‘Nigger’| Presidents Lyndon Johnson & Barack Obama Say the Word |Context Folks!


Keep clutching them. 3 Chics don’t give a fuck.

Oh the sheer IRONY of President Obama saying the word NIGGER, & the very same folks who have either been thinking of saying it or actually saying and calling black folks nigger, and that includes calling the 44th POTUS a nigger.  That’s ‘UPPTY’ nigger to you, PBO. ..

Look, some of us know this is another outcry by some folks to DISTRACT from the white man’s CRIMES. But we’re going to provide CONTEXT for use of the word NIGGER here at 3 Chics.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson

President Johnson: …”but I got to prove it discriminates. And I can’t prove it in Texas. There’s more ‘niggers’ voting there than white folks.”


President Obama: “And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘nigger’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not.”

Here’s the deal:

  • YA’LL ARE MAD because President Obama letting you know that saying or not saying NIGGER does not end RACISM.
  • YA’LL are MAD because you white folks don’t get to say what is or isn’t racism or when it ends. It ends when we say it ends.
  • YA’LL are MAD because you have called our President NIGGER, and he is telling you that even if you stop saying it, you’re still a racist.   So DEAL!

Read more here.

2015) President Barack Hussien Obama: PODCAST HERE & here  

2016 GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry’s hunting lodge

Now whose use of the word nigger is right, appropriate, shameful, racist, vulgar, mean, hateful, bigoted, biased, ignorant? WHO?

Got all day for a reply, so take your time.


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125 Responses to ‘Nigger’| Presidents Lyndon Johnson & Barack Obama Say the Word |Context Folks!

  1. rikyrah says:

    I Do Not Forgive You America: Thoughts on the Emanuel 9

    Shadow and Act
    By Tanya Steele | Shadow and Act

    June 23, 2015 at 11:54AM

    My heart breaks for the families in Charleston, South Carolina. Their words of forgiveness to the perpetrator example a divinity that most Americans will never know. I have friends who are god fearing, atheist, agnostic, of varied faiths. I, myself, am spirit filled but I am not a “believer”. However, I respect and love the religious tradition of Black America. The members of that church are my Mother, my Grandparents, my Aunts, my friends, my loved ones. I have family members who are members of A.M.E. churches. My love for the faithful knows no disruption because they are me and I am them. I have attended service in an A.M.E church and wept because it felt like, no, it was, home. I embrace the totality of the Black American experience. We survive and flourish in different ways, none better than the other.

    On June 17, I was binge watching OITNB. I finished around 11:00 pm and turned on the news. I saw that there was a shooting in Charleston, South Carolina at an A.M.E. church. A tentacle of the love that informs my life, lives in Charleston. I checked in with a loved one and made sure she was fine. I then reached out to my 23 year old cousin (a light in my life) who is god fearing and attends an A.M.E. church. For about twenty minutes, I could not reach her. They were the longest twenty minutes of my life. When I reached her, she informed me that she was going to go out that night but decided to remain at home. She was fine.

    That was my introduction to these murders. For the next few hours, I was glued to the television because the murderer was still on the loose. MSNBC would give periodic updates. This did not become a story on CNN, with any consistency, until 4 or 5 am. How is that possible?! Not until social media exploded, did they take it on as a story. And the usual, “we didn’t have people on the ground in Charleston” cannot be used as an excuse (which is the excuse used for lack of coverage in Africa). We are months away from their coverage of the Walter Scott murder, there is no excuse for the lack of coverage during such a horror filled time.

    My cousin is fine. I am still putting myself back together. Nine families, however, are not fine and will not be fine for some time. And, I will say, much of Black America and our allies are not fine. We will not be fine for some time. We are in pain. A 21 year old White male sat in a Bible study, one of the most humble spaces in our culture, and shot 9 Black people dead after interacting with them for one hour.


  2. rikyrah says:

    UH HUH

    UH HUH


    Jim Webb Is the Only Presidential Hopeful Who Won’t Comment on the Confederate Flag Controversy

    The former Virginia senator has defended the Confederate Army in the past.

    —By Max J. Rosenthal and Tim Murphy

    | Tue Jun. 23, 2015 6:46 PM EDT
    By now, every 2016 presidential contender from both parties—those announced, those undeclared—has weighed in on the Confederate flag controversy that erupted after last week’s mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, except for one: Democrat Jim Webb.

