The Baltimore Police Department’s Report is in & So is the Doctor : Freddie Gray Couldn’t Sever His Own Spine So Says Dr. David Samadi


UPDATE: Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van

By Brad Bell April 30, 2015 – 02:36 pm-Updated: April 30, 2015 – 04:32 pm

BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) — An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources.


Hat tip NY Daily News  

Your Lies won’t HOLD UP, BPD COPPERS! But they will DIG in until WE KEEP THE PRESSURE on, REVOLT NATIONWIDE, or we all go back to sleep and wake up again when they’ve KILLED another black boy, man or woman.


Dr. David Samadi SPECIAL TO THE DAILY NEWS Today, 1:32 PM ET

Is it possible that Freddie Gray could have severed his own spine and crushed his own voicebox?

From a medical standpoint, it is unlikely that the 25-year-old Baltimore man injured himself in the back of that van. The severity of his injuries seem too grave for him to have done that to himself simply by thrashing around or banging his head on something.

It is more likely that there was some type of direct blow to either the front or back of his neck, or somewhere along the spinal cord along his back.

How does a spinal cord injury happen? A spinal cord injury is “damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function such as mobility or feeling.” This type of injury is most often caused by a traumatic blow of the kind that would be sustained in a car accident, severe fall or an act of violence.


Love this pic too. Thank you NY Daily News


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128 Responses to The Baltimore Police Department’s Report is in & So is the Doctor : Freddie Gray Couldn’t Sever His Own Spine So Says Dr. David Samadi

  1. Are you watching, folks? This is what you call leadership! Marilyn Mosley is showing you how it’s done!

  2. sunshine616 says:

    I’m shocked. Honestly. I cried. Let’s see the right wingers lose their fucking minds now.

  3. Take your place in History, Marilyn Mosley! I bow down and salute you.

  4. Hey sista! Go sista! Soul sista! Go sista!
    Badass! Marilyn Mosby

  5. Ametia says:

    CRIMINALS & THUGS They injured Freddie Gray, and they NEVER ADMINISTERED AIDE!



    Tell us what we haven’t already know and seen.

  6. FreddieGray was illegally arrested!

  7. “We have probable cause to file criminal charges” in death of #FreddieGray
    There is a GOD!

  8. Ametia says:

    Here comes States Attorney Marilyn Mosby. She going to be accompanied by THUGS. just so we’re clear

  9. sunshine616 says:

    I’m not getting a good feeling. Do u see all the cops??? I’m about to cry y all

  10. sunshine616 says:

    The Sao is having presser at 1030. I just hope that everyone understands that charges don’t mean shit! These cops rarely get convicted and get to walk free. The fight isn’t over by a long shot.

    • sunshine616 says:

      And if they don’t get charged, pray! Pray!

    • Ametia says:

      Everyone in so-called leadership positions are scrambling to contain the NEGROES, sunshine. My hope is that the protesters keep at it EM MASSE.

      Nothing frightens SOME white folks more than a large gathering of ANXIOUS, ANGRY, ENRAGED BLACK FOLKS. Whom they feel and think do not have the right to gather and protest against a system that they have & continue to benefit from.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Man who recorded Freddie Gray’s arrest taken into custody after complaining of police harassment
    01 MAY 2015 AT 09:09 ET

    The man who recorded video of Freddie Gray’s arrest was arrested at gunpointalong with two activists, days after complaining of police “harassment and intimidation.”

    Kevin Moore and two members of CopWatch, an activist group that records police actions, were taken into custody Thursday night, reported PINAC News.

    Moore filmed one of two videos showing police drag Gray screaming into a police van, where the 25-year-old suffered a fatal spine injury.

    A woman who also filmed video of the fatal arrest has been reluctant to speak publicly, but Moore has talked with reporters about what he had seen.

    He said Tuesday in a Facebook post that police had circulated his photo and announced that he was “wanted for questioning” – which Moore believes was an attempt to intimidate him into silence.

    “OK y’all everyone by now know that I spoke up for Freddie and recorded all I could,” Moore posted on social media. “But I would greatly appreciate if y’all could stop posting pics of me plz it’s very uncomfortable knowing that the law is looking for me!! Thank y’all.”

    He was riding in a car late Thursday that was stopped for an illegal turn, and Moore said two police helicopters and an armored car were involved in the traffic stop.

    He said a police SUV began following their vehicle after he made eye contact with an officer while still wearing a Guy Fawkes mask he had worn at a demonstration.

