Videos | Lesley McSpadden Says Justice Will Bring Peace | Ferguson Open Thread |


If the criminals are out of town, arrest their assses and keep moving. Sorry Ron Johnson, folks have a right to protest. So keep reading the script they’re giving you, trying to get folks off the street at night will not bring peace.

Arresting Darren Wilson the killer cop and bringing him to trial will help

Images and reprots:



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135 Responses to Videos | Lesley McSpadden Says Justice Will Bring Peace | Ferguson Open Thread |

  1. sunshine616 says:

    I’d like to see pics of the so called orbital fracture that they must’ve actually taken right? I mean a kid was shot and a thorough investigation and SOP would expect to have seen the injured officer taken to the hospital and gotten a report of it right? Not a day after or a week after, but the day of right???? Geez, this is unbelievable. Transparency is only clear for those who want to see.

  2. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Retweeted by grannystanding4Truth
    IBTimes UK @IBTimesUK
    This great #Ferguson photo by @adreeslatif leads our pictures of the day gallery.

  3. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Retweeted by grannystanding4Truth
    Crypto Chimp @CrypCoinsultant · 7m
    #Ferguson Here is an officer escalating tension with peaceful protestors by pointing guns and being flat out rude

  4. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Retweeted by grannystanding4Truth
    gurkeyrith @keyrith_ · 2h
    Jameila White walked to #Ferguson to hand out free water/milk & was pepper sprayed tonight.

    Retweeted by grannystanding4Truth
    Brandon Wade @brandonphoto · 4m
    No badges, no names, no accountability #Ferguson police

  5. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    apparently live streaming was up for that strange news conference

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Johnson, a good public speaker, read (his?) words to the reporters. Strange

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Here is what was reported before the press conference:

      From KARG Argus Radio:

      Now, there was an overrunning of the Media station by the protestors who were fleeing from the police. We don’t know what the agitation was, but we do know that we lost signal. We reset the broadcast 3 times and it kept saying ‘no network. Error.’ We had a foreign reporter that was on the roof with us. She was not able to get any signal on her cellphone and reporters on the ground were saying, “I can’t tweet out. I can’t tweet out.”

      But, we’ve left the area and miraculously we are back on the air. (sighs) So there is going to be a press conference probably..after ….(is shaking his head discouragedly, sadly)

      see archive at

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Remember that big country during the Cold War that suppressed open reporting by journalists?

  6. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Newsweek @Newsweek · 2h
    Journalists on the ground in #Ferguson describe a scene of disarray as police move in on protesters and media

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Kristel @BadGyrl_310 · 2h
    @3ChicsPolitico The Zimmerman case is the blueprint for all these type of cases now. They’re all gonna take a page from it.

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Andre Rucker @andrerucker51 · 2h
    @3ChicsPolitico Darren Wilson was a zealot this situation has been handled counter intuitively from moment one this had been simmering

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Kristel @BadGyrl_310 · 2h
    @3ChicsPolitico According to “Josie”, he also used the #GeorgeZimmerman lie “he tried to grab his gun” #Ferguson

    3ChicsPolitico @3ChicsPolitico · 2h
    Why would Darren Wilson use the words “bum rush”? #Ferguson

    3ChicsPolitico @3ChicsPolitico · 2h
    Myth says: Darren Wilson had enough time to come up with some excuse and “bum-rushed” is the only thing he can come up with? #Ferguson

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Kristel @BadGyrl_310 · 3h
    @coreybking @3ChicsPolitico They look for a reason to get aggressive w/ the crowd. A simple water bottle has them ready to throw tear gas

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Corey B. King @coreybking · 3h
    @BadGyrl_310 @3ChicsPolitico And have been doing it from Day 1…they all need to be fired and jailed!

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    Corey B. King @coreybking · 3h
    @3ChicsPolitico They have been the problem since August 9, 2014, when Mike Brown was murdered, and I am sure even before then!

