Rallies for Trayvon Martin continue across the nation

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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75 Responses to Rallies for Trayvon Martin continue across the nation

  1. Heads up, Texans.

    Justice for Trayvon rallies for Texans.

    Wichita Falls, TX
    2003 Collins Ave
    Contact: North Texas Cultural Diversity Society


    San Antonio, TX
    Federal Courthouse
    655 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.
    Time: 11:00 AM

    Houston, TX
    City Hall 901 BABGY
    Houston, TX 77018
    Time: 11AM
    Telephone: (713) 688-2900 ext 224

    .Austin, TX
    Texas State Capitol Building
    1100 Congress Avenue
    12 Noon
    Contact: Chas Moore

    Dallas Texas. July 20th 2013.

    JFK Memorial.

    646 Main Street. 75202.


  2. Yahtc says:

    One of these two women is carrying a sign with the words from Ella Baker that were set to music:

  3. Neighborhood Watch Reaction

    A demonstrator wears a hoodie during a protest the day after George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the 2012 shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin, July 14, 2013, in Atlanta.

  4. This is why we fight. So little ones like Terrance can walk down the street w/o being harassed.

    Sanford, Florida Prays, Reacts To Zimmerman Trial Verdict

    Terrance Smith II, 7, stands with his father during a protest against the George Zimmerman verdict at Mellon Park on July 14, 2013 in Sanford, Fla.

  5. Trayvon Martin Rally in Jersey City

    Dylan Strother, 13, of Jersey City, watches the crowd from a tree at the Hub Shopping Center where supporters of Trayvon Martin staged a rally in memory of Martin in Jersey City, N.J., July 16, 2013.

  6. Chris Wood- a KKK POS parading around in a police uniform.

    Brevard Co. deputy reprimanded after bringing Arizona brand drink, Skittles to work

    Chris Wood


    A veteran Brevard Countysheriff’s deputy is now facing a reprimand for his handling of the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin controversy.

    Corporal Chris Wood told his supervisors he was trying to send a message about keeping professional and personal opinions separate in the workplace when he brought an Arizona ice tea and a bag of Skittles to the Brevard County Jail on Saturday morning.

    He told supervisors he was trying to send a message about professionalism, but the message was lost in translation.

    In 10 years with the Sheriff’s Office, Wood has never had any disciplinary action taken against him until the incident.

    Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey said Wood made a bad choice and has otherwise been a stellar employee.

  7. flyingcuttlefish says:

    just now on CBS News – Fla. governor refuses to revisit “stand your ground” law

  8. Trayvon Martin’s parents react to the not guilty verdict

  9. It’s an unjust system when the child victim is put on trial & a juror says the kid could have walked away from a man chasing him with a gun. Very disturbing!

    • disappointed says:

      It is to bad the three armed stronger than life Trayvon did not break his fucking neck. Sorry I just do not understand wth she is talking about. Fogen said HE RAN! Their is YOUR SIGN.

    • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

      Trayvon ran away from Zimmerman. Yes, it is disturbing to find out that B37 had selective hearing.

  10. Please sign petition: Jury Interviews for Possible Jury Misconduct in the Recent Zimmerman Trial.


    • disappointed says:

      Signed! 20 more needed.

      I just wanted to tell everyone thank you. I took your advice and contacted the Trayvon Martin Foundation. They are mentoring and doing scholarships. I made my donation to them directly. I feel better knowing that I could do something. The great thing is I can do it as often as I want.
      I am still kind of taking a time out though. I do check in and sign any new petition and I will forward them to friends. I feel like I have been walking around smh and lowering it in embarrassment for the way my beautiful friends have to live because a group of racist. Although I am not a racist I share the same color skin and them idiots and it is truly heartbreaking. I feel the need to apologize every time I comment here or at Leatherman’s blog.

      • Ametia says:

        Disappointed, your actions make a difference for the good. You don’t have to claim these folk’s bevaiors, by apologizing for them. We know that it’s some and not all white folks/groups who are racists. It’s been tough for us all. Take time out when you need it. We’ll be here. JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON!

