Saturday Open Thread | #FAKE #BlacksForTrump 2020

blacks-for-trump-3My friend Lee Pisacreta was at CPAC protesting and  confronted #BlacksForTrump

Lee Pisacreta:  Meet the Blacks for Trump 2020. Make no mistake these guys are not just paid but they are not political one bit. One even admitted to getting paid. I spoke to one who admitted he didn’t even vote. Spread the word. They paid them to come here from Miami and put them up in a hotel room at the Gaylord. Smh.

I came to face with one of the “Blacks for Trump 2020”. Paid and bought to be a fool. He didn’t even vote. Said he was supporting trump because the Democrats are trying to destroy five countries in Africa. I asked him to name one. He said Syria. #Resisttrump #resiststupidpeople

I read online that trump said the lines spanned six blocks to get into the event. LIE!!! I was there since 9. Zero lines!!

SG2: There are no . These are paid for ass clowns who the orange mop head is exploiting for a dollar. He is the epitome of EVIL.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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34 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | #FAKE #BlacksForTrump 2020

  1. rikyrah says:

    In poor Black Belt region, both fears and prayers over Trump
    Feb 25, 2017

    MARION, Ala. (AP) — Here, in what’s left of the Old South’s plantation region, the descendants of slaves who picked cotton and worked the dark soil are praying differently since Donald Trump moved into the White House.

    During Barack Obama’s eight years in office, folks who gathered for Bible studies or Sunday worship worried that someone would try to kill the nation’s first black president, and they asked God to protect him. Today, those worshippers are asking the Almighty to instill Trump with a kind heart and give him understanding for people far outside the world of Manhattan real estate or reality TV.

    “We’re asking for him to be compassionate,” said Frances Ford, 60, a nurse who leads a nonprofit program that works with needy people in Marion, the seat of Perry County, one of the poorest places in the impoverished 11-state region known as the Black Belt — originally for the dark color of its soil and later for its high percentage of black residents.

    With more than 600 counties stretching from southern Virginia to east Texas, the Black Belt was wealthy when cotton was king. But, as a study from the University of Georgia and North Carolina State University found, it eventually became the nation’s largest contiguous pocket of poverty. High unemployment, poor education, declining population and persistent health problems are the norm.

    Black residents here were energized by hope when Obama was elected — Perry County went so far as to declare an annual holiday in his honor — but the start of Trump’s term has been marked by skepticism, anxiety and fear, feelings that are growing for many black Americans nationwide as they struggle to connect with the president.,-both-fears-and-prayers-over-Trump

  2. rikyrah says:

    Opinion: In Trumpworld, it’s OK to be ignorant


    It’s time we talked about the most consequential political divide in this country.

    That divide is not between liberals and conservatives. Rather, it is between the ignorant and the informed, between those who have information and can extrapolate from it and those who do not and cannot. There is an education gap between left and right, and it poses a grave threat to our national future.

    This gap has been empirically proven. A 2015 Pew Research Center study, for instance, found that only 24 percent of Americans with post-graduate degrees and 29 percent of those with college degrees identify as consistently or mostly conservative. The corresponding numbers for liberals were 54 and 44, with the rest not identifying strongly with either ideology.

    But empirical proof is superfluous. The truth has been obvious since the knowledge-starved likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Louie Gohmert first became stars of the political right. It has been obvious since Stephen Colbert found it necessary to coin the word “truthiness.”

    Read more here:

  3. Liza says:

    Good morning, y’all. Well, I survived and I’m feeling pretty good.

    I’m probably going to sleep all afternoon today.

  4. Ametia says:

    The DNC Chairman election thread is up!

  5. “Where’d you get that Muslim name”? Where’d you get yours, mofo? This burns me up like no other. Racial profiling sobs.

  6. Flashback. Just too good.

    In Performance at the White House Night Time is the Right Time

  7. Ametia says:
    • Ametia says:

      Keep speaking OUT, folks! Push back on the racists, hateful BULLIES.

      They don’t want you to SPEAK OUT, THEY WANT YOU TO COWER & RETREAT.


  8. Ametia says:
  9. Ametia says:
  10. Ametia says:

    Black History Month milestones can’t blot out the bad
    By Colbert I. King

    Making lemonade out of lemons can still leave a sour taste.
    This year my alma mater, Howard University, and my church, St. Mary’s Episcopal in Foggy Bottom, will celebrate their sesquicentennials. Both celebrations mark the founding of institutions compelled by our country’s ugly racial history.

    Had there been no slavery, or no 19th-century nation’s capital burdened by chaotic conditions engulfing a growing population of freed slaves, there would have been no need to train preachers, teachers and other leaders to address those problems — and no need for Howard University.


    The 1920s were a time in the District when my mother and father, and their siblings and friends, had to walk past white schools on the way to the one school set aside for kids of their color.
    It was a time when black people kept their chins up and moved past department stores, and movie theaters, and restaurants that wouldn’t serve people who looked like them.
    Those were days when, among all the people who made laws, and all the people who enforced laws, and all the people who judged laws, not one black face could be found.
    That was not only my parents’ world, but it was also the world in which I was raised.

    It was a world that taught us, through history books and popular culture, that black people had no history worth knowing; that we were barely part of America’s past; that we had no traditions, no literature, no intellect. It was a world that told us we deserved to be ignored.
    If education were equated with indoor plumbing, we were relegated to the outhouse.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Nothing but Coons on the pole.😬😬😬

  12. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😐😐😐

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    Fake Blacks for Trump. He found some dumb asses to tap dance for a dollar. I loathe people like Trump and I could smack the ISH outta these clowns for allowing it to happen. Folks will do anything for a dollar

    • Ametia says:

      Good Morning, SG2 & Everyone. Black folks! These coons aren’t aware. They are just not aware of the FACT that #45 and his ilk would have them blown away in a nano-second, under a Sessions DOJ.

      But yes, go ahead and carry those fake-ass signs and shuck & buck!

      We See YOU

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