    3ChicsPolitico @3ChicsPolitico · 3h
    Every night around this time police claim looting or some type of violence is going on. They’re instigating lying liars. #Ferguson

    Retweeted by 3ChicsPolitico
    LunaticFringer @LunaticFringer2 · 3h
    Tried every goddamned one of them, none are operational. @mcbyrne: #urgent all the livestreams are down. What’s going on in #Ferguson”

  7. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    VIDEO: “We are All Michael Brown” — NYC Parents Whose Kids Were Killed by Police Rally for Justice

  8. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    What is happening tonight Granny??

    I have been reading…..

    SSG Joe Biggs @Rambobiggs
    Capt Johnson of #FERGUSON was walking in middle of road pointing out journos to be arrested. My camera man was almost one of them

    Elon James White @elonjames
    Ron Johnson is explaining the police’s safety is #1.
    Are y’all getting it yet? #Ferguson

    Goodjobguru @GoodJobGuru
    #Ferguson is a full on assault on the Constitutional rights of every American.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Granny….I am reading your retweets

      Marvin Bing @MarvinBing
      Tonight was a clear sign that the police abused their power. People were peacefully protesting and they rushed them several times.

      grannystanding4Truth @granny_st · 2m
      Wake up Ferguson, Cpt Ron Johnson is not your friend. He lied about protecting you. #Feguson

      Eric Guster, Esq @EricGuster · 3m
      These officers in #Ferguson need to lower their rifles when dealing with protesters! Presence is 1 thing, pointing rifles much worse

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        Retweeted by grannystanding4Truth
        NoMoreGOP @thereisawayjose · 5m
        “The world should be concern about what is happening here in #Ferguson ” #NAACP

  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    SG2 and Granny,

    Thanks for keeping me up to date through your tweets and retweets! I am following your timelines now that the police have cut out the reporters’ live streaming somehow.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Allan Brauer @allanbrauer · 36m
    Fun to watch @clairecmc twitch, shake and blink as she sells the people of #Ferguson back into slavery. And by fun I mean disgusting

  11. rikyrah says:


    Still waiting for the big voter ID advocates on the right to be furious that the police in Ferguson are refusing to identify themselves.
    8:00 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  12. rikyrah says:

    Alycee @jazziz2

    @clairecmc In 25 years, how many police shootings have been prosecuted by #StLCoProsecutor? #Ferguson
    9:12 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  13. rikyrah says:

    Nivi @INIVISIBLE · 28m
    @only4rm @lawrence @allanbrauer
    McCaskil + McCulloch + McNixon = McInjustice

  14. rikyrah says:

    Ashley Codianni ✔ @AshleyCodianni

    The heavy duty armed trucks are rolling into #Ferguson earlier tonight

    Bobfr @Our4thEstate

    @AshleyCodianni the WHITE MILITIA just can’t get enough of terrorizing citizens expressing their 1st Amendment Rights. cc @TheJusticeDept
    9:29 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    • Ametia says:

      If it’s true Darren Wilson is testifying before the Grand jury tomorrow, and AG Holder is rolling into town Wednesday, it’s becoming clearer now why Governor Nixon ordered the National Guard in Ferguson.

      Is Darren Wilson’s going to walk, now that he has the autopsy reports and can now craft his lies in kind. SMGDH.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Police to Al Jazeera journalist near Ferguson: ‘I’ll bust your head’

    Producer Aaron Ernst looks back on an encounter with local police near Ferguson that almost led to his arrest
    August 19, 2014 1:00PM ET
    by Aaron Ernst @aaronernst

    ST. LOUIS – It’s not every day that a police officer tells you he’s going to bust your head open.

    The most exasperating thing about almost being arrested near Ferguson, Mo., for doing my job as a journalist – reporting on tensions among citizens and law enforcement here – was my complete inability to fight back against what was an obvious abuse of police authority.

    The incident began on Thursday night when Jung Park, America Tonight’s director of photography, anchor Joie Chen and I hopped in a taxi to interview Umar Lee, a cab driver and columnist who knows the racial history of north St. Louis County, which has become the focus of worldwide media attention.

    As we drove near Ferguson’s border with the neighboring town of Kinloch, JP was recording Lee, while I was recording Joie. When the interview was over, we got out of the cab to record a shot of it driving by.

