Tuesday Open Thread | TV Shows That You Should Be Watching: Orphan Black

Today’s show that you’re missing is Orphan Black.

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What if….

You are standing on a subway platform, waiting for a train.

You see your doppelganger, and they commit suicide right in front of your eyes.

That’s the beginning of Orphan Black.

It draws you in.

What is it about?


Government conspiracies.
Religious fanatics.

Sounds wild, and it is. But, it makes sense, mainly on the strength of phenomenal acting of Tatiana Maslany, who plays every clone, and makes you forget that one person is acting out all the different roles. She’s THAT good.

The new season premieres on BBC America on April 14th at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

From BBC America:

In a season where the sisters will have to go back to the beginning, fans will find the clones, and those who love them, as clueless about their fate as we first met them in season one. They now know what they are, who created them, and who was trying to destroy them; but what if everything they thought they knew, was a misdirect? What if they were sent down the wrong rabbit hole? What if they missed a crucial chapter of the mystery? When Sarah (Tatiana Maslany) returns home from her Icelandic hideout to track down an elusive new clone tied to Beth (Maslany), she and her sisters will band together to uncover the truth, no matter who they have to hurt in the process”

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39 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | TV Shows That You Should Be Watching: Orphan Black

  1. eliihass says:

    FYI fam, the woman behind this new hit piece on the historic black FLOTUS, is a former FOX news employee who went on to work for Bloomberg news. This is Kate Andersen Bower just last month defending Melania Trump:


    I’m trying to find a video of her on the panel with Harold Ford and Tina Brown just now on Hard Ball with Chris Matthew. She claims to have spoken with someone who worked or works for the White House who says that FLOTUS ‘looks down her nose at Hillary’…among other things…

    I suspect that this is yet another attempt to not only further tarnish and chip away at FLOTUS’ reputation and popularity and the now familiar effort to break a self-assured black woman…but an attempt to forcibly get FLOTUS on board, by strong-arming her into coming out effusively in support of Hillary who together with her PUMAs, has been nothing but horrid and hostile to the Obamas. They know that this proud and principled FLOTUS who is fiercely protective of her husband, and who for 8 years has refused to be beholden or kiss up to anyone – and especially not those who’ve tried to undermine her husband, would not willing or enthusiastically get behind Hillary…

    FLOTUS like many of us, isn’t fooled or bamboozled by this new found ‘love’ and ‘respect’ Hillary has suddenly developed for her husband…or Hillary’s new found desire to protect his legacy…and only as a means of duping black voters and securing the their votes aka firewall she’s desperately needed…

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the unrelenting assault on – and the lack of of any defense on behalf of this historic black FLOTUS – including from Democrats and White House folks who are always quick to speak up in defense of Hillary’s and others honor, has been nothing but despicable…

    When you watch as the historic black First Lady is so maligned, dehumanized and disrespected for 8 long years – and not even a peep in support of or in defense of her – you understand that all of this lip service being paid black folks right now to get their votes, is utter and complete worthless rubbish…

    If the black First Lady of the United States is not even deemed worthy, and is mercilessly attacked and undermined and knocked around by every Tom, Dick and Harry – and even some who roam freely about 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, what hope does an ordinary black person on the street have…

    • rikyrah says:

      you keep on telling the truth

    • Ametia says:

      Disgusting. You know that First Lady Michelle Obama being in that White House and staying true to her and her family, is UNPRECEDENTED.

      No matter how much the HATERS, includes these snakes in the grass white women, do to tarnish her, IT WON’T WORK.

      Like the nerve of this woman, Michelle Obama, walking through the front door of the WH and not the back door into the kitchen.



      That’s why these BITCHES ARE MAD

      FLOTUS is one for the HISTORY BOOKS!

  2. eliihass says:

    They’re back at it …

    The hit pieces on our historic black FLOTUS – this time, courtesy of the non-partisan white sisterhood, has been ramped up again…(When you have GOP strategist Nicole Wallace and Fox’s Megyn Kelly and the Lynn de Rothschild’s and Joan Walsh’s all united in their defense and protection and rallying behind what they consider one of their own…you realize that this for them, is not about party or ideology. )

    On this day celebrating ‘Equality for Women’, it’s safe to say that just like it never really was about black women…it still isn’t really about – and still doesn’t include black women…No matter what anyone says…

    And especially not for or about the basic rights and dignity of the first black First Lady who continues to be the direct and stealth target of the most vicious, envious, spiteful haters concentrated in the modern day version of white women suffragists…


  3. It pains me to the soul. No one to help them. It’s an on-going living hell. Please tell me why the world is allowing this atrocity to happen? Are we not protectors of children?


