Governor Jay Nixon: Nat Turner “UpRisings” will not be tolerated if that cop gets away with killing an unarmed kid

Jay Nixon press conference on Grand Jury decisionWTF was this press conference for? Was it to tell the world and white resident police are getting ready to kill American citizens for protesting an injustice?

Jay Nixon gave a press conference to calm white residents fears to insure them they will be protected from the negras if the Grand Jury fails to indict Darren Wilson for gunning down unarmed Michael Brown. Does he know he’s not just the Governor of white people? Missouri officials haven’t learned a damn thing in the past 95 days. Dragging this Grand Jury decision out for over 95 days is equal to Michael Brown laying in the street for over 4 1/2 hours. They want to continue with business as usual and the negras better stay in their place.

Jay Nixon’s tone was defiant. “Violence will not be tolerated”. So suck it up, negras. Or you will be met with force.

No violence has come from protesters. The violence has come from police with tear gas, mace, dogs & rubber bullets against citizens protesting the killing of an unarmed kid as he was surrendering.

Jay Nixon must have lost his mind. This isn’t 1955 in the Mississippi Delta. We will not go quietly into that good night.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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83 Responses to Governor Jay Nixon: Nat Turner “UpRisings” will not be tolerated if that cop gets away with killing an unarmed kid

  1. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Antonio French retweeted
    #HealSTL @HealSTL · 38m 38 minutes ago
    “Our society will not heal if we do not address issues that many people want to keep buried.” #Ferguson #STL

  2. Hey folks!

    Help support @deray & @Nettaaaaaaaa as the Ferguson fight continues. Gas, food, water, blankets etc. It’s cold in St Louis. Help keep them warm. Some of us can’t be in St Louis but we can send our money to represent.

    Donate here.

  3. *Crying* Listening to ‘War Cry’..Ohhhh! It’s soul crushing we have to go through this. For folks who don’t understand our pain and what this song is about..just be quiet.

  4. Tef Poe calls out Jeff Roorda (@RoordaJ) and says he’s extorting black youths in the labor movement, leader of Klan in his War Cry Jay Nixon Diss Record.

  5. UN panel on torture questions U.S. on wide range of alleged abuses

    GENEVA — The United States came under heavy scrutiny Wednesday from U.N. experts investigating whether it had violated the terms of a global treaty that prohibits torture.

    The panel quizzed Obama administration officials not just on the treatment of suspected terrorists held at CIA so-call “black sites” during the administration of President George W. Bush, but also the practices of U.S. police officers and prison guards. Among the topics were prolonged solitary confinement in prisons and the sexual abuse of inmates.

    Mary E. McLeod, the acting legal adviser to the U.S. State Department, acknowledged that in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, “We did not always live up to our own values, including those reflected in the convention,” a reference to the 1984 U.N. Convention against Torture, which the United States and 155 other nations have signed.

    “As President Obama has acknowledged, we crossed the line and we take responsibility for that,” she said.

    But McLeod also told the panel, “There should be no doubt, the United States affirms that torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and punishment are prohibited at all times in all places.”

  6. Liza says:

    Nothing changes in Ferguson, Missouri or any town like it until people like Jay Nixon are gone, out of office. He is not only embedded with the main problem, the racist “law enforcement” and “justice” systems in the state of Missouri, but he is the problem. These ol’ white boys want to turn the clock back about 70 years when no one questioned their authority or what they believed was their right to kill black people with impunity. And this idiot is a Democrat.

    I’m praying no one gets hurt.

  7. Michael Brown coalition calls for boycott during Black Friday weekend

    Community groups from around the region are asking shoppers to boycott St. Louis area retailers during the Black Friday shopping season in response to the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown. The group also called for unity among other groups that are protesting the shooting.

    The Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Coalition outlined today details of the boycott effort, dubbed “No Justice, No Profit.” The boycott will start Thanksgiving Day and last through Sunday.

    However, coalition leaders said they are encouraging shoppers to patronize local business that are black-owned during that long weekend.

    When asked if the coalition would hold demonstrations at high-traffic shopping centers and malls in the region, the group’s leaders declined to offer details.

    “We are planning on doing a number of things and we will have a press release to that affect,” Zaki Baruti, president-general of the Universal African People’s Organization, said during a press conference at St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church.

    A St. Louis County grand jury has been considering whether Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson should face charges for the fatal shooting Aug. 9 of the unarmed Brown, 18. Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said Tuesday night that the jury was still hearing evidence and that he didn’t expect a decision until mid- to late November.

    The coalition also plans to conduct the boycott regardless of the grand jury’s decision because the boycott is serving an educational purpose in changing consumers’ spending behavior.

