Wednesday Open Thread | Administration Seeks to Cut Off 3 MILLION From Food Stamps😠😠

They never stop. They never stop trying to harm the least of these in this society.

Never ever forget:

The Cruelty IS the Point

As one of our loyal posters points out, they’ll do this, and then turn around talking about ‘ how good the economy is…there are 3 million less people on food stamps’. And, of course, we don’t have a MSM interested in telling the truth. They’ll find some dumb azz Dolt45 voters who will praise them, because ‘ the right people are being hurt’.

<a href=””>Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million People


Mike Dorning

July 22, 2019, 11:00 PM CDT Updated on July 23, 2019, 4:59 PM CDT

The Trump administration moved to end food stamp benefits for 3.1 million people, the day after the president reached a deal with Democrats to raise federal spending by tens of billions of dollars for the next two years.

The proposed rule curtailing food assistance, announced Tuesday, drew a sharp rebuke from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called it an “act of staggering callousness.”

“This proposal perfectly showcases the Republicans’ cynical special interest agenda that gives billion-dollar handouts to big corporations and the wealthy few, and then steals from children, veterans, seniors and working families to make up the difference,” Pelosi said.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said the administration acted to restrict states’ ability to automatically enroll beneficiaries of some federally funded welfare programs because many state governments “have misused this flexibility.”

“We are changing the rules, preventing abuse of a critical safety net system, so those who need food assistance the most are the only ones who receive it,” he added.

About 9% of all households currently receiving food stamps and 13.2% of all currently participating households with at least one elderly member will lose the assistance, the Agriculture Department projected in a regulatory impact analysis.

Suzy Khimm (@SuzyKhimm) Tweeted:
EXCLUSIVE: The Trump admin determined that more than 500,000 kids could lose free school lunch/breakfast under the USDA’s new plan to crack down on food stamps…but didn’t mention that fact when the plan actually came out, @BobbyScott tells me.


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54 Responses to Wednesday Open Thread | Administration Seeks to Cut Off 3 MILLION From Food Stamps😠😠

  1. rikyrah says:

    Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law told Succession star Brian Cox his wife finds the show ‘hard to watch’ because the biting satire about a media dynasty family emulates them so closely

    Keith Tyson approached Brian Cox in London last year to say he liked the show
    Cox, who plays the aging family patriarch Logan Roy, did not recognize him
    Tyson then said that while he liked it, his wife finds it ‘hard to watch’
    Tyson, who is an artist, is Elisabeth Murdoch’s third husband
    Succession mocks the fictional Roy family and is largely inspired by the real-life Murdochs
    Its plot lines mirror some of the Murdochs’ recent family history

    PUBLISHED: 14:18 EDT, 31 July 2019 | UPDATED: 14:47 EDT, 31 July 2019

  2. rikyrah says:

    Broadway giant Harold Prince, who helped create West Side Story and Phantom of the Opera, has died aged of 91

    Broadway giant Harold ‘Hal’ Prince passed away on Wednesday at the age of 91
    He died after suffering a brief illness in Reykjavik, Iceland
    He was the driving force between epic Broadway musical productions including Cabaret, Company, Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera and West Side Story
    In his prolific career he worked on some 61 stage productions and garnered 21 Tony Awards for his work
    Prince said he fell in love with Broadway after seeing a production of Julius Caesar with his parents when he was eight years old

    PUBLISHED: 11:39 EDT, 31 July 2019 | UPDATED: 13:41 EDT, 31 July 2019

  3. rikyrah says:

    Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) Tweeted:
    Folks are missing an important development from the debate.

    In taking on Trump’s racism, the Dems went hard at its *consequences* — rising hate crimes, discriminatory bans on travel, a spike in right wing terrorism, horrible messages to urban children.