    • TyrenM says:

      Signed. Now where’s the petition calling for Corey to be fired for giving a bs prosecution while going hard on Marissa?

  11. Ametia says:


    Black Twitter needs to go after Daryl Issa for this fuckery

  12. rikyrah says:

    Oliver Willis ‏@owillis8m
    uh oh black twitter, matt drudge is on to you pic.twitter.com/ju0ucCcRfT

  13. rikyrah says:

    @BlackCanseco @timjacobwise @AngryBlackLady do the anti-droners realize they’re kinda equating African-Americans to Al Queda

  14. rikyrah says:

    Did George Zimmerman’s prosecutors try to get him off?

    Jarvis DeBerry
    updated July 16, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin, a New Orleans attorney complained to me Monday, because the prosecution didn’t want to win a conviction. The attorney, who has worked at Tulane and Broad as an assistant district attorney and as a defense lawyer, called me to say that he’s handled hundreds of homicide cases over his career and that he’s never seen prosecutors who want to win make the series of missteps that the Florida prosecutors made. So he’s convinced they lost on purpose. He offered six reasons for his belief that the state threw the case.

    1) Prosecutors didn’t demand a change of venue. The recusal of the Seminole County district attorney and multiple judges from that county is proof that the case was a political hot potato and that there was a fear that there would be negative political ramifications following a Zimmerman conviction. Therefore, the state should have moved to have the venue changed.

    2) They let jurors they didn’t want stay. Prosecutors tried but failed to have two jurors removed for cause. They could have had those two removed anyway by using their peremptory challenges, but instead, they let them stay on. Here’s a discussion at Slate Magazine about Juror B-37 in particular and the peculiar decision by prosecutors not to have her removed. A day after the trial she reportedly contacted a literary agent to “write” a book about the trial. But after social-media outrage, that literary agent has now decided against the deal.


  15. TyrenM says:

    SG2. Nice to see Minneapolis in your montage. Representing the Great White North. Have a good day.

  16. rikyrah says:

    July 17, 2013

    What Should Trayvon Martin Have Done?

    Posted by Amy Davidson

    I still don’t understand what Trayvon Martin was supposed to do. I’ve asked before, and received many confident answers; since the moment George Zimmerman shot him dead, there has been no shortage of loudly stated certainty about his actions and explanations of how it all ought to have gone. Most are presented as self-evident. Many are contradictory. None are satisfying. In part, that’s because we don’t know exactly what Martin did in the very last minute of a life that ought not to have ended. More than that, too many of the prescriptions are not about what Martin was supposed to do, but who he was supposed to be.

    Martin left the house where he was a welcome guest to buy candy for a younger child; a little while later, his dead body was spread out on a lawn. One might have expected Zimmerman’s trial, which ended in an acquittal, to be mostly about Zimmerman’s choices—he followed Trayvon when a police dispatcher told him not to, he pulled the trigger—but it was mostly Martin who was on the defense. Legally, Zimmerman’s lawyers relied on the most imprecise moment, for which they had the least proof: when the two men were finally face to face, they said, it was Martin who lashed out. Their argument was about what he shouldn’t have done: fought (or, in a scenario perhaps better fitting the evidence, fought back). It is harder to picture what he should have done instead. When Anderson Cooper asked the woman known as Juror B37 if she thought that Martin played a role in his death or if it “was just something that happened to him,” she said,

    Oh, I believe he played a huge role in his death. He could have, he could have—when George confronted him, he could have walked away and gone home. He didn’t have to do whatever he did and come back and be in a fight.

    “To do whatever he did”—even in blaming him, she doesn’t really know. And it seems yawningly facile to say that when he was confronted by Zimmerman, a man in the dark with a gun, “he could have walked away.” Is the idea that Zimmerman would have stood there like a statue? Juror B37’s answer seems to be that Trayvon should have done something he might well have tried—something that probably wouldn’t have worked.