    • eliihass says:

      But see, Josh Earnest – White House Press Secretary – who hasn’t exactly been respectful of the historic black First Lady…is now the arbiter of what and who is and isn’t racist…

      At some point someone has to tell some of these folks that working for the President does not in any way provide them cover for their own racist mindset and conscious, unconscious and stealth and brazen racist behavior..nor does it make them spokespeople or determiners for and of what ‘the blacks’ think or feel – or what is insulting or not..

      “…President Obama’s top spokesman on Tuesday defended the civil rights record of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who have come under fire for making a racially tinged joke at an event last week.

      “Mayor de Blasio and Secretary Clinton have, over the course of their careers, demonstrated a genuine commitment to the pursuit of equality and justice and civil rights,” press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters…”


  4. Never mind police are gunning down young black boys in the street like dogs…Bill Clinton will tell you who is the real threat…other black people. Bill Clinton saved black people from those big black super predator monsters…those niggas.


  5. rikyrah says:

    Deutsche Bank Halts North Carolina Growth Plan Over Anti-Gay Law
    Yalman Onaran
    April 12, 2016 — 8:47 AM CDT

    Deutsche Bank AG said it is freezing expansion plans at a North Carolina location in response to a state law that invalidates protections based on sexual orientation.
    The German lender in September said it planned to add 250 jobs to the 900 existing positions at a software development center in Cary, just west of Raleigh. The bank is putting that expansion on hold following the state legislature’s decision last month to overturn protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents in some cities, according to a statement Tuesday from the Frankfurt-based firm.
    “We take our commitment to building inclusive work environments seriously,” co-Chief Executive Officer John Cryan said in the statement. “We’re proud of our operations and employees in Cary and regret that as a result of this legislation we are unwilling to include North Carolina in our U.S. expansion plans for now.”


  6. Ametia says:

    a little LATE at your ATTEMPTS to QUELL SPECULATIONS, Zombie-eyed Granny killer!

    House Speaker Paul Ryan plans a speech this afternoon to say he won’t be the GOP presidential nominee under any circumstances, an aide tells CNN.

    The move comes as speculation grows over a possible Ryan bid at a deadlocked Republican convention.

  7. Ametia says:

    MUST SEE! Part 1 aired last night. Part 2 airs tonight on PBS


  8. rikyrah says:



  9. rikyrah says:


    Snyder: Staff deceived him, told him Flint water was OK night before he learned it wasn’t
    6:49 p.m. EDT April 11, 2016

    The night before he learned about the Flint water crisis, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said he received a briefing “telling me that there really isn’t a problem in Flint. That these outside experts aren’t correct.”

    The next day, Sept. 28, 2015, he had a conference call with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health and Human Services.

    “And I get on the call, and I push them, and they tell me, ‘It looks like there is a problem,'” he said Monday morning, taking questions at the Michigan Chronicle’s 11th annual Pancakes and Politics breakfast at the Detroit Athletic Club. “That’s the kind of thing you never want to see. And talk about being upset, I was upset.”

    Snyder was on stage about an hour this morning at the event attended by roughly a couple of hundred people. He spoke about his plans to help Flint, his goals for education, and positive developments in the state’s economy since he assumed office in 2011.

    Flint’s water continues to be deemed unsafe for human consumption, with high enough levels of lead recorded in some homes to cause potentially permanent brain damage in children.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  11. Ametia says:

    Does HBO’s ‘Confirmation’ favor Anita Hill? Kerry Washington and others say no way
    .By Jane Borden April 9

    “The first time I saw it hanging in my trailer, it gave me chills,” Kerry Washington says of the replica of the iconic turquoise skirt suit that Anita Hill wore in 1991 during Clarence Thomas’s Supreme Court nomination hearings. “It felt like a reminder to not give in to caricature.”

    The actress plays Hill in “Confirmation,” a new and already controversial film that dramatizes the hearings, premiering April 16 on HBO. Hill, a law professor and former employee of Thomas’s, accused him of sexual harassment in the workplace, leading to a riveting weekend of Senate testimony from both figures and their supporting witnesses.


  12. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone.

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