    Two Kinloch officers in a patrol car stopped and asked what we were doing. I identified JP and myself as a cameraman and producer working for Al Jazeera America for the show America Tonight. The officer who was driving told us to leave the area. When we asked why, he only said that it wasn’t safe to be there and we had to leave. Puzzled, we got in the cab and did as requested. A little further down the road, we saw a sign that JP wanted to shoot for our story, so we stopped and again got out.

    The same officers, who had been following our car, pulled up and joined us in the street. Lee got out and asked the officers what was wrong.

    To be totally clear, we were on a public street. It was not blocked off and other cars occasionally passed. No curfew was in effect.

  16. rikyrah says:

    jelani cobb @jelani9

    Crowd chanting “We Young, we strong, we marching all night long.

  17. Ametia says:

    Senator Claire McCaskill was on LO. Her take on the Nixon-McColloch issue was LAME.

    She doesn’t really care for the folks in Ferguson. Went for the hugging photo op and left the scene.

    All the people of Ferguson have are each other.

  18. rikyrah says:

    T @truthrose1

    @_sherylkaye_ @PragObots It sickens me to hear people tell Black protesters when they should protest, talking to them like children
    Retweeted by PragmaticObotsUnite

    • Ametia says:

      Clarie Mc had that condescending tone on The Last Word.

      buzz words like, “it takes time, the evidence needs to be examined,” etc.Making excuses for the prosecutors,. blah blah blah.

      FUCK THAT! The autopy showed Michael’s body was SPLAYED with 6 fucking bullets.

      We got your evidence, Senator McCaskill!

    • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

      Wow, those folks have stooped to a new low. That’s not Michael Brown or his friend. It’s a guy that lives in Oregon who committed a murder. *Note: Michael Brown had permanent dark circles around his eyes.

      @3Chics, I’m gonna lay down for a little while. Feeling a little nausea. Dr appointment not until Fri, emergency room Dr. think I might have gallstones. I’ll check back in a couple hours.

      • Ametia says:

        Granny, there’s no where to hide anymore. The racists have completed lost it, and are not going to die out until they’ve exhausted every means available.

        Please take care of yourself.

  19. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Livestreaming in Ferguson:

  20. Ametia says:

    Reposting here too

  21. Ametia says:

    Here you Go, sG2! Mayor Knowles has his head up his ass.

  22. Ferguson mayor: No ‘racial divide’

    Ferguson Mayor James Knowles on Tuesday stood by his comments about racial tensions in his city, saying that none of the city’s residents believe there is a racial divide in the community.

    During a contentious interview with MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, Knowles — who has previously downplayed racial tensions in Ferguson’s history — was asked whether he had changed his opinions after seeing outcries following the fatal shooting of unarmed African-American 18-year-old Michael Brown.

    “I don’t believe that’s the case, still. There’s not a racial divide in the city of Ferguson,” the mayor said.

    “According to whom?” Hall responded. “Is that your perspective, or do you believe that is the perspective of African-Americans in your community?”

    “That is the perspective of all residents in our city, absolutely,” Knowles said.

    Knowles also said that the violent clashes between protesters and police officers since Brown’s death on Aug. 9 had involved a small minority of Ferguson’s black community. “There’s 22,000 residents in our community. This has affected about a half-mile strip of street in our community,” he said of the demonstrations. “The rest of the African-Americans in our community are going about their daily lives, going to our businesses, walking their dog, going to our neighborhood watch meetings.”

  23. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Orignal Song : ‘Justice For Us’ (Justice For Michael Brown)

    Published on Aug 17, 2014 by MisszChioma
    I was inspired to write this song due to events that have been going on in Ferguson.
    It is so sad to see what is happening.
    After the Trayvon Martin case I didn’t expect such to happen again.
    But it has…


  24. rikyrah says:

    jesseWilliams. ✔ @iJesseWilliams

    At least lead prosecutor’s mom, dad, brother, uncle & cousin didn’t all work for St. Louis’ PD & his dad wasn’t killed by a black guy. #Real
    3:28 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  25. rikyrah says:

    Jason Kirell @jaykirell

    For instance, in the Army I was taught the basic method for disarming a knife attack with just my bare hands. No gun needed.
    2:07 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  26. rikyrah says:

    Joy Reid ✔ @JoyAnnReid

    Reporters asked @ChiefSLMPD why officers didn’t Taze the suspect. The two officers on administrative duty pending investigation.
    1:57 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  27. rikyrah says:

    Antonio French ✔ @AntonioFrench

    St. Louis City is not #Ferguson. Tensions are the same, but blacks in #Ferguson had no representation and their gov’t made them the enemy.

