Open Thread |This Administration’s Malice Towards Puerto RicošŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

From the beginning, this Administrationā€™s response towards Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria was an abomination. We here have tried to keep focus on the disrespect and disregard towards these American Citizens. We pointed out how the negligence seemed obvious and deliberate. We have the incident with the medical ship, first not being sent, then not being placed where it could do the most help. We have the Mayor of San Juan, pleading for help, and standing up for her citizens, while the Governor of Puerto Rico was bootlicking Dolt45 shoes. That infamous paper towel throwing incident with Dolt45. The crookedness with the power contract given to some bumblefuck outfit from some small state, with connections to one of Dolt45ā€™s Administration crooks. How FEMA couldnā€™t find all the people who were stranded by the Hurricane, but yet Chef Jose Andres and his crew could find them, and set up kitchens to feed them. Video crews could find them too, but, yet, not FEMA. Them attempting to lie about how many people DIED as a result of the governmentā€™s neglect following the hurricane. The disrespect continued for those who came to the mainland, with them having to fight for aid that was freely given to other communities.

Folks like me who were sounding the alarmā€¦we were ā€˜ paranoidā€™. Dolt45ā€™s Administration was just ā€˜merely incompetentā€™. Thereā€™s no conspiracy like YOU PEOPLE think that there is. You know that Puerto Rico is a bad place, and was a bad place before Hurricane Maria, and why canā€™t they just pull theirselves up by the bootstraps like other communities that were devastated by a natural disaster.

Soā€¦.THIS article came as no surprise. These folks need to be charged.

Team Trump admits holding back billions for Puerto Rico disaster recovery
Published October 23, 2019
BY Mc Nelly Torres, DCReport @ RawStory

Trump administration officials have admitted that last summer they knowingly withheld billions of dollars Congress appropriated to help Puerto Rico recover from Hurricane Maria. House Democrats say withholding the relief money violates the law.

Federal law requires that our government help Americans hit by natural disasters. But two Housing and Urban Development officials acknowledged at a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Oct. 17 that HUD blocked the Puerto Rico relief funds.

The HUD delay meant the island missed a deadline to apply for billions of dollars in disaster relief funds, raising doubts about when, if ever, the money will flow to the island devasted in September 2017 by the Category 5 hurricane.

The federal money is part of a $19 billion supplemental disaster relief bill that Congress passed in June. It came with stipulations requiring HUD to provide funding notices to nine states and two American territories, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The agency published the required guidance in the federal register for 9 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands on Aug. 30, 2019. But HUD intentionally left Puerto Rico out of the notices, the HUD officials admitted.

Without the required guidance, the island territory could not apply for the disaster money appropriated by Congress. The guidance required the nine states and the U.S. Virgin Islands to submit detailed plans on how each jurisdiction would spend HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Program funds.

Puerto Rico is supposed to be the largest recipient of these funds, with $8.3 billion for large mitigation projects to prepare for future storms and prevent a repeat of the catastrophic devastation from Hurricane Maria.

They DELIBERATELY did not tell them. I have been saying this for awhile…
They are trying to kill these American Citizens.šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

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70 Responses to Open Thread |This Administration’s Malice Towards Puerto RicošŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

  1. rikyrah says:

    Madam Auntie Kamala Harris (Supporters) (@flywithkamala) Tweeted:
    NEW: Kamala Harris pulls out of criminal justice forum at HBCU Benedict College after President Trump was awarded the Bipartisan Justice Award today.

    She will host her own forum with Bakari Sellers open to the HBCU and Columbia communities. #ForThePeople

  2. Liza says:

    Well, I’m not going to say anything but y’all probably know how I feel about this…

  3. Hey Rikyrah, check your email. I’m having trouble with email on my phone. Check messenger too

  4. rikyrah says:

    šŸ–•šŸ»Aunt Crabby calls Bullshit šŸ–•šŸ» (@DearAuntCrabby) Tweeted:
    Now it becomes clear.