    Moore said he did not have identification, but he said police recognized his name, and he and the two out-of-state activists were placed in handcuffs and taken to jail.

    He was released without explanation about two hours later, but the two CopWatch activists – Chad Jackson and Tony White – remain jailed on unspecified charges.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Kevin Moore in an interview which I’ll post said that he saw the heavy set bike police officer with his knee crushed against the back of Freddie’s neck while Freddie was facedown with his hands cuffed behind him.

      Kevin Moore says this starting at timestamp 1:27

      “If they didn’t chop the video so much, you could see, you can actually see, man, where they had him folded. And, he was laying face down on the ground, and he was handcuffed, and his, the heels of his feet were almost to his back.

      “You know what I mean? And, the heavier, thicker officer had his knee crushed against his, the back of his neck. It was just terrible, man, how they had him.”
      “Streamed live on Apr 30, 2015
      Our guest on PINAC Live! tonight is Baltimore resident Kevin Moore.

      Kevin filmed Freddie Gray’s fateful arrest, capturing the last moments before a “rough ride” snapped his spine at the hands of Baltimore PD.

      His footage of Baltimore Police’s actions that day went viral, touching off protests for a week in Baltimore prior to Freddie’s funeral, and have begun sweeping the nation since then.

      Kevin claimed that the police had been harassing and intimidating him after he went public with the footage.

      Tonight, Kevin Moore and two members of Cop Watch – Chad Jackson and Tony White – were arrested tonight, in Baltimore.

      • Ametia says:

        Any SANE person with eyes can see from the VIDEO, (which by the way these POLICE DEPT. are now trying to get body cams now as a tactic to distract from the fact that they are brutal thugs and kill unarmed, unprovoked Black Americans), that Freddie Gray sustained that SEVERED SPINE BEFORE THEY DUMPED HIM INTO THE VAN LIKE A SACK-O-GARBAGE.

        Tweet that!

  12. rikyrah says:

    it’s LIES!!

    not extraordinary

    JUST LIES!!!


    The Baltimore Police Department’s Extraordinary Explanation for Why Freddie Gray Is Dead
    By Paul Waldman | Posted April 30, 2015

    I can only imagine the kind of siege mentality that prevails within the Baltimore Police Department right now. Not only are the city’s residents protesting daily (and on one night those protests turned violent), but reporters from around the country are now examining the force’s less-than-stellar record when it comes to cases of abuse and brutality, and who knows what they’ll find. There’s little doubt that some time soon the city’s leadership will demand investigations, commissions, or some kind of effort that could lead to serious reform of the department. At a time like this, it may be understandable if the police brass isn’t quite thinking straight. Which would be one explanation for the story that they presented to The Washington Post:

    A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

    The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.

    The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.

    I’m going to choose my words carefully here, because I have no direct evidence in this case to contradict this story. But … do the Baltimore police actually expect anyone to believe this?

  13. sunshine616 says:

    So here’s what I’m thinking, what if the cop that lawyers up is being set up to take the fall? Maybe, just maybe, he’s the one that didn’t want to tow the line. Maybe, just maybe, he’s the good cop in all of this hence his not talking to the cops and getting a lawyer. Maybe???????

    • sunshine616 says:

      From jump they have pushed the agenda of the van to try and get away from initial encounter. They all but said it happened in the van. The van makes a stop that was previously unknown and the van driver is the one that layered up. I think they are protecting the bike cop and throwing van cop under bus. And from what I’m reading bike cop is not a great dude and still has his job. These are just things I’m thinking.

      • sunshine616 says:

        *lawyered up*

      • Ametia says:

        Yes, sunshine. You light up our life with great TRUTHS here. It’s always look over there, nothing to see here. That video of them dragging him along with the pics tells me everything I need to know.

        Freddie Gray was INJURED before he got into that van, they delayed any kind of treatment and are now covering it up with LIE UPON LIE.

        Somebody better be lawyering up, because we and the folks in B-More ain’t buying what they’re selling. We’ve got eyes, and the BPD and their thugs have HISTORY with the black communities.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      “Person close to officer offers information on Freddie Gray’s arrest”

      Video of Anderson Cooper’s interview with this person is on the article linked:

      According to the source, the officer believes Gray was injured while he was being arrested, but before he was put inside a police van. The officer does not know how Gray was hurt, the source said.