    A former senator from Virginia, Webb has defended the Confederate Army and the rebel flag in the past. But on Monday, when contacted by the Washington Times,he declined to comment on the ongoing controversy over whether the Confederate banner should continue to fly on the grounds of the state Capitol in South Carolina. On Tuesday, Webb’s spokesman, Craig Crawford, told Mother Jones in an email that Webb “just has not been on the habit of commenting on news of the day. He’s not an official candidate.” Webb has previously said he plans to make an official announcement on running for president by the end of June.


  3. rikyrah says:



    SEE IT: South Carolina pol says Charleston shooting victims ‘waited their turn to be shot’
    BY Jason Molinet
    Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 3:02 AM

    A South Carolina politician asked about the Confederate flag flying outside the statehouse instead took aim at the victims of last week’s church massacre.

    State Rep. Bill Chumley appeared to insist the nine black victims gunned down by 21-year-old mass murder suspect Dylann Storm Roof inside Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on June 17 could have put up more of a fight.

    “These people sit in there and waited their turn to be shot,” Chumley told CNN reporter Drew Griffin on Tuesday.

    “That’s sad…that somebody in there with the means of self-defense could have stopped this. And we’d have less funerals than we’re having,” Chumley continued.

    “Why didn’t somebody just do something?” he asked. “You got one skinny person shooting a gun. We need to do what we can.”

    Griffin, flabbergasted, interrupted the veteran politician


  4. rikyrah says:

    from POU:


    Confederate flag lovers should actually be very, very angry at Dylan Storm Roof. He murdered mostly middle aged/elderly black women in a church during Bible study. They cannot call these people thugs, or say they were looking for trouble, etc. They were doing what conservatives are always telling black people what they need to do, and acting how conservatives are always telling black people how they need to act.

    There’s no way they can justify this murder of black people by a white supremacist. Chuck Todd & Mike Huckabee may try, but they just can’t. So the Confederate flag has to pay the price.

  5. rikyrah says:

    Langston Hughes Warned Us About Trolls Like Don Lemon

    It has come to the point that the mere presence of Don Lemon warrants me to take a deep breath and possibly a shot of some dark liquor.

    On one hand, it is perplexing how off-the-wall, insensitive and lackadaisical Lemon has become. But on the other hand, Langston Hughes forewarned us of the arrival of someone like him in “The Fun of Being Black,” an essay published in 1958’s “ The Langston Hughes Reader.” In the acerbically funny piece, the Harlem-based scribe pokes fun of the idea that gabbing blacks (and whites) thrive on fighting racism in America at the time.

    So I do not know why some folks (me included) are always lamenting the particular fact that we have a race conflict in America—because a great many people get a great deal of fun out of our contemporary white-Negro battles, not to speak of the jobs that are held as a result.

    Hughes sarcastic description of “crusaders” who “off the public platform” were “some of the happiest-looking people you could ever hope to meet” actually applies today. Now we call that person a “troll.”

    For those of you who don’t know, a troll is someone who raises controversial, discredited or irrelevant arguments for the sole purpose of making people angry, creating confusion, fueling discord and getting attention. Trolls aren’t concerned with engaging in an honest debate. They just want a strong emotional reaction. They satisfy their thirst by manipulating passion points.

    Don Lemon is a troll.

    He pulled his latest stunt during yesterday’s “CNN Tonight With Don Lemon” in response to President Obama using the word “nigger” in a podcast about racism in America.

    On “WTF With Marc Maron” Obama now famously said, “Racism, we are not cured of it. And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say nigger in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not.” This is a good quote from the president because he hints at racism being more than a bigot hawking slurs, that it’s systemic. But that’s not what captivated Lemon. He disregarded Obama’s entire quote to focus on the n-word.

    At the beginning of the offending segment, Lemon held up the Confederate flag and asked, “Does this offend you?” Then, he held up a black and white sign that read “NIGGER” (in all caps), and asked the same question.

    I can tell Don was trolling because the exercise was sensationalist; he could have easily spoken without a prop. And why ask a rhetorical question like, “Does this offend you?” in reference to the n-word as if he’s not a 49-year-old black man and well versed in the history of the slur?