    Should Martin have just followed the law? He was lawfully walking where he had every right to walk. If being a law-abider means acting according to the logic of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, then, as Jelani Cobb has pointed out, Martin, stalked and scared, could have invoked it. Then the night might have ended with Zimmerman dead, Martin on trial, and his life, at the very least, blighted. That can’t be the right answer, either.


    • Liza says:

      Blaming the victim always makes me crazy but in this case it’s even worse than usual.
      Getting back to that timeline:
      7:13:40 p.m. end of GZ’s NEN call
      7:15:43 p.m. end of Rachel’s call
      7:16:56 p.m. shot
      There are 73 seconds from the end of the phone call until the kill shot. And those 73 seconds include the 44 seconds when Trayvon was screaming and begging for his life. Before the phone call ended, we know from Rachel that Zimmerman had already approached Trayvon and started a fight. In the first 29 seconds after the phone call ended, Trayvon fought his captor inducing the homicidal rage that transformed Zimmerman from a captor to killer. Zimmerman pulled his gun, then we start the 44 seconds. We know that the blood curdling death scream came from the person who was killed which means that Trayvon had a gun pointed at him for 44 seconds.

      I’m at a loss to see what the kid could have done differently. He knew he was being followed, he was talking on the phone and trying to figure it out, and he was trying to flee. Once Zimmerman found him, he had exactly 29 seconds give or take a second or two, but this is all he had. He did the one and only thing he could do and that is to defend himself, to protect his body from assault and capture. All that kid had time to know is that he was being attacked, he didn’t know why, he died not knowing why.

      • racerrodig says:

        “…I’m at a loss to see what the kid could have done differently”

        Trayvon could have kicked Fogen in the balls……..Opppppps, Fogen doesn’t actually have any, being a coward and all.

        Trayvon didn’t do anything wrong as we all know. Bitch 37 saying he was partly responsible for his own death is a flaming joke. I tell my wife and son the shoulda, woulda, coulda mentality gets you nowhere. If I had only picked different numbers I’d have won the powerball.

        I can cite the reason I lost every round of drag racing i was ever in because I wanted a different outcome. I never mention all the reasons for the those round wins because they have the best outcome.

        The only shoulda that matters here if what Fogen did wrong, which is in reality, everything.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Breaking: Sanford police confirm Dept of Justice placing a hold on all evidence from the #Zimmerman trial including his gun.

    • Ametia says:

      NO GUN FOR YOU, GEORGIE. I’m sure there’s a pretty price to be had for the MURDER WAPON.

      • racerrodig says:

        If the Feds have this on hold and the gun as evidence is held, then it looks like the Feds will need it for evidence in their case……Hot Damn Sam !!

        So the claim he needs his little crap gun more than ever is what…..Oh, reason to buy a new one.
        I’m betting his permit……..being it’s evidence as well, may be revoked as well. Not that it was valid, what with the refund he got for the permit and all, but an unarmed Fogen is an angry….but at least unarmed Fogen.

        If someone sells him a gun and is found out and he has no permit, they’re looking at some time in the fun house as well. If the Feds notify O’ Moron they are going to file charges…….well all I can say is……….Hey Fogen……..more Adderal ???????

        • Racer,

          I would hope the Feds have a very strong case to put Zimmerman away. The country can’t handle another “not guilty” verdict. The first one is devastating enough.

          • racerrodig says:

            To be honest, the Feds don’t prosecute unless they have a good case and they rarely lose.

          • Educate me, brother! Educate me! My heart can’t take another “not guilty”.

          • racerrodig says:

            My sons godfather used to tell me the stories of investigations and trials. If you watch the History Channel and The Discovery Channel they have those mob bio’s and have the investigators tell about the bad guys, he worked with just about all of those guys. They ferret out tainted juries all the time and prosecute the jurors who are corrupted.

          • Xena says:

            The State of Florida was limited in trying Zimmerman for a racial hate crime. They had placed all their eggs into the “coons” basket, and when the FBI said it could not tell, it defaulted to the word Zimmerman admitted to saying. The feds can go beyond that and approach facts, such as a White guy was with Emmanuel Burgess when he was arrested. Why hadn’t Zimmerman called reporting him to be “suspicious”?

