Black History | School for black civil rights activists

School for black civil rights activistsThe African American community created schools to train civil rights activists in effective methods of non-violent protest, voter registration, literacy and the like. Education and training was one way that helped African Americans gain back their freedom not only legally but most importantly… mentally. The training helped them approach the judicial system educated and informed of their rights, equality and prepared them to face the repercussions of asking for this basic right. Asking for their rights came with the price of harassment, abuse, lynching and many other forms of violence and aggression from the police and the rest of the Caucasian community in that day. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and many other leaders also went to similar schools to be taught and trained in non-violence, social change, pacifism, etc. The following are just a few pictures from the schools created to help educate and train African Americans in becoming civil rights activists.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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14 Responses to Black History | School for black civil rights activists

  1. majiir says:

    This is a very important post, one that many black youths need to read because during my many years in the classroom, I noticed that some of them don’t take educating themselves seriously. I spent quite a bit of time talking to them about the importance of a good education, and how it could transform their lives. I get angry every time I’m in my car driving somewhere during school hours and see many black youths walking the street when they should be in the classroom. I don’t know how they get away with this because if you lived in my parents’ house, you were going to school. My parents were so serious about school that if we missed a day, we couldn’t do anything except stay in the house. My mom always said that if we were too sick to go to school, we were too sick to go anywhere else, and she didn’t put up with us coming home from school and saying we didn’t have homework. If that was the case, she made us read a book.

    • Ametia says:

      Speak on it, majiir. Everything that white folks tried to strip from us, is the very thing we need to survive as HUMAN BEINGS.

      If we are not educated, we might as well start digging our graves. And I don’t mean their idea of education either.

  2. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Thanks for this great article on the School for Black Civil Rights Activists! Great photos!

    On the Civil Rights Vets’ page is this article:
    ” Why We Trained in Tactical Nonviolence”

  3. Ametia says:

    Great post and gallery, SG2.

    Education and training folks is something that is sorely LACKING today.

    Now some young folks are just roaming streets with signs and dissing their elders. some of the elders roll in to town to put in appearance and then bounce out. *looking@youcornywest*

    MLK Jr.’s rolling in his grave.

      • Ametia says:

        You can’t change any system without changing your consciousness and coming up with a strategy.

        Look at Ferguson! It’s still a HOT MESS.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        Ametia, you are correct when you write:

        “You can’t change any system without changing your consciousness and coming up with a strategy.”

        Also, when one strategy no longer works, it is important to regroup, consider/analyze the strategies being used against the movement, and then come back with a new strategy.

        The chokehold that the Ferguson “powers that be” have on the residents and the unethical justice system highlighted by McCulloch’s grand jury methods make change in Ferguson a hard nut to crack.

        The community’s steadfast effort to push for a community oversight committee of the police is making progress….you can see this in that Roorda lost it last week.

        The Ferguson police came out of the gate during last August’s protest in a militarized manner that reflected the style of Bull Connor and Jim Clark. Now the police are using the methods of Police Chief Pritchett in Albany, Ga at the beginning of the 1961. In Albany people had marched, boycotted, and occupied bus stations.

        From Wikipedia:

        The Albany police chief, Laurie Pritchett, carefully studied the movement’s strategy and developed a strategy he hoped could subvert it.

        He used mass arrests but avoided the kind of violent incidents that might backfire by attracting national publicity. Pritchett arranged to disperse the prisoners to county jails all over southwest Georgia to prevent his jail from filling up.

        It is interesting that divisions, much like Ferguson, then developed within the Albany movement as noted in Wikipedia:

        Despite the mobilization of virtually the entire black community in Albany, few concessions were achieved from the city government. Divisions between radical and moderate blacks were beginning to tell, and the black community seemed to be tiring faster than the city.

        This caused the movement’s and MLK’s progress to stall and achieve little success. The movement led by MLK gained momentum again when King went on to Birmingham:

        After Albany, King decided on more tightly focused activism aimed at scoring specific, symbolic victories.

        What is important is that the Albany locals did not stop when they were no longer in the nation’s spotlight but continued to push for change in Albany.

        Howard Zinn’s words (quoted in Wikipedia) might provide encouragement to those involved in today’s movement:

        Historian Howard Zinn, who played a role in the Albany movement:

        “Social movements may have many ‘defeats’—failing to achieve objectives in the short run—but in the course of the struggle the strength of the old order begins to erode, the minds of people begin to change; the protesters are momentarily defeated but not crushed, and have been lifted, heartened, by their ability to fight back”

    • Ametia says:

      ” What is important is that the Albany locals did not stop when they were no longer in the nation’s spotlight but continued to push for change in Albany.”

      Seriously, folks have to put in the TIME, EFFORT, the ENERGY. Older folks are tired, and the younger folks want everything accomplished in a “New York minute.”

      The information age has nearly everyone on OVERLOAD with data. It’s truly become a “microwave society. Back up, slow down, and think through a process to get shit done!

    • majiir says:

      Something that ticks me off is that many of them prefer “roaming the streets with signs and dissing their elders” to registering people to vote—something which would change the political dynamics in Ferguson and in other cities. I was happy when I heard some were registering people to vote during the Ferguson protests and disappointed when I learned they hadn’t registered as many citizens as they needed to. Registering to vote and voting in every election is important to effect change, not only in Ferguson but across the nation and in D.C. I’ve stopped listening to those who don’t vote but complain about not “liking” the way things are.

      • Ametia says:

        Again, folks don’t want to earn their freedom, and the man is more than willing to keep them in chains.

        God helps those who help themselves.

        God created everything, this includes EDUCATION, tand hat’s a good place to start.

      • eliihass says:

        Many insist that the system is rigged and voting doesn’t matter because it’s already set up to work for those who control and have rigged it in their favor.

        I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard this and realize it’s being pushed hard in communities of color to demoralize and discourage participation. Sadly some have fallen for it.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        I just read this tweet:
        Rebelutionary Z @Rebelutionary_Z · 7h 7 hours ago
        #Ferguson to elect 3 new city council members – One protestor, @Bob_Hudgins, is running against the former Mayor..

        Hopefully, more in the Ferguson Black community will start registering to vote.

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