    Baruti and Rev. Spencer Lamar Booker, pastor at St. Paul AME Church, said the boycott was also a response to Gov. Nixon’s announcement Tuesday that police would be prepared following the grand jury’s decision.

  8. TefPoe “War Cry” Jay Nixon Diss Record.
    [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Antonio French retweeted
    Tom Joyner @TJMShow · 2h 2 hours ago
    Today @RolandSMartin had a very important conversation w/ @AntonioFrench on what’s next in Ferguson. Listen & share



    The DOJ and Tara having a very heated conversation about the role they’re playing in #ferguson .. One of the most powerful moments I’ve ever witnessed .

  11. Ferguson braces for a Grand Jury Decision

  12. rikyrah says:

    deray mckesson @deray

    Everytime I say it, it sinks in a little deeper. 1,000 officers. My cardboard sign has caused the mobilization of 1,000 officers. #Ferguson
    8:34 PM – 11 Nov 2014

  13. Jay Nixon: “Violence will not be tolerated”

    Ferguson citizen engulfed in tea gas.

    Ferguson MB shooting 35

    Ferguson MB shooting 31

  14. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Michael Skolnik @MichaelSkolnik · 5h 5 hours ago
    Dear @GovJayNixon, The only ones who have consistently been violent in Ferguson have been the police, not the supporters of Mike Brown.

    Michael Skolnik @MichaelSkolnik · 5h 5 hours ago
    The Ferguson PD showed up on August 9th to a peaceful mourning of the death of an unarmed teenager with dogs and big guns looking to fight.

    Michael Skolnik @MichaelSkolnik · 5h 5 hours ago
    The supporters for justice for Mike Brown have a right protected by the United States Constitution called the First Amendment. Protect them!

  15. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Rebelutionary Z @Rebelutionary_Z · 2h 2 hours ago
    The full video of Jay Nixons press conference on #Ferguson:

  16. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    I need a prayful song. What kind of song has been used in the past for this type of dire situation?

  17. Ametia says:

    These black men standing behind Nixon, What in the living FUCK?!

    These fuckers have been plotting and scheming to antagonize, yes, even kill the Black citizens of Ferguson, while Darren Wilson stays hidden.

  18. Why do they trot out the black people front & center? I’m so sick of this. Why can’t these men say…HELL NO! I won’t go?

  19. Jay Nixon is the straight up plantation owner with Willie Lynch style tactics prepared.

  20. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Antonio French @AntonioFrench · 4h 4 hours ago
    “Violence will not be tolerated.”

    Ironically, this is the message of protestors as well.

  21. rikyrah says:

    zellie @zellieimani

    Gov Nixon and others are protecting Darren Wilson because he is a symbol. A symbol of police authority and white supremacy. #Ferguson
    2:50 PM – 11 Nov 2014

  22. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    I am praying, praying, praying for the safety of the Black community.

    deray mckesson @deray· 44m

    I’m still processing that Gov. Nixon press conference. 1,000 officers. One THOUSAND officers. Sit with that. #Ferguson

    Y’all, the ONLY salient point of that entire press conference was that ONE THOUSAND officers are prepared to respond. That’s wild.

    Seriously though, someone tell me the last time ONE THOUSAND officers were mobilized in anticipation of a verdict. #Ferguson

    95 days. 3 dead black boys. 4 free white male cops. 0 attempts at justice. And 1,000 officers ready to engage. #Ferguson

    Do you know how intense just the mere presence of 1,000 officers will make any protest site? Pray for all of us now. Now. Now.

    And we will NEVER know the name of who shoots and kills a protestor with 1,000 officers outside. Lord, help us. #Ferguson

    Let me say this right now. If we die, the government of Missouri chose it and planned for our deaths. 1,000 officers is wild. #Ferguson

    I better wake up to every MSM outlet talking about the mobilization of 1,000 officers in #Ferguson. Every. Single. One.

    deray mckesson retweeted

    Shaun King @ShaunKing

    Police actually used the word “uprising” twice in the press conference today. That word has deep historical roots with slave revolts.

    deray mckesson @deray

    .@brianstelter where is the article highlighting the black mothers afraid everyday for their kids to walk to school?

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Shaun King @ShaunKing · 15m 15 minutes ago
      Missouri wants to create an image of black protestors as violent and dangerous. In the meantime, white Missourians stockpile guns. Come on!

  23. Ametia says:

    Nixon, Knowles, and McCaskill= MAJOR FAIL. These MOFOs haven’t seen anything yet.

  24. rikyrah says:

    Nixon is still delusional that he has any political future.


  25. rikyrah says:

    He really thinks that somebody is playing with him.

    • Freedom Riders were willing to die for the cause. They made WILLS & gave them to Diane Nash. Does Jay Nixon realize folks are ready to die for the cause? They’re not going back to business as usual.

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