Video/Audio | John F. Kennedy’s Civil Rights Speech | June 11,1963 – 50 Years & The Co-opting by White Liberals

NEVER FORGET We’re still not THERE.


NOT EVEN CLOSE. Your boys actually broke the laws and rules, and they are TRAITORS.

So no, we’re not going to forget what happen pre or post Civil Rights Movement, Chris Hayes, because it’s folks like you who try to beat us over the head with it, when you scream, whine, and wail about your pet causes.

Full transcript of the speech can be read here.

3 CHICS POLITICO wants all the Leftie EMOPROGS to KNOW that until you’ve been chased down by dogs, have water hoses turned on you, and beaten with billy clubs, kept out of schools, resturants, stores, hotels, parks, racially profiled, stopped & frisked,voter suppression, criminally charged with drug possessions at higher rates than any other ethnic group for same drugs, passed over for jobs and job promotions, etc. SIMPLY because of the color of your skin…



When and until we see you speaking out and fighting for justice for the Trayvon Martins, Jordan Davises, Go sit your asses down somewhere and shut the hell up.

You see, it’s not until your rights are at stake that you claim injustices and unfairness. You can’t have it both ways. Justice for some and not all is not the AMERICAN way.

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21 Responses to Video/Audio | John F. Kennedy’s Civil Rights Speech | June 11,1963 – 50 Years & The Co-opting by White Liberals

  1. roderick2012 says:

    “When and until we see you speaking out and fighting for justice for the Trayvon Martins, Jordan Davises, Go sit your asses down somewhere and shut the hell up.”

    Co-sign 100%, Ametia.

    White gays have the same feeling of White Entitlement as their white heterosexual counterparts.
    I still can’t believe that homely looking white lesbian who heckled the First Lady because the Senate’s immigration bill doesn’t contain a provision to allow gays to obtain green cards for their significant others especially after everything that President Obama has done for gays.

    FLOTUS should have told that old bitty to sit down and STFU!!

    Repeal of DADT..check!

    Came out for gay marriage during a presidential campaign that was all but certain and alienated some blacks in doing so…..check!

    And you’re also correct that whites shouldn’t use the Civil Rights movement to justify gay marriage since many white gays are as racist as their straight counterparts.

    But let’s be honest black folks are extremely homophobic and it’s a damn shame that lots of black gays who have a lot to offer their community are ostracized and their humanity is discounted due to their sexual orientation.

    • Ametia says:

      Yes; it’s true. SOME black folks are homophobic. Some are not for it because of religion. It’s a mixture. Yet black gays have to battle both the racists, the homophobes, and the religious conflcits.

      Blaming black folks for the laws that they did not write, legislate or pass is not going to fly.

  2. rikyrah says:

    Bobfr @Our4thEstate

    Snowden: A Traitor Who Gave US Secrets to China; Enabled by Greenwald & Idolized by Chris Hayes. cc @davidaxelrod @DavidPlouffe @Lawrence
    7:50 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  3. rikyrah says:

    Imani ABL @AngryBlackLady

    It’s INFURIATING that the media refuses to draw attention to fact that they’re changing their story. Shame on WaPo & Guardian. Just pitiful.
    7:12 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  4. rikyrah says:

    Michael Hargrove @MichaelHargrov1

    Let’s be honest, any @allinwithchris interview with Greenwald will be a Bromance and nothing else, no facts, no hard questions.
    7:12 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  5. rikyrah says:

    Steve Weinstein @steveweinstein

    Hayes so invested in Snowden being a great man that he ignores fact Snowden revealed US secrets to China. #inners
    7:11 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  6. rikyrah says:

    TPM Editor’s Blog
    The Snowden Prism

    Josh Marshall June 11, 2013, 4:25 PM

    Let me put my cards on the table. At the end of the day, for all its faults, the US military is the armed force of a political community I identify with and a government I support. I’m not a bystander to it. I’m implicated in what it does and I feel I have a responsibility and a right to a say, albeit just a minuscule one, in what it does. I think a military force requires a substantial amount of secrecy to operate in any reasonable way. So when someone on the inside breaks those rules, I need to see a really, really good reason. And even then I’m not sure that means you get off scott free. It may just mean you did the right thing.

    So do I see someone who takes an oath and puts on the uniform and then betrays that oath for no really good reason as a hero? No.

    The Snowden case is less clear to me. At least to date, the revelations seem more surgical. And the public definitely has an interest in knowing just how we’re using surveillance technology and how we’re balancing risks versus privacy. The best critique of my whole position that I can think of is that I think debating the way we balance privacy and security is a good thing and I’m saying I’m against what is arguably the best way to trigger one of those debates.