  28. rikyrah says:

    from Alma at POU:


    Found this in a comment at LGF. If true the prosecutor needs to be
    removed from the case. He’s already shown that he’s biased and racist.

    Shaun King
    I’m hearing now that police, the
    prosecutor & Wilson family friends are all focusing on the following
    5 accusations against Mike Brown.
    3:19 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    1. They are saying (after saying it wasn’t so) that Officer Wilson believed Mike Brown was a suspect in a local violent robbery.
    3:19 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    2. They disagree with Dorian Johnson’s account & say that when the officer opened his door, Mike Brown slammed it shut.
    3:20 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    3. They are saying that Mike Brown then
    stepped back (I’m not joking here) and did an “MMA Superman punch” at
    the cop through the window.
    3:22 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    4. They are saying that Mike Brown then
    “went for the gun” (the most common excuse when killing a black man in
    close range). It went off.
    3:23 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    5. Then, Mike Brown ran a long way away,
    talked trash, the officer pointed his gun at him, and that Mike then ran
    FULL speed @ him. Got shot
    3:24 PM – 19 Aug 2014

    Shaun King
    That’s the story, I am told, that
    Prosecutor McCullough is going to present to the Grand Jury. If so I
    have zero confidence in an indictment
    3:25 PM – 19 Aug 2014

  29. Breaking News: Attorney General Eric Holder has a message to the people of Ferguson

    Since the Aug. 9 shooting death of Michael Brown, the nation and the world have witnessed the unrest that has gripped Ferguson, Mo. At the core of these demonstrations is a demand for answers about the circumstances of this young man’s death and a broader concern about the state of our criminal justice system.

    At a time when so much may seem uncertain, the people of Ferguson can have confidence that the Justice Department intends to learn — in a fair and thorough manner — exactly what happened.

    Today, I will be in Ferguson to be briefed on the federal civil rights investigation that I have closely monitored since I launched it more than one week ago. I will meet personally with community leaders, FBI investigators and federal prosecutors from the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to receive detailed briefings on the status of this case.

    The full resources of the Department of Justice have been committed to the investigation into Michael Brown’s death. This inquiry will take time to complete, but we have already taken significant steps. Approximately 40 FBI agents and some of the Civil Rights Division’s most experienced prosecutors have been deployed to lead this process, with the assistance of the United States Attorney in St. Louis. Hundreds of people have already been interviewed in connection with this matter. On Monday, at my direction, a team of federal medical examiners conducted an independent autopsy.

    We understand the need for an independent investigation, and we hope that the independence and thoroughness of our investigation will bring some measure of calm to the tensions in Ferguson. In order to begin the healing process, however, we must first see an end to the acts of violence in the streets of Ferguson. Although these acts have been committed by a very small minority — and, in many cases, by individuals from outside Ferguson — they seriously undermine, rather than advance, the cause of justice. And they interrupt the deeper conversation that the legitimate demonstrators are trying to advance.

    The Justice Department will defend the right of protesters to peacefully demonstrate and for the media to cover a story that must be told. But violence cannot be condoned. I urge the citizens of Ferguson who have been peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights to join with law enforcement in condemning the actions of looters, vandals and others seeking to inflame tensions and sow discord.

  30. Piaget Crenshaw, a witness to the Michael Brown shooting, talks with CNN’s Michaela Pereira

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      Exactly! Sad…..when will it ever stop!?

      (All that LE has to do is arrest and handcuff the dozen or so criminals that don’t give a hoot about Michael Brown, who are making no political statement by their actions, and who only care about themselves. )

  31. *******************
    People aren’t protesting for cameras on Ferguson police force. They’re protesting so Darren Wilson will be arrested & charged. Fuck you, City of Ferguson!

    • Ametia says:

      Fuck you FPD. It’s way to late to play these kinds of mind games. They won’t work.

      If people want to stay up for 48 hours straight that’s their right.

