OFA’s New Voting Rights Website: GottaVote.org


Wanted to let you know about a very cool thing we just launched –www.gottavote.org. It details voting laws, deadlines, key dates and other details by state to help make sure Americans understand their right to vote, and how to exercise it.

The launch of GottaVote.org, the campaign’s bilingual, cutting-edge is a resource to help Americans understand their rights to vote, and know how to exercise it in their state. THAT’S RIGHT FOLKS, ESPANOL (VotemosTodos) TOO!

GottaVote.org is a one-stop shop for getting the facts on voting, reminders for key dates and deadlines, and alerts on the status of voting rights in your state. It’s available in both English and Spanish (www.gottavote.org/es) because different languages shouldn’t keep Americans from voting.

The President’s campaign is about inclusiveness and moving forward, not backward. That’s why we’re trying to get as many Americans involved as possible. That’s the true spirit of our elections and our country.”

GottaVote.org answers common questions voters in any state might have, including:
o When do I have to register by?

o What do I need to bring to the polls?

o Can I vote early?

o Where is my polling place?

HERE’S WHY WE NEED TO PRESERVE OUR VOTER RIGHTS: Dorothy is just one of many folks who are experiencing the affects of new voting laws around the country.

Stay tuned for updates. Let’s get this done, FOLKS! Thank you.

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3 Responses to OFA’s New Voting Rights Website: GottaVote.org

  1. Maurice says:

    Small business owner seeking grants and our donations to help keep doors open in ravaged black community.

    Have always voted democrat and will continue to do so! President obama for more years. Shoot I wish it were permanent?

  2. Ametia says:

    Obama campaign working to counter new voter ID laws
    By Amy Gardner, Published: May 18

    President Obama’s reelection campaign launched a national drive Friday to counter new restrictive voter-access laws, which advisers said threaten his electoral chances in November.

    Organizers will fan out in key swing states this weekend to teach volunteers and voters how to navigate a series of laws passed by Republican-controlled state legislatures imposing stricter identification requirements, limiting early voting and making it harder to organize voter-registration drives.
    It is the beginning of a months-long effort, campaign officials said, to combat what they described as a Republican effort to stifle voting among young people and minorities, two groups that traditionally tend to vote Democratic.

    Republicans say the new laws are needed to protect against voter fraud and help make elections fairer.

    The Obama campaign’s “weekend of action” is part of a field effort that in 2008 helped identify, register and turn out millions of new voters. Those new voters gave Obama wins in unlikely places, including North Carolina and Virginia, where young and minority voters helped make the difference. Turning out those voters again this year is key to the president’s reelection strategy, but it is also more challenging this year in part because of the new voting laws.


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