  18. TrayvonMy SonTooEmmett Till

    In Trayvon Martin case, history’s ghosts linger

    Focus on the details, and the cases seem very different. One was killed by virulent white racists, the other by a part-Hispanic neighborhood watchman who insists he faced a vicious attack. One was weighted down and dumped in a river; in the other case, police were called by the shooter himself.

    Six decades and myriad details separate the deaths of Emmett Till and Trayvon Martin, two black teenagers felled by violence. Yet in the way America reacted to Martin’s death – and the issues that echoed afterward – his case has created a national racial conversation in the much same manner as the saga of Till, infamously murdered in 1955 for flirting with a white woman.

    Plenty of people do not see the Martin case as about race at all. But for others who study America’s racial past and present, each killing is a defining moment for its era – a fraught microcosm of what we are, and what we are trying to become.


    • Liza says:

      At this point, we can now say that both murders were blessed by juries as an “approved killing” related to the race of the victim.

      That picture of Emmett Till affects me the same way every time I see it. He was so adorable, such a beautiful face.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Seriously. Everybody wants speeches. What the fuck is a speech going to do? Nothing. People aren’t going to listen to that.

    I’m all for social responsibility, but let’s be honest: this isn’t on LeBron. This isn’t on Black folks in general.

    There’s literally nothing we can do about how some of you view us. That’s on you to fix. Fix it.

  20. Liza says:

    I love these pictures, SG2. A much needed uplift in the dismal aftermath of the Zimmerman “Not Guilty” verdict.

    Certainly there are setbacks in all populist movements and a setback of this magnitude has the potential to wake up a generation. Maybe it will.

    • I agree.

    • racerrodig says:

      On Sunday I posted this. Late afternoon on Sunday, feeling lower than eel shit because of this verdict, my wife & I went our for water ice. She saw a black woman wearing a Trayvon Martin T shirt so I asked here where she got it. Her husband and her talked with us for well over an hour about this and the root of the racial chasm in this country. We all vowed to start casual conversations with people of all races but in particular to those of a different race that we are. My wife and I are white. It’s working !!

      Tom, her husband made it clear that this is exactly what the media and the race baiting hate mongers don’t want. So lets all do this. “Close the Chasm !!”

      I do this all the time anyway which amazes my wife and 15 year old son. People are people and the racists need to get grip on reality.

      So I think we need to use the phrase “Close the Chasm !!” like we did “Justice for Trayvon” or “Team Trayvon” When “Fogen” was 1st used on the Professors site, within weeks it was almost a global term, why not start a new movement and “Close the Chasm”

      You’ll be shocked at how using love and not paranoia / ignorance / fear, heals and helps. I love starting a cold conversation in the grocery line, the gas station, the water ice place, it makes no difference to me. We’ll beat them back without resorting to stooping to their racist level…………

      It makes me sick that this racial crap continues to this day, but I’m overjoyed when I see people of all color hold up Justice for Trayvon signs, talking about justice for him, ending the hatred, and being outraged by this contrived “justice”

      So “Close the Chasm !!” of racial inequity………

      • Xena says:

        @racerrodig. Brother, I admire your loving heart. What I don’t want you to do (not saying you are), is feel guilty for the bigots and think that you have to go the extra mile in effort to undo their hatred. Their hatred cannot be undone until they are put in their graves. That is where it needs to remain.

        What all of us can do is make it our goal to treat others as we want to be treated. From knowing you, I know that you believe, and walk, that walk.

        • racerrodig says:

          Thank you. I’m not sure guilty is the word, maybe a combination of ashamed and embarrassed is what I feel at times. So I say we all work at closing the chasm on the racial divide. Make them see we won’t take their racist drivel and will rise above them.

          I learned early in life that arguing with a moron or a racist is like talking to the brick wall.

          • I learned early in life that arguing with a moron or a racist is like talking to the brick wall

            …Or a fence post.

