Tuesday Open Thread | ‘Love on My Mind’ Week

More ‘Love on My Mind with LUTHER!

Stop To Love

Power of Love (Love Power)

Your Secret Love

Forever, For Always, For Love

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83 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | ‘Love on My Mind’ Week

  1. rikyrah says:

    I really liked Greenleaf.

    • eliihass says:

      Until black folks stop giving away their votes and support…and stop being willing firewalls to advance other people’s political ambitions..

      Black lives will never matter..

      At first we assumed that black lives were devalued only because there was no financial power ..or political power to wield…

      But then we realized that we did have political power…that we were the most reliable voting block…that as a group we were the difference between a comfortable push over the line…

      But then instead of wielding that power as effectively as other groups to get what we needed – at least during election time when they came a-knocking…

      To at the very least ask that they stop killing us and our minor children going about minding their business…

      Instead we were so flattered by the attention and even before they could ask, we eagerly offered…and practically begged for it to be accepted too…and blacks folks didn’t stop there…they are practically dancing and shucking harder for massa…with lips practically stuck to massa’s butt…

      And then we wonder why our issues don’t matter…why things that not only affect us, but kill and destroy us are never important …and only become a national issue when they afflict other groups…and then and only then does it get attention …and as with the drug issue, become a sensitive and urgent matter to be addressed urgently and not with incarceration or demeaning, but with big budgets, loud ‘important’ voices…and with humanity…Suddenly the erstwhile super-predator-status is turned to mourn-worthy victims to be looked upon with compassion, sensitivity and understanding…

      We wonder why our kids are murdered in cold blood by those our taxes pay to protect us…and why our Justice Department led by black folks won’t do squat about it…while they run around doing their darndest for and going out of their way for every other group…

      We need to wake up at some point…and start valuing ourselves and our worth first …

      Until we do, our lives, our issues will never matter…we’ll remain at best, momentary firewalls, numbers to bridge the voting gap for ambitious politicians to propel themselves to their dream positions every 4 years…

    • rikyrah says:

      The NRA is a criminal organization

      • eliihass says:

        “…Most damaging, however, is the failure of elected officials to effectively represent the interests of their most vulnerable constituents. Teams of mental-health professionals are dispatched to schools, homes and neighborhoods when they are under attack. Shouldn’t the same be done for poor neighborhoods that are under daily assault?

        A crime victim in a black neighborhood is lucky to have a community volunteer spend a few hours holding his hand. But these are the kids most in need of assistance. These are the children who deal with the daily stress of poverty and racism.

        A woman told The Washington Post that she saw the 7-year-old girl walking with her family, heard gunshots then watched the family scramble and drag the wounded child into another building for safety. It was horrifying.

        Another woman recalled hearing the girl’s father yelling, “Stay with me! Stay with me!” She went outside and saw the man cradling his daughter, trying to stop the bleeding from her torso, while the girl’s 4-year-old brother was screaming, “My sister!”…”

    • rikyrah says:

      But, all of us who pointed out the obvious dogwhistle of a man born in the Midwest, and was Governor of California, opening his Presidential campaign in PHILADELPHIA, MISSISSIPPI could only be saying one thing.

    • eliihass says:

      Trump = Hillary = Paul Manafort = Mark Penn= David Brock = Same Difference.

      Only question these days – and only because now we’re supposed to be on the same side with one of the original perpetrators…and tamped down only for the purposes of black folks helping to propel her to the oval office…

      The only question is, do we like our racism Blatant or Stealth and systematic…

  2. rikyrah says:

    Ok, so the RNC put out that it was a “false narrative “, comparing Hillary’s cash on hand with Trump’s. That Trump had financed his campaign, and “If he wanted to get that number up in two seconds. He just strokes a check and it’s up. ”

    A poster at BJ thinks that this is the RNC running the bus over Trump. Giving the signal to the donors that they will not be asked to give money to Trump. But the RNC will take it for downballot races.


