Wednesday Open Thread | The Demons Are Coming After Healthcare…AGAIN

We told you.
Folks from our side of the aisle have been telling you that the Republicans want to take away your healthcare. We told you, as they made those ads at the end of 2018, supposedly defending pre-existing conditions, that that was a lie, a fraud, and that they didn’t mean it, and wanted to take away your healthcare – PERIOD.

They had taken, what, 60 votes on it. But, somehow they didn’t mean it?
Really? Seriously?
Well, here you go.

In shift, Trump administration backs judge’s ruling that would kill Obamacare

03/25/2019 09:48 PM EDT

The Trump administration on Monday said it supports a federal judge’s ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, signaling a shift in the Justice Department’s position and alarming Democrats who vowed to oppose the move.
“The Department of Justice has determined that the district court’s judgment should be affirmed,” three Justice Department lawyers wrote to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is now considering the case. “[T]he United States is not urging that any portion of the district court’s judgment be reversed.”
Regardless of the outcome, legal experts anticipate that the 5th Circuit’s ruling will be appealed to the Supreme Court. If the courts ultimately strike down Obamacare — over the objections of a group of Democrat-led states, which have spent more than a year defending the health law in court — the consequences could be substantial for patients, health care organizations and other groups that have adapted to the nine-year-old law.
More than 20 million Americans are covered through the ACA’s Medicaid expansion and its insurance exchanges. The sweeping law — the object of repeated legal challenges since its 2010 passage — has transformed the nation’s health system, creating new patient protections and reshaping payments for doctors and hospitals.

So, for the bleacher seats….
Be clear:


It’s absolutely ridiculous that we are at this point, but, it’s not surprising. This is a fight for 2020. This is what you’re fighting for. It can be no more clear. No more both sides. There is only ONE party that wants you to have healthcare – and, it’s NOT the Republicans. A vote for them is a vote to take away your healthcare. Period.

And, I don’t wanna hear from the pony and unicorn folks of the Medicare for All crowd. STFU. You and your pony and unicorn. We are talking about the REAL LIFE RAMIFICATIONS of over 20 million people, plus the MILLIONS more whose healthcare will be endangered because of the collapse of Obamacare. It’s all related, and don’t be foolish enough to think that it’s not. So, anyone who opens their mouth to say that they hope that the Supreme Court strikes down Obamacare, they are to get the immediate side eye, and know that they can’t be trusted, under any circumstances.

Once again, we’re in the fight for healthcare. It shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be this hard for people to just be able to have their healthcare. And, think about all these evil azz muthaphuckas who purse their lips trying to tell you why YOU don’t deserve healthcare as their phucking azzes have gold-plated healthcare PAID FOR BY YOU!

Glad to see that the Democrats understand what’s at stake:
House Democrats to unveil Affordable Care Act rescue package
Tuesday, March 26th 2019

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading House Democrats, backed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are unveiling broad legislation to shore up the Affordable Care Act. It’s an attempt to deliver on campaign promises about health care and to — just maybe— change the conversation.
According to Pelosi’s office, the bill being unveiled Tuesday would make more middle-class people eligible for subsidized health insurance through former President Barack Obama’s health law, often called “Obamacare,” while increasing aid for those with lower incomes who already qualify. And it would fix a longstanding affordability problem for some consumers, known as the “family glitch.”
The legislation would provide money to help insurers pay the bills of their costliest patients and restore advertising and outreach budgets slashed by President Donald Trump’s administration, helping to stabilize health insurance markets.
It also would block the Trump administration from loosening “Obamacare” rules through waivers that allow states to undermine protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions or to scale back so-called “essential” benefits like coverage for mental health and addiction treatment.

Democrats need to run on healthcare, all day, everyday, until November 2020.

Every Democrat that gets on tv, under any circumstances, needs to bring up healthcare.

Left-leaning millionaires and billionaires, stop with the vanity projects, and start running healthcare ads (since voter suppression and getting people ID’s isn’t glamorous enough for you).
In every market, in every state, in every district, force the GOP to be on the defensive with healthcare.

 Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) Tweeted:
Last night, the Trump Administration launched a new assault on Americans’ health care. Today, @HouseDemocrats are offering our alternative. #ProtectOurCare

Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) Tweeted:
Days before the election, Republicans aired ads pretending to defend health care.

Today, they have a new message: people don’t deserve quality health care and insurance companies should discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions.

We *will* fight tooth and nail.

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69 Responses to Wednesday Open Thread | The Demons Are Coming After Healthcare…AGAIN

  1. eliihass says:

    This is how the coverage is skewed …and disinformation insidiously fed low-info masses through ‘entertainment’ shows like Inside Edition.. It is important to note that Eric Trump’s wife Lara-Lea used to work there, and Inside Edition continues to be all in for, and dedicatedly cater to the propaganda needs of the buffoon and family..

    Here’s their coverage of ‘complete exoneration’ and of Smollett.. Sadly, the video clips are missing the now proudly Alt-Right host Deborah Norville and her various co-sign facial expressions – gleeful smirks in this instance..

    • majiir says:

      DJT’s @ss will leave D.C. before Schiff. The problem for DJT is that he doesn’t want Schiff or anyone else to investigate anything related to him. If he had dead financial skeletons under his bed and prostitutes he’d paid living in his closets, running for POTUS should have been the last thing on his mind.

  2. eliihass says:

    Mercury’s in retrograde for one more day, fam.. one more day…

    The extra strange then goes away …even if the crazy remains..

    Meanwhile, prayers up, chin up …unless of course like me, you’ve been breaking away often from chin-up mode to mindlessly tuck into some stress-relieving, now almost gone box of really good chocolate …3rd or 4th box ..or 5th …I’ve lost count ..but my clothes will soon remind me..

    If what we’ve been witnessing were a book or movie plot, we’d all be rolling our eyes so hard at just how impossibly far-fetched and how it could never, ever happen in America, because …’patriots’, ‘checks and balances’, ‘democracy’ …nobody would stand for it.. It’s the kind of stuff that only happens in 3rd world countries, with greedy despots cum autocrats who plunder in plain sight.. reign forever ..own the press …who dutifully churn out propaganda.. and jail and murder their critics and their entire extended family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors, postman.. And occasionally, take time out to order a different sort of hit …spitefully conspire to set-up to take down a peg or two, certain oligarch ‘pals’ (Robert Kraft) who’ve been found to have bad-mouthed despot pal behind his back… dared or threatened to stray.. or are getting better press… or are found to be ki-ki-ing and mingling with and enjoying narcissistic despot’s perceived enemies …or worse, hanging out with the very same celebrities who shun the buffoonish despot …and won’t come hang out when he calls..

    It’s been so crazy, fam..

    The one bright spot in the last 24 hours being that my phenomenal historic FLOTUS and her excellent memoir, have shattered world records.. sold more than 10 million copies – and counting – in just 4 freaking months.. And Becoming, is on track to becoming the best-selling memoir, ever..
    Damn, damn, damn..❤️❤️ 👊🏼👏🏼👌🏻🤜🏼🤛🏼💪🏼🙏🏻🙌🏼🤘🏼🙏🏻❤️❤️💋💋

    And this is only the precursor …she hasn’t even gotten to that 2nd memoir where she actually gets to really go in …get some stuff off her chest …in that profound and intrinsically powerful way only she knows how..

    Meanwhile, the haters are losing their minds.. this piece of news practically ruined for many, their faux-celebration of the faux-‘exoneration’ of their buffoonish treasonous faux-‘leader’ …

    And so enters Jussie Smollett.. And here they come, all red in the face and up in arms ..with pitchforks …the very same folks – including ‘mainstream media’ types, who’ve for so long been excusing away, pooh-poohing, glossing over, running interference on behalf of, and generally turning a blind eye to, and dismissing and hardly covering stuff like actual murders, treason, serious death threats, IEDs mailed to perceived political and personal enemies, collusion with foreign adversaries, selling of state secrets, selling out our country in exchange for power and loans to the family business, callously caging brown kids, state-sanctioned murders of innocent black folks, white supremacists plowing through peaceful anti-racist protests & murdering innocents and cheered on as ‘fine people’, non-stop brazen emoluments clause violations, incitement of hate and violence from the hijacked People’s House megaphone by a petty, malicious, treasonous buffoon squatter and his criminal enterprise and white supremacist cohort.. and all manner of incredibly egregious stuff..