          • racerrodig says:

            Fence post !! Wood or Steel…..Rotted or Rusted…….I’ll buy that !

          • Xena says:


            I learned early in life that arguing with a moron or a racist is like talking to the brick wall.

            Wish that I had. During my teens and young adult life, the phrase “racial prejudice” was the norm, and it was said that prejudice is overcome by knowledge. I do believe that. What I didn’t know is that prejudice is very different from racial bigotry. Racial bigotry justifies its hate and given the opportunity, does harm. It refuses to learn.

      • Ametia says:

        Well said, Xena. I told diappointed the same thing.Racists folks gotta own their shit, and don’t apologize for someone elses behavior; it doesn’t absolve them of their acts.

        • Xena says:


          Well said, Xena. I told diappointed the same thing.Racists folks gotta own their shit, and don’t apologize for someone elses behavior; it doesn’t absolve them of their acts.

          You articulated that in a most excellent way. Yes!

  21. Authorities, pundits, jurors, defense attorneys, & GZ supporters are trying to hoodwink the country into believing Trayvon Martin should have ran from a man with a gun. It’s freaking mind numbing!

    • Ametia says:

      White pundits, journalist, jurors, defense attorneys, George Zimmerman and his supporters are trying to RUN FROM THEIR RACISM & HATRED. And now they want us to to RUN AWAY FROM THEIR RACISM TOO.

      Own your shit, white folks!

      • racerrodig says:

        Can we agree “Own your shit, white racist bastards!” since I, being white have a problem being grouped with those particular white racist bastards.

        • Ametia says:

          It’s a DEAL, racerrodig!

          • racerrodig says:

            Thanks ! Did you read what I posted earlier and on Xena’s site about all of us making the effort to strike up conversations with those of other races in an effort to “Close the Chasm !!”

            If we all make the effort to befriend those we don’t know we can drive racism back against the wall. That’s what the hate…..seeing the races actually get along in big numbers.

      • Ametia says:

        I’ve never had a problem with anyone’s ethnicity, NEVER. It’s their behavior, and like we say back in my neck of the woods, even some of my skin folk ain’t my kin folk. I’m open, but my atennae is well-tunned for the foolish.

    • yahtc says:

      I need to go out and buy this issue of Time Magazine.

      We do not subscribe to it. We find that The Economist Magazine does the best job of reporting news.

  22. rikyrah says:

    We told you that Tom Joyner offered Trayvon Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel a college scholarship. She’s accepted it: http://ow.ly/n5PGQ

  23. rikyrah says:

    Look who’s talking: Was there a mole on the Zimmerman jury?

    At 2:48 PM on HLN, Taaffe at first merely claimed he was “very comfortable” in this assessment and “firmly believe[d]” it was the case; prodded by host Nancy Grace to explain how he had arrived at his belief, he went even further, stating, “I know it’s 5 to 1.” Grace appeared to dismiss that allegation as ludicrous speculation, opining that Taaffe must have “a Ouija board down [his] pants.”

    Later, at 7:44 PM, Taaffe declared to FOX’s Harris Faulkner that he had “some insight into the fact that it’s 5 to 1 in favor of acquittal, and the one holdout is now looking at the manslaughter charge.” The comment whizzed right by Faulkner, who didn’t even deign to ask Taaffe how he could know this.


  24. rikyrah says:

    This is the statement put out by the Youth Group that Luvvie was meeting with when the verdict came down:

    Here’s the statement from the BYP100. Please feel free to post the statement below on your own blog. We think people need to hear it.

    To the Family of Brother Trayvon Martin and to the Black Community:

    May this statement find us in the spirit of peace and solidarity,

    We know that justice for Black life is justice for humanity.

    Our hope and community was shaken through a system that is supposed to be built on freedom and justice for all. We are your sons and daughters. We are the marginalized and disenfranchised. We are one hundred next generation leaders.We are the Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100).

    We see the hopelessness of a generation that has been broken trying to find its place in this world. We understand that we need to turn anger into action and pain into power.

