    The ad repeatedly describes the compromise bill as “conservative,” arguing that it “puts in place the toughest enforcement measures in the history of the United States, potentially in the world, and it once and for all deals with the issue of those that are here illegally.” It says: “stand with Marco Rubio to end de facto amnesty.”

    It really is noteworthy just how hard Republicans are leaning in on immigration reform right now. Rubio’s office is running what amounts to a rapid response political operation designed to shoot down all the lies and distortions about reform coming from the right. And Republicans battling with conservatives have settled on their argument: It’s either immigration reform, or the “amnesty” status quo.

  39. rikyrah says:

    Yup: Radicalized GOP is what killed expanded background checks

    Posted by Greg Sargent on April 23, 2013 at 11:14 am

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    As I noted this morning, the primary culprits in the killing of the Toomey-Manchin compromise are the GOP and the 60-vote Senate, despite the best efforts on the part of some to blame Obama’s lack of “arm twisting” for the debacle.

    Steve Benen reminds us that the death of Toomey-Manchin is also another reminder of just how radical today’s GOP is in historical terms:

    There’s an ongoing reluctance among many to appreciate the scope of Republican radicalization. For many, especially in media, there’s an assumption that there are two major, mainstream political parties — one center-left, the other center-right — and an effective president can govern through competent bipartisan outreach.

    Those assumptions are wrong. As we discussed in January, outreach doesn’t work because Republicans have reached an ideological extreme unseen in modern American history. It’s a quantifiable observation, not a subjective one. Even if GOP policymakers were inclined to work with Obama, they realize that they’d be punished soon after by a primary challenge — and they know this to be true because it’s happened more than a few times in recent years (look up names like Crist, Specter, Bennett, Lugar, etc.).

    Kevin Drum had similar thoughts the other day that are worth returning to:

    Finally, there’s the most obvious change of all: the decision by Republicans to stonewall every single Obama initiative from day one. By now, I assume that even conservative apologists have given up pretending that this isn’t true. The evidence is overwhelming, and it’s applied to practically every single thing Obama has done in the domestic sphere. The only question, ever, is whether Obama will get two or three Republican votes vs. three or four. If the latter, he has a chance to win. But those two or three extra votes don’t depend on leverage. In fact, Obama’s leverage is negative. The last thing any Republican can afford these days is to be viewed as caving in to Obama. That’s a kiss of death with the party’s base.

  40. rikyrah says:

    House GOP Seeks To Trap Dems On Preexisting Conditions

    Sahil Kapur- April 24, 2013, 6:00 AM 2899
    House Republicans have set up a Wednesday vote on legislation designed to simultaneously undermine a piece of Obamacare and give themselves a pretext to say they’re interested in helping people with preexisting conditions.

    The Helping Sick Americans Now Act would siphon $4 billion from the Affordable Care Act’s $10 billion prevention and public health fund, aimed at combating disease and promoting wellness, into an underfunded short-term plan to cover people with preexisting conditions until 2014, when the law will begin to ban insurers from denying coverage based on health status.

    But the legislation doesn’t reflect a serious long-term effort to address the problem of sick Americans lacking access to health care or getting thrown off their insurance plan. It would shore up a costly and temporary high-risk pool under Obamacare — called the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan — and expire at the end of 2013. Beyond that, Republicans continue to support repealing the rest of the Affordable Care Act, and lack economically feasible plans to address preexisting conditions.

    “Like in so many other areas, the President’s health care legislation failed to adequately protect sick patients with pre-existing conditions, like those battling cancer,” said Rory Cooper, a spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA). “House Republicans are determined to do so by taking funding from a slush fund and moving it where it is critically needed.”

    House Republicans are exploiting a political opportunity created by the Department of Health and Human Services’ February decision to end new enrollment in the ACA’s state-based high risk pools, after determining that it was underfunded. HHS said at the time that it was “the most prudent step” considering the program’s $5 billion spending limit and need to ensure coverage for those already enrolled. In March, House GOP leaders sent a letter calling on President Obama support moving money from the prevention fund to PCIP.

    Hoyer Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) described the bill as a “continuing effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act” and observed that it was “reported out of committee on a totally partisan vote — no Democrat voted for it.”

    “We don’t think much of this bill,” he said. “It is a zero sum game and undermines a fund that we think is very important, and may not serve very many people but may hurt a lot of people.”

  41. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone! :-)

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