    Smollett is indicted on 16 felonies for a largely victimless crime.. while the callous, criminal treasonous buffoon who’s incited and continues to brazenly incite all manner of racist hate, is legitimized and coddled and full of empty, idiotic grandiosity, now holds court – pampered silly on the taxpayer dime, in the people’s house …even as he aids, abets, flagrantly runs interference and covers for murderous despots, as he exploits the awesome instruments of State to mete out revenge and punishment to those who’ve dared expose his criminality …as he continues to grift his way through, all while fiddling with sensitive state secrets and the nuclear codes..

    I’ll get to Rahm Emmanuel some other time..

  3. rikyrah says:


    Rachel Maddow MSNBC (@maddow) Tweeted:
    Did we ever find out what those great White House health plans were? Last May, the plans (multiple!) were coming out “literally within four weeks”:

  4. rikyrah says:

    TheBeat w/Ari Melber (@TheBeatWithAri) Tweeted:
    “I have watched the last few days this whole thing go down with such open-mouthed astonishment”

    “Everybody so quickly capitulated to this frame put forward by the Republicans” about the Mueller probe – @michelleinbklyn

  5. rikyrah says:

    Jerry (@js_edit) Tweeted:
    I had forgotten about this until my wife brought it up, but do you all remember the release of the Starr Report? They actually drove truckloads of paperwork to the steps of the Capitol and made a big grand entrance to present it to Congress. Janet Reno didn’t get to edit it.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) Tweeted:
    On Fox News, Judge Napolitano says the full Mueller report is 700 PAGES

    The actual length has never been publicly disclosed, so this is new information, if accurate

  7. rikyrah says:

    Tom Watson (@tomwatson) Tweeted:
    What I really like about @AOC’s ambuscade of the GOP on the #GreenNewDeal is that – even in losing – she gave the Republicans hell. We need to do more of this. More Bronx. Less polite clubbiness.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Soledad O’Brien on Rahm’s idiocy:

    Angriest I’ve seen the mayor. Even more than when unarmed people are shot and killed by police in his city. Chicago paid out 370 million in excessive force lawsuits and fees in 6 years. City has to borrow $ to pay for it.

    — Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) March 27, 2019

    • eliihass says:

      He wasn’t finished..

      Eager beaver Barr looking to impress new traitor-boss with the help of dubious Rod …Brett’s buddy – all temporary useful idiots looking mostly to secure their partisan power, prematurely ended it..

  9. rikyrah says:

    “The truth of the matter should be made public,” @staceyabrams says of the Muller report. “You should not have someone who disparaged the process being the person who determines whether we get to see it.”

    “Americans want to know what happened.”

    — The View (@TheView) March 27, 2019

  10. rikyrah says:

    Uh huh 😒😒

    Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) Tweeted:
    Let me ask the President, the WH staff, the GOP, MAGA folks and Fox News: if Obama had been investigated for 22 months by a Special Counsel who submitted a lengthy report, and then AG Loretta Lynch gave a quick short interpretation of it, would you accept that?

    • I was hollaring because it’s true. Black people have no poker face.

    • majiir says:

      Meghan McCain doesn’t understand what Ms. Abrams said or the expression on her face because she’s lived in a right-wing bubble her entire life, one in which no one has ever told her that the opinions of others are just as important as hers, one is which she has little chance of being approached by law enforcement for having committed an alleged traffic violation, hauled out of her vehicle, slammed to the ground, and locked up the way poor Sandra Bland was. The best thing for The View to do is send her on her way ASAP. I stopped watching The View when she became a co-host because I’m tired of her endless whining, and her tantrum throwing when she gets push back from other co-hosts. She needs to be working at The Federalist where her hubby can protect her fragile utterances from all criticism.