  14. rikyrah says:

    How Western media would cover Baltimore if it happened elsewhere
    By Karen Attiah April 30 at 11:38 AM

    If what is happening in Baltimore happened in a foreign country, here is how Western media would cover it:

    International leaders expressed concern over the rising tide of racism and state violence in America, especially concerning the treatment of ethnic minorities in the country and the corruption in state security forces around the country when handling cases of police brutality. The latest crisis is taking place in Baltimore, Maryland, a once-bustling city on the country’s Eastern Seaboard, where an unarmed man named Freddie Gray died from a severed spine while in police custody.

    Black Americans, a minority ethnic group, are killed by state security forces at a rate higher than the white majority population. Young, black American males are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than white American males.

    The United Kingdom expressed concern over the troubling turn of events in America in the last several months. The country’s foreign ministry released a statement: “We call on the American regime to rein in the state security agents who have been brutalizing members of America’s ethnic minority groups. The equal application of the rule of law, as well as the respect for human rights of all citizens, black or white, is essential for a healthy democracy.” Britain has always maintained a keen interest in America, a former colony.

    Palestine has offered continued assistance to American pro-democracy activists, sending anti-tear-gas kits to those protesting police brutality in various American cities. Egyptian pro-democracy groups have also said they will be sharing their past experience

  15. Ametia says:

    Experts: You Can’t Break Your Own Spine Like Freddie Gray

    The Baltimore Police Department’s leaked report claims that Freddie Gray intentionally broke his own spine while in custody. We spoke to experts to see if that is even possible.

    But if Freddie Gray was trying to break his own spinal cord in the back of a van, according to experts in spinal trauma injuries, it might be the first self-inflicted injury of its kind.

    “I have never seen it before. I’ve never seen somebody self-inflict a spinal cord injury in that way,” says Anand Veeravagu, a Stanford University Medical Center neurosurgeon who specializes in traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries.

    “It’s hard for me to understand that, unless those terms [like ‘intentional’ and ‘injure himself’] are being used incorrectly. It’s hard for me to envision how a person could try to do that,” he says. “It would require them to basically hang themselves in a car where there isn’t anything to hang yourself with.”

    • Ametia says:

      Can we say WIN-WIN!

      This is an excellent way for students to get first-hand experience and provide services for protesters. They need council.

  16. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “ACLU launches app to record videos of police”


    A new smartphone app allows Californians to record interactions with police and send the videos to their local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

    The Mobile Justice CA app, launched Thursday, ensures that recordings of law enforcement are preserved, even if a user’s phone is damaged, the Los Angeles Times reported.

    • Ametia says:

      You know these apps and video cameras are fine, but where did the video recording of Eric Gardner getting the life choked out him by those killer cops in NYC get Eric?

      NO CHARGES. Meanwhile these companies are making$$$$. Thoughts?

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        or Kelly Thomas

        Horribly sad, isn’t Ametia.

        Maybe the ACLU should hold on to the videos until the police reports are in the way it happened in the Walter Scott killing. Then spring the video on the cops who lie in their reports/interviews about what they did and catch them in their lies.

    • Ametia says:

      Good point, yahtzee. Thanks for the rmeinder.

  17. Ametia says:

    digging into the history of those cops, they are THUGS!


  18. rikyrah says:

    Clifton Norbury
    Y’all do know that @BaltimorePolice’s Chief, Anthony Batts, has 5 instances of domestic violence. Used police resources to hide some of them

  19. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    deray mckesson @deray · 9m 9 minutes ago
    I just heard that the @BaltimorePolice arrested one of the people who filmed the arrest of #FreddieGray earlier today. #BaltimoreUprising

  20. rikyrah says:

    Christopher Hayes ✔ @chrislhayes
    Second prisoner says he heard the police say about Freddie Gray “We gave him a run for his money.” #inners

  21. rikyrah says:

    Justine @butterflybesos9
    because Wapo never talked to Allen….. they took the words of the cops version of what Allen supposedly said

  22. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    This is the badge that the @BaltimorePolice have given to those allowed to stay past curfew. #BaltimoreUprising— deray mckesson (@deray) May 1, 2015

  23. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    If you go to this link and watch timestamp 00:57 to timestamp 01:15, you will see the various attempts by the police to get injured Freddie into the van.

    If you play..stop…play..stop the video every half second or less you will have still photos of police hand placement, police “retries” to fit Freddie through the opening of the van. I think you will see as I have seen the difficulty they had getting Freddie with his limp legs into the van.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      I don’t know if 14 of 16 of the playlist of the street surveillance videos will be the one that comes up here, but if it does, you can freeze the video at 11:38 and see Officer’s Nero and Miller standing with their feet on Freddie at the location where they first apprehended Freddie:

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        Click the playlist in upper left hand corner to see the listing. Then go down to the one labeled 2101 and click that one. Then go to timestamp 11:38 on it.

