Sunday Open Thread

Good Morning.
I hope you enjoy this weekend with family and friends.

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69 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. rikyrah says:

    ‘These people need to be protected’: Police won’t release info on lynching of 8-year-old biracial boy
    David Ferguson
    10 Sep 2017 at 16:46 ET

    A group of white teens attacked an 8-year-old biracial boy and hanged him by a noose, his family says, and police in Claremont, NH are refusing to release information in the case.

    The Root’s Angela Helm reported on Sunday that an 8-year-old biracial boy was hanged by a rope around his neck by other juveniles in what his grandmother said was a racist attack.

    As the child was being flown by a medevac to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, his mother Cassandra Merlin posted to Facebook, “So my son is being flown to Dartmouth after a 14 year old kid decided to hang him from a tree. I don’t care if this was a so called accident or not. My son almost died because of some little sh*t teenage kids.” said that Claremont Police Chief Mark Chase refused to comment on the case, but said the department is investigating the incident, which took place on Aug. 28. He said that because the perpetrators are juveniles, he is prevented from discussing the case publicly.

    He said that unlike the adult judicial system, which is aimed at punishment, the juvenile justice system is designed to correct and rehabilitate aberrant behavior.

    “These people need to be protected,” Chase said. “Mistakes they make as a young child should not have to follow them for the rest of their life.”

    “Notice how he called these predators ‘young children,’” wrote Helm, “infantilizing the white teens. Conversely, teens like Trayvon Martin are made out to be hulking, menacing adults. Chief Chase seems to be centering the perpetrators feelings and futures, all but forgetting about the trauma of a little boy who had his so-called friends hang him from a tree to the point where he had to be medevaced to a hospital.”

  2. rikyrah says:

    Storm surge

    5.5 ft in 1 hours.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Been watching more youtube reviews for Fenty Cosmetics. By and far, women are happy. Seems as if Rihanna has a hit on her hands. Women are very proud of what she’s done.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Princess Mabel is a member of the Dutch Royal Family.

    Mabel van Oranje


    Rather than building a wall on Mexican border, #USA should maybe strengthen its defences against hurricanes and flooding. #SmartInvestment
    2:00 AM – Aug 27, 2017

  5. rikyrah says:

    Watching MSNBC with these folks in Naples.
    Scary as heck.

  6. My brother called me after church service was out and asked me what did I cook. I said, nothing. He said CHICA! You know better…it’s SUNDAY! LOL! He’s use to our Mom cooking big meals on Sunday. Who remembers big meals on Sunday?

    • rikyrah says:

      he’s trying to guilt you, SG2…


    • rikyrah says:

      For us, SG2, for about 2 decades, it was Wednesday. My Aunt would cook family dinner.
      Dinner would begin at NOON.
      Family would come in shifts.
      There was the Noon-3 pm crowd….

      Then, there was the Afterschool/Afterwork crowd.

      I learned a lot about life, just listening to the Elders while I did my homework at the table.

      You never knew who you’d run into. There were the regulars that would be there darn near everyweek. Then, there would be a rotating cast of characters – some family, some family friends.

  7. rikyrah says:

    whiteness + money

    a misdemeanor…


    Broward GOP uncovers a nasty secret about its young party secretary

    The Broward County Republicans are in turmoil today after revelations that a freshly elected member of their executive board is a man who once was charged with attempted murder in the savage claw-hammer beating of a then-classmate at a Los Angeles prep school for multi-millionaires’ children.

    Four months after 28-year-old Rupert Tarsey was elected secretary, party officials have found out the young philanthropist and supporter of President Donald Trump is really Rupert Ditsworth.

    And a decade ago, the then-Beverly Hills teenager was charged with attempted murder in Los Angeles after hitting Harvard-Westlake School classmate Elizabeth Barcay over the head at least 40 times, splitting her skull open.


    The grandson of Jason Tarsey, owner of the historic Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas, Tarsey was arrested in 2007 after the violent incident in a car near the private school.

    Tarsey, according to published reports, invited Barcay, the daughter of a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, to ride with him to Jamba Juice after a big exam.

    Tarsey eventually parked the car and allegedly pulled a hammer from a backpack. He then started hitting her over the head, opened the passenger’s door and pulled her out while choking her before driving away.