  11. rikyrah says:

    JUST IN: Asked about rumors Joe Biden might consider selecting her as his 2020 running mate, Stacey Abrams tells @TheView, “I think you don’t run for second place.”

    “If I’m going to enter a primary, then I’m going to enter a primary.”

    — Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) March 27, 2019

  12. rikyrah says:

    Lisa Desjardins
    ‏Verified account
    37m37 minutes ago
    NOW — FAMILY LEAVE on the right: Republicans Sens Rubio, Romney and Reps Wagner, Crenshaw unveil their proposal to allow new parents leave time – by borrowing from future Social Security.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Democrats mobilize as Trump tries to take insurance from millions
    Rep. Lauren Underwood talks with Rachel Maddow about Democratic efforts to strengthen and broaden health care coverage for Americans even as Donald Trump tries to use the courts to go around Congress and take away health insurance from tens of millions of Americans.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Trump seeks to take health care from tens of millions via courts
    Rachel Maddow looks at how many people will lose their health care if Donald Trump is successful in going around Congress and instead using the courts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Surprise Obamacare move puts GOP in bind
    Peter Sullivan

    The Trump administration’s surprise call for the courts to strike down Obamacare upended Capitol Hill on Tuesday, putting Republicans in a bind while giving Democrats new talking points on one of their favorite issues for the 2020 elections.

    GOP lawmakers for the most part were reluctant to even talk about the Justice Department’s decision to call for all of Obamacare to be struck down in a court filing.

    If the courts agree with the Justice Department, it would dramatically change the way health care is now delivered in the country. Insurance companies were among those criticizing the administration’s decision.

    For the GOP, it shifted the political discussion from a more welcome storyline about the end of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe to health care — the issue Democrats believe helped them win back the House majority last fall.

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) deflected a question about the Obamacare case at his leadership press conference and told reporters to call his office. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) office had no immediate comment.

  16. Ametia says:

    Word of the Day : March 27, 2019

    litmus test: noun LIT-mus-TEST

    Definition: a test in which a single factor (such as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive

  17. Keeping a Trump countdown clock by your bed until he goes away means the stress is severe. The pain and suffering we go through everyday with this fraud in the WH takes a toll on a person’s health. Why are our leaders putting us through this hellish nightmare?

  18. rikyrah says:

    Just throwing this out there..

    I want the next Democratic President to choose Adam Schiff for Attorney General.
    That is my positive thought put into the universe for today :)

  19. rikyrah says:

    I hadn’t watched that Mike Lee spectacle on the Senate floor until last night.
    That man is a phucking idiot, and more proof of the Curve for Unqualified White Men is REAL.

    I keep on imagining ANYONE Black, giving that presentation…
    They would have been laughed off the Senate floor and told to turn in their Senate pin.

    • majiir says:

      I noticed that when Lee pulled his stunt, there were many empty seats in the chamber! It appeared to me that even the Senate GOPers weren’t interested in his whacko presentation.

  20. rikyrah says:

    Uh huh
    Uh huh😒😒😒
    Lone wolf 🙄🙄

    Reuters Top News (@Reuters) Tweeted:
    JUST IN: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says we can now confirm that there was financial support and so a connection between the New Zealand attacker and identitarian movement in Austria

  21. rikyrah says:

    George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) Tweeted:
    The all-female space walk is being canceled because of lack of enough space suits that fit women. And if that isn’t a metaphor for the obstacles women face across many professions, I don’t know what is.

  22. rikyrah says:

    dylan (@dylanmsmitty) Tweeted:
    A white man, Donald Trump, is not exonerated of obstruction, conservatives scream exonerated.

    A black man, Jussie Smollett, has all charges dropped against him, conservatives scream guilty.

    Conservatives are fucking racist. Who agrees?

  23. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄😄😄

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