    • Ametia says:

      PERFECT! If you look up “Black Troll’ in Webster’s you’d find a pic of Don Lemon right under the name.

      • eliihass says:

        You give him too much credit. I think he’s merely a shallow person, doing whatever ill-thought out gimmick that tickles his little mind to try to stay relevant.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Eric Holder ✔
    Flag removals important-create more accepting environments But still to do: criminal justice reform, new Voting Rights Act-Congress must act

  7. rikyrah says:

    from POU:

    I want to talk briefly about the comment about racist white people saying black people should be lucky that we were brought over here. First it’s ridiculous to say such a thing and second our people didn’t just come from Africa. We were in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and other parts of Asia. The Moors dominated Europe and the Phoenicians were spread all across the Mediterranean. During those times “white” people as we call them now in modern times were not advanced. Everything they got was from other civilizations. I can go through the list of empires and civilizations started by our people not just in Africa but throughout Europe and Asia. The main reason why the U.S is an industrialized powerhouse is because of us, so if we weren’t here we would be fine.

    • Ametia says:

      GOP leaders can’t March against any IDEAS they Believe to be RIGHT.

      • eliihass says:

        Truth is, many still hold strong to their beliefs about white supremacy and all of its symbolisms. And they also fear the wrath of their constituents who hold fast to it too and aren’t moved by the murders of 9 innocents by one their own. If anything, they’re digging deeper, viewing themselves as under attack – and as victims.

    • eliihass says:

      I wish there was even a teensy bit of this outrage on BOTH sides for all the many times when the first black FLOTUS has been maligned unabated, and very deeply dehumanized for her dark skin, her black features, every last bit of her blackness..

  8. rikyrah says:

    You’re Not Off The Hook: The White Myth Of Black Forgiveness

    Mallory Ortberg and Carvell Wallace on June 23, 2015

    Mallory: Hey, Carvell: would you say that white Americans pretty much constantly misunderstand the concept of black forgiveness?

    Carvell: It’s hard to know what white Americans are thinking, but given what they say, then yes. Like…a lot. A lot. Like this guy who got on the shooter’s Facebook page and forgave him publicly. I saw a lot of white people, even friends, sharing that, like: “See! Isn’t this beautiful?” Whereas a lot of my black friends were more, “If this fool doesn’t get THE ENTIRE FUCK out of here with that…”

    I saw that made some white friends nervous.

    Like they felt like this shooter needed to be forgiven by black people in order for them to feel comfortable. Which, if you’re not the shooter, is bizarre to say the least.

    Mallory: Right.

    Carvell: I think a lot of people forget that forgiveness of racists among black people is something that WE DO IN ORDER TO KEEP OUR SOULS INTACT.

    Mallory: Oh man, let’s start with that. Break down a little, if you will, what you think forgiveness means in the context of Black American Christianity, with the usual caveat that you do not speak for all black Americans, but are familiar with the broad context?


    • Ametia says:

      Every bit of this. We don’t forget this shit, ever. I’m never going to say things just to make white folks feel better., comfortable about themselves. DO THE RIGHT THING, and they’ll never be a need for soothing your guilt.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    Let me take a minute to clown Deneen Borelli the lady who called the President “Rapper in Chief” for using “Nigger”

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    Ms. Borelli with her faux “Rapper in Chief” outrage actually gave Fox and the rest of the medias game away.

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    Ms. Borelli was upset that the President saying nigger “took away” from the people coming together in Charleston SC. This is bullshit.

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    Ms. Borelli is really mad because in one sentence the President blew up the Narrative…again.

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    Ms. Borelli, Fox and the rest of the MSM want to push the “healing” and “forgiveness” angle as to ease this story off the news cycle…FOH

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971

    And Ms. Borelli has only suceeded in making a fool out of herself because in the midst of her inevitable dragging not one RWer will save her

    • Ametia says:

      The COONERY is unreal, these fools will get up in a chair under a tree, put the rope around their neck, and beg to have some one kick the chair and kill them. SMGDH

      dancing coon

      This: Ms. Borelli, Fox and the rest of the MSM want to push the “healing” and “forgiveness” angle as to ease this story off the news cycle…FOH

      • eliihass says:

        She’s the same one who along with Stacey airhead Dash, called our FLOTUS ‘ungrateful’ during a ‘forum’ by Sean Hannity to discuss her Tuskegee speech.

