Mitt Romney Can’t Hide From His Big Bain Lie | Blog Roundup


Romney may not have come clean yet, but blogs across the country are holding him accountable. A snapshot of today’s coverage is below:

Mother Jones:The Pain of Bain Falls Mainly on the Reign (of Mitt)

Angry Bear:Was Romney’s Bain-Era IRA Tactic Really Legal In That Circumstance?

ThinkProgress:The Bain Job Losses Mitt Romney Doesn’t Want You To Know About

The Mahablog:Drip Drip Drip …  

The Pennsylvania Progressive:Romney Lied About Bain Tenure  

AMERICAblog: Romney campaign now lies about Mitt’s felony-lie

ColoradoPols:Mitt Romney: Busted? 

The Jed Report:Romneyland responds: ‘This is nothing more than a quirk in the law’

Dirigo Blue:  Romney campaign releases ad calling Obama a liar while report shows Romney lied about his time at Bain.   

The Plum Line:  Greg Sargent: New Bain revelations put Romney in tough spot

Blog for Arizona: Romney’s past the Bain of his existence

Blogging Blue:Mitt’s Lies are Actionable

Square State: Mitt Romney and Bain helped Chinese Cos. take American Manufacturing jobs 

Firedoglake: Romney Discrepancies Over When He Left Bain Capital Could Constitute a Felony

Blue Virginia: Politico: Did Romney Not Just Lie, but Also Commit a “Federal Felony?”

Wonkette: By ‘Left Bain’ Mitt Romney Actually Meant ‘Continued To Run/Own 100% Of/Chair Bain For Years’

Towleroad:Romney Campaign Denies He Lied About Bain Capital Resume in Wake of New Documents:

Crooks and Liars: UPDATED: Romney’s Protests About Outsourcing Unravel. Which Lie Did He Tell? 

ThinkProgress: Three Fibs Mitt Romney Tells About His Business Record

3CHICSPOLITICO: Mitt Romney’s BIG BAIN CAPITAL LIE & Outsourcing U.S. Jobs: The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

The Atlantic Wire: Why Romney’s Quit Date at Bain Matters

Show Me Progress: Mitt Romney: A glib and easy liar who might just believe his own BS

The American Prospect: I Did Not Have Economic Relations with That Company

Cognitive Dissonance: The Evidence! 

The Maddow Blog: A Bain Capital ‘game changer’

Mother Jones:  Romney’s Bain Story Is Falling Apart

The Jed Report: Mitt Romney sure picked a bad day to call the president a liar

emptywheel: We Can’t Afford Another “Complicated and Quirky” Presidency

The Jed Report: More Bain pain for Mitt Romney

Blue Mass Groups: SEC documents show Romney ran Bain until 2002, not 1999.

The Atlantic: Forms Show Romney Left Bain Capital 3 Years Later Than He Claimed

Salon:Romney’s Bain lie 

The Agonist: Lying Liar Mitt Romney Lied About Bain Tenure

AMERICAblog: Romney may have committed felony lying about role with Bain

PERRspectives: Why Romney Flip-Flopped on Bain Departure Date

Eclectablog: The web of Romney lies continues to unravel – he was at Bain Capital long after he said he left

HorsesAss: Romney’s precarious position

Andrew Sullivan: The Bain Of This Campaign: A Roundup     

Bark Bark Woof Woof:The Bain Of His Existence

AMERICAblog: THIS JUST IN… Boston Globe refuses Romney demand to “correct” Bain story    

Daily Intel: The Difference Between Running and ‘Running’ a Private Equity Firm

Balloon Juice: Mitt Romney Lied About Bain Capital: A Primer

MN Publius: Mitt Romney’s latest lie is a big deal

Suzie-Q’s Truth and Justice Blog:Mitt Romney Stayed At Bain 3 Years Longer Than He Stated      

Hope And Change:  What quirk?

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6 Responses to Mitt Romney Can’t Hide From His Big Bain Lie | Blog Roundup

  1. Ametia says:

    If you go to the Commonwealth Business Search page and enter Romney’s last name in the search by individual field, you will find many listings of companies that involve him or his wife. I recommend to everyone to dig further into all of the companies returned in this search (there are many).

    The interesting result I found was this: there are two foreign entities for Bain Capital… Bain Capital Inc. and Bain Capital Investments VI. In filings for both companies with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for 2001 and 2002, neither company lists Romney as a managing member (see the filings linked below).

  2. Ametia says:

    Growing Republican Chorus Pushes Romney To Release Tax Returns
    Benjy Sarlin-July 13, 2012, 5:00 AM

    Democrats have been making hay out of Mitt Romney’s finances for weeks, claiming that voters can’t fairly judge reported assets in notorious tax havens unless he releases his past tax returns. A handful of Republicans appear to be growing concerned that Romney is giving them room to operate.

    On Thursday, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), who heads all House GOP campaign efforts, told reporters that questions about Romney’s holdings were on target, according to CNN.

    His personal finances, the way he does things, his record, are fair game,” Sessions said. While he declined to name a specific amount of information or number of years’ worth of tax returns Romney should release, he called the issue a “legitimate question.” Romney has only released his 2010 tax return and had said he will release his 2011 return before the election.

    Obama has personally called on Romney to release past tax returns, saying a candidate should be an “open book” to voters. The issue has gained traction in recent weeks following a series of reports on Romney’s holdings in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and his past use of a Swiss bank account. Obama campaign officials frequently note that Romney’s father, George Romney, set the current standard for disclosure in his own 1968 presidential bid when he released a dozen years’ worth of returns.

  3. Ametia says:

    Friday Morning Joe exchange:

    David Gregory: “Well, the Romney campaign needs to mitigate this issue, to paint a picture of the Obama campaign as reaching into the past and dealing with small issues.”

    Mika Brzezinski: “How do you mitigate SEC filings?”

    For once Mika did not have a BLONDE MOMENT.

      • Ametia says:

        Good to FINALLY SEE the TV networks covering Romney’s shenanigans!


        GUTHRIE: Recently the Democrats have been emphasizing Mitt Romney’s personal investments, the fact that he has some accounts in Switzerland, in the Caymans, and I wonder whether you feel this is a legitimate line of attack against Mitt Romney, if you think this is relevant to his fitness to be president?

        CLINTON: Oh, yes, I do. I think for one thing – just as relevant as going over my record as Governor when I ran for President. I had been governor for a dozen years. And because he’s put it at the forefront. He said basically, “I’d be a better president because I know how to create jobs because that’s what I did.” And he’s going to take credit for running a successful Olympics, for example. So when all your work life before you run for President is relevant. I think that will be relevant. I am a little surprised that he only released a year’s worth of tax returns. That’s kind of perplexed me, because this is the first time in, I don’t know, more than 30 years that anybody running for president has only done that. You know, it’s typical we all release 10, 11 years. I think Senator McCain released over 20 years of tax returns. That I think has been – that struck me as a little odd.

        GUTHRIE: This has to do with whether or not he placed his own money in legal tax shelters overseas.

        CLINTON: The public ought to know that. The voters can make up their own mind about whether they think it’s a good thing to — for a person who wants to be President to minimize his own tax liability by putting the money in overseas tax shelters. And they can decide whether they believe that or not.

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