  3. rikyrah says:

    Trump Threatens to Abandon the RNC
    Paryt Devastated by Trump’s fundraising start
    June 21, 2016

    “As top Republicans expressed astonishment and alarm over Donald Trump’s paltry campaign fundraising totals, the presumptive nominee blamed party leaders Tuesday and threatened to rely on his personal fortune instead of helping the GOP seek the cash it needs,” the Washington Post reports.

    “Such a move would effectively amount to abandonment of the Republican National Committee and the rest of the GOP ticket, which relies on the presidential nominee to help raise hundreds of millions to fund a national field organization for the fall elections.”

  4. rikyrah says:

    Be afraid, Donald Trump. We’re about to see the best of Barack Obama
    Richard Wolffe
    This hyper-competitive president still has six months to go – and he’s made it clear he’s going to ruthlessly undermine the Republican nominee

    What do you say about a man who first questioned your birth and then your allegiance to your country?

    How do you respond to someone who thinks the best way to get your job is to accuse you of being weak and suggest you’re on the side of your nation’s enemies?

    For Barack Obama and his senior aides, these are not abstract questions. Donald Trump may trigger a widespread sense of disbelief and disgust among Democrats. But inside the White House, they don’t have the luxury of expressing those feelings in public.

    So when the moment came for speaking out loud last week, the US president’s response was both highly personal and intensely measured. It was a counterpunching argument against a street-fighting candidate that mixed one-liner rebukes with nuanced policy.

    It also pointed the way to how this president – enjoying his final months in office and positive approval numbers – intends to interject in an election dominated by a reality TV star who represents the total repudiation of everything he stands for, in style and in substance.

  5. rikyrah says:

    Carpool Karaoke: Anthony Kiedis interrupted James Corden singalong to save a baby’s life
    Kiedis rejected that he was a ‘hero’ after the incident

  6. rikyrah says:

    Jon Ward ‏@jonward11 5h5 hours ago

    evangelical in meeting with Trump says he talks to Christians like a person who just bought Rosetta stone and is practicing for first time

  7. rikyrah says:

    Mark Cuban ‏@mcuban Jun 8
    1) I expect @realDonaldTrump to try to calm down. He doesn’t have the cash to fund his campaign, he needs to appease donors quickly

    2) he had less than 165mm in cash and falling for a campaign that will cost 750mm or more. He will have to grovel for that cash and will

    3) the real fun/drama will come from all the “hidden” videos from his private fundraisers. He will say what they want to hear. Get ready !

    4)the real “index” for this election will be RNC vs DNC fundraising.RNC will need less $ for POTUS but much more downstream to counter Trump

    5) the reality is that @realDonaldTrump will be MORE beholden to donors than @HillaryClinton because his fund raising is so far behind

    • eliihass says:

      “…Mark Cuban is welcoming Donald Trump to Texas, where the GOP frontunner is planning a huge, surprise rally in Dallas just one day before the next big Republican debate.

      Trump’s campaign event will take place at the American Airlines Center — home of Cuban’s NBA team Dallas Mavericks.

      Trump stunned the press when he announced the event on Twitter Friday:

      I’ll be in Dallas at the American Airlines Center on Sept 14th at 6 PM. Will be great to be back in Texas. http://t.co/rC8JO7Fzqx

      — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2015

      “He’s excited about coming to Dallas,” said Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks. “He’s looking forward to it.”

      So is Shark Tank billionaire Cuban, who told Business Insider that “I have no doubt [Trump] will kill it in Texas.”

      Cuban, who previously said Trump was “the best thing to happen to politics in a long time” and even floated the possibility of joining his ticket, told the news website that Mavericks fans are primarily pro-Trump.

      “They love that he is shaking things up,” he said on Cyber Dust. “There is nothing more Texan than being confident and entrepreneurial.”


      “…The arena also plays host to the Dallas Mavericks, a basketball team owned by Mark Cuban, who has spoken in support of Trump.

      Cuban said he had no doubt Trump would “kill it” at the Dallas rally, saying “there is nothing more Texan than being confident and entrepreneurial.”