  10. rikyrah says:

    This coon on Fox


    great observation from POU:


    Such epic coonery. But Borelli gives the game away. She’s mad because what the President said “took away” from the people coming together in Charleston. They want to push the “healing” and “forgiveness” angle to help get this story out of the news cycle. President Obama with one sentence ruined their narrative.

  11. The hell you say! WTF are you doing, @TIME ?


  12. rikyrah says:

    Did we ever get the answer as to WHERE AND to WHOM he was traveling towards in North Carolina? Why was he going there?

    See, the obviousness of the lack of questions with regards to this Domestic Terrorists becomes more glaring everyday.

    • Ametia says:

      No we haven’t gotten the answers as to why the mass killer Dylann Roof was going to NC. Or who took all those captivating photos of him displaying his HATE towards black people.


    • eliihass says:

      We need to know where he was headed, and who has been footing the bills for his escapades since he’s unemployed.

  13. rikyrah says:

    this is why the internet is forever. Keep your opinions to yourself, Cucabug Ford.


    • Ametia says:

      OMG I remember this photo & he still makes numerous appearances on Murdering Joke’s show!

      • eliihass says:

        I remember it too Ametia..

        A mean who will do anything including sell his soul and self-respect for a minimal power, or any power for that matter, is a man not to to be taken seriously, not to to be respected and one who should never purport to know of what he speaks – and must never speak on our behalf..

        And now that he’s ensured that his own children will never have to lie about their grandma being white, one would think that Harold Ford just like shameless, opportunist and kept toy boy Adrian Fenty, would disappear from sight..

      • eliihass says:

        A man..not a mean..

  14. rikyrah says:

    Cam Newton visits families of Charleston victims; Panthers oppose Confederate flag
    By Jay Busbee 1 hour ago Shutdown Corner

    The Carolina Panthers have responded to last week’s Charleston shooting with words, funds, and now deeds.

    Cam Newton visited several families of victims on Monday, bringing a bit of much-needed cheer to their lives:

    Newton’s appearance showed up on social media rather than official news channels. He visited the family of Tywanza Sanders, who died trying to protect his aunt, and the family of Sharonda Coleman Singleton, who also died in the attack.

    Panthers owner Jerry Richardson over the weekend donated $100,000 to the families of the victims of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church shooting. The money was to be divided evenly among the nine victims’ families, with the remainder going to a memorial fund for the church.

    The Panthers as an organization have also joined in the more political aspect of the tragedy. The alleged shooter’s affiliation with the Confederate flag has led many government officials to call on South Carolina to remove the flag from its Capitol grounds, and the Panthers have joined in that effort.

    “Our organization prides itself on bringing people together,” Panthers spokesman Steven Drummond told the Charlotte Observer. “Divisive symbols and actions should not stand in conflict to progress, healing and the unification of all our citizens.”


  15. rikyrah says:

    from POU:


    So out of all the insights the President laid down on Marc Maron’s podcast of course our dumb ass media fixated on ZOMG HE SAID THE N WORD! That doesn’t surprise or upset me because we’ve known the media has been a clusterfuck for years. What is most interesting to me is watching Black pundits many of whom have criticized the President for not saying enough about race (ignoring the fact he has done so.on many occasions) couldn’t run to the mic fast enough to critique what the President had to say. Nothing about the shooting and the root causes of racism and White folks casual acceptance of it. Just troll troll Obama all day long…so trifling.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Kragar ‏@Kragar_LGF 6h6 hours ago
    Conservatives are simultaneously defending the #ConfederateFlag while trying to claim if its bad, then the its all the Democrats fault.

  17. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Someone needs to ask what Southerners mean by the words “heritage” and “tradition”?

    I have my own idea of what their heritage and tradition is, but what do they mean by it. They seem to go no further than saying (without explaining) those two words.

    • Ametia says:

      buzz words for WHITE SUPREMACY

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        I think that, too.

        I wish someone would question them and pin them down forcing them to admit that through their weak answers.

    • Liza says:

      I’ve been thinking about the Rebel flag. Is there any country other than the US that has had a civil war or a revolution and allowed the LOSERS to display their flag, have public monuments, and name their streets and public buildings after their leaders? First, why in the blazing hell has the south been allowed to do this? Second, why have they been allowed to do this for 150 years and counting?

