Videos | First Lady Michelle Obama Visits The Jimmy Fallon Show


America’s  Renaissance First Lady, Michelle Obama; YOU ROCK, WOMAN!

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7 Responses to Videos | First Lady Michelle Obama Visits The Jimmy Fallon Show

  1. Pingback: Monday Open Thread | My Black Networks® -Black News from The African Diaspora

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  3. rikyrah says:

    our First Lady is terrific!!!

  4. vitaminlover says:

    I reallylike the way Mr. Fallon interacts with my President and First Lady. He is humonous and respectful.

  5. Ametia says:

    No waterslide on the White House lawn, Jimmy. NOT.GOING.TO.HAPPEN. LOL

  6. Ametia says:

    Who says the POTUS isn’t helping BLACK PEOPLE? Umm, the First Lady is the driving force in helping underserved communities get better nutrition and adapt healthy lifestyle habits.

  7. Ametia says:

    Love FLOTUS. It’s in your future, Jimmy Fallon. You will HOST the OSCARS!

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