St Louis County Opinions on #Ferguson: Black vs White

Police vs black citizens in ferguson3This is so disturbing!

According to the survey taken, Michael Brown’s SKIN was his SIN. Unarmed, running away, surrendering doesn’t mean a DAMN thing. Whites in St Louis County says Darren Wilson was justified for shooting down Michael Brown. It makes you wonder about who is on that Grand Jury.

1. Was Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson justified in shooting Michael Brown?
Whites: Yes (62%)
Blacks: No (65%)

2. Who is most responsible for the violence in Ferguson after Michael Brown’s death?
46 percent of whites blame organized street gangs for the looting and chaos that gripped Ferguson for days after the shooting. Blacks blame law enforcement and community activists, both with 27 percent. Only 7 percent of whites said law enforcement was to blame.

3. Was Michael Brown targeted by Officer Darren Wilson because of his race?
Whites: No (77 %)
Blacks: Yes (64%)

4. Should Officer Darren Wilson be arrested and charged with a crime?
Whites: No (72%)
Blacks: Yes (71%)

5. Can Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch fairly prosecute the criminal case against Officer Darren Wilson?
Whites: Yes (71%)
Blacks: No (60%)

This should come as no surprise. McCulloch has been reelected to his post for decades by the county’s majority-white voting base, while black community leaders have organized protests, boycotts and a highway shutdown to get him thrown off the case.

6. Do police target black people because of their race?
White: No (61%)
Black: Yes (70%)

Read more here:

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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20 Responses to St Louis County Opinions on #Ferguson: Black vs White

  1. rikyrah says:

    This report is not surprising in the least. White people have always ignored the truths told about Black people with regards to law enforcement.

    • Liza says:

      I think that’s true about white people, especially older white people who watch Fox News and have landlines and tend to always be the ones surveyed. But look at the black numbers, Rikyrah. That can’t be right.

    • Liza says:

      And then there is the St. Louis Dispatch that mostly influences the white population, especially the older folks who still subscribe to the printed version.

  2. No Incident Report? Then Where’s Use of Force Report? More Violations from Ferguson

    Everyone who is paying attention to the incident in which Mike Brown was gunned down in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri by Officer Darren Wilson is aware that there is no actual “Incident Report” in existence. Well, more specifically, a week after the ACLU requested the report and was told that there was a report but it was being withheld because it was exempt from the Sunshine Law, they produced “an” Incident Report that had no useful information in it.

    What we now can state firmly in addition to this is that Ferguson Police also do not have a Use of Force Report that their policies required to be produced – not by Officer Wilson but by the Watch Commander on duty that day.

    Ferguson is deliberately violating both the laws and its own policies to prevent any information from being produced and made public that could be used to hold Officer Wilson to account for his actions. This is a serious problem of cover up, abuse of authority, and contempt of the law by both the Ferguson and St. Louis County Police Departments. Given the evidence there is ample reason for the public to have little, or no, confidence or trust in either of these agencies.

  3. Liza says:

    Yes, this is really disturbing. I wonder how the numbers would shift if the news were reported factually and not by gasbags and their biased opinions. I also wonder about the sample, they say it reflects the demographics of St. Louis County but how deep does that go? Race? Age? Gender? And what are the news sources of the sample participants?

    Remington Research, btw, was founded by Republican political consultant Jeff Roe.

    Forget the whites for a moment and think about this. How could 35 percent of the black folks in St. Louis County think that Darren Wilson was justified in killing Michael Brown?

    In fact, based on this survey, somewhere between 29 percent and 40 percent of the black folks in St. Louis County would fit the “dancing racoon” graphic that Ametia occasionally displays. I just ain’t buying it. Something is way off when you look at the numbers for the black folks who participated.

    • Ametia says:

      Liza, I’m with you 100%. There is no coonery amongst the Ferguson blacks who have been harassed, falsely arrested, stolen from, lied to, etc..
      That survey is skewed in favor of the fearful & racist white folks, plain and simple.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        x 2

      • Liza says:

        Yeah, i think they are trying to show that a significant number of good law abiding black folks agree with the good law abiding white folks and this will end in favor of the police. Then, with the grand jury tainted and so much public support for Darren Wilson, he doesn’t get indicted and, perhaps, the DOJ will decide not to charge him either.

        But there’s no way that upwards of 30 percent of any black population in the United States in any county or city or district is comprised of the kind of folks who would support a murdering cop.

  4. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Well, this survey basically reveals how bad St. Louis White racism is against Blacks.

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