    @RealDonaldTrump and Attorney General Bill Barr are creating this fake criminal investigation as smoke and mirrors to counter the Democratic Impeachment Investigation.

    It is so obvious, right?

  5. rikyrah says:

    A crusader against corruption: Why Donald Trump, Putin, and Russia are panicked about Joe Biden

    The Russians are back, and they have a target. Remember the Internet Research Agency? Yes, the one that was indicted in the Special Counselā€™s investigation of Russian interference in the US elections in 2016? They are back. And they have a target.

    Joe Biden.

    Facebook on Monday said it removed a network of Russian-backed accounts that posed as locals weighing in on political issues in swing states, praising President Trump and attacking former vice president Joe Biden ā€” illustrating that the familiar threat of Russian interference looms over the next U.S. presidential race.

    Facebook said the network bears the hallmark of the same Kremlin-backed group that interfered in the 2016 election by sowing social discord, seeking to boost Trump and attacking Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

    Joe Biden is not just a target of the Russian operatives this time, he appears to be the target. The Russian 2020 campaign is just as pervasive as the one they ran targeting Hillary Clinton in 2016, and that means that they are attempting to build natural-looking personas and groups. In turn, that means that these personas have their own viewpoints and candidates, and are sharing content and comments friendly to ā€œtheirā€ candidates and some hostile to others. For example, pesonas masquerading as being from the Left attack Trump, and personas blending in with the Right took shots at Democrats.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Mike Pompeo, either quit and run for U.S. Senate in Kansas or focus on your day job

    If Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is running to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, Republican of Kansas, then he should quit his rather important day job and do that.

    Or if, as he told The Star and The Wichita Eagle in a testy, credulity-straining interview on Thursday, he isnā€™t even thinking about it, then he should by all means focus on U.S. diplomacy ā€” remember diplomacy? ā€” and stop hanging out here every chance he gets.

    If itā€™s the first, Mr. Secretary, then you are also going to have to drop the put-upon posture and answer the many valid questions that a Senate run would require with less attitude and more truthfulness.


    With the Kurds betrayed, ethnic cleansing made possible, Russia rewarded along with Iran and even ISIS, foreign service agents beside themselves, and a shadow foreign policy team on Ukraine apparently headed by Rudy Giuliani, well no wonder youā€™d rather be in Wichita with Ivanka Trump, cheering on ā€œthe great work this administration is doing to ensure that our workforce is prepared to compete all around the world.ā€

    But again, if youā€™re not running, you have better things to do.

  7. rikyrah says:

    angelavigil (@angelavigil) Tweeted:
    @FrankFigliuzzi1 @MalcolmNance @DeadlineWH @NicolleDWallace @maddow I have said it before. They are trying to make the evidence of treason inadmissible since they canā€™t prove the evidence is false. Lawyer tricks to try to say to their followers that we shouldnā€™t have been able to know crimes were committed because of technicalities.

  8. rikyrah says:

    BrooklynDad_Defiant Savage! (@mmpadellan) Tweeted:
    Bill Barr is nothing more than a mob consigliere. He is a DISGRACE to the law profession, and he’s a DISGRACE to everyone who has ever held the position of Attorney General.

    He and trump are turning the United States into a banana republic before our very eyes. #ImpeachBarr

  9. rikyrah says:


    This thread and replies

  10. rikyrah says:

    Criminal inquiry of Trump-Russia probe ‘born in political taint’

    David Laufman, former head of the counterterrorism section of the DOJ, talks with Rachel Maddow about the difficulty of separating the investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation from Donald Trump’s political goals and Bill Barr’s willing role as Trump’s tool.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Trump, Barr push specious theory against backdrop of impeachment

    Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about Bill Barr making a criminal investigation of the probe into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, and how Republicans are reacting to progress in the Trump impeachment inquiry since the important testimony of former Ambassador Bill Taylor.