      The tech billionaire has also said he would consider being Trump’s vice president if asked…”


    • eliihass says:

      “…According to Mark Cuban, Mavericks owner and star on ABC’s Shark Tank, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has been trying for the past month to schedule a meeting with him. It’s no surprise: Cuban—who not too long ago called Trump “probably the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time”—is a high-profile celebrity who has lately grown increasingly critical of Trump, this month likening him to a “guy who’ll walk into the bar and say anything to get laid.”

      Clinton’s aides initially attempted to connect with the outspoken businessman roughly a month ago, he says, simply for a general conversation. But the Clinton campaign also apparently reached out to Cuban on Sunday, two days after a widely circulated online Meet the Press clip posted showing the billionaire with a boyish haircut saying that he’d be willing to consider the vice-presidential slot on her ticket.

      “Someone who works directly for me used to work in the White House,” Cuban told The Daily Beast, explaining how the campaign got in touch. “They reached out to [my employee] to see if a meeting with someone in her camp could be set up. Didn’t say who [or] when.”

      Cuban then added that he didn’t want to “overstate any intent”—just that Team Hillary is apparently interested in a sit-down; there was no specification that the conversation would be about the VP position…”


      “…Hillary Clinton responded Sunday to Mark Cuban’s suggestion that he’d be open to serving as her running mate, and she seemed more than open to the idea.

      “I think we should look widely and broadly,” she told Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “It’s not just people in elective office. It is successful businesspeople. I am very interested in that. And I appreciate his openness to it.”

      The Democratic frontrunner said she’s “absolutely” intending to look “far and wide” to find a potential vice president — and took a shot a presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump while doing so.

      “I think that is the best way to find somebody who can really capture what’s needed in the country, and businesspeople have, especially successful businesspeople who are really successful as opposed to pretend successful, I think have a lot to offer,” Clinton said.

      On the same Sunday program, Cuban indicated his willingness to serve as Clinton’s vice president if asked.
      Cuban said that he thinks Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator battling Clinton for the Democratic nomination, has “dragged her a little bit too far to the left” on economic issues.

      “If she’s willing to listen, if she’s willing to, you know, hear other sides of things, then I’m wide open to discussing it,” he said.

      Last weekend, The Washington Post reported that Republican operatives who remain opposed to presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump gauged Cuban’s interest in running as a third-party or independent candidate. He later said that it was an “impossible” proposition.

      “Look, it was just an email through one of my associates and it was … a quick response of no,” Cuban told CNN’s Erin Burnett earlier this week. “It’s impossible for it to work.”

      “There’s not enough time to get on the ballot,” he continued. “The hurdles are just too great. It was a ridiculous effort, so I passed.”


    • eliihass says:

      Sometimes tweets or staements may support a particular mutual perspective or general popular opinion of the moment…doesn’t validate the motives or intentions or credibility of the tweeter or opinion maker, nor does it make them quote-worthy…

      In the end, they are all megalomaniacs…narcissists…all driven by their own motives…none of which have anything to do with you, me, the greater good ..or a true moral compass…

      Your enemies enemy is still not your friend…

      “…Mark Cuban says if Hillary Clinton picks Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as her running mate, “then there’s a good chance I’ll vote for Donald Trump.”
      The Dallas Mavericks owner and self-described independent has been pushing Clinton to pick a business-oriented person such as himself for VP, telling Fox Business, “I’d be VP for either candidate.”

      “We need to be more center. This country needs solutions, right? We don’t need headline porn,” Cuban said, dismissing efforts at “playing to progressives” or “playing to conservatives.”


    • eliihass says:

      Trump has hardly spent any money…isn’t really fundraising or running ads…and yet he and Hillary who’s spent tens of millions on ads are running neck and neck in the polls…

      Not a terribly great sign…

  8. eliihass says:

    My people, my people…

    ‘…Black lawmakers remain livid after the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation picked a real estate magnate to replace Rep. Chaka Fattah as its chair.

    The origin of the dispute is the election of the foundation’s new chair: Don Peebles, a wealthy black New York real estate figure. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the nonprofit founded by CBC members in an effort to address issues in the black community, plans and executes the ALC every year.