      Arrest Darren Wilson!

  32. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    In this video Pastor Renita Lamkin breaks down all of the different types of protesters in Ferguson and says that, when the Chief says they can’t tell people apart, she thinks that’s all the more reason to call for his resignation.

  33. rikyrah says:

    Michele Chambers
    Protected Tweets


    Each time somebody comes in with their own angle, another little piece of Michael Brown disappears. #FocusMotherfuckersFocus

  34. rikyrah says:

    Canis Pundit, Inc


    The show of force in #Ferguson is no longer about preventing looting or law enforcement. It’s about dominance. Who is ordering the strategy?

  35. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “How Facebook and Twitter control what you see about Ferguson”

    “Because of its brevity, and the ease with which updates can be shared, Twitter is a much more rapid-fire experience than Facebook, and that makes it well suited for quick blasts of information during a breaking-news event like Ferguson,” Mathew Ingram of Gigaom pointed out. The non-newsy content that clutters the platform also makes it ill-suited for following breaking news, he added.

    Another huge difference? Algorithms. Your Twitter feed isn’t controlled by an algorithm. You see the tweets of people you follow in real time. But Facebook uses a complicated algorithm to determine what ends up in your news feed. They won’t reveal exactly how it works, but the company has said it ranks the content based in part on what you’ve liked, clicked or shared in the past.

    Ars Technica’s Casey Johnson suggested Facebook’s algorithm also weeds out controversial content — racially charged protests, perhaps? — from users’ news feeds: “There is a reason that the content users see tends to be agreeable to a general audience: sites like [BuzzFeed, Elite Daily, Upworthy, and their ilk] are constantly honing their ability to surface stuff with universal appeal. Content that causes dissension and tension can provide short-term rewards to Facebook in the form of heated debates, but content that creates accord and harmony is what keeps people coming back.”

  36. rikyrah says:

    Registering to Vote is Disgusting?
    by BooMan
    Tue Aug 19th, 2014 at 01:55:45 PM EST

    There are a lot of disgusting things getting exposed in Missouri, but voter registration drives are not one of them.

    A Missouri GOP official bemoaned in an interview published Monday that race had been injected into the conversation about the Ferguson, Mo., shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer.

    “This is not just a tragedy for the African American community, this is a tragedy for the Missouri community as well as the community of what we call America,” Matt Wills, Missouri Republican Party executive director, told Breitbart News. “Injecting race into this conversation and into this tragedy, not only is not helpful, but it doesn’t help a continued conversation of justice and peace.”

    Wills’s comments came in the context of the Breitbart report that “liberal organizers” had established voter registration booths amid the ongoing Ferguson protests.

    “If that’s not fanning the political flames, I don’t know what is,” Wills said. “I think it’s not only disgusting but completely inappropriate.”

    Can’t walk down the street. Can’t protest. Can’t register to vote.

    Any questions?

  37. rikyrah says:

    Chuck D ✔ @MrChuckD

    I hear ppl criticize @revalsharpton jessejackson BUT young movements need to take notes & not freestyle rebellion.Learn & build then move

  38. rikyrah says:

    Derrick N Ashong ✔ @DNAtv

    #CNN anchor asking why don’t ppl stay home at night & protest “all day long.” Umm…because some ppl actually have jobs? #Ferguson

  39. rikyrah says:

    We Want Justice @TalkofSTL

    4 white people were arrested last night in Ferguson, they had multiple guns and weapons in their car.

  40. rikyrah says:

    Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

    7. DOJ is the only entity anyone will trust to do that kind of investigation. Not St.L. prosecutors, not a commission appointed by Jay Nixon

    • rikyrah says:

      Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

      8. DOJ hasn’t dealt with police response to mass events like this in its pattern-or-practice cases, but I think it has to here.

  41. rikyrah says:

    Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

    4. DOJ’s Civil Rights Division has a strong record of making these prosecutorial decisions based on facts & law, not public pressure.

    • rikyrah says:

      Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

      5. When the smoke clears, DOJ Civil Rights pretty much has to initiate a pattern-or-practice investigation of police action here.

