Tuesday Open Thread | Mitch McConnell is as much a threat to this country as Dolt45

Because, he’s a TRAITOR.
Plain and simple.

Never forget…during the 2016 Election Cycle, when President Obama was first alerted at the attempts of the Russians to interfere, he wanted to make a bi-partisan statement, informing the American people of what was happening, and that, AS AMERICANS, both Democrat and Republicans were standing up against this threat from Russia. He did not…BECAUSE MCCONNELL WOULDN’T GO ALONG WITH IT.

The man is a TRAITOR to this country. Can’t be surprising, since, on the night of Barack Obama’s Inauguration, in the midst of the greatest economic downturn this country had seen since The Great Depression, he met with other GOPers to form a plan to block anything that President Obama would present. No matter how it would help the country. He chose ECONOMIC TREASON against this country in 2009. And, ACTUAL TREASON against it in 2016.

New Election Security Bills Face a One-Man Roadblock: Mitch McConnell
By Nicholas Fandos
· June 7, 2019

WASHINGTON — A raft of legislation intended to better secure United States election systems after what the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, called a “sweeping and systematic” Russian attack in 2016 is running into a one-man roadblock in the form of the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
The bills include a Democratic measure that would send more than $1 billion to state and local governments to tighten election security, but would also demand a national strategy to protect American democratic institutions against cyberattacks and require that states spend federal funds only on federally certified “election infrastructure vendors.” A bipartisan measure in both chambers would require internet companies like Facebook to disclose the purchasers of political ads.

Another bipartisan Senate proposal would codify cyberinformation-sharing initiatives between federal intelligence services and state election officials, speed up the granting of security clearances to state officials and provide federal incentives for states to adopt paper ballots.
But even bipartisan coalitions have begun to crumble in the face of the majority leader’s blockade. Mr. McConnell, long the Senate’s leading ideological opponent to federal regulation of elections, has told colleagues in recent months that he has no plans to consider stand-alone legislation on the matter this term, despite clamoring from members of his own conference and the growing pressure from Democrats who also sense a political advantage in trying to make the Republican response to Russia’s election attack look anemic.

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93 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Mitch McConnell is as much a threat to this country as Dolt45

  1. rikyrah says:

    Watching Maddow. She is talking about Shanahan. The son beat the mother’s azz with a baseball bat. Left her in a pool of blood, and ripped out the phone chord, so nobody could call 9-1-1. 😲😲😲

    Shanahan wrote a letter as to why the son shouldn’t face charges.🤔🤔

    • vitaminlover says:

      Nothing justifies assaulting a woman with a baseball bat as “self defense”. Lord help us!

  2. As the old folks say in my neck of the woods….God don’t like ugly


  3. rikyrah says:

    Does Kamala Harris Have a Working-Class Black Man Problem? It’s Complicated
    Jason Johnson
    Today 9:11am

    It didn’t seem to be that controversial of a statement given the data. Since the Donald Trump presidency; the Georgia governor’s race; the St. Louis mayoral race and others, a certain number of black men have been sneaking back into the Sunken Place voting booth. Whether it’s partisanship, misogyny, or vague notions of “electability,” research shows (pdf) some black men will find any excuse not to vote for a woman, even a black one.

    So when the Beat DC Editor Tiffany Cross said “Kamala Harris has a working-class black man problem” on AM Joy back in February, it made perfect sense to me. Harris has been dogged by #ADOS (African Descendants of Slaves) claiming she’s an existential threat to blue-collar black men. Her critics have pushed the narrative that Harris spent her whole career as a prosecutor locking up black men in California. Even some of our own writers have called attention to these issues.


    On that same show, I argued that Kamala Harris needed black male surrogates, similar to what rapper Killer Mike did for Bernie Sanders in 2016. Voices with credibility pushing for her with working-class black men in the crucial primary state of South Carolina. I noted that her husband, an affluent white man, probably wouldn’t be the best ambassador to talk to blue-collar brothers working the stock room at the Piggly Wiggly in Beaufort County. What was common sense campaign analysis to me was apparently a racist, sexist, flaming hot take to others; the push-back online, via text and phone was loud, intense and lasted for days. Harris’ supporters and staffers bristled at the idea that these kinds of identity conversations were legitimate.