    According to the Times, Tarsey’s parents rushed him into psychiatric treatment as Barcay recovered painfully and eventually attended the school prom in a wheelchair.

    At first, California prosecutors filed the case in juvenile court, but it was dismissed. They tried it again in adult court.

    “In the end, I pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor,” Tarsey said. “It’s not the charges that matter, it’s what happens in court.”

    Tarsey, 6 feet 2 inches tall, claimed self-defense.


  8. rikyrah says:


    Am I the only person in America not interested in seeing ‘ IT’?

    I go over to fandango to check what’s at the local theater and they literally have ‘IT’ starting every thirty minutes from 10:30 am until 10:30 pm

    Are folks REALLY that excited to see it?

  9. rikyrah says:

    Nestled in House Spending Bill: Campaign Finance Deregulation
    House package is unlikely to advance in the Senate, but provisions easing rules for companies and churches could become bargaining chips
    By Cezary Podkul
    Sept. 9, 2017 10:00 a.m. ET

    House Republicans are backing several provisions that could reshape campaign finance rules ahead of next year’s midterm elections as spending negotiations continue this fall.

    The measures are tucked into a GOP package of spending bills currently being debated in the House. While the House package is unlikely to advance in the Senate, its provisions could become bargaining chips in the negotiations leading up to the next government funding deadline, now Dec. 8.

    The inclusion of the deregulatory measures in the spending package is prompting pushback from campaign-finance watchdogs, who worry they may ultimately become law.

    If they do, churches may be able to contribute to candidates without fear of losing their tax-exempt status, furthering President Donald Trump’s promise to “get rid of and totally destroy” a law that forbids such activity.

    Corporations would be able to ask their employees to donate to unlimited numbers of trade associations’ political action groups instead of limiting employee solicitations to one group per year.

    Other measures included in the bill would continue to prevent the Internal Revenue Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission from implementing rules that would affect political activities of 501(C)(4) nonprofits and publicly traded corporations, respectively. And the government would again be prohibited from requiring federal contractors to disclose their political contributions and campaign expenditures.

    These multiple provisions—called riders—are frequently inserted into appropriation bills as a way to pass controversial policies without having them voted on individually, since they will “ride along” with a larger spending bill.

  10. rikyrah says:

    I love people calling them on their shyt.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Dude just called flying Palm tree branches – ‘ Missiles’.


  12. Ametia says:

    Has anyone been watching Netflex “House of Cards”?

  13. rikyrah says:

    UNC board bans legal action at civil rights center
    SEPTEMBER 08, 2017 10:16 AM

    After months of controversy and widespread opposition, the UNC Board of Governors on Friday approved a ban on litigation that will prevent the UNC Center for Civil Rights from doing legal work for low-income and minority groups.

    The ban would apply to all UNC centers, but would effectively end the civil rights center at UNC’s law school. The future of the center is unclear; its work could continue if it becomes a separate nonprofit group or a legal clinic at UNC. The center is currently funded with private donations.

    UNC board members who supported the ban said it’s improper and outside UNC’s mission to engage in legal action against other government entities such as school districts and county boards. Critics of the ban said it would harm UNC students’ legal education, hurt the university’s academic reputation and effectively shut down the center, which was founded by noted civil rights attorney Julius Chambers.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Oh goody…a racist meets with a slave catching apologist…

    uh huh

  15. rikyrah says:

    Dude on MSNBC was like…
    This is the worst possible scenario for the West coast of Florida😱😱😱

  16. rikyrah says:




    • Liza says:

      Never once does she mention Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, or Michigan. She lost the election because she narrowly lost three blue states. That’s why Trump is president.

  17. Liza says:

    Looks like Hurricane Irma is going to make landfall in Naples, Florida. For awhile it looked as though Irma was going straight north from the Keys and might make landfall in an unpopulated area in southwestern Florida. But then the hurricane started moving west again and it looks like it’s going to be Naples. Fort Meyers is just north of there, then Tampa. Prayers for those folks.

  18. She wants to be a Black Woman police officer who raps and her mama is crushing her dreams……😂😂😂😂

  19. rikyrah says:

    Prayers for everyone in Irma’s path 😥😥

  20. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😐😐😐

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