      • Ametia says:

        Great question, Liza. Now Walmart, Sears, and other retailers & businesses are removing this UGLINESS from their spaces. One small step, and we can affect changes in this country.

        Above all, we can NEVER remain SILENT.

    • Ametia says:

      Great, maybe they’ll fire old Chuckie T, since Charles is calling for it. Don’t hold your breath though, MSNBC had to have known the content of that fucked up segment.

      • eliihass says:

        He’s not going anywhere. You have to ask yourself how a college drop-out got such a sweet gig at a premier network, and then you’ll understand…

  18. rikyrah says:

    I keep on telling this…about White folks clutching the pearls about HOW COME THE PRESIDENT CAN SAY NIGGER AND I CAN’T…

    they don’t want to be able to use the word..

    they want to be able to use the word WITH NO CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS.

    they want to rock it like it’s 1948.

  19. rikyrah says:

    I remember that line from The Butler from Cuba Gooding Jr’s Character about LBJ:

    He says Nigger more than I do.

  20. rikyrah says:


    This post totally is on point.

  21. Ametia says:

    Only on CNN This NEGRO RIGHT HERE:

  22. Ametia says:

    ‘Food stamp president,’ welfare queen,’ ‘uppity’ ‘thugs,’ all buzz words for NIGGER

    Just saying

    • Ametia says:


      ALL = calling BLACKS NIGGER as far as I’m concerned. It’s policy-oriented.

  23. Ametia says:


    Official: President Obama to deliver eulogy at Pinckney’s funeral Friday

    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will attend the funeral services for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, according to a White House official.

    Obama will deliver the eulogy, the official confirmed to The Post and Courier.

    Pinckney’s funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at TD Arena at the College of Charleston. Interment will follow at St. James AME Church of Marion.


  24. Liza says:

    Ha ha, case closed.

    Thomas Logan

    @tanehisicoates Our media needs to learn the linguist’s distinction between USE and MENTION of a word.
    11:27 AM – 22 Jun 2015

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Exactly! President Obama used the word as a vocabulary word as he instructed/informed us about the state of racism in the country…that just because people politely avoid saying it in public doesn’t tell much about the state of racism in the country.

      He also had to say the whole word so that people would know he was talking about the n-word that ends with an “er.”

    • Ametia says:

      The media knows what PBO meant, they just decided to amp up PBO’s use of the word nigger to gain control of the narrative & its use. They want to POLICE the use of nigger for black folks. NOT EVEN….

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        Hopefully, the day will come when the White power structure no longer controls narratives.

        I just received in the mail today Vol. 7 of UNESO’s General History of Africa -“Africa under Colonial Domination 1880-1935….completely written by African Scholars. A friend told me that the U.S. pulled out of the project after Vol. 3 (as far as funding, I think) because AFRICANS (not European nor U.S.) were going to write the history. I am sure the history volumes would have told a different story had they been able to control the narrative.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:


        In the following “they” refers to Western scholars:

        I am sure the history volumes would have told a different story had they been able to control the narrative.

      • Ametia says:

        Yes; we must tell our own stories and write our HISTORY.

  25. Ametia says:


  26. Ametia says:


    • Ametia says:


    • Liza says:

      I agree with PBO. There are plenty of white folks who think they have done their share because they do not use racial slurs in public. And PBO said PUBLIC. But in the privacy of their own homes, you can bet that many of those same white people refer to PBO, the democratically elected president, by using a racial slur, and PBO knows this.

      One of my neighbors, a 50ish white woman, told me that her bible study group (all older white women) gets into these conversations where they talk about President Obama being the antichrist. I asked her what she says in response. She said she just ignores them and waits for it to pass. Then I asked her why she would associate with such evil, racist women. She said she goes to bible study to be closer to Jesus. I told her that bunch can only get her closer to the devil.

      But this a typical example of how white people are around their racist white family members, friends, and other associates. They allow these people to spew racial slurs and hate speech as much as they want, and just wait for it pass. PBO’s statements, and his mention of the racial slur that nice white people are supposed to avoid, does in fact take away the power from the white racists who privately use that word, and use it in reference to the president. I know you, is what he is saying. Poof, your power is gone.