  4. Hey Chicas

    Submit questions y’all would like asked at the debate and I’ll tweet them

    • rikyrah says:

      How do you plan to build up the science departments that this Administration has dismantled

      How do you plan to make sure that regular Democratic Party voters are not denied the franchise due to voter suppression

      How will you solve the access to insulin issue that many diabetics now face

      What are three steps that you would take to handle police brutality

      How will you restructure ICE

      Why won’t you offer a Medicaid buy-in

      What is your plan for protecting our National Parks from those who would strip them

      What is your plan for protecting our elections from foreign interference

      Are you willing to prosecute the corruption in this Administration

      What are you going to do in order to help the 7 million who have lost health insurance under this Administration

  5. rikyrah says:

    Last night’s debate revealed the real bias in the media which is the assumption that the status quo is “moderate” and anyone that proposes structural changes is “radical”

    In my view, letting people die because they can’t afford insulin is more extreme than proposing a new policy

    — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) July 31, 2019

  6. rikyrah says:

    Will multiple misrepresentations derail Trump’s DNI nominee?
    07/31/19 12:40 PM
    By Steve Benen

    Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), Donald Trump’s choice to serve as the director of National Intelligence, made a specific boast on his website, telling the public he “put terrorists in prison.” That, in and of itself, wouldn’t necessarily qualify the far-right Texan to oversee the entire U.S. intelligence community, but it would certainly be a relevant detail when evaluating his record.

    If it were true, that is. All of the available evidence makes clear that the Republican never “put terrorists in prison.” He worked on a terrorism-funding case a few years ago, but to say Ratcliffe was involved in securing convictions is to wildly exaggerate his role.

    It’s tempting to simply stop here. An inexperienced and unqualified congressman misrepresented his counter-terrorism record, which seems like the sort of thing that should be a deal-breaker for a nominee to serve as the nation’s top intelligence official. Those who lie about prosecuting terrorists obviously shouldn’t serve as DNI.

    But we can keep going. As the New York Times reports today, “there are other examples” in which Ratcliffe appears to have “overstated” elements of his background.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Raging white man gets knocked out — twice — after attacking black father at community pool
    Published July 31, 2019
    By Travis Gettys

    An Oklahoma City man was knocked out twice and then arrested after harassing and attacking a black father at an apartment complex swimming pool.

    Joshua Valentine was accused by witnesses and police of verbally and physically attacking the black man July 20 at the pool as he played with his children, reported KWTV-TV.

    The 28-year-old Valentine allegedly punched the other man, who fought back and knocked out his assailant.

    Valentine awoke a few minutes later and left the pool area, police said, but returned with a baseball bat.

    Witnesses said he swung the bat at the black man, who fended him off with a chair and then punched him several times — knocking Valentine out a second time.

    Police arrested Valentine, who was charged with malicious harassment based on race, and he spent six days in the the Oklahoma County Jail before he was released on bond.

    • HA! He got his ass cold cocked TWICE!

      • vitaminlover says:

        The only reason I would say don’t kill him is because I don’t want the black father to do ANY time/

      • majiir says:

        I keep telling my Caucasian ”friends” on Facebook not to try this because not every black person will put up with it without retaliating. Doing something like Valentine did is a good way to get your @ss beat.

  8. rikyrah says:

    GOP senators push Trump admin for a new tax break for the wealthy
    07/31/19 10:40 AM—UPDATED 07/31/19 11:00 AM
    By Steve Benen

    Republican policymakers already approved a massive package of tax breaks a year and a half ago, and by any fair measure, the GOP tax plan hasn’t worked out as planned.

    It’s against this backdrop that several Republican senators are demanding another tax cut to benefit the wealthy – though this one would come from the Trump administration, not from Congress. The L.A. Times’ Michael Hiltzik explained yesterday that 21 GOP senators, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), sent a joint letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin “demanding that Mnuchin deliver a new tax cut via executive fiat.”

    The GOP complains that the capital gains tax isn’t indexed to inflation. As a result, the argument goes, taxpayers including “everyday Americans” are charged taxes on gains that are due purely to inflation, not to the real appreciation of their stocks or bonds.

    “This treatment punishes taxpayers for the mere existence of inflation and is inherently unfair,” the senators write.

    The supposed unfairness could be rectified if Mnuchin were to redefine the concept of “cost basis” – that is, the price at which an asset was purchased – to include inflation.