    “There are some black men who, no matter what Kamala Harris does, will not support her. So in that instance, that’s their problem,” Cross noted when discussing the Harris campaign.

    “However, there are black men who view the senator as the face of those who shunned them, who didn’t stand with them, who was part of the sect of society eager to lock them up. That’s the candidate’s issue to connect with them and convince them otherwise. If environmentalists didn’t think the senator supported addressing climate change, I’d say she needed a green validator to help connect. It’s the same here.”

    Is there some silent majority of black men out there hating on Harris? I didn’t know for sure, but in group texts in suburban Charleston, over a sweaty post-pickup-game beer in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, and among black men I know, this question was being asked: Can a biracial, light-skinned black woman from California, married to a white Jewish man, win the votes of working-class black men in a state that’s never elected a black woman statewide? Perhaps more importantly, would she even need, too?

  4. rikyrah says:

    skeptical brotha 🌈 (@skepticalbrotha) Tweeted:
    David Brooks defending the Parkland High School teen denied admission to Harvard because of his racist social media postings really underscores the need for more diversity at the New York Times. https://twitter.com/skepticalbrotha/status/1140996970728894464?s=17

  5. rikyrah says:

    soonergrunt 🇺🇸 (@soonergrunt) Tweeted:
    I’m guessing either the FBI found something in the background check, or Shanahan said he wouldn’t lie for Trump. https://t.co/ItrSchvD5z https://twitter.com/soonergrunt/status/1141029912947462149?s=17

  6. rikyrah says:

    soonergrunt 🇺🇸 (@soonergrunt) Tweeted:
    I’m guessing either the FBI found something in the background check, or Shanahan said he wouldn’t lie for Trump. https://t.co/ItrSchvD5z https://twitter.com/soonergrunt/status/1141029912947462149?s=17

  7. rikyrah says:

    for 2020, the Democrats should try and get the following on the ballot:
    1. Medicaid Expansion (for states without it) – with no way for the legislature to negate/limit it as they have done in Utah
    2. Former felon voting rights restoration – with no work around and the possibility of a poll tax, as has been done in Florida
    3. Automatic voter registration /Same day registration/No reason Absentee Ballots/Expansive Early Voting
    4. The National Popular Vote Winner will get the Electoral College votes

    These are our issues, should be put on as many ballots as possible

  8. rikyrah says:

    The entire thread. Jane is telling the truth, as usual 👏👏👏


  9. Liza says:

    Well, there’s hope for some of us. This dog has a good story…

  10. rikyrah says:

    But, no difference between the parties, right?

    I will say, with confidence, that this bullshyt wouldn’t be happening under a President Clinton.
    These poor folks…being forced to move to that hellhole.


    Perdue makes final site selection for USDA relocation
    By Nicole Ogrysko @nogryskoWFED
    June 13, 2019 12:38 pm

    Nearly one year after the Agriculture Department announced its intention to move two subcomponents to a new location outside of the national capital region, employees at last know where they may be packing bags.

    USDA will relocate the majority of its employees at the Economic Research Service (ERS) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to the Kansas City region, the department’s secretary, Sonny Perdue, announced Thursday morning.

    The move to Kansas City will save government nearly $300 million over 15 years, Perdue said. The department expects it will save $19 million in staffing and rent costs as early as fiscal 2021.

    Of NIFA’s 315 positions, 294 employees will relocate to Kansas City and 21 will remain in the national capital region. Of ERS’ 329 positions, 253 will relocate and 76 will stay in the Washington area.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Why the Right Abandons Democracy in Favor of Authoritarianism
    by Nancy LeTourneau
    June 18, 2019


    Adam Serwer has a similar take.