    As we waited to hear the verdict, in the spirit of unity, we formed a circle and locked hands. When we heard “not guilty,” our hearts broke collectively. In that moment, it was clear that Black life had no value. Emotions poured out – emotions that are real, natural and normal, as we grieved for Trayvon and his stolen humanity. Black people, WE LOVE AND SEE YOU. We mourn, but there’s hope as long as love endures.

    Trayvon was manifested from ancestral excellence. The salt water falling from our eyes now, is not different from the salt water we were trafficked on then. If the soil of the United States could speak, before saying a word it would cough up our blood. Choking frantically, crust-curdling with the gore of a oppressed peoples it has been force-fed. White supremacy has water-boarded it with the remnants of its genocide of us.

    This moment reminds us that we can’t look to others to see our value but we have to recognize our own value. In spite of what was said in court, what verdict has been reached, or how hopeless we feel, Trayvon did NOT die in vain. A mother should never have to bury her son. However, his death will serve as the catalyst of a new movement where the struggle for justice will prevail.

    Instead of a moment of silence, we raise our voices together. As Audre Lorde said,“our silence will NOT PROTECT US.” We are young leaders standing on the shoulders of our ancestors, carrying the historical trauma embedded in a legal system that will NOT PROTECT US. We are the legacy of Black resilience that compels us to fight for our lives.

    We continue to call out Black love, Black Power and Black is Beautiful in the face of continued devaluation of Black life. We affirm a love of ALL Black life, no matter if we are in hoodies or business suits, incarcerated or in boardrooms, on welfare or in the WNBA, on the corner or in the White House. We declare the fundamental value, beauty and power of ALL Black people. The poet Claude McKay once said, “Though far outnumbered, let us show us brave…we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack. Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!”


    Beyond November Movement
    July 14, 2013

  25. rikyrah says:

    There Was No Justice For Trayvon But We Cannot Be Silenced

    [ 33 ] July 14, 2013 | Luvvie

    This weekend, I was at a convening with 100 young Black leaders and activists, brought together from across the country by the Black Youth Project. We were there to talk about our advocacy work as well as issues affecting the Black community. And more importantly, we were there to talk about what we can DO about it and put some of those things to action. They called us the BYP100.

    Yesterday, we had just wrapped day 2 around 8:35pm CST and everyone was ready to kick it. After 10 hours of work, we deserved it. And as our facilitator, Melinda Weekes dismissed us, someone said “The jury reached a verdict.” We weren’t ready to hear it and some of us kind of freaked out. I started shaking because I WAS AFRAID.

    I’ve avoided watching the trial of George Zimmerman for his murder of Trayvon Martin because I honestly could not deal. I knew it wouldn’t be good for my psyche to watch it. Because I was already so angry. What I need to cope sometimes is avoidance. And that’s real.

    So to be in that room, AT THAT MOMENT with THOSE people was perfect. Because there was no place I’d rather be than with people who are so passionate about Black folks that many have devoted their lives to working against injustice.

    The giant screen we had just used for presentations was switched to MSNBC as they got ready to bring in the jury. We formed a giant circle and held hands. And watched with bated breath. WHOOO!!! We were so damb NERVOUS!

    And “not guilty” was read and half of us broke the circle in gasps while some of us (me, anyway) waited to see what else. Surely manslaughter was a choice, right? And they’ll say he was guilty of that. NOPE. Nothing came after that. And many people sunk into the floor in sobs. My tears fell before I could even process it. And they didn’t stop falling for an hour.


    And the fucking smirk on Zimmerman’s face made me wanna dropkick that screen and hope his teeth would connect with my foot somehow.

    We got back into the circle, many of us in tears.

    And folks took turns sharing what they were feeling RIGHT THEN. So many damb emotions. Because what we thought America felt about Black folks was confirmed. Anger. Sadness. HATE. So much hate for the privilege that allows people to wake up and know that their sons and daughters can walk out the house without being used for target practice.