    But it’s more than that. Snowden is doing more than triggering a debate. I think it’s clear he’s trying to upend, damage – choose your verb – the US intelligence apparatus and policieis he opposes. The fact that what he’s doing is against the law speaks for itself. I don’t think anyone doubts that narrow point. But he’s not just opening the thing up for debate. He’s taking it upon himself to make certain things no longer possible, or much harder to do. To me that’s a betrayal. I think it’s easy to exaggerate how much damage these disclosures cause. But I don’t buy that there are no consequences. And it goes to the point I was making in an earlier post. Who gets to decide? The totality of the officeholders who’ve been elected democratically – for better or worse – to make these decisions? Or Edward Snowden, some young guy I’ve never heard of before who espouses a political philosophy I don’t agree with and is now seeking refuge abroad for breaking the law?

    I don’t have a lot of problem answering that question.

    Individual conscience is always critical. But when it comes to taking a stand on conscience it’s not just the thought that counts. You put yourself to the judgment or the present and the future about whether you made the right judgment.

  7. Oh shit! Ametia brought her switch today and whipped the ish out of Chris Hayes! Whew Lawdy!

    Spanking Smiley

  8. rikyrah says:

    itgurl @itgurl_29

    According to @chrislhayes our troops who die in battle shouldn’t be called heroic, yet traitor Snowden is this generation’s MLK #emobullshit

    2:05 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  9. rikyrah says:

    ghetto intellectual™ @kwamezulushabaz

    @profblmkelley “Prism” or whatever it is far more vast and insidious than anything that was done in the 60s. Further +

    Blair LM Kelley @profblmkelley

    I disagree wholeheartedly. What has been reported in the wake of this leak has NOTHING on COINTELPRO. Nothing. @kwamezulushabaz

    12:40 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  10. rikyrah says:

    Max Fisher ✔ @Max_Fisher

    Assumption that Edward Snowden automatically gets political asylum wherever he wants is the ultimate in American privilege.

    11:20 AM – 10 Jun 2013

  11. rikyrah says:

    Joy Reid @TheReidReport

    This is why Libertarians in government is an odd mixture. If you don’t believe in government secrets, why take a job keeping govt secrets?

    2:04 PM – 12 Jun 2013

  12. rikyrah says:

    So Chris Hayes didn’t even know Gov. Wallace was a Democrat? See, this is why my parents, who lived through that era, refuse 2 watch his show

    @GN192 Yes, he said Gov. Wallace was a Repub. Really. But he wants to school my 65 yr old black parents on why Snowden is the new MLK.

  13. Churchlady320 says:

    Ametia – I am old enough to remember all you’ve posted as part of my life. I always knew, even as a very young teen, that I, a white middle class girl now woman, would NEVER face that. Those scenes terrified me – the violence against Black people was beyond horrific. Their courage was incomparable.

    I can move anywhere and no one will ever doubt my inherent “rights” as a white person. I will never be locked out of anyplace in America. I have total privilege, and I damned well need to be grateful, not arrogant about that, humble before those who gave up so much.

    Thank you for these powerful reminders of who REALLY sacrificed. Who, we must remember on this 50th anniversary of Medgar Evars’ horrific death, gave their lives by standing firm. Who continued, day after fearful day, to fight for what was right and not run away. Most were unhearalded, unsung, unknown, unappreciated for their pain and losses along the way. We owe them our nation and the reclamation of our national integrity after slavery and Jim Crow.

    All the self important white people who brag they were ‘in the civil rights movement’ largely were NOT. They may have been sympathetic, but most were passive bystanders, and very few risked it all. The white northern Freedom Riders, Schwerner, Goodman, Liuzzo were the exceptions, not the rule, in the movement. They deserve our love and respect, but the Civil Rights Act was NOT accomplished by white people. It cannot be coopted by white people now.

    Snowden, Greewald, Assange – not folk heroes, not brave actors, not equivalent in any way at all to the hundreds of thousands who fought and died for our rights. Certainly not equal in any way to Rev. King, Evars, or any of the great leaders of their time. And all those who worked, suffered, and died – and got no book deals or interviews along the way.

    • Ametia says:

      Thank you Churchlady , Thank you for voicing TRUTH. There will be NO REWRITING our HISTORY.

      All the self important white people who brag they were ‘in the civil rights movement’ largely were NOT. They may have been sympathetic, but most were passive bystanders, and very few risked it all. The white northern Freedom Riders, Schwerner, Goodman, Liuzzo were the exceptions, not the rule, in the movement. They deserve our love and respect, but the Civil Rights Act was NOT accomplished by white people. It cannot be coopted by white people now.

  14. CarolMaeWY says:

    Thank you for posting these 3chicks.

  15. Ametia says:

    Thank you, Liberal Librarian!

    Letter from a Hong Kong hotel suite
    America’s history is written in blood and sacrifice. We have two holidays—Memorial Day and Veterans Day—which commemorate the sacrifices made by our military. But, we have only two national martyrs whom we acknowledge with holidays: Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Both of our great martyrs died trying to expiate the sins of slavery and racism. Without their work, the America in which we live would be unrecognizable. In fact, there might very well be no America, as it would have split along the fissures caused by one of its two original sins, that of slavery.

    Which is why it’s quite curious that Chris Hayes, on his show last night, brought up the memories of Dr. King and Rosa Parks when speaking of NSA leaker Edward Snowden

    Read on:

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