    Klobuchar: Arrows point to abuse of power in Russia probe query

    Senator Amy Klobuchar, former prosecutor and 2020 Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about Trump Attorney General Bill Barr’s criminal investigation of the Trump-Russia probe seen in the context of Donald Trump’s desire to politicize the DOJ and lash out at detractors.

  12. rikyrah says:

    I usually enjoy Chuck, but hearing him trying to give that US Attorney guy the benefit of the White Privilege doubt..I just couldn’t take it. He’s a piece of garbage in league with Barr, Chuck. Period.

    Barr’s political goals eyed in criminal review of Russia probe

    Chuck Rosenberg, former senior DOJ official, talks with Rachel Maddow about Trump Attorney General Bill Barr turning the probe of the origins into the Trump-Russia investigation into a criminal investigation.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Criminal inquiry opened into Trump-Russia probe’s origins: NYT

    Katie Benner, Justice Department reporter for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about breaking news that the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation is now a criminal investigation, giving new powers to U.S. Attorney John Durham, who leads the investigation under close watch of Trump Attorney General Bill Barr.

  14. rikyrah says:

    The one reason Lindsey Grahamā€™s impeachment stunt may actually matter
    10/25/19 10:20 AM
    By Steve Benen

    Yesterday was not the finest day in the career of South Carolinaā€™s senior U.S. senator.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Thursday introduced a resolution backed by more than 40 GOP senators excoriating House Democratsā€™ impeachment inquiry, accusing Democrats of violating due process for interviewing key witnesses behind closed doors.

    Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced the five-page resolution that includes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as a co-sponsor on Thursday afternoon.

    Reflecting on Grahamā€™s antics, the Washington Postā€™s Dana Milbank asked, ā€œCould he be any more shameful?ā€ Iā€™m tempted to answer in the negative, but the Senate Judiciary Committeeā€™s chairman keeps finding new ways to embarrass himself.


    But for now, letā€™s put those relevant considerations aside and consider a more practical detail: the number of co-sponsors on Grahamā€™s pointless resolution.

    As of this morning, 44 Senate Republicans have signed on as original co-sponsors of Grahamā€™s non-binding resolution denouncing the Houseā€™s impeachment process. There are currently 53 Senate Republicans in total, which means all but eight of the GOP members in the chamber have linked arms with Graham in support of this misguided measure.


  15. rikyrah says:

    Not Today A-hole šŸ‡±šŸ‡ØšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ©šŸ‘©šŸ½šŸ’…šŸ½ (@Ms_MMMJ) Tweeted:
    Black voters are practical however we have probably never been more done with voting for mediocre white candidates than we are this cycle.
    A septuagenarian white candidate, male or female is not exciting or inspiring us to turn out.
    That is all.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Reader Adrift (@ReaderAdrift) Tweeted:
    Anyone surprised that #JohnDurham, #BillBarr’s sidekick on this new DOJ criminal investigation OF the Russia Investigation is also #Catholic?

    Many giving him benefit fo the doubt, just as they did with Barr. Would be great if media looked into the agenda of Right wing Catholics.

  17. Liza says:

    Ha ha. I mostly avoid Facebook, haven’t yet deleted my account.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Give credit where duešŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

  19. rikyrah says:

    The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) Tweeted:
    Tulsi Gabbard went on Sean Hannity and delivered Jim Jordanā€™s talking points.

    Fuck her.

  20. rikyrah says:


    Melanie Jean (@princessmom122) Tweeted:
    When Tulsi Gabbard is running her third party campaign next fall, that ad with Biden calling her a good person, Beto saying sheā€™s her own person, Bernieā€™s sappy tweet, and Bookerā€™s defense, is going to be one for the ages.

  21. rikyrah says:

    And The Tweet Goes On (@lacadri34) Tweeted:
    Midwesterners like Mayor Pete & Amy Klobochar are problematic because they’re obsessed with catering to white voters in red districts as if this is the right way or the only way to win elections. The obsession with this so called unification technique is peak white supremacy.

