Open Thread | Exciting Electoral News!

From Chicago and Wisconsin.

Chicago- we have a new Mayor- Brandon Johnson.

He won the old fashioned way: he put together a coalition, supported by unions, who got those boots on the ground and knocked on the doors to get the votes out.

Vallas was unacceptable. He wasn’t even from Chicago. Endorsed by the Police Unions and the likes of Betsy DeVos. Good riddance.😒

Interested in seeing how Mayor-Elect Johnson will put together his team and work with City Council.

How did Brandon Johnson win?
Straight up GOTV
Looked at the news and they showed the city map of the Mayoral Election.
It was as I suspected
Vallas had the support of the Police Union and Firemen. They live- the White ones, 70%+ of them live concentrated in two areas in the city, both at the edges of the city-one north, one south. Who were they going to reach out to?.Their neighbors?

Johnson, on the other hand, had the Unions. And,.those Unions had foot soldiers that went door to door , finding votes for Johnson in neighborhoods all around the city.

The Black folks that endorsed Vallas got on tv commercials,but they didn’t go into the neighborhoods to find votes for Vallas.

And, you can’t gaslight folks who actually lived through Vallas’ time as CEO of the Chicago Public Schools

Personal anecdote. My oldest sister is a retired school teacher. She was there when Vallas was in charge.My sister , well politics isn’t her thing. She votes in every election, but up until now, that was the extent of her political involvement.

She became a one woman GOTV for Brandon Johnson. She literally went through her phone book and called everyone, pushing for Johnson. She is a teacher who was proud and was a professional. The offense began when Vallas was appointed. For someone like my sister, who took teaching seriously and did self-improvement for her job by adding to her credentials through education, getting her Master’s and other certifications, the fact that Vallas didn’t have an education background. That he didn’t have the QUALIFICATIONS to become a School Superintendent, which is why they created the title.CEO.
I had forgotten that. My sister hadn’t.
She organized with the group of retirees that she exercises with at the Park District , most of them retired teachers who also remembered Vallas’ time at CPS. them together to work on their family members. She called her Sorors and got in their ears. Everyday she worked on getting votes for Johnson, wherever she went. If they needed help with Mail Voting, she gave them my number, and I was recruited to make sure the folks were signed up for Mail Voting, helping the Seniors do Online Applications. I honestly was stunned at her level of activism.

I am going to find some results on the City ‘s Wards. But, I think the coalition that brought Johnson over the line was the South Side, West Side and Bernie-type White folks from their enclaves on the North side. I was hoping that the stories about Vallas and what he had done in other public school systems was getting to the voters. As well as the police Union endorsement. Yes, folks on the South and West Side want less crime, but we know that the Chicago Police Department unfettered is NOT the answer. The insults he did toward former President Obama. And, he didn’t live in Chicago. I can’t express enough how offensive that is to me as a lifelong resident. And, that he was being pushed as some phucking Law and Order candidate by folks who didn’t care about crime in the city, as long as it was confined to Black and Brown neighborhoods. He was a phucking MAGA Candidate.

And, I am glad that the people saw through it.


If you don’t understand how important this election was in terms of 2024.

Also, how important it was in terms of abortion and abortion rights.


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5 Responses to Open Thread | Exciting Electoral News!

  1. rikyrah says:

    clap clap clap

    WASHINGTON– Howard University is pleased to announce the appointment of Stacey Abrams, Esq., as the inaugural Ronald W. Walters Endowed Chair for Race and Black Politics. The chair will be housed in the Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center at Howard University.

    “Stacey Abrams has proven herself an essential voice and eager participant in protecting American democracy – not just for certain populations, but for everyone with the fundamental right to make their voices heard,” said Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick. “As the inaugural Ronald W. Walters Endowed Chair, Ms. Abrams’ selection not only honors the work and legacy of renowned political strategist and scholar Dr. Ronald Walters, it expands on that legacy by bringing Howard students in dialogue with a contemporary candidate whose work has directly influenced today’s political landscape.”

    In this role, Abrams will foster interdisciplinary collaborations across the University on critical issues of race and Black politics, especially those issues that affect Americans of the African diaspora. The chair will inspire research and encourage broad discussions of scholarship for real-world solutions to complex, seemingly insoluble societal problems that adversely affect African diasporic communities and other vulnerable populations. Finally, as the inaugural chair, Abrams will lead a vibrant Ronald W. Walters Speakers Series with invited guests on a range of topics representing diverse perspectives.


  2. rikyrah says:

    Lakshya Jain (@lxeagle17) tweeted at 0:30 AM on Wed, Apr 05, 2023:
    Have never, ever seen this before. In an ultra-high turnout Wisconsin election with no inbuilt cause for asymmetric turnout (like a presidential primary), Democrats are on track to win by a shade under 11 points.

    This is a Biden +0.6 state.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) tweeted at 7:02 PM on Tue, Apr 04, 2023:
    Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who vowed in January to resist the “meddling hand” of the federal government, now says the feds picking up 75% of her state’s tornado recovery costs isn’t enough — she wants 100%.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Was looking at the Ward maps from February to April’s Mayoral Election.
    The Lightfoot Wards went to Brandon Johnson.
    The Chuy Wards went to Vallas, but, Johnson won enough in those Wards, as compared to what Vallas won in the Lightfoot Wards.

  5. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊

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