    The tide of illiberalism sweeping over Western countries and the election of Donald Trump have since renewed hope among some on the religious right that it might revive its cultural control through the power of the state. Inspired by Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Vladimir Putin in Russia, a faction of the religious right now looks to sectarian ethno-nationalism to restore its beliefs to their rightful primacy, and to rescue a degraded and degenerate culture. All that stands in their way is democracy, and the fact that most Americans reject what they have to offer.

    …the illiberal faction in this debate retains Trump as its champion precisely because the president is willing to use the power of the state for sectarian ends, despite being an exemplar of the libertinism to which it is supposedly implacably opposed, a man whose major legislative accomplishment is slashing taxes on the wealthy, and whose most significant contribution to the institution of the family is destroying thousands of them on purpose. It is power that is the motivator here, and the best that could be said for these American Orbánists is that they believe that asserting an iron grip on American politics and culture would offer the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Every authoritarian movement has felt the same way.

    This willingness to eschew democracy in favor of authoritarianism was forecast by Zachary Roth before Trump’s election. He noted that, recognizing that they were about to become a permanent minority, Republicans decided that “being outnumbered doesn’t have to mean losing.” The strategies employed to undermine democracy included voter suppression, gerrymandering, fighting for the involvement of dark money in politics, judicial engagement, and something called pre-emption, by which red states overruled laws passed by more progressive local communities.

  12. Racist juries are the problem. They’ve enabled a culture of police violence. Cops are serving and protecting white supremacy. They don’t even care how it looks or sounds anymore. This is why cops shoot unarmed Black men 16, 20, 41, 55 times because no juries will convict them.

  13. rikyrah says:

    I think I wrote here on Sunday that I had found WISEGUY on Amazon Prime. Well, after a small binge on Sunday, I did a couple of episodes yesterday. Almost to the end of the Sonny Steelgrave arc. The show and its writing holds up after 30 years. It was original when it came out, and I am enjoying it.

    • rikyrah says:

      Now, let’s just think about this logically.
      Africans….from the continent of Africa….have decided against trying to migrate to Europe..and have decided instead…..
      to get on rafts and cross the ATLANTIC OCEAN….just to get to Mexico to THEN try and cross the Southern border…


  14. rikyrah says:

    Suck it up.
    MAGA, Bytches
    You are now Patriot Lobsterman.

    Lobster is Maine’s top export. Like many Americans with something to sell, Maine’s trappers benefitted from positive turns in China’s economic development. The movement of tens of millions of people out of poverty and into the middle class increased demand for a source of protein – and a Chinese New Year delicacy – that Maine could happily provide.

    Yet in the wake of President Trump’s trade war, American lobster sales to China have decreased by 70 percent. China’s 25 percent retaliatory tariff on American lobster was only the start. Beijing has actively helped Chinese grocers and restaurants by also reducing the costs to their finding new, non-American suppliers. It has cut the Chinese tariff on lobster bought from Canada, Maine’s fierce rival in the lobster business. As a result, Canada has seen its lobster exports to China nearly double. Maine may never recover its previously dominant position in this export market.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Just a misunderstood lone wolf 😠😠😠


  16. rikyrah says:

    Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) Tweeted:
    Election security should be a nonpartisan issue, yet we have a national security threat in the White House who is publicly thanking Senate Republicans for blocking election security legislation. This is downright irresponsible – the time to secure our elections is now. https://twitter.com/SenKamalaHarris/status/1140755248207863808?s=17

  17. rikyrah says:

    I dare you to make sense of this😒😒🤔🤨

    ABC News (@ABC) Tweeted:
    Hours after Iran threatened to increase its enrichment levels, the Trump administration called on Tehran not to break its commitments under the Iran nuclear deal, despite the U.S. withdrawal from the accord. https://t.co/gY7kSOXdKJ https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1140816673492090881?s=17

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄 😄😄

  19. rachel says:

    I want to see him voted out in 2020 SO much…

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