      • Ametia says:

        This kind of foolishness left unchecked is one of the reasons Dylann Roof rolled up into AME church and killed 9 black people. Tell that neighbor woman thisl.

      • Liza says:

        White silence kills, there is no absolutely no question. Whether it is related to fear or complicity, the end result is the same. Therefore, silence is complicity.

  27. Ametia says:

    Notice how white folks want to direct & control the NARRATIVE on RACE?

  28. Ametia says:

    These MOFOs right here:

    I’d say the Hill is over the HILL, when it comes to this bullshit LEDE.

  29. Ametia says:

    Keep tweeting, SG2. MSNBC’s Thomas, just said that a few presidents have said the word nigger, but he didn’t mention who they were. Send them the video of LBJ again, and ask them why they aren’t airing the segment of LBJ calling BLACK AMERICANS, ‘NIGGERS’

  30. Ametia says:

    And white folks were mad about how LBJ was portrayed in the movie “SELMA.”

  31. Ametia says:

    Please tweet. THANKS!

    MSNBC is conducting a survey on whether PBO saying the word nigger is acceptable. SMGDH

    How about conducting a survey on: IS WHITE MALE MASS MURDERERS ACCEPTABLE?

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      That’s dumb. People who are disgusted with all of this have probably already turned off their TV’s and won’t be there to be part of the survey.

  32. Ametia says:

    Removing the confederate flag will not end racism or mass murders of blacks/whites either.

  33. Ametia says:

    Please keep tweeting this:

    They are mad because the most powerful man in the free world has said the word nigger, and it has taken away their so-called POWER to use it.

    The media is asking Josh Earnest if PBO has any regrets. GTFOH

    NO FUCKS TO GIVE to or about any of you.

    • ‘The media is asking Josh Earnest if PBO has any regrets. GTFOH

      NO FUCKS TO GIVE to or about any of you.’
      snickering dog smiley Pictures, Images and Photos

      • Ametia says:

        SUCK EGGS, MOFOs!

        [caption id="attachment_63708" align="aligncenter" width="640"]President Barack Obama participates in a podcast with Marc Maron in Los Angeles, Calif., June 19, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) President Barack Obama participates in a podcast with Marc Maron in Los Angeles, Calif., June 19, 2015.
        (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)[/caption]

  34. Ametia says:



  35. Ametia says:

    So Josh Earnest is explaining to these white journos that PBO is not sorry he said NIGGER. The statements couldn’t be more clearer to you folks.


    She’ll break it down for you and tell you what Potus meant.

  37. Ametia says:

    President Johnson: …”but I got to prove it discriminates. And I can’t prove it in Texas. There’s more ‘niggers’ voting there than white folks.”<b.


  38. Ametia says:

    I want to know when these networks are going to get a panel of white men, maybe even Chuckie T. Chris Cizzilla, Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, (wow! 3 Chrises!) and ask them why white men are roaming the country shooting up theaters, malls, churches, & synagogues/

    Why are white men so angry? Why are they serial & mass murders? WHY?!!!!!

  39. Ametia says:

    What else ya’ll got media?

  40. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    I am incensed that the media is taking Obama’s use of the word OUT OF CONTEXT!!!

    I know perfectly well that many in the media’s audience have not heard the original statement in audio form. The media knows this too and is counting on their audience to base its reaction simply on what the media tells them as the media has its discussion. This is DISHONEST of the media…it is slimy slick.

    The media owes Obama an apology for casting him in a negative light through their sly and deceitful reporting without sharing the context in which President Obama used the word.

    I am disgusted with the media whose ill will toward our President is blatantly apparent.

    • Ametia says:

      They are mad because the most powerful man in the free world has said the word nigger, and it has taken away their so-called POWER to use it.

    • Ametia says:

      It’s also to distract from our questions of angry white men who are roaming our country murdering at will, and the idea that this country is steeped in WHITE SUPREMACY/RACISM.

      POTUS SAID NIGGER! Keep clutching those pearls, MOFOs!

  41. Ametia says:

    Andrea Mitchell says they are very careful not to take things out of context. REALLY?

    Why don’t you and Chuck Todd interview white men and their never-ending anger, racism & criminal, murdering behaviors, instead of interviewing balck folks to explain why PBO said the word NIGGER?

    This would truly provide us some CONTEXT, now wouldn’t it?

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