Video | Donald Trump, Scam Artist: KARMA’s Coming to Collect In the Form of $40 Million FRAUD Suit




BIRTHER KING Donald Trump sued by New York Attorney General for phony Scam TRUMP University.

Attorney  General Eric Schneiderman is taking on Donald  Trump in a new $40 million lawsuit.

Schneiderman’s office accuses Trump of defrauding more than 5,000 people  nationwide through his “Trump University” that offered free seminars to help  them get rich by teaching real estate-investing techniques used by the  billionaire developer-turned-reality TV star.

$40 MILLION FRAUD SUIT against Trump University


Schneiderman’s office says “dozens and dozens” of complaints have been  filed.

The lawsuit names Trump as chairman of the institute and Michael Sexton as  the organization’s former president.

It alleges “persistent fraud” and seeks to repay all 5,000 customers. It  also seeks additional penalties and fines.

Trump dismissed Schneiderman’s allegations, claiming on a website that 98%  of his students are satisfied.


And of course this racoon-haired Mofo is blaming his scam on…. YOU GUESSED IT! President Barack Hussein Obama.

98% approval by students?  Where’s the testimony.; the records, Donald”   We want to see it in writing!  “And I’m not accusing President Obama of anything. BUT….”  And what’s with this “filing cases on a Saturday afternoon” bullshit? And Why isn’t AG Eric Schneiderman going after Wall Street, you ask, Mr. Trump? What makes you think he isn’t? Right now he’s going after you. You’re just rambling and deflecting, Donald.

How’d Trump come up with the ponzi scheme?  The answer my friends, is blowing in the wind.

the answer my friend is blowing in the wind-images

Sincerely hope any and all students come forward and fully EXPOSE this POC, Trump, for the lying, scheming, birther, stealing, scamming GRIFTING, ego-driven, combed-over rug-headed MOFO that he has shown himself to be.

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16 Responses to Video | Donald Trump, Scam Artist: KARMA’s Coming to Collect In the Form of $40 Million FRAUD Suit

  1. Ametia says:

    Fox spinning this bullshit, like a MAYTAG.

  2. PoliticsNation NY Attorney General calls Trump University a scam

    • Ametia says:

      Thank you, SG2!

    • Liza says:

      Really sad. They’re scamming people who haven’t the money to pay for the classes, so they’re having them put thousands of dollars on their credit card where they will pay ridiculously high interest rates on their loans. Trump and his minions know these classes are useless, they are just robbing people. Their targets are people who are not making much money but still have good credit.

  3. Liza says:

    Trump’s entire life has been one circus act after another. I remember seeing those ads for his “university” on TV and thinking it was another scam. But it really is sad that people get roped in to these kinds of scams and give up their hard earned money to someone like Trump. Trump keeps repeating that 98% of the people who attended were satisfied, but if that were true that would be information collected from an evaluation form that people filled out after the class. The true measure of success would be whether or not the students were able to make money in real estate after taking the class and using the “knowledge” gained. I have a feeling that percentage would be closer to zero.

    Trump is disgusting. Nothing but a carnival barker, just like PBO said. But he’s also a thief, a con man, a scam artist, a snake in the grass and he deserves to have his sorry a$$ dragged through the courts. Congratulations to the NY Attorney General for trying to protect consumers.

    • Ametia says:

      Yet, the media gives this clown the spotlight to try and degrade our president. See how upright and moral Donald Trump is? See how much integrity this clown has?

      And Trump’s behavior highlights his shady characterin the end, while he tried to cover his own dirty, rotten deeds, by debasing and demoralizing President Obama’s very exisitence.

      I hope Trump gets NAILED to the wall with these suits. Folks are coming out of the woodwork now.

      • Liza says:

        “Folks are coming out of the woodwork now.”

        Yeah, Trump and his con men got too greedy. If someone were to take the three day class and spend about $1,500, they are not likely to speak up if they do not become a real estate millionaire. They are more likely to suck it up and move on. But in Trump’s little scam, they kept scamming the same people, getting them to throw away more and more money. Sooner or later those people will start a ruckus and everyone who got screwed will come forward.

        Personally, I don’t get it. I look at Trump and I wouldn’t trust him to give me the correct time of day. For whatever reason, the MSM has supported him and legitimized all of his nonsense including his attack on President Obama. As far as I’m concerned, they are complicit in his scams and all of his wrongdoing. Right now Trump’s defensive blathering sounds like any street thug who got caught. I hope this is the beginning of the end of him.

  4. Ametia says:

    SG2; The Last Word has a segment with a man who said he was scammed by teh Donald. They coming out of the woodwork like roaches! Can you post the clip when available too? Thanks

  5. Ametia says:

    ‘The Donald’ suggests Obama was in on lawsuit against Trump University

    Saying it could be a “mini IRS” scandal, Donald Trump blasted President Obama and New York’s attorney general Monday morning, suggesting the two may have planned a lawsuit to smear the outspoken critic of the president.

    Isn’t this what the white entitled Donald would do; project and deflect his dirty deeds, to try and get the attention away from him? Dirty POS

  6. Xena says:

    Will Trump file for bankruptcy AGAIN? LOL!

  7. Your ass is grass, Trump! Scamming people out of their hard earned money!

    When evil gets to rockin; Karma comes a knockin!

  8. vitaminlover says:

    Can we say JERK? I know we can!!

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