  24. sunshine616 says:
    Look at this crap. Did any white kids in the Keene riots get a $500,000 dollar bail and the threat of 8 years in jail?

  25. Liza says:


    Gang members on the corner with nothing to do. #Baltimore— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) April 30, 2015

  26. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Methinks there are too many cooks in the kitchen cooking up the police story.

  27. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    I had not seen this photo. Is Freddie lying on the ground behind the van here?

    • Ametia says:

      Sure does look like his body lying on the ground with that leg turned inward. His SPINE was destroyed before they dumped him in the van like a piece of garbage.


    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      I am going to post this photo various places….I think it is important.

  28. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Breaking News Feed @PzFeed · 14m 14 minutes ago
    HAPPENING NOW: Massive protest in Philly. ‘Philly Is Baltimore’ Protest.


  29. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Give me a break….looking at this from a linked article in your Ametia’s blog post here:

    Sources said the medical examiner found Gray’s catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

    A head injury….we all know how much a scalp wound bleeds. Whyyyy, there must have been blood on that boltttt, all over the vannnnnnn, all over his headdddd, all over his clothesssss, all over the stretcherrrrrr taking him into the hospital. So where are all of the evidence photos showing all that blood in those places?

    • Ametia says:

      This system was set up to with a shitload of LOOP HOLES to absolve COPS of CRIMES AGAINST American citizens, ESPECIALLY BLACK AMERICANS!

    • eliihass says:

      Her parents were police officers. She was endorsed by the police union for this position. Will she do what’s right and seek justice for Freddie Gray? Or will she do what’s been working for those looking toward future political career ambitions in order to secure and retain the endorsement and financial support of powerful but dubious benefactors with specific political interests and the deep pockets to go with it..?

      We’ll see.

  30. racerrodig says:

    Gee……….lets review some of this. The cops in the van forgot about one of the stops. Okay, lets delve into that. The choices are …..

    1) We forgot
    2) It didn’t matter
    3) Who cares
    4) We didn’t know there was a video camera
    5) Well, we had to stop…..again, and beat him up some more
    6) What’s it to ya
    7) Will the Koch brothers be donating to our defense fund ??
    8) We don’t keep records of our stops
    9) Actually, we thought we ran out of gas
    10) I had to take a leak
    11) We stopped ?? Huh…..where.
    12) You can’t prove anything
    13) Freddie had to take a leak
    14) We missed lunch and had to “take a break”
    15) We wanted to “Punk” him, but it was all just a joke Ya kinda had to be there
    16) We had to stop and let the other prisoner, uhhhhhh…….
    17) I dropped some of my bullets in the van and had to look for them
    18) My shoe was untied
    19) I thought I heard a miss in the engine
    20) I got a cell phone call and hey, talking and driving is illegal

    It seems no matter who the Chief or Commissioner is, they are not believable. Hey, we got done a day early ….blah, blah, boring blah. Tell us when the arrest warrants get handed down, until then keep the protests in full swing.

    These people make me sick……

  31. Liza says:

    Both the @CivilRights division of the DOJ & the @FBI are currently/actively investigating the death of #FreddieGray.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 30, 2015

    • Liza says:

      Also, the @TheJusticeDept just said that @BaltimorePolice is currently being investigated for patterns & practices of discrimination.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 30, 2015

      • Ametia says:

        This is what was expected; going to the federal level, because you know those ‘states’ rights killing cops in BLUE aren’t going to go quietly into that good night!

        Ah, the smells of Ferguson all over again. The DOJ let Darren Wilson off. I’m still TICKED about this.

        I’m sure the wingers and white supremacists have already started a GOFUNDME DRIVE for these cowards.

      • Liza says:

        One of these days I am going to spend some time with the DOJ’s report on Darren Wilson. I have read some of it, but not in enough depth. What I did read raised my antennas, and I’m not convinced at all that they had to let Darren Wilson off. The DOJs report on abuses in Ferguson was good, but what I fear is that they are substituting these reports for individual prosecutions, believing that in the long term there is more to be gained for a greater number of people. And they fear losing their case against the cop(s) which may end up doing more harm than good. But there aren’t that many ironclad, perfect cases. If that’s what they’re waiting for it could be a long wait.

  32. Ametia says:


  33. Ametia says:

    Look at the unbelievable, unbearable amount of pain in Freddie’s face and body. they are DRAGGING HIM.

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