Open Thread | Some Truth About The Attack On CRT

So, here is some truth about the CRT criticism.




Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) tweeted at 11:44 AM on Sun, Jun 13, 2021:
“Critical race theory” has quickly become a catch-all phrase for anyone who dares acknowledge the existence of racism in society.

When they talk about banning CRT, they don’t mean CRT; they mean banning discussion of racism at all.

It’s about protecting white supremacy.

Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) tweeted at 1:13 PM on Sun, Jun 13, 2021:
White panic over kids learning truth about America’s racist history has a long pedigree. In 3rd grade, white teachers got angry at me for reading Roots in the back of class during free time. The Black teachers encouraged it but the white ones were enraged (1)


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15 Responses to Open Thread | Some Truth About The Attack On CRT

  1. rikyrah says:

    Angelique Jackson (@angelique814) tweeted at 3:08 PM on Thu, Jun 17, 2021:
    It’s so rare to watch news happen in the hours after you post a story.

    I’m so tremendously honored to have profiled Ms. Opal Lee for Variety and the SAME day to watch her hold hands with VP Harris as Biden signs the Juneteenth bill she fought so hard for into law

  2. rikyrah says:

    The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) tweeted at 11:47 AM on Thu, Jun 17, 2021:
    Clarence Thomas wrote the decision in which the Supreme Court upheld @NestleUSA’s and @Cargill’s right to profit from child slavery in Africa.

  3. rikyrah says:

    Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) tweeted at 11:25 AM on Thu, Jun 17, 2021:
    McConnell now opposes both of Manchin’s ideas – passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and his “compromise” on S1

  4. rikyrah says:

    About Stacey Abrams agreeing to Manchin’s compromise:

    Ms. Abrams isn’t about the ponies and unicorns.
    Get FEDERAL LEGISLATION on the books.
    1. You can build upon it.
    2. Give the DOJ another weapon in their arsenal to defend Voting Rights.

  5. rikyrah says:

    ABC News (@ABC) tweeted at 9:14 AM on Thu, Jun 17, 2021:
    BREAKING: The Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, deciding the plaintiffs had no standing to bring the case. @dianermacedo reports.

    Read more:

  6. rikyrah says:

    Rafa Nadal (@RafaelNadal) tweeted at 6:31 AM on Thu, Jun 17, 2021:
    Hi all, I have decided not to participate at this year’s Championships at Wimbledon and the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It’s never an easy decision to take but after listening to my body and discuss it with my team I understand that it is the right decision

  7. rikyrah says:

    Douglas Moran (@dougom) tweeted at 5:55 PM on Wed, Jun 16, 2021:
    Isn’t Kaitlin Collins the “reporter” who asked Biden about the 2024 election in his first news conference after less than 100 days in office?

    Don’t yammer at me about what a great journalist she is; her agenda is pretty clear.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Watching the Olympic trials

    Ledecky winning the 1500 meters. You couldn’t even see anyone in the pool as she was coming in for the win
    I mean, it was like she was swimming in the pool by herself.😳😳
    I was like…’ where the phuck are the rest of the swimmers’

  9. rikyrah says:



    Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
    I’m proud to endorse @ShontelMBrown for Congress in the OH special election. Shontel made history as the first Black woman to chair her county Dem party, and she’ll work to help her state and our country recover from COVID.
    Join me in supporting her:

  10. rikyrah says:

    Uh huh 😒

    Jenn 🏳️‍🌈✡️🏜️ (@JennieTetreault) tweeted at 9:52 PM on Tue, Jun 15, 2021:
    We don’t talk enough about the racist ways people use the term “working class.” Some mean it to refer to only white people. The assumption being all white people should be middle class, whereas POC aren’t “working class,” they’re occupying their rightful economic position.

  11. rikyrah says:


    Florida Chris (@chrislongview) tweeted at 7:07 AM on Wed, Jun 16, 2021:
    Putin’s gonna be mad he looks so out of shape next to Joe. He got too used to sitting next to the last guy.

  12. rikyrah says:

    Oliver Willis (@owillis) tweeted at 7:08 AM on Wed, Jun 16, 2021:
    About a year to this day both purity left and the right were talking about Biden like he was completely DOA and in a death spiral and here he is right now as President representing America and most of the west in a direct one-on-one with Putin. Hm.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Denise Oliver-Velez 💛 (@Deoliver47) tweeted at 3:08 AM on Wed, Jun 16, 2021:
    Folks. Stop the crabs in a barrel crap. Celebrate winning a victory – Juneteenth as a National holiday, and then organize and strategize on how we use this to educate. Far too many of our children don’t know history – and how it has shaped systemic racism today.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊

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