  22. rikyrah says:

    Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) Tweeted:
    Re the CNN poll, still significant questions about Warrenā€™s performance with moderate Dems. I believe my points about her southern state and Black voter numbers still stand as well. Needs big changes in those numbers fast

  23. rikyrah says:

    Zac Petkanas (@Zac_Petkanas) Tweeted:
    So William Barr secretly buried the criminal referrals filed against Donald Trump by his own appointees but is now opening up criminal investigations against the presidentā€™s perceived political enemies.

    We no longer have a republic.

    This is a dictatorship.

  24. rikyrah says:

    šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

    Wakandan War Dog (@Kennymack1971) Tweeted:
    Iā€™m still irritated at Democrats and liberals who threw on the capes for that duplicitous scumbag Tulsi Gabbard.

    It was obvious she was a plant whose sole purpose was to disrupt and divide the Democratic Party to help the GOP.

    That prominent Democrats chose not to see that…

  25. rikyrah says:

    Skeptical Brotha šŸŒˆ (@skepticalbrotha) Tweeted:
    i just watched #TheOval it was bizarre & soapy. the main characters were two-dimensional cartoon villains & comically over the top. the domestic violence between the first couple was as disturbing & gratuitous as the sex scenes. somebody called it “DollarTree Scandal” i concur.

  26. rikyrah says:

    Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) Tweeted:
    Tulsi Gabbard is not running for re-election. And sheā€™s clearly not trying to win the Democratic nomination for president by going on Fox News every night to attack Democrats.

    So what, exactly, is she running for?

  27. rikyrah says:

    White savior candidates can’t beat Trump šŸ¤¬ (@Needle_of_Arya) Tweeted:
    Wow. Hillary’s tweets pretty much ended Tulsi Gabbard’s political career.

    But Tulsi did it to herself. Facing an inevitable ouster from her congressional seat in Hawaii, she now heads towards becoming 2020’s Jill Stein & going 3rd-party, just like a Russian asset would behave.

  28. rikyrah says:


    chris evans (@notcapnamerica) Tweeted:
    Good morning to the Presidential candidates who didnā€™t defend Tulsi Gabbard.

    She has announced sheā€™s not seeking re-election and has been spotted with GOP donors allegedly prepping a 3rd party run.

  29. rikyrah says:

    Pop_off_PettyšŸŽƒ (@Drea_got_time) Tweeted:
    With Mayor Pete’s comments about Justice Kennedy I think we have finally found the young fresh intellectual modern face that Republicans have been searching for!

  30. rikyrah says:


    Hillary is coming for putin (@WithStamina) Tweeted:
    So with one shot,
    Hillary Clinton:
    -Cleared the democratic field
    – Caused Kai Kahele to chase Tulski out of primary.
    – Let some candidates make fool of themselves by defending Tulski without even reading what Hillary said.
    -Tulsi is cornered.

    Hillary is a badass genius.

  31. rikyrah says:

    I do find it amusing that none of the women have fallen into the defend Tulsi and insult Hillary trap.šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’

    Bo Erickson (@BoKnowsNews) Tweeted:
    WATCH: @JoeBiden defended @TulsiGabbard this evening when asked about @HillaryClinton’s suggestion that she is a Russian asset. Biden says Clinton is “so frustrated” w/what the Russians did in 2016. Asked by @CHueyBurns @CBSNews

  32. rikyrah says:

    John Dean (@JohnWDean) Tweeted:
    That Barr has launched a criminal investigation of the origins of the Russia investigation but not launched an investigation of the Ukrainian matters smells more than fishy, it smell like whatever scum smells like! Barr sure knows how to look like an evil doer…

  33. rikyrah says:

    mjohnso27 (@mjohnso27) Tweeted:
    These white male lawyers on #Maddow are so naĆÆve in their trust of AUSA John Durham. They are discounting just how radicalized certain conservative white men became after they saw Barack Obama, a brilliant Black man, rise to the US Presidency in 2009.

  34. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„

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