    Not gonna lie. It’s hard to maintain optimism and hope when you’re told over and over again that you are unsafe to walk the streets FREELY because of your skin color. And in a world where folks call “post-racial.” GTFOH.

    This was about DEFINITELY race. And we felt it intensely personally. I felt it in a way that I did NOT expect I would. The throat kick felt much worse than I anticipated, when I tried to rationalize in my own head that the verdict might go like that. I don’t think it was REAL until it became real. Like “oh shit. They REALLY don’t like Black people in America FOR REAL FOR REAL.”


    I mean FOR REAL. Folks shooting dogs and themselves and they get jail time. But you shoot a Black boy and you get the gun you used to shoot him back to keep using. Oh ok.

    WHAT THE FUCK, FLORIDA?!? See why people be saying that state gotta go? See why some folks wanna vote it off the non-island?


  26. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    It is mind boggling that adults would think that a man with a gun would be hollering for help and that an unarmed child wouldn’t be. Evidently, when it comes to common sense, people in Florida do not have any. A blind, deaf, and dumb person could figure that one out. There is no other explanation for their denial, but that they are racist. Florida believes in the good ole boy racist system that was practiced before the Civil Rights Bill was passed. Black people move out of Florida.

  27. rikyrah says:

    Donna NoShock @NoShock

    Justice Dept says people can e-mail Sanford.Florida@usdoj.gov if they have thoughts on how the department should proceed.

    1:06 PM – 18 Jul 2013

    • Ametia says:

      Yes; I have thoughts on how the DOJ can proceed.

      When are we going to have a ‘town hall on racism’ where white people discuss how they will speak to their children to make sure another George Zimmerman does not walk among us?”

  28. Ametia says:

    Reposting this here:
    Black Folks, It’s Time To Stop Taking Care Of White People

    When are we going to have a ‘town hall on racism’ where white people discuss how they will speak to their children to make sure another George Zimmerman does not walk among us?”



  29. Ametia says:

    That’s what WE’RE TALKING ABOUT! Put it out there.


  30. Bruce Springsteen dedicates song to Trayvon Martin


    Bruce Springsteen showed his support for the family of Trayvon Martin by dedicating a song to the slain teenager during his show in Ireland on Tuesday night.

    The Boss took to the stage as part of his Wrecking Ball World Tour and spotted a fan in the audience holding a sign requesting his song “American Skin (41 Shots).” Later in the show, Springsteen took the sign from the attendee and told the crowd, “I want to send this one out as a letter back home. For justice for Trayvon Martin,” before playing the poignant song.

    • You can get killed just for living in
      You can get killed just for living in
      You can get killed just for living in
      You can get killed just for living in your American skin…

  31. rikyrah says:

    Trayvon Martin Family Attorney: ‘The Biggest Mistake Was To Ignore Race’
    By Judd Legum on Jul 18, 2013 at 10:30 am

    In a press conference immediately after George Zimmerman was acquitted, State Attorney Angela Corey declared “this case has never been about race.”

    The legal team for the Trayvon Martin family disagrees. In an interview with ThinkProgress, Natalie Jackson — one of three lawyers representing Trayvon Martin’s parents — said the prosecution’s “biggest mistake was to ignore race.”

    Jackson emphasized that she thought Corey and her deputies were skilled, passionate about the case and pursued the strategy they thought would work best. But Jackson also believes that the state’s decision to ignore the role race played in the case was a major strategic error and may have allowed Zimmerman to escape a guilty verdict.

    By deliberately avoiding any discussion of race, Jackson said, the state made “everyone feel comfortable and when everyone feels comfortable bad things happen.”


    • Ametia says:

      I whole-heartedly agree with Ms. Jackson

      “By deliberately avoiding any discussion of race, Jackson said, the state made “everyone feel comfortable and when everyone feels comfortable bad things happen.”

      This case was ALL about the murder of a teenager, because he was black. Zimmerman made this about RACE.

  32. flyingcuttlefish says:

    web censorship on trayvon – http://wp.me/pA5vn-2X0
    and another thing . . . .

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