  42. rikyrah says:

    Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

    1. Don’t expect a federal indictment anytime soon. DOJ won’t indict a case unless it thinks it can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

    • rikyrah says:

      Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

      2. They’ll conduct a thorough, independent investigation. They’re pros. They do this all the time. But it’s not quick.

      • rikyrah says:

        Sam Bagenstos @sbagen

        3. That means DOJ is not going to indict because people are clamoring for it. All of their civil rights crimes involve high public salience.

  43. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    I can’t believe this!!! —–>
    CNN Host: Why Aren’t Ferguson Police Using Water Cannons?”

    Yes, folks, she is pushing for that Jim Crow scene back in Birmingham!!!

    • Ametia says:

      Yes, let’s take care of the Ferguson crowd the BULL CONNOR WAY!
      This is why these so-called reporters are doing more harm to race relations in this country. they have no idea of America HISTORY or they are in complete DENIAL.

      water cannons

  44. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    The Federal autopsy has been completed.

    “Michael Brown federal autopsy done: sources”

  45. Ametia says:

    Oop! There it is!

    • Ametia says:

      “Child’s play” = code for negro boys & girls. But then again this is FOX
      Fighting for their rights and their LIFE is child play? GTFOH

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        Wow…Fox (excuse this expression coming from me) “be tellin’ a story” about what is happening there….saying it is “all for show!”…what bullshitting that is! Fox has no heart…no capacity…. to understand how deeply the Ferguson community is feeling about the execution-style killing of Michael Brown by Ofc. Darren Wilson and why they are demanding justice for Mike Brown!

        My…that IS a code word! And you got their meaning right, Ametia!

  46. Ametia says:

    Tapper was sent by CNN to cover this, because they are getting heat for their SHADY coverage of Michael Brown Jr.

  47. Ametia says:


    • yahtzeebutterfly says:


      and stop blocking and sending reporters away to different locations of the night protest rallies so that you can make up false stories about innocent people you are tear gasing out of the reporters’ view!

    • Ametia says:

      Yahtc, when is this madness going to end? the FPD, Governor, are digging their heels, and what for? All to protect the killer cop.

      • yahtzeebutterfly says:

        If the Ferguson protesters have to protest for a month or for a year I will stand with them in solidarity! I will join protests in my state to support them!

        The longer this goes on the more world support there will be for them.

        Actually, though I would have preferred for Ferguson PD and the prosecutor to have charged the killer cop in response to the protesters, I think these days of protest have illustrated clearly to those who don’t chose to remain willfully ignorant, just exactly what Blacks have been up against in our country for decades and centuries!

      • Ametia says:

        Yes, we will stand in solidarity with the citizens of Ferguson. I couldn’t bear it, if another resident gets gunned down by the police force there.

  48. Liza says:

    “ISIS is here?”

    Yeah, right. If ISIS were there, cop heads would be rolling, literally.

  49. Ametia says:

    Tribal Cries
    by silentlyheardonce

    wounded screams from the majority
    outraged by the abuse of authority
    how much innocent blood must be spilled
    how many hearts of sorrow must be filled
    Drop in here to finish reading this powerful warrior cry and show SHO some love

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:



      I feel such a deep gratitude that you are using your outstanding talent in the cause of justice for Michael Brown and helping to articulate the deep feeling that is stirring and overwhelming so many hearts in our country.

    • Liza says:

      Well said.

  50. racerrodig says:

    I’m following this but have been so busy I haven’t been able to post yet.

    This is so bad. Haven’t these racist shooters any clue as to what problems they cause. As time goes on and with electronic communication as it is, don’t they think they might get caught by reality.

    What do we know about this cop. We knew all about Fogen & Duhhnn within days of their murdering the innocent’s

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      It is so good to see you here, racer. I have always admired that you are a justice- seeking, “no nonsense” person.

      For days now, we have been witnessing an attempt by LE to deny peaceful demonstrators their Constitutional 1st Amendment right to protest.

      We need to see JUSTICE FOR MIKE BROWN NOW

      The country is watching….the world is watching!

    • Ametia says:

      Sup, racer! Good to see your fonts, dude. racists shooters don’t have any clues. How can the SOULESS have clues?

  51. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Great job in putting this post together, Ametia.

    Thank you for all you are doing to bring justice for Michael Brown!

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