    In February, Peebles was elected chair after Rep. Chaka Fattah, the embattled congressman from Philadelphia, stepped down related to his 29-count indictment.

    According to a half-dozen sources who all spoke with BuzzFeed News on the condition of anonymity, lawmakers are uneasy about how the vote that ushered Peebles in was handled. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, according to a pair of sources familiar with the inner-workings of the foundation, made her desire to replace Fattah clear. Several members, however, decided to informally draft Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a highly-respected member of the CBC. Members took personal offense to Cleaver losing the vote to Peebles, who is widely considered a Washington outsider.

    Shortly after the pro-Peebles vote was taken, the foundation held its Black History Month event at the Willard Hotel, which sources said was conspicuously thin on members. It’s not clear how Cleaver lost the vote.

    There is all sorts of anxiety about Peebles among members. Insiders worry the organization will suffer without the gravitas of a member of Congress in the role. People have also taken notice of his affinity for saying nice things about Donald Trump.

    “Look on the Republican side for president — [there are] governors, Donald Trump, so you got people who understand how to manage things,” Peebles said during a recent appearance on Fox News. Peebles also said he thinks Trump was “poised to win it all” and represents the “extreme change” in presidential politics that resulted in George W. Bush’s election to the White House and is “not a real risk in terms of management.”

    There is concern on K Street that there is a fractured relationship between the foundation and the members of Congress. One source told BuzzFeed News that some have discussed what it would take to embark on the formulation of another foundation…”


    • eliihass says:

      Found guilty on all 29 corruption counts.

      Accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars through tactics like mail fraud, money laundering, conspiracy, bank fraud, and falsified records.
      Money from federal grants, campaign contributions, and charitable donations, according to prosecutors.

      Chaka Fattah in denying the charges, responds saying:

      “This has been an eight-year effort by some in the Department of Justice to link my public service career to some form of wrongdoing.”

    • eliihass says:

      Real question is, whose toes did Chaka Fattah step on..? And how badly do those powerful toes hate him..?

      Hard to believe that a busy Justice Department led first by Eric Holder and then Loretta Lynch, that with the abundance of evidence, have not been able to successfully find cause to indict a single corrupt and murderous police officer…or pursue the cases of the violent murders of black kids at the hands of law enforcement…were able to successfully investigate, indict and convict the Chairman of the board of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and a very loyal and beholden Clinton superdelegate – and all within the terms of both black Attorney Generals..

  9. #TrayvonMartin

    @TheJusticeDept failed them all.

  10. rikyrah says:


    Greenleaf is about the trials and tribulations of a First Family of a Megachurch.

    Keith David is the Pastor. Lynn Whitfield plays his wife, the First Lady of the church. Oprah is in the cast – she’s the black sheep of the family. They have a daughter that hasn’t been near the family for years. She was ‘ the it child’, and for some reason, she left the family, never to return. She had the most talent of all the children, and many thought she’d take over for her father one day. She comes back when her sister dies…and, of course, all hell begins to break loose.
    I think it’s going to be a guilty pleasure of mine. I am SO looking forward to it.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Wall Street cash or Elizabeth Warren: Hillary’s choice
    Ben White | @morningmoneyben
    Monday, 20 Jun 2016 | 11:21 AM ET

    Wall Street has an unambiguous message for Hillary Clinton: Don’t pick Elizabeth Warren as your vice president if you want to keep getting our money.

    That warning came through very clearly in over a dozen interviews I did over the last week with some of the largest Democratic donors on Wall Street who have helped fund Clinton’s campaigns over the years as well as funneled cash to Bill Clinton’s political career in the 1990s.

    “If Clinton picked Warren, her whole base on Wall Street would leave her,” one top Democratic donor who has helped raise millions for Clinton told me. “They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.'”

    The arguments of course are mostly self-serving. The financial services industry loathes Warren, who more than anyone in the last 80 years has channeled the rage against Wall Street that began with the Great Depression and continues to course through the nation following the 2008 financial crisis. Warren wants to break up the nation’s largest banks. She created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The mere mention of her name draws groans from bankers.

