Video | Frederick Douglass Staute Unveiled at US Capitol Dedication Ceremony

Mr. Frederick Douglass now joins Ms. Rosa Parks in our Nation’s Capitol.



Fannie W. Fitzgerald and family join Congressman John Lewis, D, Ga., and Gerry Connolly, D – Fairfax, Prince William an actor portraying Frederick Douglass at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center on Wednesday – See more here.

Congress approves DC statue of Frederick Douglass in Capitol complex

Nettie Washington Douglass with Senator Harry Reid

Nettie Washington Douglass, Kenneth B. Morris, Jr., John Boehner, Joe Biden

With the statue of statue of Frederick Douglass in the background, Nettie Washington Douglass, second from left, Frederick Douglass’ great great granddaughter and her son Kenneth B. Morris, Jr., left, President of Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives (FDFI), House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, second from right, and Vice President Joe Biden are photographed after ceremony to dedicate the statue, Wednesday, June 19, 2013, in the Emancipation Hall of the United States Visitor Center on Capitol Hill in Washington. The bronze statue of Douglass is by Maryland artist Steve Weitzman. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Congressional Leaders Dedicate Frederick Douglass Statue At US Capitol

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1 Response to Video | Frederick Douglass Staute Unveiled at US Capitol Dedication Ceremony

  1. jamalA says:

    I had achieved this earlier being the kind of person who squirms in their seat at the pomp & ceremony of these things. Once it begins around the 55:00 minute mark it turns out to be really well done Nancy Pelosi was amazing, Eleanor H. Norton relentless efforts were recognized. I thought the GOP reps must have been thinking about their own history being unusually kind. I got to meet Ms. Nettie W. Douglass after stumbling into her years back when we lived in the same area of the ATL her family foundation was a work-in-progress then, so it’s nice to see her and family get their due. I was impressed.

    “.. as always well done again, thanks.

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