  9. This little baby, y’all. He is a character. I asked him yesterday, “what’s your name, who are you”? He looked at me and said “Haley”. And he laughed and laughed. I said no you’re not. What’s your name, who are you? He said….“Car…Haley” and he thought it was so funny. A little baby, not even 2 yet trying to pretend he’s someone else. He’s just too sweet! ❤️😍❤️

  10. rikyrah says:


    Can you retweet this too?

    Kay says:
    July 31, 2019 at 7:40 am
    There’s a lot of fantasies on the Right. Here’s another one. It’s a fantasy that they are going to ban abortion without regulating and monitoring every single woman of child bearing age in this country. That’s a fantasy. A huge chunk of abortions are medicinal now. They use a prescription drug. So put on your state legislature hat and tell me how they plan to distinguish that from miscarriages. They have to insert the state to a greater or lesser degree into every single pregnancy. There will be an entire section of state code devoted to this- they’ll have to add to it every year- because it’s a massive, radical change to existing law and it’s NEVER been done in the context of a modern US, with modern health care and within the context of current standards of medical interventions in pregnancy care. None of them thought this thru, none of them are telling people anything true about the reality of it, yet no one asks them about it. It isn’t even discussed.

    You were the first one who got me to see that this bills were PREGNANCY BILLS. Before you, I hadn’t thought of it in those terms, and I wish those on our side would frame it that way. Bring it down to the weeds.

  11. rikyrah says:


    Can you retweet this? Found this at Balloon Juice, and it is THE TRUTH!!!

    Kay says:
    July 31, 2019 at 7:28 am

    Why is one set of policies derided as “fantasies” and the other not? Why is giving the very wealthiest everything they demand no matter what it does to the budget or the country as a whole not a fantasy? Donald Trump cutting taxes and then not paying for things is a fantasy. Thinking you’re going to have clean air and water after gutting regulation is a fantasy. There has already been air and water quality degradation under Trump, because not regulating and expecting clean air and water is a fairy tale. But, oddly, only “fantasies” that would actually give something to or benefit hundreds of millions of people are sneered at by the columnists and political reporters at the NYTimes. Fantasies that benefit 1/10th of 1% are just ordinary GOP policy.


    What I would pay to hear just ONE Democratic Candidate lay it out like this tonight at the debate.
    Absolutely ON POINT!

  12. rikyrah says:

    The insurance industry anti-Medicare-for-all group is also running against the public option and Medicare buy-in, FWIW. (cc @libbycwatson)

    — Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) July 26, 2019

  13. rikyrah says:


    Adam Serwer🍝 (@AdamSerwer) Tweeted:
    America has been a full democracy only since 1965. And these conversations essentially amount to: “why haven’t black people completely recovered from centuries of public policy designed to disenfranchise, impoverish, and marginalize them in a little more than half a century?”

  14. rikyrah says:

    Megan McIntyre (@RCMeg) Tweeted:
    Just so we’re suuuuuper clear: Marianne Williamson is a charlatan whose work has actively harmed LGBTQ+ people, fat people, people with mental illnesses, people with physical illness, people with eating disorders, and mothers. She is fatphobic and anti-vaxx. #DemDebate

  15. rikyrah says:

    Ella Dawson (@brosandprose) Tweeted:
    Marianne Williamson has implied that people who take antidepressants are weak, that you can cure cancer and HIV with love, and that fat people need to pray more. She’s a heinous wind chime of a human and I’m losing a lot of respect for people praising her right now. #DemDebate

  16. rikyrah says:

    Brave Black Woman (@Wonderbitch81) Tweeted:
    Excuse, me.

    FUCK NO. I don’t give a shit how many lucid moments she had or what she had to say that you liked..

    Marianne Williamson is nuttier than a pecan tree, we are not nominating that unicorn riding, fat shaming, AIDS praying, care bear staring kooky fucking Lady.


  17. rikyrah says:

    Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) Tweeted:
    One thought about tonight’s debate is that race is a central issue in this election and if you don’t have Black ppl on your staff helping you not sound like Amy K tonight then you need to exit stage left.

    When u don’t have Black staff we can hear it in your answers. #DemDebate

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄😄😄

  19. Hey Chicas!

    Listen to this racist exchange between Nixon and Ronald Reagan….

  20. Good morning, everyone!

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