    • Liza says:

      Well, Elizabeth Warren has renounced her previous positions regarding the financial services industry by endorsing Hillary Clinton. Of course, this was cloaked in the “Trump is a Monster” mantra for establishment Democrats and Hillary supporters. But now that all is forgotten except for Trump being a monster, perhaps Elizabeth will fall in line and support all of Hillary’s positions including being beholden to Wall Street. Hillary’s VP will be powerless unless Hillary dies or resigns or is removed from office and the VP must take over.

      All we really know is that some politicians can change overnight.

    • Liza says:

      Another issue, of course, is that Hillary is going to have to throw some kind of bone to Bernie’s supporters. Many speculated that bone would be Elizabeth as VP. But Bernie’s supporters see Elizabeth as a turncoat because supporting Hillary is tantamount to supporting Wall Street. So, I’m guessing that Lizzie is out, Hillary must look for another bone.

      • Liza says:

        Interesting. I didn’t think of this. And nothing is out of the realm of possibility when all of the players are liars.

  12. rikyrah says:


    Greenleaf begins tonight on OWN at 10 pm EST.

    One episode tonight.
    Two episodes tomorrow.

  13. rikyrah says:

    CA Republicans Headed for the Slaughterhouse
    by BooMan
    Mon Jun 20th, 2016 at 11:17:19 PM EST

    There are a couple of outliers, but the general consensus of the polls is that Donald Trump is going to get right around 33% of the vote in California. Maybe when all the undecideds are counted, he’ll do slightly better than that, but it’s still likely that when Election Day rolls around in November, Golden State Republicans will be looking at a party champion who is trailing by twenty points or more. It’s hard to find a reason to drag yourself to the polls under circumstances like that.

    Now, maybe a Republican might get motivated to vote in the governor’s race, but there is no governor’s race there this year. And, perhaps a good Senate contest might interest a conservative voter, but the only two people on the ticket in November in the race to replace Barbara Boxer are Democrats: Attorney General Kamala Harris and Rep. Loretta Sanchez. And check this out:

    A USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll released this week found Harris leading Sanchez 47 percent to 22 percent. The survey also found that 64 percent of Republicans said they would not cast a ballot for either candidate in November.

    Now, if there is no governor’s race and the presidential race is a foregone conclusion (and don’t forget that Californians will know how most of the country voted long before their own polls close) and 64% of Republicans have no intentions of casting a vote in the Senate race, then the only reason most California Republicans will have to show up at the polls is to cast a vote for their U.S. Representative and some state and local races.

    Can you imagine the turnout challenge facing Republicans running for the House of Representatives this fall?

    Democrats will at least have a Senate race to weigh in on, although I kind of doubt the polls will be close in that contest either. Still, the business community is pondering whether it might profit them to get behind the candidacy of Loretta Sanchez. Her own campaign is pitching her pro-business “Blue Dog” credentials.

  14. rikyrah says:

    NY Mag article by Gabe Sherman: Why Trump Ousted Corey Lewandowski (it was the kids)

    According to two sources briefed on the events, the meeting was a setup. Shortly after it began, the [three Trump] children peppered Lewandowski with questions, asking him to explain the campaign’s lack of infrastructure. “They went through the punch list. ‘Where are we with staffing? Where are we with getting the infrastructure built?’” one source explained. Their father grew visibly upset as he heard the list of failures. Finally, he turned to Lewandowski and said, “What’s your plan here?”

    Lewandowski responded that he wanted to leak Trump’s vice-president pick.

    And with that, Lewandowski was out. Trump has long viewed announcing his running mate at the GOP convention next month as a valuable card to play. He was shocked that Lewandowski didn’t have any other ideas. Shortly after the meeting, Lewandowski was escorted out of the building by Trump security.

  15. rikyrah says:

    It’s one long grift:

    bogart_83 says:
    June 21, 2016 at 7:57 am
    Even more fascinating is that he spent almost 1M at Trump properties, and $35k at an ad agency called, no shit, Draper Sterling, which is based out of a house in rural New Hampshire and has existed for approx. one year.

    Con man gotta con.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning 😊, Everyone 😆

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